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THE LAST SONG by Nicholas Sparks & Jeff Van Wie

Based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks

Version 6.3


WE SEE small female hands, playing a complicated, classical melody on the piano, the fingers moving with tremendous skill, the rhythm alternately passionate and sensuous. VERONICA "RONNIE" MILLER, (13, wearing formal gown) concentrates as the piece reaches its climax. She breaks into an effusive, childlike smile. In the audience, STEVE MILLER and KIM MILLER, her parents, join the wild applause. RONNIE spies her parents and like the young girl she is, she waves, proud of what she's done. END CREDITS 2 EXT. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - MORNING The ocean is glowing gold, as tern darts in and out of the surf, poking for sand crabs. 3 INT. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - BEDROOM - MORNING 3 2

RONNIE, now a pretty eighteen-year-old girl, stands near her bedroom window, staring at the water, as her mother, KIM MILLER (40s) pokes her head in. KIM Do you want some breakfast? I found some cereal in the cupboard. RONNIE I'm not hungry, Mom. KIM crosses the room and stands near her daughter. KIM You need to eat, sweetie. RONNIE I was wrong, Mom. And I don't know what to do anymore. KIM Do you want to talk about it? I'd love to know what's been going on with you.


CONTINUED: RONNIE What about Jonah? KIM Brian ran him to the store. He's like a puppy. His feet are growing faster than the rest of him. RONNIE smiles, but it fades as she stares at the candle. KIM (CONT'D) I'll tell you what. You can pack while you talk. Jonah mentioned that it started with the turtles? RONNIE No, not really. Even though I wasn't there yet, I think the summer really began with the fire.

2. 3

CLOSE IN on the sun glowing in a multicolored Votive ... the sun now changing ... the sun becoming a fire ... MATCH CUT TO: 4 EXT. CHURCH - EVENING 4

... that licks at the walls and roof of a small, historic ocean-front church. Sirens sound in the distance as the fire comes alive, devouring the building. There is a haunting orange glow behind a large and intricate stained glass window of the risen Christ. The orange glows deeper and deeper, the color ominous and dangerous. The flames begin to finger the glass, tapping and taunting, melting, until suddenly the stained glass window ... ... EXPLODES outwards, the fire now out of control ... While SCOTT THOMAS, (17, panicked) looks on from the street. Suddenly, a pickup truck skids to a stop. WILL BLAKELEE, (handsome, 18, beach boy) jumps out and rushes toward SCOTT. WILL What the hell did you do? SCOTT I was at the beach lighting bottle rockets and the wind took it! It wasn't my fault!


CONTINUED: WILL reaches for his cell phone and Scott grabs his arm. SCOTT (CONTD) What are you doing? You can't call the cops! I told you it was an accident! (Beat, as SCOTT stares) C'mon man! You owe me!

3. 4

WILL debates when he sees MARCUS, TEDDY, LANCE, tattooed and pierced, with wild hair, along with BLAZE, a 17 year-old Goth queen, sitting on the hood of a car across the street. By his expression, it's clear that MARCUS saw everything. SIRENS begin to sound in the distance ... as an elderly man comes out of the church, coughing, his sleeves singed. WILL tries to rush that way when SCOTT grabs his arm to stop him. He's okay! SCOTT (CONTD) He's out! We gotta go! The church

WILL debates as SCOTT rushes to WILL'S truck. burns ... and WILL finally runs off, too.

DISSOLVE TO: 5 EXT. CHURCH - LATE AFTERNOON The church being rebuilt a few months later beneath a hot June sky. Shirtless workers are pounding shingles and hammering planks of siding to the walls. Cars float past the church, ignoring the activity as ... 6 EXT. STREET IN FRONT OF CHURCH - LATE AFTERNOON 6 5

... a dusty station wagon loaded with suitcases slows before finally making a turn in front of the church. 7 INT. STATION WAGON - LATE AFTERNOON 7

KIM drives while RONNIE dozes in the front seat, iPod blaring, head against the window. She's punk-rock beautiful, with a purple streak in her hair, dark clothes and black nail polish. JONAH, RONNIE'S ten-year old brother, plays his Game-boy in the backseat, ignoring the sound of the piano concerto playing on the radio. The car hits a pothole and ...


CONTINUED: RONNIE (Removing her earphones) Ow! Geez, Mom! Watch your driving! KIM I see your nap put you in a better mood.

4. 7

RONNIE hears the music, the same music from the opening, credit scene, and notes a burned CD with the words, "RONNIE'S RECITAL: CARNEGIE HALL" hand-stenciled on the case. RONNIE reaches over to shut it off. KIM (CONTD) I like hearing you play. I don't. Hey! 8 RONNIE

JONAH Check that out! 8

EXT. PIER/BOARDWALK - LATE AFTERNOON A policeman up ahead, standing beneath a banner proclaiming the "WILMINGTON SEAFOOD FESTIVAL," is diverting traffic around the crowd congregated in the street directly ahead. Off to the side, there is a carnival taking place on the boardwalk at the head of the pier, complete with a Ferris wheel, Tilt-a-Whirl and Bumper Cars.



The car finally works its way past the crowd. Can we go? JONAH

KIM You'll have to ask your Dad. RONNIE I'll make sure to do that. And maybe afterward, we'll all sit around the campfire and roast marshmallows. KIM Your dad is a good man and he loves you. You need to give him a chance.


CONTINUED: RONNIE Just stop with the Oprah therapy, okay? He left us, Mom. He walked out on us three years ago. KIM bites her lip. She's been down this road before.

5. 9

KIM Look ... about this summer. I know you don't want to be here, but try to make the best of it. Whatever. RONNIE

JONAH Hey, does Dad know you were arrested? RONNIE He won't care. All he's ever cared about is the piano. CUT TO: 10 EXT. STEVE'S STREET - DUSK 10

The station wagon makes a turn and slows. KIM searches for the right address on the houses along the oceanfront drive. 11 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - DUSK 11

STEVE MILLER, forty-three years old, plays a mismatched-piece piano in a windowless, recessed alcove off the living room, his fingers flying across the keyboard. Photos and laminated clippings of STEVE'S career line the wall behind him: STEVE performing at Columbia University, a tour schedules from years ago showing stops in mid-size cities, a younger STEVE teaching at Julliard. On the piano are three other photographs: One of he and JONAH flying a kite, another showing him sitting beside a young female piano student (RONNIE), and still another of RONNIE playing at CARNEGIE HALL. A framed "Gramophone Magazine" article, asks: "CAN A SEVEN YEAR OLD REALLY PLAY LISZT? YES! (And her name is Veronica Miller!)" A car honks, and STEVE gets up and steps out the door ...

6. 12 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - DUSK ... revealing a small and weathered beach-front cottage. JONAH sees STEVE, hops out of the car and races toward him. Dad! JONAH 12

KIM follows from the car, then, reluctantly, RONNIE. JONAH runs into his father's arms. STEVE I missed you so much! gotten so big! You've

JONAH sees the ocean beyond the sea-grass speckled dunes. JONAH This place is awesome! (Pulls away and begins to jog to the shore) Can I? STEVE Yeah, go ahead. Be careful! KIM finally reaches them as JONAH heads over the dune onto the flat, wind-swept stretch of sand that leads to the ocean. STEVE (CONT'D) You look terrific, Kim. Thanks. KIM You doing okay? He straightens.

STEVE notices RONNIE as she approaches.

STEVE Hi, Sweetie. It's good to see you. RONNIE I'm not going to play the piano for you, Dad. Ronnie ... It's okay. Yeah, Mom. KIM STEVE RONNIE It's okay.




7. 12

RONNIE walks past him without another word and heads down the beach, looking out of place in her black jeans and T-shirt. STEVE and KIM watch her go. CUT TO: 13 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - DUSK KIM stands near the kitchen window ... STEVE brings her a glass of iced tea. Outside, JONAH chases seagulls while RONNIE heads down the beach, toward the carnival. KIM She'll be alright. She just needs a little time to adjust. I figured. STEVE 13

KIM So this is the place? character.

It's got ...

STEVE By character, I assume that means you noticed the leaky roof and lack of air-conditioning? KIM flashes a brief smile, caught. STEVE (CONTD) It's not much, I know that. But it's quiet and the church owns it and Pastor Harris is letting me use it for free. (Beat) So you and Brian are going to take the big plunge, huh? KIM Look, about that ... STEVE It's okay. I understand. want you to be happy. I just

KIM drops her eyes before she finally glances out the window. She sees RONNIE enter the crowd near the carnival, where ... CUT TO:

8. 14 EXT. CARNIVAL - DUSK RONNIE buys a drink and sees an elderly woman sitting at a table with a sign requesting donations for the local SPCA. There are puppies in the box on the table. RONNIE coos and pets them for a moment, then, when no one is looking, adds a couple of dollars to the donation box. RONNIE walks off, sipping her drink, veering through the crowd and passing "carnies" asking her to "try the game." On the beach, she sees another crowd watching a night-time beach-volleyball game in progress. Intrigued, she takes the stairs to the beach, heading toward the game. On the steps, she pauses and moves aside for a harried father leading three little kids in the opposite direction. The kids are covered in muddy sand. RONNIE smiles as they pass. On the beach, RONNIE glances up as ... 15 EXT. BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURT - DUSK 15 14

... WILL dives and digs, making an amazing save. SCOTT, his partner, makes an equally impressive set. WILL spikes home a point. On his wrist, WILL wears a macrame-beaded bracelet. Though volleys go back and forth, WILL and SCOTT dominate the game when another volley starts ... Across the court, RONNIE sees beautiful, athletic ASHLEY and CASSIE cheering. The crowding group leaves little room near the court but RONNIE gets closer. With another volley, the ball goes wide and WILL makes a mad dash for the ball, running hard ... ... and then realizing he can't reach it but out of control, WILL slams on the brakes before colliding with RONNIE. Though he keeps her from falling, RONNIE'S drink splashes over half of her shirt. Whoa! WILL Sorry! Are you okay?

WILL holds her for a second and a couple of people in the crowd laugh at the spreading stain. RONNIE hears them. RONNIE Just ... Let go of me. WILL lets go and Ronnie steps back, ignoring WILL'S gaze. She turns and leaves as SCOTT saunters up and sniffs.



CONTINUED: WILL What are you doing? SCOTT I'm just checking if you smell. I mean, the way she blew you off ...

9. 15

Over his shoulder, WILL glances at RONNIE, then returns to the game. ASHLEY notices WILL'S interest in the new girl. BACK TO: 16 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DUSK In the alcove, KIM rubs the top of the mismatched piano. KIM I'm glad you were able to fix it. STEVE With the way she swung that club, she really should have gone out for the golf team. But it still plays like a dream. (Beat) How's Ronnie really doing? KIM I don't know. And I don't think she does, either. She's in this black, dark, moody phase, she ignores her curfew, and she won't talk to me abut it. But ... there are moments when she's still as sweet as she ever was. Like with Jonah. They can argue like cats and dogs, but she still brings him to the park every weekend. And when he was having trouble in math, she tutored him every night. Which is strange, because she's barely passing any of her classes. And I haven't told you this, but I made her take the SAT in February. She missed every single question. (Beat) Do you know how smart you have to be to miss every single question? STEVE laughs under his breath. KIM (CONT'D) It's not funny. 16



CONTINUED: STEVE It's kind of funny. KIM You haven't had to deal with it the last three years. STEVE What did the Judge say about the shoplifting? KIM If she doesn't get into any more trouble, it'll be expunged from her record. If not ... STEVE You're worried about this. KIM She's done it before which is the problem. And she admitted that. But this time, she couldn't hold everything, so she tucked the lipstick in her pocket. She paid for everything else and when you look at the video, it seems to be an honest mistake ... STEVE But you're not sure. KIM shakes her head. STEVE (CONTD) She made a mistake, Kim. And she's always had a good heart. KIM You haven't seen her temper lately. At that moment, JONAH comes bursting in the door. JONAH Dad! I found a really cool workshop! Come on! KIM I've got to get going, anyway. It's a long drive back. And make sure Ronnie gets home, okay? CUT TO:

10. 16


STEVE watches KIM hug and kiss JONAH goodbye. A moment later, JONAH comes running back to the house. JONAH You ready, Dad? 18 INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - DUSK 18

... an unkempt, ramshackle workshop; stained glass piled all around the room. In the center is a large work-table; on it are the beginnings of a large stained-glass window. Tacked to the wall is a picture of the risen Christ that looks fifty-years-old; it's obviously the same as the church window that had blown out in the earlier fire. Beside the picture is a newspaper article, with a photograph of the burned church. The headline reads, "ILLEGAL FIREWORKS SUSPECTED IN CHURCH BLAZE," below that: "Pastor injured" On the shelves, the room is lined with dozens of taxidermy "fish-mammals" (a strange "melding" of the two species - like squirrels with bass tails, etc.). Weird, but transfixing. JONAH What is this stuff? STEVE Art. The man who used to live here made all this. He did the stained glass, too. JONAH glances at the work table in the center of the room. JONAH Is this his? STEVE No. I'm doing this. It's for the church down the street. JONAH You're making this? STEVE The artist who lived here taught me how when I was supposed to be at bible study. JONAH This is awesome.



CONTINUED: STEVE I missed a lot of bible study. (Beat) I can teach you how if you want to learn. I'd love the help. JONAH nods before running his hand over the glass. JONAH She didn't read any of the letters you sent her, Dad. And she won't play the piano anymore, either. (Beat) Mom says it's because she has PMS. STEVE Do you know what that is? JONAH Dad, I'm not a little kid anymore. It means "Pissed at Men Syndrome". STEVE How about we go find your sister? CUT TO:

12. 18


EXT. CARNIVAL - EARLY EVENING RONNIE wipes her shirt, trying to get the stain out.


Finally, grabbing her drink she turns quickly around, only to bump into BLAZE CONWAY. More drink splashes onto RONNIE but she can't believe it. A pause ... then, BLAZE motions to the now fully soaked shirt. BLAZE Sucks being you. But at least the other side matches. RONNIE Oh, I get it. You're being funny. Surprising RONNIE, BLAZE laughs, then nods toward a booth. BLAZE I saw some Nemo shirts over there. Nemo? RONNIE



CONTINUED: BLAZE Orange and white fish? Gimpy flipper? Dad has to find him? RONNIE I don't want a Nemo shirt, okay? BLAZE Nemo's cool. RONNIE Maybe if you're six. MARCUS calls to BLAZE as he passes with his gang. BLAZE decides to join MARCUS. Just then, RONNIE sees STEVE approaching with JONAH. Wait. RONNIE (CONTD) How do I get out of here?

13. 19

BLAZE continues walking backward pacing MARCUS. BLAZE That's up to you. But he knows what you're wearing. RONNIE isn't sure what to do as BLAZE keeps going. She ducks through the crowd, toward the booth selling Nemo shirts and despite her reservations - slips it on over her shirt. As she gets her bearings again, she sees JONAH standing before her, eating an ice cream cone. Ignoring him, she throws the money on the counter, paying for the shirt. JONAH Dad's looking for you. RONNIE Tell him you didn't see me. JONAH Five bucks. Behind them, STEVE continues to look for RONNIE. JONAH (CONTD) He's getting closer. (Beat) Now it's ten bucks. RONNIE digs through her pocket again and hands him the money before ducking away.




