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This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

2 11:30 am to 1:00 pm - 1 POSTER SESSION (Light lunch provided) Please refer to the list of posters at the end of this program. 1:00 to 1:20 pm - BREAK 1:20 to 2:50 pm 1st ORAL CONCURRENT SESSION (BASIC & APPLIED SCIENCES)
Location: Dental Medicine Amphitheater (B-103), 1 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building Moderator: Valerie Wojna, MD Professor, School of Medicine

Scientific Program
First Day- Wednesday, March 28, 2012


7:30 to 8:30 am - REGISTRATION

Location: Hallway & Foyer adjacent to the 3 Floor Amphitheaters, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building Continental breakfast provided at registration site.


8:30 to 11:15 am - OPENING SESSION

rd Location: Amphitheater I, 3 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building Welcoming Remarks by University Academic Leaders Miguel A. Muoz, PhD - UPR President Jos A. Lasalde-Dominicci, PhD - UPR Vice-President for Research and Technology Rafael Rodrguez-Mercado, MD, FACS - MSC Chancellor

1:20 to 1:30 pm
Experiencias con la Inseguridad Alimentaria de un Grupo de Adultos de 65 aos o ms, Residentes de la Comunidad de Puerto Nuevo, PR: 2011. Rosimar Ortega Chinea, Mara M. Fernndez, Carmen M. Pieiro Cepeda, Lillian Herrera Prez. UPR Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Departamento de Desarrollo Humano. (R- 001)



1:35 to 1:45 pm
Chlamydia Trachomatis Knowledge among a Sample of Students of the South Central Rural Area of Puerto Rico. Patricia Ostolaza, Mara del Carmen Santos, Vctor Emanuel Reyes-Ortiz, Ivelisse Garca Melndez, UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-002)

William H. Foege, MD, MPH Emeritus Presidential Distinguished Professor of International Health, Emory University, and a Gates Fellow Moderators: Ilka C. Ros-Reyes, DMD, MS Dean for Academic Affairs Jos Carrin-Baralt, MPH, PhD Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Public Health

1:50 to 2:00 pm
Worries Associated with Pregnancy in a Group of Low Socio Economic Status WIC Participants. Zeleida M. Vzquez Rivera, Ren R. Dvila Torres, Ivelisse Garca Melndez, Vctor E. Reyes Ortiz, Mario H. Rodrguez Snchez. UPRMedical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-003)

11:15 to 11:30 am - POSTER SESSIONS OPENING

Location: School of Pharmacy & Student Deanship nd Building, 2 Floor

2:05 to 2:15 pm
Vulnerabilidad Social de las Comunidades al Cambio Climtico (Ascenso del Nivel del Mar, Inundaciones y Salinidad) en la Cuenca Hidrogrfica del Ro Piedras: San Juan, Puerto Rico. Jos

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

Seguinot, Rubn Hernndez, Omar Garca, UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health. (R- 004)
2 2 1

Fahrenbach , Elizabeth McNally . UPR-Ro Piedras, 2 University of Chicago. (R-008)

2: 20 to 2:30 pm
Suicide Experiences, Attitudes and Training of University Health Professionals. Jos A. Serra Taylor, Mara I. Jimnez Chafey. UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, Asuntos Acadmicos, Departamento de Consejera para el Desarrollo Estudiantil. (R-005) 2:35 to 2:45 pm Environmental and Genetic Factors Related to Particulate Matter Constituents from Puerto Rico. Mario G. Ortiz Martnez, Braulio D. Jimnez-Vlez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry. (R-006)

1:50 to 2:00 pm

Laboratory Predictors of Bleeding in Pediatric Patients with Dengue. Dennis A. Borrero, John Guerra, Pedro J. Santiago-Borrero. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. (R-009)

2:25 to 2:35 pm
Role of Neuregulins in the Regulation of EGFR Isoforms in Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Laurimer Kuilan-Torres, Marianela Prez-Torres. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (R-010)

2:40 to 2:50 pm
Combined Grape Polyphenols Regulate (mTOR) Signaling via Inhibition of Akt and AMPK Activation. Amlcar Rivera-Rivera, Linnette Castillo-Pichardo, Suranganie Dharmawardhane. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry. (R-011)


Location: Room B-428 (Room # 12), School of Public th Health, 4 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

Moderator: Dipak Banerjee, PhD Professor, School of Medicine

1:20 to 1:30 pm
Biophysical Characterization of Acyl Carrier Protein Domains from a Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid 1 Synthase. Uldaeliz Trujillo Rodriguez , Delise Oyola- 1 2 3 Robles , Irving E. Vega , Stefan T. Arold , Fernando 3 3 1 Alves De Melo , John E. Ladbury . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department 2 of Biochemistry UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, 3 Department of Biology, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (R-007)

2:55 to 3:15 pm - BREAK


Location: Amphitheater I, 3 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

The Role of Pharmacy in Team-Based Care and Interprofessional Education

Robert A. Kerr, Pharm. D. Vice President of Academic Affairs American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Moderator: Eliud Hernndez, PhD Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy

1:35 to 1:45 pm
Bioenergetic Defects in Hearts Lacking KATP 1 Channels. Bianshly Rivera Rivero , John P.

