Cccaug 2009

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Clinical Concerns Committee Meeting Date: August 17, 2009 Time: 1400 hrs Location: 4E2.

Attendees: Regrets: Mark Belletrutti, Eileen Harris, Shirley Perry, Marcel Romaniuk, , MaryAnne Venner Dawn Forbes

1. 1.1 Topic Resolution of clinical concerns when brought to committee: Eileen will be contact for outpatient concerns Dawn will be contact for Inpatient concerns Mark will be contact for Physicians and Hematology concerns As of September the committee will be up an running Send email to team as to how/who to where to send concerns. Once concern has been dealt with a memo will be sent to Paul and Monica with a copy to Coral. Once approved by the above then a hard copy will be printed and place in two binders, one that will be located on inpatient and one on the shelf in Cheryls office. These will be sorted by monthly. Outpatient radiology booking conflicts: GFR/CT/US contrast. Action: Shirley will contact Marsha Friedal, CNE for diagnostic imaging Is there a maximum m2 to use for chemotherapy? Marcel says some of the protocols have specific requirements. This matter seems to be a contentious issue at COG as there are no hard and fast lines with adults let alone children. Specifically with obese children. Action: Mark will look and possibly come up with a plan for our program. M2 calculations: how to round. Shirley will take care of this portion. Action: Mark and Shirley will create a joint memo regarding m2 procedure. Concern as to the run time for Vincristine? Possibly free-flow IV or over 10 minutes, but what ever order is written it should be all written the same. How to order and how to give it. Action: Dawn and Marcel will look into this. Pre-Prints: Marcel is hoping to get out of pre-prints with the health region and develop our own. It is a very time consuming process for approval. Marcel will speak with Paul and Monica with regards to this matter.

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Clinical Concerns Committee Meeting Date: August 17, 2009 Time: 1400 hrs Location: 4E2.24
Action: Marcel will meet with Paul and Moncia to decide what is the best course of action. PEG 3350 (laxative) Why arent we using it. Action: Shirley will look into and Mark will find an article Date of Next Meeting: September 21, 2009 @ 1400 hrs Adjournment

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