14. 19

Behind her, RONNIE sees JONAH leading STEVE into the arcade. As she turns around, BLAZE is leaning against a piling. BLAZE Nice shirt. RONNIE Someone told me that Nemo's cool. BLAZE Maybe if you're six. 20 EXT. CARNIVAL - EVENING - LATER RONNIE and BLAZE weave through the crowd, talking ... RONNIE What kind of name is Blaze, anyway? BLAZE My real name's Galadriel. Galadriel? RONNIE C'mon. 20

BLAZE It's from Lord of Rings. My mom's weird like that. BLAZE eyes a group of teens in the distance sitting outside a small, patio restaurant, eating burgers. As they get close, RONNIE sees WILL, SCOTT, CASSIE and ASHLEY, obviously the popular group, celebrating. The conversations stops as BLAZE and RONNIE pass by. ASHLEY and CASSIE look them up and down. BLAZE stares at SCOTT as they pass; SCOTT looks away. RONNIE What was that all about? BLAZE doesn't answer. On the pier, RONNIE notes a group of people crowding in a circle. They speed up and ... 21 EXT. PIER/CARNIVAL - EVENING 21

... BLAZE and RONNIE push their way in. They see MARCUS handling a fireball - a hand-made cloth ball held together by thread and soaked in lighter fluid.




15. 21

MARCUS moves it between his fingers as LANCE and TEDDY breakdance to loud music, teasing the crowd. It's amazing MARCUS doesn't get burned. MARCUS lights a second fireball, then another and performs a juggling act. The crowd cheers as he finally "hacky-sacks" one of the fireballs to TEDDY who passes it to LANCE. Members of the crowd clap and drop money in a hat as RONNIE leans toward BLAZE. RONNIE Who's that? Just then, PETE JOHNSON, a police officer, moves toward the crowd. MARCUS puts out the fireball, quickly reaches for the money and tosses the hat to LANCE, who slips it on. In that instant, BLAZE moves toward him and kisses him. MARCUS stares at RONNIE before lighting the fireball again. BLAZE That's Ronnie. And this is Marcus. MARCUS moves the fireball around his fingers, studying her. MARCUS You like fire? MARCUS tosses the fireball at her. RONNIE jumps out of the way. OFFICER JOHNSON stomps on the ball, extinguishing it. You three. OFFICER JOHNSON Out. Now.

MARCUS We were just leaving, officer. The crowd disperses as MARCUS, LANCE & TEDDY move away, disappearing into the throngs of people. BLAZE follows, as does RONNIE. They pass carnival game booths as ... 22 EXT. PIER/CARNIVAL - EVENING 22

... WILL takes a final basketball shot at one of the booths, missing. He adjusts the macrame bracelet as ASHLEY walks up. ASHLEY You avoiding us? WILL Just messing around.



CONTINUED: ASHLEY You want to get out of here? My parents are in Raleigh for some award thing with the governor. WILL I'm not so sure that's a good idea. ASHLEY I want to know what I did wrong. WILL You didn't do anything wrong. ASHLEY Then why did you end it?

16. 22

WILL'S heard this before, but doesn't know what to say. Without answering, he heads toward SCOTT who's standing at a nearby table, while CASSIE goes to comfort ASHLEY. SCOTT She told you, right? Cassie, me, Ashley, you. Her parents' place? WILL Yeah. She mentioned it. SCOTT And we're still here because? When WILL doesn't answer ... SCOTT (CONT'D) See? That's why I don't get you. Have you even seen Ashley tonight? She looks like that chick in Maxim. WILL I know. We used to go out, remember? SCOTT My point is she's hot. She wants to "Romance the Stone." She wants to "Free Willy". WILL laughs, but still isn't convinced. SCOTT (CONT'D) Do it for me, then. Cassie won't go with me unless you go with Ashley. C'mon, man! Take one for the team.



CONTINUED: (2) WILL I need a soda. You want one?

17. 22

After WILL walks off, SCOTT is bumped by MARCUS, who's walking past with his group. SCOTT whirls, only to see MARCUS smirking. WILL doesn't realize what's happening. MARCUS Whatcha gonna do? rocket at me? Shoot a bottle

SCOTT seethes as RONNIE and BLAZE arrive with a crowd that seems to sense what's coming next. The crowd closes in, teens sensing blood. ASHLEY and CASSIE push their way in. SCOTT stares, growing angry, their eyes steady on each other. In the distance, OFFICER JOHNSON notices the commotion and begins to run toward them. MARCUS jerks his head forward. Boo! MARCUS (CONT'D)

SCOTT reacts with a quick jump back. WILL finally sees what's going on and rushes back to SCOTT as TEDDY and LANCE move in ... other teens crowd around. In the growing tension, the crowd continues to shift and a LITTLE KID is knocked over. RONNIE reacts on instinct ... RONNIE (Shouting) Just stop! Knock it off! All of you! Someone's going to get hurt! RONNIE'S outburst, the shock of it, is enough to stop them. RONNIE (CONTD) (To LITTLE KID) Are you okay? Where's your mom? Let's go find her. As OFFICER JOHNSON closes in, MARCUS stares at SCOTT. MARCUS I know your secret. MARCUS finally takes a step away and suddenly jumps off the boardwalk onto the sand below. TEDDY and LANCE follow. BLAZE heads to the stairs leading to the beach, leaving RONNIE behind. All at once, the KID'S MOTHER comes forward.



CONTINUED: (3) KID'S MOTHER There you are! Are you okay? You shouldn't run away like that! RONNIE (Shouting after BLAZE) Where are you going? BLAZE Bower's Point.

18. 22

RONNIE debates what to do. As she does, she realizes that WILL, SCOTT and the group are still staring at her. STEVE and JONAH suddenly arrive, making things worse. STEVE There you are. We've been looking for you. You ready to go? No. RONNIE

RONNIE heads for the beach as OFFICER JOHNSON walks up. OFFICER JOHNSON Hey Steve. Kid's causin' trouble again. You doing okay? STEVE I don't know. (Beat) This is my son Jonah. OFFICER JOHNSON Nice to meet you, little man. STEVE glances in RONNIE'S direction as she regroups on the beach with MARCUS, BLAZE and the others. STEVE Do you know where they're going? OFFICER JOHNSON Could be anywhere. But if she's with Marcus ... STEVE thinks about that. WILL (To STEVE) They're going to Bower's Point.



CONTINUED: (4) STEVE looks at WILL, then OFFICER JOHNSON. OFFICER JOHNSON Let me take care of it. CUT TO:

19. 22




STEVE plays the piano in the quiet house, a look of concentration on his face. The complex melody fills the room as RONNIE steps inside. OFFICER JOHNSON is behind her. Go on. OFFICER JOHNSON

As the door closes, RONNIE stares at her father, furious before finally crossing the room. STEVE stops playing. Noting the photographs atop the piano, reminding her of her past, she grabs the photos and hurls them across the room. They crash and crack, shards of glass spreading on the floor. RONNIE You sent the cops after me? I can't believe this! I hate you! STEVE I know. But I don't take it personally. RONNIE waits for more, but there is nothing. Instead, STEVE begins to play the piano again, seeming to lose himself in the music. RONNIE turns to walk to her room. STEVE (CONTD) Good night, sweetheart. 24 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - LATE EVENING 24

RONNIE abruptly enters. She's angry and flicks on a small lamp, casting only a dim glow. She opens her suitcase exposing a copy of Anna Karenina. She rummages for her PJs. She rips off the Nemo shirt, then the next shirt. JONAH (O.S.) Before I get completely grossed out, you should know I'm in here. RONNIE lets out a startled sound, then ...



CONTINUED: Get out! RONNIE This is my room!

20. 24

JONAH No, it's our room. Unless you want to sleep in Dad's room. Disgusted, RONNIE pulls back the covers and takes a seat. After a long moment ... JONAH (CONT'D) I'm glad you're back. I didn't like being in here alone. (Beat) I kind of miss Mom. RONNIE gets up and goes to JONAH'S bed. She sits beside him. She runs a hand through his hair. I know. RONNIE She misses you, too. CUT TO: 25 EXT. PIER - MORNING 25

Through the morning mist, generators whine amidst a flurry of activity while the carnival is being packed up. The Tilt-A Whirl is disassembled and booths loaded onto semi-trucks. 26 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - MORNING RONNIE wakes up. She hears the commotion and goes to the window where she pulls back the curtain. A RACCOON startles her. She taps the glass, trying to get its attention, when she notices the bars on the window. She ponders for a second, then storms into the living room ... 27 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING 27 26

... where STEVE softly plays the piano. cartoons on television, ignores her. RONNIE Bars on the window? Like I'm supposed to be your prisoner? JONAH I told you she'd be mad.

JONAH, intent on the

On the piano, RONNIE notices the photos - the frames cracked and glass broken - have been set up again.



CONTINUED: STEVE They came with the house. RONNIE I'm sure they did. They did. JONAH To protect the art.

21. 27

RONNIE I'm not talking to you. (To Steve) You need to stop thinking I'm still your little girl! I'm eighteen years old! JONAH You're seventeen. You'll be eighteen in August. RONNIE Please stay out of this! (To STEVE) I'm old enough to make my own decisions. For the first time, STEVE stops playing and looks at her. STEVE Fair enough. That's it? to say? RONNIE That's all you're going

STEVE Do you want breakfast? bacon.

I made some

RONNIE makes a face and heads back to her room. JONAH She's a vegetarian, Dad. But she's weird sometimes, so it makes sense. STEVE How long has she been a vegetarian? JONAH Three years. RONNIE storms through the living room, her clothes changed, but still looking ratty. She slams the door shut behind her.



CONTINUED: (2) JONAH (CONTD) Don't worry Dad. She slams the door at home, too. STEVE You want to help me with the stained glass window today? CUT TO:

22. 27





RONNIE sits on the dune as BLAZE walks up. RONNIE Are you just getting in? BLAZE Do you have any money? hungry. I'm kind of CUT TO: 29 INT. BLAKELEE - BRAKE SHOP - MORNING 29

SCOTT and WILL, in uniforms, stand beneath a car lift, replacing a set of brake pads. SCOTT See, you're thinking about this all wrong. There's a difference between hooking up, and getting back together with Ashley again. WILL I don't want to get back together with Ashley. SCOTT That's what I'm trying to tell you. WILL Why are we still talking about this? SCOTT Aside from the fact that "Harry didn't get a chance to meet Sally" last night? Because I'm your friend. It's obvious you need help. And I still don't know why you broke up with Ashley in the first place.



CONTINUED: WILL Did you see that girl? The one who stopped the fight? And helped that little boy? SCOTT The vampire chick? Yeah, you poured her soda all over her, remember? She thought you smelled. What about her? WILL I don't know. It just surprised me. I haven't seen her before. SCOTT Whatever. Okay, here's what's going to happen. First, you're going to relax. Then, we're going to win the volleyball tournament later this summer. And then, you're going to thank me for taking such good care of you. WILL I'm just saying it's a good thing she stopped the fight. Since Marcus knows what happened... SCOTT I told you. It was an accident. Look, if he was going to tell the cops, he already would have, okay? WILL is conflicted, but says nothing.

23. 29





BLAZE and RONNIE put their trays on the table and sit. BLAZE Shoplifting? That's it? You must be the world's most boring teenager. Why? RONNIE What have you done? It's what

BLAZE It's not what I've done. I know. BLAZE takes a seat.

RONNIE waits, but nothing else comes.



CONTINUED: BLAZE (CONTD) Thanks for this. I'm starving. RONNIE Why didn't you go home to eat? BLAZE I don't want to talk about it. MARCUS, LANCE and TEDDY appear as if by magic. MARCUS Talk about what? Your mom's sexy boyfriend again? BLAZE Don't be gross.

24. 30

MARCUS takes a seat beside RONNIE not BLAZE, but reaches for BLAZE'S sandwich, while TEDDY and LANCE grab the fries. MARCUS I want you to come tonight. Without the cops this time. CUT TO: 31 INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - LATE AFTERNOON 31

STEVE sits on a bench next to JONAH. STEVE uses metal solder to hold together a couple pieces of glass as JONAH hands the another piece of glass to STEVE. STEVE Perfect. You ready to call it a day? I'm getting kind of tired. JONAH Can we have Veal Marsala tonight? STEVE I was thinking more along the lines of spaghetti. DISSOLVE TO: 32 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LATE EVENING 32

STEVE peeks in on a sleeping JONAH. RONNIE is noticeably missing. Outside, STEVE sees the moon glowing in the sky...


... where MARCUS, TEDDY, LANCE, and BLAZE are seated around a bonfire. MUSIC plays from a boom-box and there are empty bottles of beer in the sand. A fire ball flies through the air and is caught by LANCE who rolls it over his hand. LANCE then flicks it to TEDDY, then to MARCUS who squeezes out the flame. BLAZE is drunk and snuggling up to MARCUS who watches RONNIE across the fire. RONNIE is standing apart from the group, near the water's edge. MARCUS Would you get me a beer? As BLAZE rises unsteadily, MARCUS walks over to RONNIE. MARCUS (CONTD) Are we boring you? RONNIE I don't drink. That's all. MARCUS Just say "no"? Whatever. RONNIE

BLAZE digs through the cheap cooler for a beer. MARCUS Then what are you doing here? MARCUS steps forward, slipping his arm around RONNIE. does, BLAZE notices. She's not happy about it. RONNIE I gotta go. Yeah. MARCUS You do that. CUT TO: 34 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - LATE EVENING As RONNIE sneaks in the front door. She thinks she's safe until she sees STEVE watching her from the piano. 34 As he



CONTINUED: STEVE It's almost two a.m. unacceptable. And? RONNIE That's

26. 34

STEVE There's pasta in the fridge if you want some. RONNIE shakes her head as STEVE starts to play again and ... 35 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - BEACH/DUNE - LATE EVENING 35

... the porch-light flicks off. Outside, the moonlight illuminates a silhouette of turtle tracks stretching from the surf, toward the dune behind the house ... ... in the silver light, sea oats wave on the dune as a giant Loggerhead turtle lays the first of her eggs. CUT TO: 36 EXT. STEVE'S KITCHEN - MORNING 36

JONAH grabs the Pop-tart from the toaster as STEVE plays the piano in the alcove. JONAH slathers frosting atop the PopTart, then adds a couple of teaspoons of sugar as well. STEVE (O.S.) Make sure you get something good for you. JONAH Got it handled, Dad. And we're going to fly kites later, right? After we work on the window? 37 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING 37

As STEVE plays the piano, RONNIE storms toward the door. STEVE continues to play as he speaks, though more softly. STEVE Can we talk? RONNIE Talk about what? STEVE Last night. What time you came in. Where you were. (MORE) (CONTINUED)



STEVE (CONT'D) Whether you were out with people who howl at the moon. RONNIE I don't want to talk about it. STEVE That's obvious. But it's not an answer. RONNIE It's none of your business, okay?

27. 37

JONAH walks out, holding his Pop-Tart. RONNIE (CONTD) And would you stop with that! STEVE (finally stops playing) It makes me feel better. RONNIE Well, I hate it! Don't you get that? I don't want to hear it! I don't even want to see it! She approaches JONAH and grabs the Pop-Tart off his plate before leaving the house. The door slams again. JONAH She took my Pop-tart. STEVE Slight change of plans today. you any good with a hammer? 38 EXT. BEACH SHOPS - AFTERNOON Are 38

RONNIE walks past the shops, looking. In the distance, she sees BLAZE in a music store. She heads in. RONNIE I've been looking all over for you. BLAZE I thought we were friends. RONNIE What's that supposed to mean? BLAZE I saw the way you looked at him.




