1 - IfP - Student Notes

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Saul Jones IFP Culture Theory and Society: Lecture 1 Who are the British?

Definitions/parts of the UK The British Isles Great Britain The UK

Sports The UK

Population/density Membership in supra-national organisations Religions Political system/parliament Symbols Ireland Capital Population Language Organisation Religion Currency Links to other countries Symbols Surnames Stereotypes Northern Ireland Other name Capital Stormont Population Most obvious feature:

Wales Organisation/capital Population Languages Religion North/south Symbols leek, daffodil, dragon, Welsh rarebit Surnames Stereotypes Scotland Kingdom Capital/parliament Population Languages Religion Symbols thistle, haggis, tartan, bagpipes, kilts, whisky England Population Religion Languages Parliament Images of England rose, lion, food, Sunday roasts, others, John Bull 'Long shadows on county cricket grounds, warm beer, invincible green suburbs, dog lovers and old maids bicycling through the morning mist

Images/values of Britain Bowler hat stiff upper lip Modern images of Britain How do we see ourselves? 3 most important values

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