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Name ______________________________________ Due Date


Book Title:
Each item must be in complete sentences to receive credit with a minimum of 3 paragraphs on written pages. Drawings must include at least 7 labeled details, and be in color in order receive credit for the assignment. You must complete the required assignments as well as 8 additional chapters from the book to complete this project. Chapter Number Pick one character to write a letter to. Include 5 questions that will help you understand the way he or she acted in the story. Write a letter to the author asking at least 3 questions about the book Add a new adventure to the story involving the same characters that would make the story more exciting. I noticed I was confused I was wondering I disagree The best part of this chapter was I dont understand why I thought it was funny when Pick an event in the story and tell how you would have felt if you had been involved in that event. Draw and color a picture of your favorite part and write a caption Describe conflicts that appear in this chapter, categorize the conflict. (ex. Person vs. Self or Person vs. Nature) Write a poem Draw and color the setting, include a caption This reminded me of my own life because Describe how the main character has changed from the beginning to the end of the story. What does the author do to make you want to continue reading? I was surprised when Select the main events in the story and list them in the order that they happened. Total

Choose 1 For Each Chapter

Points Possible 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Points Received


Remember, effort & neatness counts!

Final Grade:


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