28. 38

BLAZE suddenly walks off, bumping into RONNIE as she goes. Unbeknownst to RONNIE, BLAZE drops two CDs into RONNIE'S bag. RONNIE is dumbfounded as BLAZE storms out, but finally makes her way slowly to the door. As she exits the store, the ALARM begins to sound. security guard rushes over. Busted. 39 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON The 39

The alcove has been sealed off with a plywood wall, and STEVE hangs a painting on it as JONAH looks on. STEVE What do you think? JONAH It looks like we put up a plywood wall and hung a picture on it. And you can't play the piano any more, either. STEVE grabs the photo of RONNIE at CARNEGIE HALL and puts it in the end-table drawer, along with the magazine article. No. STEVE But I can fly a kite. CUT TO: 40 INT. POLICE STATION - LATE AFTERNOON 40

With RONNIE finished getting processed at the police station, OFFICER JOHNSON leads her to the chair next to his desk. OFFICER JOHNSON Do you want to call your Dad, or should I? 41 EXT. BEACH BEHIND STEVE'S HOUSE - DUSK 41

STEVE watches JONAH flying the kite before finally noticing the remnants of the Loggerhead turtle tracks, leading to the dune. STEVE Hey Jonah! Come here! turtle nest! It's a

JONAH, kite still flying, jogs over and ...



CONTINUED: STEVE (CONT'D) Be careful. Don't get too close. And don't touch. (Beat) She must have laid them last night. From inside, STEVE hears the phone begin to ring. wincing, and heads inside.

29. 41

He rises, 42




STEVE answers the phone and listens before closing his eyes. STEVE Yeah, I'll be right down. CUT TO: 43 INT. CAR - EVENING 43

STEVE drives as RONNIE sits in the front seat, JONAH in the back. It's tense. JONAH Mom's going to be mad. RONNIE I didn't do it. STEVE I believe you. CUT TO: 44 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - DUSK 44

RONNIE enters the house and starts toward her room, pausing when she sees the alcove closed in by plywood. She thinks about that as JONAH goes past her, heading to the kitchen. Peeking out the door, she sees STEVE sitting on the dune behind the house. 45 EXT. BEACH/DUNE - NEAR THE TURTLE NEST - DUSK STEVE sits on the beach under the moonlit sky. the sea turtle nest when RONNIE walks up. RONNIE Are you mad? No. STEVE 45 He is next to



CONTINUED: RONNIE Then what are you doing out here? STEVE A Loggerhead laid her eggs, and I don't want any raccoons to get them. They're endangered and only one out of 1000 live to maturity. RONNIE How would raccoons know they're here? STEVE When a female lays eggs, she urinates. Raccoons can smell it, and if they get a chance, they'll eat every single one of the eggs. Usually at night. RONNIE I saw a raccoon the other day. STEVE I've already left a message with the aquarium. Hopefully, someone will come by to put up a cage tomorrow to keep the nest safe. RONNIE What about tonight? STEVE Sometimes, you have to have faith. RONNIE Why did you say you believed me? STEVE Because I trust you. RONNIE Is that why you built the wall to hide the piano? No. STEVE I did that because I love you.

30. 45

RONNIE smiles, touched, and finally takes a seat beside him. RONNIE What's going to happen to me?



CONTINUED: (2) STEVE Officer Johnson said he'd talk to the owner, but I don't know. RONNIE ponders and then changes the subject. RONNIE I don't want anything to happen to the turtle eggs. STEVE So what do you want to do? CUT TO:

31. 45





Terns dart along the shoreline while the sun comes up as ... ... RONNIE, curled up on a chair near the nest, wakes with the early morning light. Just then, a figure makes his way over the dune, carrying stakes and construction tape. She recognizes WILL, who's wearing a uniform with the name BLAKELEE BRAKES. He stops when he sees her. RONNIE What are you doing here? WILL I'm here to mark the nest. RONNIE You work for the aquarium? WILL I volunteer there, but I work at my dad's brake shop. My name's Will, by the way. Sorry about running into you at the volleyball court. RONNIE It's fine. I survived. How does that tape keep the raccoons away? WILL It doesn't. It's just to let the people who put up the cages know where the nest is. RONNIE When will they put it up?



CONTINUED: WILL I don't know. Maybe in a couple of days. RONNIE That's not soon enough. Call and tell them they have to put up the cage today. Tell them I saw a raccoon sniffing around the nest. Did you? WILL

32. 46

RONNIE Just call them, okay? RONNIE starts back toward the house. WILL You didn't tell me your name. RONNIE No, I guess I didn't. WILL smiles and drops the stakes. Grabbing one, he drives it into the sand and looks up to see RONNIE glance back at him as she enters the house. 47 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - MORNING 47

RONNIE yawns as she enters the kitchen and sees STEVE smile as he scrapes a portion of the fixings onto a tortilla. STEVE Good morning, sweetheart. I didn't hear you come in. (Beat) It's rice, beans and tofu. That's okay, isn't it? RONNIE Why are you being so nice to me? STEVE Why shouldn't I be? JONAH walks in and spying an extra burrito - and the container of tofu - he turns, his eyes wide. JONAH Don't tell me you went over to the dark side, Dad!



CONTINUED: STEVE and RONNIE try to stifle their smiles. RONNIE How about a Pop-Tart, instead? As RONNIE opens the cupboard, STEVE heads to the table. STEVE So what's on your agenda today? CUT TO:

33. 47


EXT. BEACH SHOPS - AFTERNOON RONNIE pauses in front of a window, looking in ...



INT. SANDWICH SHOP - AFTERNOON ... as RONNIE scans the tables ...





... as RONNIE looks up and down the beach. She focuses on a small figure in black, sitting on a distant dune. RONNIE heads purposely toward the steps ... 51 EXT. BEACH DUNE - LATE AFTERNOON ... and walks until she reaches BLAZE. BLAZE looks up. 51

RONNIE You have to tell the police what you did. BLAZE I didn't do anything. one who got caught. You're the

RONNIE You know I can get in trouble for this. I told you what happened. BLAZE stands and brushes the sand from her pants. Oh, well. BLAZE

BLAZE walks off, leaving RONNIE in stunned disbelief. 52 EXT. PIER/PARKING LOT - LATE AFTERNOON 52

RONNIE is still walking in a daze as MARCUS suddenly emerges from behind a parked car. For once, he's alone.



CONTINUED: MARCUS Troubles with Blaze? RONNIE What do you know about it? MARCUS I know enough not to trust her. RONNIE I'm not in the mood for this. RONNIE tries to move past him. MARCUS Don't walk away. I might be able to talk her out of it. If ... If what? RONNIE

34. 52

MARCUS moves closer, running a finger down her arm. RONNIE (CONT'D) Just stay away from me! CUT TO: 53 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - EVENING RONNIE enters her room and sits on the bed, visibly upset. JONAH emerges from beneath the covers. JONAH Go ahead and cry. RONNIE I'm not crying. JONAH It's okay. It doesn't bother me. JONAH throws the covers back over his head as RONNIE sighs and wipes a tear from her eye. She focuses out the window and sees the stakes and barrier tape around the nest ... along with a raccoon scurrying toward the eggs. RONNIE Oh ... crap ... RONNIE jumps up from the bed and takes off ... 53

35. 54 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - EVENING ... racing through the living room ... 55 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - EVENING 55 54

... and bursts through the back door, charging for the dune. No! 56 Stop! RONNIE Go away! 56


The sound startles the raccoon and it scampers away. Behind her, back at the house, JONAH emerges on the back porch. JONAH What is it? RONNIE They didn't put up the cage! 57 EXT. BEACH/DUNE - NEAR THE TURTLE NEST - LATE EVENING 57

RONNIE sits under the stars watching the nest as the waves crash on the beach. She yawns and tries to get comfortable. 58 EXT. BLAKELEE BRAKES - MORNING A well maintained, four-bay car service center ... Stenciling on the door reads: BLAKELEE'S BRAKES - 800 LOCATIONS NATIONWIDE as RONNIE pushes through it. 59 INT. BLAKELEE - BRAKE SHOP - MORNING She sees WILL and SCOTT, working beneath a lifted car. WILL walks toward her, wiping his hands. Hey. WILL 59 58

RONNIE Thanks for nothing. WILL What are you talking about? RONNIE You didn't call about the cage! RONNIE stares at WILL before storming off.



CONTINUED: Hold on! WILL Wait a minute! SCOTT walks up.

36. 59

RONNIE doesn't bother turning around. SCOTT What was that about?

WILL watches her leave before heading after her. SCOTT (CONT'D) Where are you going, man? We've got a lot of cars to work on. WILL leaves the brake shop and ... 60 EXT. BLAKELEE BRAKES - MORNING He starts the car and ... 61 60

... jumps in his truck. 61


... eventually ends up at the beach, where RONNIE stands by the nest. RONNIE HEARS a truck door slam and looks up as WILL approaches. RONNIE What do you want? WILL You didn't let me finish. call. Twice, in fact. RONNIE Yeah, right. WILL What's your problem? RONNIE My problem is that I had to sleep outside again last night because the raccoon came back. The same one I told you about! WILL You really slept outside? RONNIE, disgusted, turns and starts to walk away. WILL (CONT'D) They're coming tomorrow. (Beat) (MORE) (CONTINUED) I did



WILL (CONT'D) I just came from the aquarium. director said they'd put it up first thing tomorrow. RONNIE That doesn't help my turtles tonight, does it? WILL Your turtles? Yeah. RONNIE My house. My turtles.

37. 61 The

For a long moment, WILL simply stares at her. 62 EXT. BEACH/DUNE - NEAR THE TURTLE NEST - EARLY EVENING RONNIE is sitting alone and reading in the dim glow of a small camping lantern when WILL suddenly walks up. WILL I figured you'd be here. Your house, your turtles and all. Any sign of the raccoon? RONNIE Shouldn't you be with your friends, staring at yourselves in the mirror? WILL That's funny. I'll have to remember that. Despite her disdain, WILL takes a seat beside her. WILL notes the book as RONNIE begins to read again. WILL (CONT'D) (quoting from Anna Karenina) "Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." I read the book in English last semester. RONNIE Your parents must be proud. WILL Probably. (Beat) It's a beautiful night, isn't it? 62



CONTINUED: RONNIE finally looks up from the book. RONNIE What's with the full court press? WILL I like people who like turtles. And I figured you might want some company. Even if you haven't told me your name yet. Ronnie. RONNIE It's short for Veronica. What's your

38. 62

WILL All right, Ronnie. story? RONNIE Why do you care? WILL Give me a break. One sentence.

I'm trying, okay?

RONNIE I live in New York with my mom, but she shipped me and my brother here for the summer to stay with my dad and now I'm stuck baby-sitting turtle eggs while a volleyball player-slash-grease-monkey-slash aquarium-volunteer tries to hit on me. WILL I'm not hitting on you. I just felt bad about the cage, and to be honest, I didn't want you to be out here alone. It's a public beach and you never know who might come walking up. RONNIE But you'd protect me, right? WILL If it came down to that, yes. RONNIE wonders if he's serious, but can't help but feel at least a little flattered.



CONTINUED: (2) All right. story? RONNIE Your turn. What's your

39. 62

WILL I'm a volleyball-player-slash grease-monkey-slash-aquarium volunteer. RONNIE, despite herself, laughs. The waves continue to crash on the beach, the moonlight shines. WILL (CONT'D) You're okay if I stay? RONNIE It's a public beach. WILL What about your dad? RONNIE glances at the house, noting the lights are on. RONNIE I'm sure he knows you're here. 63 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - EARLY EVENING STEVE releases the curtains and walks back to the couch. On the coffee table is sheet music with a few notes penciled in. STEVE sits and puts his fingers on the end table. As he pretends to play, WE HEAR the first few notes of the song he's writing when JONAH enters the room. JONAH Hey Dad. What has one eye, speaks French, and loves cookies right before bed? STEVE I have no idea. JONAH covers one eye with his hand. Moi. STEVE laughs. STEVE I think we've got some in the kitchen. How about if I join you? JONAH 63



CONTINUED: JONAH and STEVE head to the kitchen.

40. 63




RONNIE opens her eyes and sees JONAH staring at her, inches from her face. When she jerks back, JONAH nods toward WILL. JONAH Who's the stiff? Nobody. RONNIE Just a friend. Go away.

WILL wakes with the commotion and wipes the sand from his face before focusing on JONAH. Hey. Hi. WILL JONAH I'm her roommate. And you are?

RONNIE This is my nosy brother Jonah. Will. WILL Nice to meet you.

JONAH Hey, I know you. You were the guy who told the cop that Ronnie went to Bower's Point. RONNIE turns toward WILL before storming to the house. WILL Thanks for that. WILL quickly rises and goes after her. WILL (CONT'D) Ronnie! Wait! C'mon. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get into trouble. WILL grabs her arm and RONNIE whirls to face him. RONNIE You and I have nothing in common! Get it?



CONTINUED: WILL Then why were we both here last night? Leave. RONNIE Me. Alone.

41. 64

WILL Your act doesn't work on me, Ronnie. You stopped the fight, you helped that little boy and you read Tolstoy. And you like sea turtles. So what? RONNIE

WILL So I want to show you something today. (Beat) You'll like it. Trust me. RONNIE stares at him. 65 INT. WILMINGTON AQUARIUM - MORNING WILL leads RONNIE through the darkened, still- closed aquarium, past fish-tank-lined walls. RONNIE pauses before a black lit tank filled with jellyfish that seem to glow. From there, they go to see three river otters - in another exhibit - frolicking in the water. RONNIE smiles at their playfulness and puts her hand to the glass as otters brush up against it. WILL slides away, glancing at her as he unlocks a door. He pushes the door open to reveal ... 66 INT. WILMINGTON AQUARIUM - MORNING 66 65

... another, large tank, away from the viewing public, where an injured, Loggerhead swims. The turtle's shell is scarred and one of the flippers is missing, causing her to bump into the walls. As WILL watches it, RONNIE finally joins him. WILL That's Mabel. She was found a month ago, barely alive. She was hit by a boat propeller. RONNIE Is she going to be okay?



CONTINUED: WILL I hope so. She's stronger now than she was. But no one knows if she can survive in the ocean. RONNIE Why did you want me to see this? WILL Because I thought you'd like her as much as I do. Scars and all. RONNIE wonders if WILL is talking about her as well. RONNIE Aren't you supposed to be at work? WILL It's my day off. RONNIE Working for dad has its perks, huh? WILL You might say that. RONNIE So what do you usually do on your day off? CUT TO:

42. 66


EXT. SMALL PIER - AFTERNOON WILL holds a fishing rod as RONNIE sits beside him, legs dangling. Above them, lazy clouds roll while an osprey floats on the updrafts. Water laps gently at the pilings. RONNIE Just a good, Southern boy, huh? Going fishing, watching the clouds. I feel like you should be wearing a NASCAR hat and chewing tobacco. WILL Don't be a snob. Believe it or not, the south is great. We have indoor plumbing and everything. And on weekends, we go mudding. Mudding? RONNIE




CONTINUED: WILL We drive our trucks in the mud.

