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Prepared By: Costa, Bright ID=09-14293-2


Official Name: Kingdom of Thailand located at the centre of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia. Capital City: Bangkok Population: 66,720,153 Official Language: Thai Religion: Buddhism 94.6% Islam 4.6% Christianity 0.7% Others 0.1%

Exports -Commodities

fishery products textiles and footwear rice rubber jewelry automobiles computers and electrical appliances

total value of exports: US$191.3 billion Primary exports - commodities: fishery products Primary exports partners: US (10.9 percent of total exports), China (10.6 percent), Japan (10.3 percent

Total exported fish of Thailand 2011-2012

Japan U.S.A 45.25% 16.21% 5.78% 3.16% 2.18% 2.10% 1.83% 1.32% 1.33% 1.68% 22.17%

Japan U.S.A Others Australia Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore Israel Vietnam Malaysia China U.S.A Japan China Malaysia Vietnam Israel Singapore Taiwan Hong Kong Australia Others
Australia Others Taiwan Hong Kong China Malaysia Vietnam Israel Singapore

Imports- Commodities

raw materials capital goods fuels intermediate goods consumer goods

Total value of imports: US$156.9 billion Primary imports partners: Japan (18.7 percent of total imports), China (12.7 percent), Malaysia (6.4 percent)

The US is Thailand's largest export partner and the third-largest supplier after Japan and China. Although traditionally Thailand's major markets have been North America, Japan and Europe GDP per capita$8,700 GDP growth7.8%

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