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Due: Feb 15

Church Name: _ ____________ Date Submitted: _____

Please report this quarter’s number of: YES NO
Conversions _ _ Baptisms _ _
Is the church current with pastoral salary and benefits?
Members received:
Covenant _ _ Community _ _ Is the church current with mortgage and note payments?
Members removed: Is the church current with all financial obligations listed in the church‘s name?
Death _ _ Letter _ _
Is the church current with budget payments?
Discontinued _ _
Attendance: If the church is behind or in the red on any of the items above, please explain.
Sunday School _ _
Morning Worship _ _
Evening Worship _ _
Midweek Service _ _
Next revival date _ ______
Evangelist: _ ___ „ What is the estimated time that you are devoting to prayer each week? _ _

„ Are you regularly involved in a relationship/ministry (such as LDJ) that provides

PASTOR:_ ____
personal accountability? _ _
New Prospects contacted:
„ What resources/practices are you using to provide for your own personal growth?
Visits: _ _
Phone: _ _
„ How can we pray for you - what is your greatest challenge?
Letter: _ _
Email: _ _
Are you a storehouse tither? Yes No

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