43. 67

RONNIE tries to imagine the fun in something like that without success. All at once, the line goes tight and the reel bends. WILL hops to his feet and hands the rod to her, suddenly moving fast, the action getting exciting. WILL (CONTD) Okay ... just take it ... hold on to it! Now reel it in ... no, not like that! RONNIE I don't know what to do! WILL You're doing great! I can't! RONNIE

RONNIE begins to laugh and scream, making it into a bigger deal than it is. As she reels, WILL grabs the net. WILL scoops the fish and brings it to the deck as RONNIE dances around the flopping creature. RONNIE (CONT'D) It's dying! ... Put it back in the water! WILL I'm trying! I've got to get the hook out! RONNIE Then get it out! 68 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - BEACH - LATE AFTERNOON As RONNIE and WILL walk toward her house. WILL So mom's been going crazy trying to plan my sister's wedding and making the whole thing perfect. It's been a little ... tense at the house. RONNIE What's your sister like? 68



CONTINUED: WILL Smart. Lives in New York. A bit of a free spirit. Pretty much like another older sister I know. RONNIE bumps against him before they pause at the dune, examining the rickety, rusted cage over the turtle nest. RONNIE That's going to keep the raccoon out? WILL That's what they say. to go home yet? Do you have

44. 68

RONNIE Let me guess. You want to take me duck hunting now. WILL That's in the winter. RONNIE Tell me you don't kill ducks. RONNIE stares at him. WILL doesn't respond.

RONNIE (CONT'D) Cute, sweet little feathered creatures, flying toward their little duck pond, just minding their own business? And you blow them out of the sky? WILL Not today. (Beat) I've got a volleyball game. on. It's fun.


RONNIE hesitates before finally deciding to go with him. RONNIE walks beside WILL as STEVE steps outside the workshop. RONNIE Evil duck killer. 69 EXT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - LATE AFTERNOON 69

STEVE watches them go. JONAH steps outside, still wearing his safety goggles, looking like a deep sea diver.



CONTINUED: JONAH Need me to follow them, Dad? an eye on them for you? STEVE smiles. STEVE I think they'll be okay. Keep

45. 69





WILL moves through the crowd, RONNIE trailing behind him. RONNIE notices a few of the other teams and is surprised by the intensity she sees in their expressions. RONNIE They look so serious about this. Don't they know it's just a game? WILL Some do, some don't. And you? RONNIE

WILL I play because I enjoy it. SCOTT sees WILL and moves toward him. WILL (CONTD) Now Scott on the other hand, lives for volleyball. It's his life. SCOTT Where've you been, man? You know we're playing this weekend for a higher seed in the tournament. RONNIE moves into view and SCOTT freezes. WILL I'm sorry, man. Time got away from me. Are we up next? WILL sees SCOTT staring at RONNIE. Off to the side, CASSIE and ASHLEY are staring at RONNIE as well. SCOTT Oh ... Yeah ... We're up in a couple of minutes.



CONTINUED: WILL I've got to go. Go ahead. RONNIE SCOTT simply stares at him.

46. 70

WILL heads off with SCOTT. 71 EXT.


71 After one

WILL and SCOTT play, making great sets and shots. of them WILL sees RONNIE and smiles. Suddenly, ASHLEY sits next to RONNIE. ASHLEY You and Will, huh? Let me guess. He took you fishing? RONNIE Do I know you? ASHLEY No, but I know Will. And I guess you're his latest project. RONNIE What are you talking about? ASHLEY New girl, new conquest? It's just the way he is. He can't help it. (Beat) Don't tell me you were actually falling for it?

RONNIE glances from ASHLEY to WILL. While getting ready to serve, WILL turns toward them. His brow furrows. RONNIE I gotta go. 72 INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - LATE AFTERNOON 72

JONAH, concentrating, carefully solders part of the window, looking like he has the hang of it. They've made good progress on the window. Behind him, STEVE pulls a hot piece of glass from the kiln and holds it up to the light, checking the color, before putting it on the table.




47. 72

Through the window, he spots RONNIE heading toward the house, looking angry. STEVE You think you can handle the next couple of pieces on your own? JONAH Got it covered, Dad. STEVE leaves the workshop and ... 73 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - LATE AFTERNOON He sees RONNIE 73

... knocks at the partially open door. packing her suitcase.

RONNIE I'm out of here. I'm calling Mom. That bad? STEVE

RONNIE Look ... you can't make me stay, Okay? I just don't like it here. RONNIE stares at her father. All at once, there's a knocking at the door. After a moment, RONNIE moves past him and heads toward the living room, where she ... 74 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON ... opens the door ... 75 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - PORCH - DUSK 75 74

... and sees WILL on the porch. The last person she wanted to see. WILL What happened? Why'd you leave? RONNIE scowls and starts to close the door ... Hold on! WILL (CONT'D) Wait! Pounds on it.

The door slams shut. WILL knocks again.

WILL (CONT'D) Come on, Ronnie! What did I do?



CONTINUED: After a moment, the door swings open. RONNIE I'm not going to play your game. WILL What are you talking about? Go away. RONNIE

48. 75

RONNIE closes the door again, this time for good. WILL I'm not going until you talk to me! BACK TO: 76 INT. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - BEDROOM - MORNING KIM walks up behind 76

RONNIE loads her suitcase on the bed. her. Two black dresses are laid out.

KIM You didn't give him a chance to explain. RONNIE I wasn't thinking all that clearly. I think I had some anger management issues back then. KIM So what did you end up doing? DISSOLVE TO: INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - EVENING JONAH is standing near the window, staring in the direction of the turtle nest, as if transfixed. STEVE is reading the Bible while RONNIE reads Anna Karenina. JONAH How long do you think he's going to sit out there? STEVE Why don't you go ask him? JONAH He's not my boyfriend.


49. CONTINUED: RONNIE He's not mine either. JONAH It's just weird, don't you think? Sitting out there all alone waiting for you to talk to him? STEVE glances up at RONNIE, but RONNIE pretends not to see it. JONAH continues to stare, talking absently. JONAH (CONT'D) I wonder if he'll be out there all night. And tomorrow, too. Fine! RONNIE I get it! I'll go! JONAH turns to his father.

RONNIE heads toward the door. JONAH What'd I say? 78 EXT.



WILL is tossing tiny shells at the spider crabs when he sees RONNIE approach. He stands. RONNIE You've got my brother completely wigged out. You should go. WILL I just want to know what Ashley said to you. RONNIE She didn't say anything. WILL No? Then why'd you run off after talking to her? Why did it take you three hours to finally come outside? RONNIE continues to stare at him, unimpressed. WILL (CONT'D) What did she tell you? That we're still seeing each other? Because we're not. We're over. (Beat) Talk to me.




50. 78

RONNIE says nothing as she begins to understand the reason behind ASHLEY'S comment. But before she can say anything, WILL throws up his hands. WILL (CONT'D) I thought you were different. I thought ... I don't know what the hell I thought. WILL turns and heads toward his truck. RONNIE watches him go, thinking. She's about to start after him when she catches a shadowy image on the beach. As she stares, she sees the flicker of a lighter ... and a fireball. MARCUS. RONNIE backs away and heads inside. CUT TO: 79 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - MORNING 79

A pelican skims the gentle swells in morning sunshine as ... OFFICER JOHNSON, STEVE and PASTOR HARRIS (70s) stand next to the squad car in the driveway and watch as RONNIE steps outside. OFFICER JOHNSON nods and they shake before OFFICER JOHNSON gets into the car. RONNIE walks toward them. old man's arms. Up close, she sees burns on the

STEVE Ronnie, this is Pastor Harris. This is my daughter, Ronnie. Hi. RONNIE

PASTOR HARRIS Pleased to meet you. (To STEVE) Let me know if you need anything. I'm going to check on the repairs at the church. PASTOR HARRIS walks off, moving slowly and with a limp. RONNIE What was that all about? STEVE Let's have breakfast first.



CONTINUED: RONNIE Just tell me, Dad. STEVE You're not going to be able to go back to your mom's. (Beat) The store owners still intend to press charges. The arraignment is set for Tuesday.

51. 79





RONNIE sits by the turtle nest, watching the water when STEVE walks up and takes a seat beside her. RONNIE Was she mad? STEVE I'm pretty sure she Godzilla'd the kitchen. But she'll get over it. Your mom's a great lady. RONNIE Why did you leave us, Dad? (Beat) I'm old enough for the truth, okay? STEVE After I stopped teaching at Julliard, I did every show I could. My dream, you know? Be a famous concert pianist? But my being gone was hard on your mom and we just sort of ... drifted apart. RONNIE There was someone else, wasn't there? STEVE doesn't deny it, and RONNIE looks toward the sand. STEVE I know I should have tried harder to save the marriage, and I'm sorry for that. But that doesn't mean I ever stopped believing in the magic of love. Or happiness. RONNIE That doesn't really help me.



CONTINUED: STEVE Maybe you should go talk to him. (Beat) You looked happy yesterday. And he did, too.

52. 80





WILL and SCOTT are working beneath a car on the lift, changing a set of brake pads. SCOTT I'm just saying you were a little off, that's all. You know how important the tournament is to me. Just keep your head in the game. You do that, and we're going to crush Tyson and Landry. WILL They haven't lost yet this year. And they just won junior nationals. SCOTT suddenly stops as he sees RONNIE standing in the doorway that leads to the garage bay. SCOTT The chick from the Lost Boys is back. WILL sees her and approaches. WILL What do you want? RONNIE I left because she said I was your new project. That it's what you always do. WILL She lied. (Beat) Look, I've got to get back to work. RONNIE I'm sorry. I overreacted. had a good time yesterday. For the first time, WILL smiles. Okay. WILL And I No smile this time.



CONTINUED: RONNIE That's it? That's all you're going to say after I come all the way over here to apologize? Okay?

53. 81

All at once, WILL takes a step forward and places a hand on RONNIE'S hip. Pulling her close, he kisses her. RONNIE resists a bit at first, then gives in and kisses him back. When WILL finally pulls back, she's a bit flustered. WILL meets her eyes. WILL The next time you're mad at me, don't shut me out. I don't like playing games. In the background, SCOTT sees the whole thing. CUT TO: 82 EXT. BEACH SHOPS - AFTERNOON 82

RONNIE exits a store, smiling to herself, still amazed at what had just happened. She's holding a small bag of dried fruit. As she opens the door, she drops the bag. She picks up the pieces and tosses them in a nearby trash can. Up ahead, she sees MARCUS and BLAZE tossing two fireballs back and forth, obviously practicing. RONNIE ducks back so they don't see her. Then, turning around, she heads in the opposite direction ... 83 EXT. BEACH SHOPS - AFTERNOON 83

... just as BLAZE turns in her direction. BLAZE'S smile fades. But for the first time, BLAZE looks a tiny bit guilty. 84 INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - AFTERNOON 84

PIANO music BOOMS -- more melody from the song STEVE is writing -- blocking out all other sound. STEVE'S eyes are closed and for a moment, it seems as he's playing the piano. JONAH (Sounding far away) (Sounding a bit closer) (MORE)

Dad. Dad.




JONAH (CONT'D) (Then, loud, suddenly stopping the booming music in STEVE'S head) Dad! The glass is ready. Didn't you hear the beeper? Sorry. STEVE

54. 84

STEVE puts on his gloves and pulls another piece of handpainted glass from the kiln with tongs. The window is about a quarter done, and STEVE sets the glass down to cool. JONAH Hey Dad. What has one eye, speaks French ... STEVE No cookies until after lunch. about I make some sandwiches? JONAH Sandwiches? STEVE I'll meet you inside in a couple of minutes. JONAH heads to the door as RONNIE walks in. JONAH Ronnie's back. RONNIE Hey, Jonah. How are you doing? JONAH I'm dying of starvation, but dad won't even let me have a single cookie. Can you believe that? JONAH trudges off and RONNIE flashes a brief smile as she enters. RONNIE looks around the shop, really taking it in for the first time. She notices the newspaper article and leans in to read it. STEVE stays quiet, knowing she'll get around to what she wants to say. Finally, she sighs. RONNIE I talked to him. And? STEVE How



CONTINUED: (2) RONNIE He likes me. He should. STEVE You're a catch.

55. 84

RONNIE moves toward the window and stares at it. RONNIE Why are you making the window for the church? And yesterday, I saw you reading the Bible. What's going on? I mean I know you always went to that church, as a kid, but ... STEVE Pastor Harris was like a father to me. He was my first piano teacher, and working with him was ... amazing. I used to play hours beneath the original window with this wondrous light shining around me. And when the church burned ... (Beat) The pastor almost died and the insurance only covers half the damage ... and I just couldn't imagine the church without the window. It just wouldn't be right, so I'm going to finish it. I need to finish it. (Beat) I'm talking too much. When can I meet the young man who likes my daughter? 85 EXT. BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURT - AFTERNOON 85

SCOTT and WILL have just finished another game and approach CASSIE and ASHLEY when WILL sees RONNIE in the distance. SCOTT You've got to be kidding. WILL hands the ball to SCOTT and walks past ASHLEY and CASSIE. ASHLEY isn't happy about it. Hey. WILL

RONNIE Don't kiss me. Just listen.

56. 86 INT. WILL'S TRUCK - DUSK 86

The truck, with raised wheels, vibrates as RONNIE glances around. She flips down the visor and sees a photo of WILL with a beautiful blond who wears a VANDERBILT sweatshirt, both of them showing off matching macrame-beaded bracelets. RONNIE Ten bucks says you posted this on your facebook page. You lose. WILL That's my sister.

RONNIE Oh. What's with the matching bracelets? You always wear it. WILL My sister and I both do. We make them. WILL doesn't say more and RONNIE gets the sense he doesn't want to talk about it. RONNIE You know my dad won't care if you're still sweating. WILL It's just a few of minutes, okay? 87 EXT. WILMINGTON STREETS - DUSK 87

The truck passes homes that get progressively larger, with well-manicured lawns. 88 INT. WILL'S TRUCK - DUSK RONNIE Where are we going? WILL Could you reach into the glove compartment and get the remote? RONNIE opens it up and hands over the remote. and presses a button ... 89 EXT. WILL'S DRIVE-WAY - DUSK WILL takes it 89 88

... as large, iron gates swing open just before WILL pulls into the drive.



CONTINUED: The drive curves and after a moment, a massive, Georgian home, with stately columns and flanked by two five car garages appears.

57. 89

WILL pulls the truck to a stop in front of the house and gets out. RONNIE, still staring at the house, can't move. It's the largest, grandest home she's ever seen. WILL pulls the door open for her and they ... ... walk up the steps. To one side of the door is a sign announcing that "THE BLAKELEES DO NOT RECEIVE UNANNOUNCED VISITORS." WILL pushes the door open ... 90 INT. BLAKELEE MANSION - DUSK ... to reveal a massive, marbled foyer, with an intricate, crystal chandelier and amazing water views off the Great Room. RONNIE You didn't tell me your last name was Blakelee. WILL You didn't ask. Come on. Can I get you something to drink while I change? WILL leads the way, through the foyer ... toward the great room, that overlooks the intra-coastal waterway ... past the music room ... past the Billiard room. A female voice calls out. Will? SUSAN (O.S.) Is that you? 90

SUSAN BLAKELEE, coiffed, attractive and perfectly dressed, enters the room, holding a wedding magazine. Hey mom. WILL Where's Dad?

