Adept Evaluation Form Elementary Education

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ADEPT Evaluation Form (Elementary Education) Mentor Teacher/University Supervisor

Candidate: Ms. Aubriaunna Bodrick Date: March 16, 2012 School: Bethune-Bowman Elementary Grade/Subject: 4th/5th Grade Science Please mark: Mentor Teacher Please mark: Mid-term Final Supervising Teacher: Ms. Tammy Jeffords

University Supervisor

Directions: This form is to be used as a formative and summative assessment of the candidates progress. It is completed at the midpoint and at the end of each placement. Rate the candidate on each dimension using the scale below. For an explanation of these ratings, please see the reverse side of this form. Scale: (1) Unacceptable (2) Moderately Acceptable (3) Acceptable (4) Highly Acceptable (5) Target Be sure to check each of the sub areas that you have observed PLANNING
___ Thorough long range planning ___ Effective unit plan ___ Effective daily lesson plans ___ Plans have well-defined purpose and objectives ___ Plans have well defined procedures ___ Plans accommodate for individual differences ___ Plans have well defined assessment procedures


___ Conveys thorough and accurate content knowledge ___ Gears instruction to the appropriate level ___ Demonstrates effective oral communication ___ Demonstrates effective written communication

___ Monitors student progress ___ Adjusts instruction as needed

___ Relates evaluation to instructional objectives ___ Utilizes formal and informal assessment learning ___ Provides appropriate feedback ___ Maintains accurate student records ___ Engages in reflection to improve performance ___ Accepts constructive criticism

___Establishes an environment that facilitates learning ___ Establishes a safe learning environment

___ Enacts a coherent classroom management plan ___ Administers plan with mutual respect and fairness ___ Establishes clear expectations for student ___ Administers discipline consistently ___ Recognizes and encourages appropriate behavior ___ Maintains time on task ___ Avoids loss of instructional time ___ Utilizes smooth transitions between lessons parts ___ Exhibits a positive and caring attitude ___ Exhibits an inclusive attitude towards students ___ Refrains from the use of corporal punishment ___ Manages equipment and materials

___ Maintains high expectations of all students ___ Maintains high expectations of him/herself

___ Utilizes appropriate learning experiences/activities ___ Plans for an appropriate number of activities ___ Utilizes appropriate instructional technology ___ Differentiates instruction to meet individual needs ___ Integrates multicultural content into lessons ___ Involves students in their learning

___ Communicates the lessons purpose and value ___ Teaches to the lessons focus ___ Conveys clearly instructional objectives ___ Objectives address knowledge at and above rote level ___ Insures understanding of basic skills and content ___ Utilizes effective questioning techniques ___ Uses questions that address various levels of thinking ___ Utilizes adequate wait time ___ Phrases questions clearly ___ Uses supportive correction when needed


___ Behaves ethically ___ Is dependable and responsible ___ Is enthusiastic and industrious ___ Is adaptable/flexible ___ Demonstrates effective human relations skills ___ Works cooperatively with school personnel ___ Participates in school activities ___ Communicates effectively with parents ___ Participates in professional development activities outside the class

Revised: Fall 2004

II. Teaching area Specific Questions: (Elementary Education) Rate the candidates on each content standard using the following scale: Scale: (1) Unacceptable (2) Moderately Acceptable (3) Acceptable (4) Highly Acceptable (5) Target English language artsthe candidate demonstrates a high level of competence in use of English language arts and they know, understand, and use concepts from reading, language, and child development, to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills and to help students successfully apply their developing skills to many different situations, materials, and ideas. ScienceThe candidate knows, understands, and uses fundamental concepts in the subject matter of scienceincluding physical, life, and earth and space sciences as well, as concepts in science and technology, science in personal and social perspectives, the history and nature of science, the unifying concepts of science, and the inquiry processes scientists use in discovery of new knowledge to build a base for scientific and technological literacy. MathematicsThe candidate knows, understands, and uses the major concepts, procedures, and reasoning processes of mathematics that define number systems and number sense, geometry, measurement, statistics and probability, and algebra in order to foster student understanding and use of patterns, quantities, and spatial Social StudiesThe candidate knows, understands, and uses the major concepts and modes of inquiry from the social studiesthe integrated study of history, geography, the social sciences, and other related areas to promote elementary students abilities to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse democratic society and interdependent world. The artsThe candidate knows, understands, and uses the content, functions, and achievements of dance, music, theater, and the several visual arts as primary media for communication, inquiry, and insight among elementary students. Health educationThe candidate knows, understands, and uses the major concepts in the subject matter of health education to create opportunities for student development and practice of skills that contribute to good health. Physical educationThe candidate knows, understands, and uses human movement and physical activity as central elements to foster active, healthy life styles and enhanced quality of life for elementary students. Connections across the curriculumThe candidate knows, understands, and uses the connections among concepts, procedures, and applications from content areas to motivate elementary students, build understanding, and encourage the application of knowledge, skills, and ideas to real world issues. COMMENTS: (Use an attached page if necessary.)

Candidates Signature _________________ Date _________ Evaluators Signature _______________________

Unacceptable (1) Candidate demonstrates a limited amount of the attributes of the standard. Performance indicates that few competencies have been demonstrated. Moderately Acceptable (2) Candidate demonstrates some of the attributes of the standard. Performance indicates that the competency has been demonstrated. Acceptable (3) Candidate demonstrates most of the attributes of the standard. Performance indicates that the competency has been demonstrated including examples, extension, or enrichment. Highly Acceptable (4) Candidate demonstrates most of the attributes of the standard. Performance indicates that the competency has been mastered including examples, extension, or enrichment. Target (5) Candidate demonstrates all of the attributes of the standard. Performance clearly indicates that the competency has been mastered, including examples, extension, and enrichment.

Revised: Fall 2004

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