SUSAN spots RONNIE behind her son. By her expression, it's the first time someone who looks like RONNIE has ever been inside her home. SUSAN tries to recover. Though she smiles, there's a definite lack of warmth in her eyes. SUSAN He's in the den ... and you brought company. I'm Susan Blakelee. WILL This is Ronnie.




58. 90

WILL I'm having dinner over there tonight, okay? (To RONNIE) I'll be right back. WILL heads toward the stairs and for a long moment, neither SUSAN nor RONNIE say anything to each other. TOM BLAKELEE walks in, casually dressed and looking friendly. TOM I thought I heard someone come in. I'm Will's dad. So you're the one he's been talking about. SUSAN Will is going to be joining Ronnie and her family for dinner. TOM Don't bother making anything fancy. The kid lives on pizza and burgers. Tom ... SUSAN

TOM Do you have a second? show you something.

I want to

SUSAN I'm sure she's not interested in your airplane. TOM Come on. You like airplanes, right? RONNIE Yeah, sure. 91 EXT. BLAKELEE MANSION - BACK VERANDA - DUSK 91

... a noisy whine sounds as TOM holds a remote in his hands, excitedly pushing controls back and forth while a small, remote control airplane buzzes over the water. TOM I always wanted one of these things. Do you want to try?




59. 91

WILL steps onto the porch, closing the door behind him. Not only changed, he looks freshly showered. WILL You have to forgive my dad. He sometimes forgets he's an adult. TOM At least I'm honest. She's a whole lot prettier than you let on. Dad ... WILL

TOM It's true. Don't be embarrassed. (To RONNIE) He used to be the shyest kid in town. Couldn't even look at a pretty girl without his cheeks turning bright red. RONNIE smiles. WILL shakes his head in disbelief.

WILL I can't believe you're saying this. TOM Why not? (To RONNIE) Does that bother you? RONNIE Not at all. See? TOM She doesn't care.

Through the window, SUSAN watches them, concerned. 92 INT. WILL'S TRUCK - DUSK 92

WILL closes the door and glances over at RONNIE. WILL Sorry about all that. RONNIE Don't be. I like him. (Beat) (MORE) (CONTINUED)



RONNIE (CONT'D) Now about tonight. My family has this weird tradition.

60. 92





Stars glow over the cottage as a couple of voices sound: WILL (O.S.) No, you're lying and I'm sick and tired of it! RONNIE (O.S.) Don't even go there! You're the one who's lying! 94 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - EARLY EVENING 94

We PAN OVER the dirty plates on the kitchen counter to ... ... RONNIE, WILL, JONAH and STEVE sitting around the table, each of them holding a playing card to their head, obviously enjoying a game of Liar's Poker. RONNIE holds a seven, WILL an eight, STEVE a three and JONAH a nine. All have their "game-faces" on. In the middle is a pile of change. JONAH seems to be winning. JONAH You're both lying! lying all night! You've been

WILL A quarter says you don't know what you're talking about. WILL throws a quarter into the pot. STEVE Bad move, son. It's over. raise you fifty cents ... RONNIE I'll see that! The others call. WILL looks at each of them, pausing, trying to read them. So does RONNIE. All at once, all four of them bring their cards to the table. JONAH You're all liars! I'll



CONTINUED: JONAH rakes the money in as they all laugh. looks at RONNIE. Their eyes linger. WILL Do you want to go for a walk?

61. 94 As he does, WILL





It's a beautiful, summer evening on the beach; the moon hanging over the ocean making the water seem to sparkle, a light breeze, the waves gently rolling. WILL and RONNIE walk beside each other, the happy mood from the game still lingering. RONNIE I don't know how he always wins. think he cheats, but I haven't figured out how. WILL You just need to lie better. RONNIE Like you telling me you work for your dad? WILL I do work for my dad. RONNIE You know what I mean. WILL motions to the workshop. WILL What's that place? RONNIE My dad's workshop. He and Jonah are making a stained glass window this summer. (Beat) So what's next for you? Are you going to keep working for your dad? WILL Just until the end of August. I'm going to Vanderbilt in the fall. Up ahead, a group is clustered on the beach, tending a small bonfire. The faint strains of music are evident. I



CONTINUED: RONNIE You don't sound very excited. WILL I wanted to go someplace different, and I got accepted to a place that has this incredible environmental science program, but my mom ... She wanted me to go to Vanderbilt. RONNIE Do you always do what your mom wants? WILL You don't understand. It's a family tradition. My parents went there, my sister went there. And my mom ... She ... RONNIE waits, knowing something important is coming. WILL (CONTD) I had a little brother. Mike. He's the reason my sister and I wear the bracelets. Great little guy. So much fun. Five years ago, Scott and I had a basketball game, and we brought Mike with us. Somehow my mom lost control of the car. Mike didn't make it. Hell, without Scott, my mom and I probably wouldn't have made it either. But my mom still blames herself, and so she tries to control things. Even me. Especially me. RONNIE glances at the bracelet. RONNIE What do the letters mean? WILL In-My-Thoughts-Forever. RONNIE And you said Scott saved you? WILL He pulled us out before the gas tank exploded. But Mike ... He died on impact. (Beat) (MORE) I-M-T-F

62. 95




WILL (CONT'D) I'll never go to another funeral again. (Long beat, remembering) Now it's your turn for secrets. What don't I know about you? Something no one around here knows.

63. 95

It's a moment of truth ... RONNIE I used to play the piano. Used to? WILL

RONNIE I don't play anymore. There's more and WILL knows it, but RONNIE seems hesitant. At that instant, a shooting star passes overhead and RONNIE points, breaking the tension. RONNIE closes her eyes for a moment, then finally opens them. RONNIE (CONTD) What did you wish for? Instead of answering, WILL slides one arm around her back and takes her hand in his. They begin to sway to the music, then dance in slow circles. BACK TO: 96 INT. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - BEDROOM - MORNING 96

KIM watches RONNIE'S reflection in the mirror, transfixed. The suitcase packed; again WE SEE the black dresses. KIM You fell in love with him, didn't you? Not then. RONNIE Not yet, anyway. DISSOLVE TO: 97 EXT. BEACH - AFTERNOON 97

WILL and RONNIE, run along the beach, both of them laughing and finally collapsing in the sand, where they kiss.


WILL tries to teach RONNIE to play volleyball. WILL lobs the ball toward her, RONNIE yelps as she sends the ball flying off to the side ... The same thing happens again ... But the next time, she hits the ball well and it goes soaring over WILL'S head ... 99 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - DOORWAY - AFTERNOON 99

WILL and RONNIE kiss in the doorway and then spill into the house, ending up against the wall. Finally, reluctantly, RONNIE puts her hands to his chest. RONNIE Stop. My dad might walk in at any time. And I've got to get my suit. RONNIE catches her breath, stares at him, then darts for her room. In her absence, WILL spies the photographs and magazine article in the end-table drawer. He pulls them out and looks them over, curious ... CUT TO: 100 EXT. BLAKELEE MANSION - POOL - AFTERNOON 100

RONNIE suns on her stomach on the diving board, teasing WILL as he stands on the pool cabana roof. RONNIE Anyone can do one flip. could do one flip. WILL I'd like to see that. RONNIE I'm just saying I could. But do one, if that's all you can do. I'll pretend to be amazed. WILL backs up, takes two quick steps and jumps. He does two flips, looking more graceful than she'd imagined, and dives in the water with only a slight splash. WILL swims toward the diving board. He grabs the lip of the board and starts to bounce it up and down. RONNIE screams and falls in ... and WILL is there to grab her. He tries to kiss her as she splashes away. Even I


SUSAN is standing by the window watching WILL and RONNIE not happy - when TOM walks up. SUSAN I don't trust that girl. got an edge to her. TOM Will seems to like her. SUSAN That's what I'm worried about. 102 EXT. BEACH SHOPS - LATE AFTERNOON 102 She's ...

RONNIE and WILL walk beside each other, each of them enjoying a snow-cone. When WILL takes a bite, RONNIE pushes WILL'S snow-cone up onto his nose and takes off. WILL laughs and begins to chase her, when MARCUS, BLAZE, TEDDY and LANCE suddenly round the corner. RONNIE lands in MARCUS'S arms. RONNIE struggles, but MARCUS holds tight. Let me go! RONNIE

RONNIE struggles but MARCUS won't let her go. WILL rushes toward them. TEDDY & LANCE step forward, ready to intervene. MARCUS Take it easy, Will. I was just keeping her from falling. And by the way, how's Scott doing? WILL freezes. MARCUS finally lets her go and RONNIE rubs her arms where MARCUS had squeezed too hard. MARCUS and the others head off. MARCUS (CONT'D) See you around, Ronnie. And say hey to the Judge for me on Tuesday. When RONNIE finally turns to WILL, she sees him staring at her, his expression concerned. 103 EXT. BEACH/DUNE - NEAR THE TURTLE NEST - DUSK 103

RONNIE and WILL sit on the dune, near the turtle nest. WILL is listening intently as RONNIE shakes her head.



CONTINUED: RONNIE And that's all of it. I admitted everything the first time because I knew I was wrong, but this time, I'm innocent. I know you probably don't believe me. WILL It's not that. Nothing surprises me about Marcus. He's been crazy since he was a kid. But Galadriel ... She used to be the nicest girl, but after her mom and dad got divorced, she just sort of lost who she was. I feel bad for her, but what she's doing to you is wrong. RONNIE What's going on with Scott and Marcus? First, they almost fight, then he says something weird. And you seem caught in the middle. WILL It's nothing. RONNIE knows there's more but doesn't press it. WILL (CONTD) Can I ask you a question? different subject? RONNIE glances at him. WILL (CONTD) Why did you stop playing the piano? I saw the picture and the article. RONNIE My dad taught me to play from the time I was able to walk and when he left us ... I don't know. It's like I was so angry at him that the best way to get back at him was to quit. WILL It's not my business, but it seems like you're only hurting yourself. You have a gift. Who knows? Maybe you could go to Julliard? Totally

66. 103



CONTINUED: (2) RONNIE I could. They still write me. my dad used to teach there. WILL Then why don't you go? RONNIE Does it matter that much to you? That I'm not just who you thought I was? That I'm better? WILL You're exactly who I thought you were. From the first time I saw you I saw you. And

67. 103




A stately limestone structure where WE PAN to the words: NEW HANOVER COURT HOUSE. Men and women hurry up the steps. 105 INT. COURT HOUSE - MORNING 105

RONNIE stands next to a female ATTORNEY. STEVE and JONAH are in the front row behind her. The court is crowded and among those present is ASHLEY, who works for another attorney. ASHLEY sees RONNIE, but RONNIE doesn't notice her. slips further into the background. ASHLEY

The stern PROSECUTOR stands at her table, facing the Judge. RONNIE Not guilty, Your Honor. JUDGE Trial will be set for August 20th. ASHLEY heads over to confer with the PROSECUTOR as she watches RONNIE leave. 106 EXT. COURT HOUSE - MORNING 106

As RONNIE and STEVE talk to RONNIE'S ATTORNEY, RONNIE sees WILL leaning against his truck, holding flowers. BACK TO: 107 INT. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - BEDROOM - LATE MORNING 107

KIM watches as RONNIE adjusts the strap on her black dress.



CONTINUED: RONNIE That's when I fell in love with him. KIM Because he was there? RONNIE No. Because that's when I knew he loved me too. (Beat) But it's strange. We were so different. We argued about everything. The only thing we had in common was that we couldn't get enough of each other.

68. 107





RONNIE and WILL stand near the turtle nest. pointing to the sand near the cage.

RONNIE You didn't tell me raccoons could dig under the cage! You're going to have to stay out here tonight! WILL Me? I thought you said they were your turtles! RONNIE storms off toward the house. 109 EXT. BEACH/DUNE - NEAR THE TURTLE NEST - EVENING 109 She

As WILL sits by the nest, RONNIE comes up to join him. sits and hands him a cup of cocoa. CUT TO: 110 EXT. DIRT ROAD - AFTERNOON


WILL'S truck is stuck in the mud and a cable has been anchored to a nearby tree. WILL is winching the cable as RONNIE leans out the window. RONNIE Up north, we watch fireworks on the 4th of July. We don't get stuck in the mud. WILL Ease down on the gas gently.




69. 110

The engine revs, but the tires spin. WILL winches again, then jogs into position for a better view. Now try. WILL (CONTD) A little harder.

RONNIE pushes the accelerator too hard, and the rear of the truck begins to slide sideways, spraying WILL with mud. 111 EXT. DIRT ROAD - EVENING 111

With lights on the truck's roll cage glowing in the darkness, WILL drives the truck as it bounces through the mud. RONNIE is having the time of her life. WILL makes a sudden, sharp turn, off the muddy track, toward a small clearing before finally bringing the truck to a stop. RONNIE What's going on? WILL motions out the filthy front window. RONNIE watches as fireworks begin exploding in the evening sky. CUT TO: 112 INT. STEVE'S WORK SHOP - AFTERNOON 112

RONNIE and WILL examine the progressing work on the stained glass window as STEVE and JONAH continue to work. PASTOR HARRIS is there as well. WILL You didn't tell me the window was for the church that burned. RONNIE What does it matter? WILL How far would you go to protect a friend? RONNIE What aren't you telling me? WILL doesn't answer. PASTOR HARRIS looks over at him.

RONNIE (CONTD) In the end, you should always do the right thing. The problem is, that's also usually the hard thing.



CONTINUED: WILL says nothing. In the silence, STEVE coughs.

70. 112





WILL is reeling in a fish, while balancing on the back of the small boat. WILL Put it in reverse! Hurry! almost out of line! I'm The boat

RONNIE panicking, slams the throttle forward. surges and WILL goes flying off the back.


RONNIE sneaks in the door to find her father asleep. She pulls the blanket up, making him more comfortable. CUT TO: 115 INT. WILMINGTON AQUARIUM - DAY 115

RONNIE is staring at the pail of fish and shaking her head, as if disgusted. RONNIE I'm not putting my hand in there. WILL (tired of this) Grab the fish and throw it! otters need to eat!


RONNIE It looks all slimy! It's gross! WILL (Voice rising, frustrated) Feed the otters! (Then softly, trying to charm) Please feed the otters. They're starving, baby. RONNIE grimaces as she reaches in and grabs the fish. As she tosses it in, an otter jumps. RONNIE screeches. CUT TO:


As WILL runs toward SCOTT, who's holding up his hands, upset that WILL is late again. SCOTT sees RONNIE in the distance and his eyes narrow. 117 EXT. BLAKELEE MANSION - PARKING COURT - DAY 117

WILL and RONNIE kiss as they lean against WILL'S truck. At that moment, SUSAN walks out and spots them. SUSAN turns around and marches inside, but it doesn't matter ... 118 INT. WILL'S TRUCK - EVENING 118

... because RONNIE and WILL kiss passionately on the front seat before RONNIE finally pulls back, breathing hard. RONNIE I really have to go. Stop kissing me! I have to watch the nest tonight in case the raccoon comes to dig again. WILL (just as breathless) Sorry. I'll stop. RONNIE leans in to kiss him again before hopping out of the truck and running to the house. She turns to wave at WILL as he pulls away, feeling very happy. That. JONAH Was. So. Gross.

RONNIE jumps, not realizing that JONAH was sitting on the rocker on the porch. RONNIE Oh, hey Jonah. Where's Dad? JONAH The church. He's been going there more and more lately to play. When he's not sleeping or working on the window, I mean. Just then, RONNIE hears the distant sound of a piano while noticing that a light inside the not-yet-completely-repaired church is on. RONNIE steps off the porch and ...

72. 119 INT. CHURCH - EVENING 119

... enters a half-repaired church to see her father playing the song he'd started to write that summer. Though lovely, it sounds unfinished, and STEVE pauses and tries again. PASTOR HARRIS sees RONNIE and smiles before leaving. realizes that her father didn't know he was there. RONNIE

RONNIE listens, liking this version slightly better, until all at once, the keys jam together. STEVE begins to cough uncontrollably. RONNIE rushes to him. Dad? RONNIE Are you okay?

STEVE catches his breath, but tries to make light of it. STEVE Hey. I didn't hear you come in. How long have you been here? Not long. RONNIE What's wrong?

STEVE I must be coming down with the flu or something. (Beat) What time is it? RONNIE Just after ten. Are you sure you're okay? STEVE Yeah, I'm fine. Really. RONNIE isn't so sure she believes him. STEVE points up.

STEVE (CONTD) That's where the window will go by the way. When we get the money to finish the repairs, that is. STEVE grabs the sheet music and stands. As he does ... RONNIE Was that the song you were playing? I've never heard it before.



CONTINUED: STEVE It's just something I've been working on. No big deal. RONNIE So ... I guess you couldn't live without the piano, huh? (Beat) It's okay, Dad. I don't care. It's a gift, right?

73. 119




It's a perfect summer evening on the beach as WILL and RONNIE scamper on the beach carrying flashlights. Dozens of spider crabs scurry from the light. They move quickly, looking like something from another world. RONNIE squeals ... WILL They're not going to hurt you. RONNIE I said I don't like crabs. She squeals again and darts out of the way, right into WILL. He takes her in his arms. Then ... WILL I want you to come to my sister's wedding with me. RONNIE Your mom won't want me there. WILL So? It's not her wedding. And my sister will love you. Trust me. At that moment, they walk past SCOTT. He grabs WILL'S arm. SCOTT Dude ... where you been hiding out lately? First you've been blowing off practice ... RONNIE sees ASHLEY & CASSIE with him at the same moment SCOTT sees her. ASHLEY & CASSIE aren't happy either. SCOTT (CONT'D) Oh ... I get it.



CONTINUED: WILL What do you get? SCOTT Look, the tournament's coming, okay? And I need this going into my senior year. You might not have needed a volleyball scholarship to pay for college, but I do. WILL Yeah, man. Of course. We're going to win it all. Catch you later, all right? RONNIE and WILL head off. SCOTT is visibly angry.

74. 120

RONNIE What was that about? WILL A volleyball tournament. It starts the day after my sister's wedding. RONNIE And it's important to Scott? help him get a scholarship? To

WILL I know there's going to be a lot of coaches in the stands. RONNIE Then make time for practice. Play games. Do what you have to do to get ready. WILL All right. On two conditions. First, you try to talk some sense into Blaze. And number two, dance with me at the wedding. 121 EXT. BEACH - DAY 121

BLAZE is sitting on the beach near the pier when RONNIE walks up. BLAZE What do you want?



CONTINUED: RONNIE Marcus hit on me. That's why I left that night. And you deserve better than him, okay? You're smart, you're pretty and he treats you terrible ... I'm worried about you. That fire stuff is crazy. I'm okay. BLAZE I've got it handled.

75. 121

In the silence RONNIE watches her. Finally, she digs some money out of her pocket and sets it beside BLAZE. RONNIE I know you don't have any money to eat and you won't go to your mom's. It's all I have. But if you get hungry again or want a place to sleep, you know where I live. RONNIE turns and walks off. 122 INT. BLAZE watches her, wondering. 122


RONNIE flings clothes all over when JONAH walks in. JONAH Dad's taking a nap again so keep it down. What's going on? RONNIE I don't have anything to wear to the wedding. And Lord knows, I have to wear something to that wedding or Will's mom would string me up. JONAH So buy something. RONNIE I don't have any money. JONAH studies her before getting up from his seat. over and grabs a small tin box. He heads Lots of

JONAH opens it up and pours the contents on the bed. money: tens and twenties, dollar bills mixed in. RONNIE (CONT'D) Where'd you get all this? JONAH starts pointing at the money on the bed.



CONTINUED: JONAH This ten was for when I told dad I didn't see you at the carnival. This twenty is what I won playing liars poker. Dad cashed me in. This twenty was for when you snuck in past curfew in New York. This was for the guy with blue hair ... RONNIE You saved it all? JONAH I like Will. And besides, you need it more than I do.

76. 122


INT. DRESS SHOP - AFTERNOON RONNIE works with a SHOP ATTENDANT who pulls several beautiful dresses off the racks for RONNIE.



INT. DRESS SHOP - AFTERNOON - MINUTES LATER RONNIE heads to the dressing room, arms full.



INT. DRESS SHOP - DRESSING ROOM - AFTERNOON Several rapid shots of RONNIE in a variety of dresses.


One of them is too formal, one of them is too blue, one of them makes her look like she's wearing a sack ... Her expression lets us know she hates them all. The SHOP ATTENDANT hands her a dress over the dressing room door but we can't make it out. RONNIE smiles and it's obvious she loves it. slip it on and ... 126 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY She begins to 126

Both STEVE and JONAH stare at RONNIE as she enters the living room in her new dress. Her hair is styled, the purple streak gone; she looks spectacular. RONNIE Do I look okay? JONAH You look like you spent two hundred forty two dollars on the dress.



CONTINUED: STEVE You look wonderful. RONNIE smiles and smooths her dress ... CUT TO:

77. 126





... then smooths her dress again after stepping out of the car. STEVE leans across the front seat. STEVE I'm proud of you. that, okay? Never forget

RONNIE smiles and with a deep breath, she walks up the steps, toward the mansion and is spotted by a tuxedoed WILL. He's utterly amazed at how beautiful RONNIE is, and finds it impossible to turn away. 128 EXT. BLAKELEE MANSION - BACK LAWN - AFTERNOON 128

RONNIE sits in a white chair overlooking the trellis where the ceremony will take place. The river shimmers, the flowers and ice sculptures are spectacular. The ushers come by, escorting the bridesmaids. and ASHLEY arrive as well. ASHLEY scowls. 129 EXT. BLAKELEE MANSION - BACK VERANDA - DUSK 129 SCOTT, CASSIE

WILL'S SISTER, MEGAN BLAKELEE, and her NEW HUSBAND pose for yet another photograph as the camera flashes. WILL continues to stare at RONNIE from afar. 130 INT. BLAKELEE MANSION - BALLROOM - EVENING 130

The reception is in full swing as MEGAN and her NEW HUSBAND finish dancing with a dip and then kiss. The crowd claps as the band starts playing a snappier tune. The dance floor begins to fill. RONNIE is standing off to the side when ASHLEY walks up beside her. ASHLEY So Will invited you to the wedding, huh? Good. Have your fun.



CONTINUED: ASHLEY motions to SUSAN who's dancing with TOM. ASHLEY (CONT'D) But do you honestly think his mom will ever accept you? Did you know Megan was engaged twice before tonight? His mom ran both of them off. (Beat) It's not real. He leaves in a couple of weeks. Forever.

78. 130

RONNIE knows ASHLEY just wants to upset her, but the girl has a knack for knowing exactly what buttons to press. 131 EXT. BLAKELEE MANSION - BOAT DOCK - EVENING 131

RONNIE leans against the piling, staring at the yacht in the slip, when WILL walks up. WILL There you are. I've been looking for you. You owe me a dance. RONNIE I'm not in the mood. WILL What's wrong? Don't shut me out. 132 EXT. BLAKELEE MANSION - BACK LAWN - EVENING. 132

ASHLEY sees WILL and RONNIE together and frustrated, she heads over to SUSAN. BEVERLY There's something you should know about Ronnie. Something I learned when I was working at the courthouse. 133 EXT. BLAKELEE MANSION - BOAT DOCK - EVENING RONNIE Where is this going? You and me? I live in New York, you'll be going to Vanderbilt and we'll never see each other again. WILL I don't know where you're getting this, but you're wrong. (Beat) (MORE) (CONTINUED) 133



WILL (CONT'D) You ... you make me feel alive. No matter what you think about me, or my house, or my mom, or that I'm going to Vanderbilt. It doesn't change how I feel about you.

79. 133

RONNIE, despite her reservation, knows she feels the same way. She turns to him and he takes her in his arms. WILL (CONT'D) (his voice low) You know I love you, right. WILL kisses her gently. Their faces linger close. WILL kisses her again. She leans into him, loving him, too. WILL (CONTD) (whispers) You want to see my dad's boat? RONNIE (whispers) Okay. WILL leads RONNIE to the yacht and helps her up. But even before they go inside the cabin, WILL and RONNIE start kissing. And continue kissing ... needing each other. WILL pushes her against the cabin, she runs her finger through his hair. WILL reaches behind him to open the door when all of a sudden, a fireball goes flying his way. WILL reacts, pulling RONNIE away and stomps on the fireball after it bounces off the cabin and lands on the deck. He sees MARCUS, standing on the dock, lighting another fireball. WILL What the hell are you doing? MARCUS Why don't you ask Scott? doing Ronnie? How you

WILL jumps down and goes after MARCUS; in the brief scuffle, they dislodge a rope that's supporting the tent and part of the tent collapses onto the guests. In the distance, SUSAN is coming down the lawn, shouting for help as they see what's happening. MEN in tuxedos follow. MARCUS breaks free and runs into the darkness. notices the collapsing tent, as does RONNIE. WILL finally


RONNIE sits away from the party as she listens to the shouting in the room next door. SUSAN (O.S.) She ruined your sister's wedding! And what were you about to do down there with ... that girl? Did you know she was arrested? WILL (O.S.) She explained that! SUSAN (O.S.) Oh, she explained it! She's not good enough for you! You've got your whole future ahead of you! She's low class! Low! Class! Just then, TOM walks in. In the background, the arguing continues. TOM isn't happy, but he's kind. TOM Do you want me to bring you home? RONNIE I think you'd better. (Beat) Tell him I said goodbye. And that I'm sorry it didn't work out. CUT TO: 135 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - MORNING 135

RONNIE is in her pajamas when JONAH pokes his head in. JONAH You've got company. RONNIE Where's dad? JONAH He's still sleeping. And she's waiting. And she's hot. 136 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING 136

RONNIE walks into the living room. There, she sees MEGAN in the living room, in a sharp, tailored outfit. Stunning.



CONTINUED: RONNIE I'm sorry about ruining your wedding. MEGAN You definitely made it memorable. RONNIE Why are you here? MEGAN I want to know if you love him? RONNIE nods, barely able to look at her. MEGAN (CONT'D) Then don't worry about my wedding. Or my mom. She's been disappointed with me, too and she always gets over it. (Beat) You should talk to Will. RONNIE Where is he? MEGAN Watching the nest. Where else? He said it was his turn. Something about raccoons digging under the cage, whatever that means. (Beat) And just so you know? We postponed our honeymoon so we could watch my little brother play in the tournament today.

81. 136


EXT. BEACH/DUNE - NEAR THE TURTLE NEST - MORNING As RONNIE walks up to WILL at the nest, WILL stands. WILL Look, about last night... RONNIE I need you to do something for me.






An isolated sandy beach where BLAZE, in a bikini top, sits beneath a rickety beach shed, soaking a fireball with lighter fluid. She absently sets the can aside, unaware that the can tips over soaking her shirt, just as MARCUS walks up.



CONTINUED: MARCUS Come on. Big crowd today, And I need some money. BLAZE grabs her shirt and begins slipping it on.

82. 138




A banner reads: TENTH ANNUAL WILMINGTON/CUERVO GOLD BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT. AUGUST 10. TWO PARAMEDICS are leaning on the front bumper of their van, flirting with a couple of bikinied coeds on a sunny afternoon. Among the crowd, we see ASHLEY and CASSIE ... SUSAN and TOM, MEGAN and her NEW HUSBAND. RONNIE rises, cheering as ... WILL and SCOTT leave the court slapping hands. 140 MONTAGE - WILL AND SCOTT'S TREK TO THE FINALS 140

-- As WILL and SCOTT play the last point in their first match, where they have the lead ... the volley continues ... WILL makes a diving set and SCOTT drives it home ... On the scoreboard, BLAKELEE and THOMAS advance, as do LANDRY and TYSON ... -- In the next game, WILL and SCOTT serve for the win. The ball is returned. SCOTT sets and WILL spikes the victory shot. The match is called in favor of BLAKELEE/THOMAS. -- WILL and SCOTT walk off the court exhausted. RONNIE applauds as the scoreboard behind her reads: SEMIFINAL RESULTS - BLAKELEE/THOMAS 15 - SHORT/KELMER 5. -- The scoreboard flashes: TYSON/LANDRY. END MONTAGE. 141 EXT. PIER - AFTERNOON 141 FINAL MATCH BLAKELEE/THOMAS ...

As MARCUS drops a hat and lights a fireball. 142 EXT. BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURT - AFTERNOON 142

The scoreboard shows that each team has won one set. The score is 12-9 in favor of BLAKELEE/THOMAS. WILL dives for the serve ... SCOTT digs ... and WILL taps it over the net, just past the outstretched hands of a diving LANDRY.




83. 142

RONNIE cheers. As she looks around, she sees MARCUS, TEDDY and LANCE doing their show. SCOTT We own these guys! Keep it going! WILL serves ... ball moving fast ... an ace! Match-point. RONNIE glances back at the pier ... 143 EXT. PIER - AFTERNOON 143

... and sees MARCUS juggling three fire balls. MARCUS tosses one to BLAZE and she catches it. ... and tosses it back ... Another fireball comes at BLAZE ... and this one hits her shirt, suddenly igniting it ... MARCUS stares, horrified. backs away before taking off with TEDDY and LANCE. 144 EXT. BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURT - AFTERNOON He 144

RONNIE screams before pushing her way out of the stands ... WILL turns, and then rushes for the pier as well ... 145 EXT. PIER - AFTERNOON 145

... as WILL tears off his shirt and wraps it around BLAZE. RONNIE arrives from the stands as BLAZE cries out in pain. WILL I've got to get her to the hospital. WILL scoops BLAZE into his arms and starts carrying her toward his truck. As he does, RONNIE follows. Glancing at the court, she sees SCOTT watching them. She doesn't see ... the paramedics tearing open the back door and going for the stretcher ... 146 INT. HOSPITAL - EVENING 146

WILL and RONNIE are in the waiting room when MARGARET CONWAY, BLAZE'S mother, leaves the intensive care unit. MARGARET Thanks for doing what you did. RONNIE Is she going to be okay?



CONTINUED: MARGARET We don't know yet. CUT TO:

84. 146





WILL'S truck speeds along quiet roads, toward the beach. 148 INT. WILL'S TRUCK - EVENING 148

WILL looks angry, RONNIE concerned. RONNIE Please don't do this. 149 EXT. BOWER'S POINT - EVENING 149

The truck slides to a halt and the driver's side door opens. WILL comes out from around the truck, pissed ... and sees a small bonfire near an old beach shed. 150 EXT. BOWER'S POINT - EVENING 150

MARCUS, TEDDY and LANCE are drinking beer as ... WILL smashes into MARCUS like a football player. WILL slams a fist into MARCUS'S face as TEDDY dives in. WILL rolls, ending up on top of TEDDY. WILL head-butts TEDDY, breaking his nose, blood flowing. TEDDY screams. WILL rises quickly as LANCE rushes him going low, WILL brings his knee up. LANCE'S head snaps back. MARCUS gets up as WILL moves in. MARCUS grabs a piece of burning wood and swings it. WILL knocks it aside and charges, again landing on top, his eyes wild. WILL hits MARCUS ... then hits him again ... and again ... When WILL reels back again, his arm is grabbed. Stop! RONNIE He's not worth it!

After a long moment, WILL gets to his feet and walks ... 151 INT. BLAKELEE BRAKES - MORNING SCOTT refuses to turn around. 151

... toward SCOTT.

SCOTT You didn't have to quit the match. The paramedics were there.



CONTINUED: WILL I wasn't thinking. sorry. Look, I'm

85. 151

SCOTT Yeah. Well so am I. and I needed this.

You owed me

WILL I don't owe you. I've been covering for you since the fire and I'm tired of Marcus playing us. You need to do the right thing. You need to tell the truth. WILL starts walking away. SCOTT (shouting) You want me to ruin my life? You want me to go to jail! For an accident? 152 EXT. BEACH/DUNE - NEAR THE TURTLE NEST - EARLY EVENING 152

WILL and RONNIE sit together, WILL looking depressed. RONNIE reaches for his hand. 153 INT. RESTAURANT - DAY 153

While WILL talks to the hostess, RONNIE sees SUSAN at a table with a group of women. SUSAN stares angrily at her. Thankfully, the hostess leads them in another direction. 154 EXT. BEACH SHOPS - EVENING 154

WILL and RONNIE walk hand in hand. Up ahead are SCOTT, CASSIE and ASHLEY and as WILL and RONNIE pass, SCOTT turns his back, ignoring his former friend. 155 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DUSK 155

JONAH carries a birthday cake toward the table, STEVE, JONAH and WILL sing the last two stanzas ... STEVE/JONAH/WILL (singing) - Happy birthday dear Ronnie! - Happy birthday to you! JONAH sets the cake on the table. RONNIE leans over and blows them out. STEVE coughs as he waves at the smoke.



CONTINUED: WILL What do you want for your birthday? (Beat) Come on, I'm leaving Friday. RONNIE glances at WILL and slowly begins to smile.

86. 155




A crowd has gathered around the turtle nest, including half a dozen people wearing Wilmington Aquarium shirts and WILL, RONNIE, STEVE and JONAH, all of them anxious. The exterior lights on the house are off, but the moonlight shows a smooth pathway leading to the water. One of the volunteers holds a flashlight near the water's edge. JONAH Why is he holding the light over there? WILL So the turtles go toward the water. (Beat) Look! The first of the turtles begin to scamper out ... followed by another and another ... everyone is excited. WILL puts his arm around RONNIE and they watch as ... ... three becomes five and six ... then twelve. Even more turtles crawl toward the moonlit ocean ... the moon hovering just over the horizon. 157 EXT. BEACH/DUNE - NEAR THE TURTLE NEST - EVENING - LATER 157

... the moon is now higher and the crowd is gone. Only WILL, RONNIE, JONAH and STEVE remain. JONAH That. Was. So. Cool. RONNIE smiles as STEVE begins to cough ... and cough ... for a moment, it sounds as if he's choking. When he finally stops, STEVE catches his breath. I'm okay. STEVE




87. 157

But WILL, JONAH and RONNIE are horrified. STEVE'S face is covered in blood. BACK TO: 158 INT. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Both RONNIE and KIM are silent for a long moment. their black dresses on by now ... RONNIE You should have told me. KIM Your dad wanted a normal summer with you. RONNIE But if I'd known, I could have done something. KIM No, sweetie. There wasn't anything you could do. DISSOLVE TO: 159 INT. STEVE'S HOSPITAL ROOM - EVENING 159 158 Both have

RONNIE sits on the hospital bed, looking at her father. STEVE is pale and hooked up to an I.V. RONNIE This can't be happening. make mistakes. Doctors

STEVE Not this time. And they've done everything they could. It's just an aggressive form and the treatments didn't work. RONNIE (Angry disbelief) So you brought me here to watch you die? STEVE No. I asked you to come so I could see you live. Tears begin to fall down her cheeks. STEVE takes her hand.



CONTINUED: STEVE (CONTD) I'm so sorry, sweetie. RONNIE breaks down and leans into her father, crying.

88. 159





WILL sits with JONAH at the table, cookies and milk in front of them. JONAH munches on a cookie, oblivious. JONAH What's wrong with Dad? WILL I think you need to talk to Ronnie. JONAH Why can't you tell me? WILL glances up to see a stricken RONNIE entering the cafeteria. JONAH turns and sees her as well. JONAH (CONTD) Can I go see him yet? RONNIE He wants to talk to you alone. I'll walk you there and wait outside the door, okay? Cool. JONAH But

JONAH gets up, but WILL knows enough to leave them alone. WILL watches as RONNIE puts an arm around him. 161 INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - EVENING 161

JONAH goes into the room and sees his dad on the bed. As the door closes, RONNIE turns and sees PASTOR HARRIS in the hallway, tears on his cheeks. PASTOR HARRIS I'm so sorry. I love your father like my own son. RONNIE breaks down and he holds her as she cries. CUT TO:

89. 162 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - EVENING - LATER 162 Waves 163

Heavy clouds drift over the house, looking ominous. roll steadily over the beach. 163 EXT. BEACH/DUNE - NEAR THE TURTLE NEST - EVENING

RONNIE stands at the turtle nest, absently staring at the broken eggs and tiny trails left by the baby turtles, when she hears the front door close. Though WILL approaches, she doesn't turn. WILL Jonah's finally asleep. But I don't think he understands. He kept asking when Dad is coming home. RONNIE nods, saying nothing. WILL (CONT'D) Are you okay? RONNIE How do you think I'm doing? I just found out my Dad is dying and that he probably won't live to see Thanksgiving. WILL Look, I'll stay tonight ... I'll stay as long as you need me to. I can call an advisor or the dean and explain what's happening ... RONNIE spins toward him, her voice rising, getting angry. RONNIE You can't fix this! that? Don't you get

WILL I'm not trying to fix it. RONNIE Yes, you are! But you can't! And you can't understand what I'm going through either! RONNIE feels the tears starting to form.



CONTINUED: RONNIE (CONTD) I was so mean to him! I quit the piano and I wouldn't talk to him for three years! And now I can't get those years back. But maybe if I'd hadn't been so angry ... WILL It's not your fault.

90. 163

WILL reaches out to her and she pushes him back. WILL holds her and RONNIE begins to pound on his chest, taking out her frustration. WILL simply takes it. Let me go! alone! RONNIE I can handle this

The blows continue until finally, RONNIE'S energies drain away. She collapses into him. RONNIE (CONTD) I don't want you to leave. 164 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING 164 Looking

WILL wakes after spending the night on the couch. around, he hears the back porch door slam shut. WILL gets up and heads to the kitchen. 165 EXT.

He sees ... 165


RONNIE standing on the back porch, looking at the water. The door squeaks open. Up close, WILL sees her eyes are red, but she's quiet, as if depression has settled in. RONNIE I spoke to the doctor and he said my dad's in a lot of pain, so they want to keep him in for a couple more days. Pastor Harris is with him now. I'm sorry. any sleep? WILL Were you able to get

RONNIE Not really. I finally crawled in bed with Jonah, but my brain just wouldn't shut off. (MORE) (CONTINUED)



RONNIE (CONT'D) And not just because of my dad. Because of you, too. (Beat) I know you're leaving tomorrow ... WILL I already told you that I can postpone it. RONNIE I don't want you to. You're about to start college, and I can't take that away from you.

91. 165

In the silence, WILL stares at her. the macrame bracelet. WILL I want you to have this.

Finally, he takes off

RONNIE is touched, but all of a sudden, there is the sound of breaking glass coming from the workshop. 166 EXT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - MORNING 166

The workshop door flings open. RONNIE and WILL see JONAH forcefully dragging a broken chair outside. JONAH lifts it up and throws it, looking angry. lands in the sand. 167 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - BACK PORCH - MORNING Jonah! RONNIE The chair 167

RONNIE and WILL run toward the workshop. 168 INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - MORNING 168

RONNIE enters, WILL a step behind her and they see JONAH tugging at a heavy crate on the floor. RONNIE What are you doing? JONAH I can't reach it! enough! RONNIE Can't reach what? What's wrong?

I'm not tall




92. 168

For the first time, RONNIE notices the blood on JONAH'S leg and the torn jeans. RONNIE (CONTD) You're bleeding! JONAH ignores her, still trying to pull the crate. It jerks, causing one of the mammal-fish to fall off the wall. It crashes to the floor. WILL rushes across the room to help. at him when he gets close. JONAH rises and pushes

JONAH I can do it! I don't need you! JONAH starts to cry, angry and frustrated. Terrified at the thought of losing his dad, the dad he'd never stopped loving. JONAH (CONT'D) Dad told me to finish the window! Me! That's what we were doing all summer! You weren't here! All you cared about were the turtles! But I was with him every day! JONAH speaks through tears, his voice breaking. JONAH (CONT'D) And now I can't reach the middle part of the window. I can't finish it! So I tried the chair, but it broke and I fell and I got mad and then the crate's too heavy ... JONAH finally breaks down completely and RONNIE goes to him. She takes him in her arms. RONNIE Let's get you inside. I want to check the cut on your leg, okay? JONAH What about the window? If I finish it, maybe Dad will get better. RONNIE Can I help? JONAH You don't know how.



CONTINUED: (2) WILL Will you show us?

93. 168


INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - MORNING JONAH, standing on the crate, shows RONNIE how to cut the glass by running the glass cutter over it, then gently tapping it. JONAH places it in the correct spot.





JONAH shows WILL how to properly bend the solder that holds the glass pieces in place. 171 INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - AFTERNOON JONAH shows WILL how to pull the glass from the kiln. 172 INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - AFTERNOON - LATER JONAH solders another piece together as another piece of glass is presented. 173 INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - EVENING 173 172 171

WILL comes in with fast food as the sun goes down, the window getting closer to completion. 174 EXT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - EVENING - LATER 174

The stars are out in full as WILL holding a sleeping JONAH in his arms, pushes open the door. Inside, we can see RONNIE soldering at the table. 175 INT. STEVE'S WORKSHOP - MORNING 175

The morning sun shines through the window as RONNIE and WILL stare at the completed project on the table when PASTOR HARRIS walks in, looking worn out. PASTOR HARRIS It's beautiful. RONNIE Will you be able to use it? PASTOR HARRIS Lord willing. If we can find a way to finish the repairs. WILL sees the burns on the Pastor's arms and hands, knowing what he has to do. He turns to RONNIE.



CONTINUED: WILL There's something I need to tell you.

94. 175


EXT. BEACH BEHIND THE HOUSE - MORNING RONNIE stares at WILL. RONNIE Scott started the fire? been protecting him? And you've


WILL I told you it was an accident. RONNIE It doesn't matter! He needs to take responsibility for what he did. WILL I told him to go the police. RONNIE But what if he doesn't? Are you going to keep covering for him? WILL Yes, he's my friend ... RONNIE The pastor almost died! And the church ... I thought you were better than that. WILL Ronnie, I can't. Then go. RONNIE Just go.

WILL What? ... No, Ronnie. RONNIE GO! You're leaving anyway and we'll never see each other again! LEAVE! I can't handle all this right now! And I can't be with someone I don't trust! (Beat) You just need to go. LEAVE!




95. 176

WILL turns and heads off. As he looks over his shoulder, he sees RONNIE crying, her back to him. He stares at her, hating what's happened, hating himself. 177 INT. BLAKELEE MANSION - DEN - AFTERNOON WILL sits in the den, suitcases packed when TOM walks in. TOM takes a seat beside him, knowing how upset WILL is. You okay? TOM 177

WILL If I asked you to do something important for me, something for a good cause, something big, would you do it? No questions asked? TOM simply looks at him, debating. 178 INT. STEVE'S HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY 178

RONNIE, now wearing the bracelet, sits beside STEVE, who lays in the hospital bed. JONAH is at the door. Despite his weakness, STEVE smiles. STEVE You really finished the window? JONAH It's awesome, dad. You'll see when you get home. What kind of soda do you want? STEVE Anything's fine. JONAH leaves the room. Once he's gone ...

STEVE (CONTD) Officer Johnson called. They agreed to postpone the trial. RONNIE I can't think about that right now. STEVE nods. He should have known.

STEVE How's Jonah holding up?



CONTINUED: RONNIE Like me. Lost. Confused. Scared. Barely holding it together. STEVE I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to stay out of the hospital. So you didn't have to see me like this. RONNIE Never say you're sorry about that. STEVE You ready to tell me what happened with Will? RONNIE shakes her head. No. RONNIE But I want to know something. STEVE

96. 178


RONNIE When you said playing the piano made you feel better, did you mean that it helped to keep the pain away? (Beat) The truth, Daddy. Yes. STEVE

RONNIE's eyes fill with tears as she realizes what she'd put him through. STEVE (CONT'D) Oh, Ronnie. Please don't cry. It's okay. I'm not mad. Most of the time, it wasn't that bad. And I had the kind of summer that I'd dreamed about when I asked your mom to let you stay with me. RONNIE Oh, Daddy ... I'm so sorry. RONNIE leans onto STEVE and he runs his hand through her hair.



CONTINUED: (2) STEVE Shh ... It's okay. Really. I got to watch you save the turtles, I had the chance to see you fall in love, even if it didn't last forever. And best of all, I got to know you as a young woman, not a little girl. I can't tell you how much joy those things gave me. JONAH suddenly walks back into the room. JONAH Look who I found! KIM follows immediately behind him. quickly wipes her face. KIM Hi, sweetie. Hey Steve. Hi, Kim. STEVE RONNIE sits up and

97. 178

KIM I think we all need to talk. 179 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY 179

KIM is cleaning up the kitchen when RONNIE walks in. KIM Are you packed yet? RONNIE I'm not going back to New York. KIM We discussed this. RONNIE No, you discussed this. But I'm staying. And I'm eighteen now. And you can't force me to go. KIM This ... isn't your responsibility. RONNIE Then who's is it? He told me what happened and I know you were angry with him. But I don't understand why you couldn't forgive him.



CONTINUED: KIM What exactly did he tell you?

98. 179

RONNIE stares at her mother, finally beginning to understand. RONNIE It wasn't him, was it? (Beat, getting angry.) And you let me believe that he just walked out on us for no reason? How could you do that? KIM can't say answer. RONNIE (CONTD) You know what? I don't care any more. But I'm not leaving Dad. There's no one else who can take care of him. KIM You don't know what you're doing. RONNIE Stop talking to me like that! I know exactly what I'm doing. It's my choice, and I'm staying here. At that moment, JONAH walks back in. JONAH Who's staying? If she's staying, I want to stay, too. KIM I know you do, sweetie. But you can't. We've got to go back. School is getting ready to start. JONAH That's not fair! I don't care about school! 180 INT. STEVE'S HOSPITAL ROOM - AFTERNOON 180

JONAH is holding STEVE as JONAH cries on STEVE'S chest. STEVE has tears in his eyes, both of them knowing it's the last time they'll ever see each other. JONAH (crying) But I want to stay with you, Daddy. I'll be good. I promise.



CONTINUED: STEVE I know you'd be good. mom's right. But your

99. 180

JONAH (crying) It's not fair. It's just not fair. STEVE Hey ... I want you to listen to me. Can you do that? JONAH finally looks at his father as STEVE holds him. STEVE (CONTD) I want you to know that you're the best son a dad could hope to have and I'm so proud of you. You're going to grow up and do wonderful things. And I love you so much. JONAH (crying inconsolably) I love you, too, daddy. And I'm going to miss you. STEVE I'll miss you, too. But I'm to watch over you, okay? I promise. And every time the shines through the window we or any window at all, you'll I'm there, okay? going light built know

In the doorway, RONNIE and KIM fight back tears as they watch JONAH and his father talk for the last time. 181 INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - AFTERNOON 181

RONNIE turns toward her mom. RONNIE I need you to do something for me as soon as you get back home. 182 EXT. STEVE'S HOUSE - MORNING 182

As the Fed-Ex man arrives with a box. As soon as she gets it, RONNIE starts to tear open the package. She pulls out a bundle of letters, held together with a rubber band.



CONTINUED: The letters are addressed to her, from her father.

100. 182

As she walks toward the house, she pulls the first of the envelopes out and ... 183 INT. STEVE'S HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY 183

RONNIE helps STEVE into a wheelchair. STEVE (V.O.) I don't even know how to start a letter like this, other than to say I love you ... CUT TO: 184 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - MORNING 184

RONNIE puts scrambled eggs on the breakfast tray and brings it to her father in the living room. STEVE (V.O.) You have every right to be angry at what's happened with your mom and me, and since you won't take my calls, I decided to try this instead ... CUT TO: 185 EXT. BEACH - AFTERNOON 185

RONNIE helps her father walk on the beach, both of them moving slowly, both now wearing sweaters. STEVE (V.O.) Simply because you and Jonah have always meant so much to me ... CUT TO: 186 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING 186

RONNIE carries STEVE'S breakfast on a tray and brings it to the living room. STEVE, draped in a blanket, looks up from his spot on the couch. STEVE (V.O.) Please understand that none of what happened had anything to do with you. Or with Jonah. CUT TO:


STEVE is sleeping, and after pulling up the covers, RONNIE puts the Bible on the night-stand. RONNIE sees sheet music and pulls out the pages, recognizing it as the music she'd heard STEVE playing in the church. RONNIE studies the music as she wanders down the hall. STEVE (V.O.) Sometimes, for reasons that aren't always clear, marriages just don't work out ... RONNIE puts the pages on the coffee table and finds a pencil. She begins to finish the song. CUT TO: 188 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - EARLY EVENING 188

STEVE and RONNIE stand at the door as Trick-or-Treaters hold out their bags. RONNIE drops the candy in. STEVE is now using a cane and looks gaunt. STEVE (V.O.) It's not much, I know, and certainly not enough to make you understand ... 189 EXT. CHURCH - AFTERNOON 189

STEVE and RONNIE stand on the beach beside PASTOR HARRIS as they watch the dozens of workers completing the church, everyone working hard. They see the stained glass window being framed into place. PASTOR HARRIS and STEVE look on with amazement. In the background, TOM BLAKELEE stands on the street. sees him, wondering ... STEVE (V.O.) But I want you to know that I still believe in miracles. I believe in the magic of love, and I want you to believe in it, too. You deserve that ... CUT TO: RONNIE


RONNIE works on the STEVE'S song, adding to it. STEVE (V.O.) And I hope that in your heart, you'll find some way to forgive me for leaving. It doesn't have to be now. But when you're ready, I'll be waiting with open arms on what will be the happiest day of my life. RONNIE leans back, smiling at what she's added when she hears her father come out. She hides the music. Looking up, RONNIE pales. RONNIE What's wrong? STEVE I need to go back to the hospital. CUT TO: 191 INT. STEVE'S HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY RONNIE sits beside a sleeping STEVE, holding his hand. hasn't been crying, but she looks tired. 191 She STEVE can barely stand.

RONNIE brushes a loose strand of hair from STEVE'S face as MARGARET, BLAZE'S mother, knocks. MARGARET The door was open. Am I interrupting? RONNIE He's sleeping. How's Blaze? mean Galadriel? I

MARGARET If you have a minute, she'd like to talk to you. RONNIE checks on her father one last time and stands. crosses the room and ... 192 INT. BLAZE'S HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY She 192

... RONNIE enters BLAZE'S room. BLAZE looks up. Her stomach is still wrapped in gauze, as are her arms and hands.



CONTINUED: BLAZE How's your dad doing? RONNIE shrugs. Her expression is answer enough. BLAZE (CONTD)

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I'm sorry.

RONNIE Are you going to get out soon? BLAZE In a couple of days. I'm glad. Finally.

RONNIE Your mom seems nice.

BLAZE We're getting along better. Kind of sad that it happened like this, but that's not why I wanted to talk to you. (Beat) I met with the prosecutor and I told her what I did to you. All of it. There won't be a trial. RONNIE Thank you. But what's going to happen to you? BLAZE I'll be okay. I had some information they wanted. About the way the fire really started at the church. (Beat) Scott didn't do it. Marcus did. He saw the chance to start the fire and get away with it, so he did. He's crazy. I guess I always knew that, but ... Anyway I'm going to testify against him. CUT TO: 193 EXT. WILMINGTON STREETS - DAY 193

OFFICER JOHNSON leads a hand-cuffed MARCUS, TEDDY and LANCE toward the police cruiser as the PROSECUTOR looks on. CUT TO:


RONNIE is reading another one of the letters from her father as STEVE sleeps beside her. On STEVE'S lap is the Bible. When STEVE stirs, RONNIE puts the letter aside and smiles. RONNIE Hey. How are you? The doctor said I can bring you home tomorrow. Good. STEVE The food here is killing me.

RONNIE That's not funny. STEVE You're right. I'm sorry. And I am feeling better. You, on the other hand ... RONNIE Don't start with me. STEVE I was going to say you're beautiful. Do you know that? RONNIE I'm sorry about blaming you, Daddy. STEVE takes her hand and kisses it. STEVE Do you remember when you were little? You used to watch me playing for hours ...and then one day, I heard music and found you playing a song you'd written yourself. You were only four years old. You have such amazing talent. But you know what? No matter how bright your star became, I never cared about the music half as much as I cared about you as a daughter. I want you to know that. RONNIE I love you, too, Daddy. And I want to do something for you. CUT TO:


RONNIE wrestles with a nail on the plywood wall. It's hard for her to get the claw of the hammer beneath it and the claw keeps slipping. Behind her, the door suddenly opens and she sees SCOTT, looking apologetic. For a moment, they simply stare at each other. SCOTT I'm sorry about your dad. And what happened with Will. And the way I treated you all summer. RONNIE I'm sorry, too. Did you ever get your scholarship? SCOTT Yeah. But that's not why I'm here. I wanted to come by to see if there was anything I could do to help. RONNIE I'm having some trouble with this. SCOTT crosses the room and takes the hammer from her. He gets the claw beneath the nail, and it comes out with a squeak. SCOTT moves to the next nail and ... 196 INT. STEVE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON SCOTT stands across the room, leaning against the wall. STEVE is on the couch, watching as RONNIE sits behind the piano, playing the song STEVE wrote with soft passion. For the first time, WE HEAR a good portion of STEVE'S SONG, and it's both beautiful and complicated. The music slows, becoming rich and full, then speeds up again into something almost beyond comprehension. SCOTT listens, utterly amazed, frozen in place. STEVE, however, closes his eyes as well and seems to feel the music as a single tear drifts down his cheek. The music continues, gradually becoming softer until ... BACK TO: 196 Finally ...

106. 197 INT. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - BEDROOM - LATE MORNING ... the music finally fades away completely. For a long moment, there is silence in the room. Both are fully dressed in black, ready for the funeral, both are trying and failing to fight back the tears. RONNIE I played for him every day. It made him so happy, and I tried so hard to make it as beautiful as I could. I did the very best I could. I promise. KIM I know you did. beautiful. And I know it was 197

RONNIE I miss him. I miss him so much. KIM I know, sweetie. We all do. And he would have been so proud of you. RONNIE You mean about deciding to go to Julliard? KIM No, sweetie. I mean about you becoming the young woman we both knew you would be. That's all we've ever wanted. (Beat) Did you get everything packed? We have to go straight to the airport after the funeral. RONNIE nods. She stays quiet for a moment.

RONNIE I haven't from Will, Mom. I just wanted to have the chance to say I was sorry. I don't know what to do. KIM If your dad taught you one thing, it was that sometimes, you just have to have faith. CUT TO:

107. 198 EXT. CHURCH - AFTERNOON People in black are leaving the church after the funeral. PASTOR HARRIS is shaking hands as people pass. 199 INT. CHURCH - AFTERNOON 199 198

RONNIE, dressed in black, is trailed by JONAH and KIM in the mostly empty church. Straight ahead, at the back of the church, is the magnificent stained glass window, glowing in the cloudy light. On either side of the altar, funeral workers are quietly removing the flower arrangements. On the altar, though, is the piano where RONNIE had watched STEVE play; it too, is surrounded by flowers. JONAH and KIM hesitate as RONNIE approaches the altar, her eyes never leaving the window. Finally, RONNIE steps up and wanders to the piano. her hand on top of it, remembering. She runs

Suddenly, the clouds outside seem to have parted, because the sunlight begins to slant through the window, casting its spectacular, almost heavenly, light on the piano. RONNIE smiles. RONNIE (whispers) Hi, Daddy. Behind her, the doors of the church opens. and CASSIE also dressed in black, enter. RONNIE turns around and sees them. TOM enter as well. SCOTT, ASHLEY,

A moment later, SUSAN and

SUSAN and TOM walk forward. They pause to express their condolences to KIM and JONAH. A moment later, SUSAN heads toward the altar. Her voice is soft and genuine. SUSAN I'm so sorry for your loss. RONNIE I want to thank you for what you did for the church. It's what my dad wanted more than anything.



CONTINUED: SUSAN Scott told me you could play the piano. That you were wonderful, and that your dad taught you. (Beat) Would you play something to honor him?

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RONNIE goes to the piano and takes a seat. She closes her eyes ... and begins to play AND SING, STEVE'S SONG, the music in perfect harmony. The song, we realize, is finally complete and RONNIE plays. It continues as the light streams down around her ... 200 EXT. CHURCH - AFTERNOON 200

... and still continues, more softly, as RONNIE leaves the church, walking beside KIM. Up ahead, JONAH stands beside BRIAN at the car, fully loaded with suitcases. RONNIE sees WILL standing off to the side, dressed in a black suit. She can't read his expression, nor does he move toward her. She approaches. RONNIE I thought you wouldn't go to funerals. WILL I wouldn't have missed it. sorry about your dad. And I'm

RONNIE I'm sorry, too. About the things I said to you. I didn't mean them. What happened this summer ... WILL The summer meant a lot to me, too. RONNIE But it's over? WILL Summers always come to an end. I guess you're heading back to New York, huh? RONNIE Yeah. I'm going to start at Julliard in January.



CONTINUED: WILL Good for you. Look, I know you've got to go, but there's something I want to tell you ... RONNIE I already know what your parents did. WILL It's not that. It's something else. But now isn't the time. How about I give you a call? After you get settled in.

109. 200

RONNIE stares at him, her heart breaking inside, knowing it's really over, knowing he won't call. Sure. RONNIE Why not? CUT TO: 201 INT. AIRPLANE - AFTERNOON As RONNIE stares out the window. knee, but RONNIE barely notices. KIM puts a hand on her CUT TO: 202 INT. NYC APARTMENT - BEDROOM - EVENING 202 201

RONNIE goes to her small bedroom. From her bag, she removes the macrame bracelet, remembering. She debates whether or not to put it on before setting it aside. 203 INT. NYC APARTMENT - AFTERNOON 203

Ronnie plays the piano in the living room as KIM looks on. CUT TO: 204 EXT. NEW YORK CITY - AFTERNOON 204

RONNIE walks with JONAH down the streets. They pass a travel agency, and RONNIE sees a poster showing Wrightsville Beach. RONNIE pauses to look at it, fingering the spot on her wrist, as if remembering, and wanting to wear, the bracelet. CUT TO:


As students enter the building, WE DISTANTLY HEAR the music from the funeral . . . The music begins to rise in volume ... 206 INT. JULLIARD CLASSROOM - AFTERNOON 206

... and WE SEE hands on the piano (like the opening credit scene), but the hands are those of a high school girl. RONNIE plays the music from the OPENING CREDITS, her cell phone on the piano. She wears the macrame bracelet. As she plays, he's startled by the ringing of her cell phone. Grabbing it, she checks the caller ID. It says WILL BLAKELEE. She hesitates before answering it, wondering whether she should, wondering what to say if she does. Rising from the piano bench, she moves toward the window as it rings a third time and sees a pigeon sitting on the window sill. She looks at it as she finally answers. Hello? RONNIE

WILL (O.C.) I hate the way it ended between us. RONNIE Summer's come to an end, right? Isn't that what you said? WILL (O.C.) I guess I did. How's New York? RONNIE It's okay. It's not the same as the beach, but it's home. WILL (O.C.) How's Jonah doing? RONNIE What do you want, Will? WILL (O.C.) Do you remember when I said I had to tell you something?



CONTINUED: RONNIE Yeah, I remember. WILL (O.C.) Is that a pigeon on the window sill? RONNIE What are you talking about? WILL (O.C.) A pigeon. Outside the window. Look, maybe this will be easier if you just turn around. I should do this in person, anyway.

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RONNIE gradually comprehends what he's saying and she slowly turns around, where she sees WILL standing in the doorway. He snaps his phone shut as she stares, shocked. RONNIE What are you doing here? WILL My sister lives here, remember? Actually, I'm staying with her for a while. But why? RONNIE

WILL Do you remember when I said that Vanderbilt wasn't my first choice? That I wanted to go to that school with the incredible environmental science program. RONNIE I remember. WILL Well, the school doesn't normally make exceptions and it wasn't the right time to talk about it at the funeral ... (Beat) I've transferred to Columbia. My mom knew some people and pulled some strings. Don't ask me how. It takes a moment for the news to settle. When it finally does, RONNIE slowly begins to smile. As does WILL.



CONTINUED: (2) RONNIE You're going to go to school here? In New York? WILL starts walking toward her. WILL The new term starts in January. I came a little early to get settled in. I hope you're okay with that. Considering I couldn't stop thinking about you. RONNIE offers a teasing, playful look. RONNIE I guess I'm okay with that. But you do know they don't have a lot of fishing or mudding around here. I figured. WILL

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RONNIE And not a lot of beach volleyball either. Especially in January. WILL I guess I'll just have to make sacrifices. RONNIE Maybe if you're lucky, you'll find other ways to occupy your time. WILL reaches her and slowly wraps his arms around her. WILL I never stopped loving you, even if summers do end. And I never will. RONNIE I love you, too. They begin to kiss, their passion evident, the kind of love that will no doubt last forever. As we pull back, strangely, it's as if the light through the window is shining on them. FADE OUT.

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