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

4 10:00 to 10:10 am

Second Day- Thursday 29, 2012

7:30 to 8:30 am - REGISTRATION

Location: Hallway & Foyer adjacent to the 3 Floor Amphitheaters, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building Continental breakfast provided at registration site.

Phase-2 and Pro-inflammatory Genes Induced by African Dust PM Constituents. Rosa I. Rodrguez, Braulio D. Jimnez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-013)

Location: Amphitheater I, 3 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building


10:15 to 10:25 am
Modulation of Defensive Responses by Intra- amygdalar Infusion of DHPG, are Partially Mediated by mGluR5 Subtype Activation in Female and Male Rats. Stephanie M. Gonzlez- 1 2 Garca , Mara I. De Jess- Burgos , Yanira Cruz- 3 1 Santana , Gabriela Zabala- Alemn , Beatriz 1 1 1 Gonzlez- Bouza , Lucila Portela- Daz . UPR-Ro 2 3 Piedras Campus, UPR-Medical Science Campus, UPR-Cayey Campus. (R-014)

The Relationship between Parity and Oral Health

Stefanie Luise Russell, DDS, MPH, PhD Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion New York University College of Dentistry

Moderators: Augusto Elas-Boneta, DMD, MSD Associate Dean for Research, School of Dental Medicine Yadira Regueira, PhD Director of the Doctoral Program, School of Nursing

10:30 to 10:40 am
Antimicrobial and Anticancer Properties of the Puerto Rican Plant Simarouba tulae. Elsa M. 1 2 3 Luciano , Idializ Domnguez , Marianela Prez , 2 1 1 David Sanabria , Mayra Pagn , Claudia A. Ospina . 1 2 3 UPRCayey Campus, Interamerican University, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-015)

9:30 to 9:45 am - BREAK

10:45 to 10:55 am
Assessing Bacterial Diversity in Dry and Rain Forest Soil Metagenomic Libraries Using DGGE. Stephanie L. Silva-Del Toro, Carlos Ros-Velzquez. UPR Mayagez Campus, Department of Biology. (R-016)


Location: Dental Medicine Amphitheater (B-103), 1 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

Moderator: Abel Baerga, Ph Assistant Professor, School of Medicine


Location: Amphitheater, 6 Floor,Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

9:45 to 9:55 am

Intracellular Angiotensin II Overexpression Induce Oxidative Stress in Culture Ventricular Cardiomyocytes. Jennifer M. Lorenzo, Walmor De Mello. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences. (R-012)

Moderator: Gineida Morales-Guash, EdD. Assistant Professor, School of Medicine

9:45 to 9:55 am
Competent Public Health Workforce: Training Needs in Puerto Rico. Jos A. Capriles-Quirs, Ruth E. Ros-Motta, Coralis Marrero-Padilla, Glena Caldern-Rojas. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus,

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Health Services Administration. (R-017)


Location: Amphitheater I, 3 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building


10:00 to 10:10 am
A Novel Curriculum for the Pediatric Night Float Rotation. Rebecca Ramos, Jahzel M. Gonzlez, Yasmn Pedrogo, Mara E. Padilla. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. (R-018)

52 Annual Bailey K. Ashford Memorial Lecture


10:15 to 10:25 am
Viabilidad de un Programa de Prevencin de la Depresin en Escuelas Puertorriqueas. Giselle M. Rodrguez, Natalia E. Rodrguez-Hernndez, Emily Sez-Santiago, UPRRecinto de Ro Piedras, Departamento de Psicologa. (R-019)

Emerging Microbial Threats: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities at the Human- Animal-Ecosystem Interface
James M. Hughes, MD Professor of Medicine School of Medicine Professor of Public Health Rollins School of Public Health Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

Moderator: Jorge Miranda, PhD. Associate Dean of Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine

10:30 to 10:40 am
Students Perception Towards the Internship in Educational Leadership of the University of Puerto Rico. Shirley A. Tavares. Escuela de Artes Plsticas de Puerto Rico, Oficina de Planificacin y Desarrollo. (R-020)

10:45 to 10:55 am
Juntas Somos ms Fuertes: Camino a la Cura "Campaa para la Deteccin Temprana del Cncer 1 2 de Mama. Edna Pacheco-Acosta , Brbara Segarra , 3 3 4 Beatriz Morales , Yiselly Vzquez , Carla Snchez , 1 Delia Camacho . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, 2 Womens Health Center, UPR-Medical Sciences 3 Campus/Susan G. Komen Puerto Rico, UPR-Medical 4 Sciences Campus, Susan G. Komen Puerto Rico. (R- 021)

12:00 to 12:15 pm - BREAK ND 12:15 to 1:30 pm - 2 POSTER SESSION

Location: School of Pharmacy & Student nd Deanship Building, 2 Floor (Light lunch provided) Please refer to the list of posters at the end of this program.

11:00 to 11:10 am

Use and Care of Hygiene Cloths During the Menstrual Cycle of Haitian Women. Roselyn Cintrn, Vernica Acevedo, Ada Alemn-Batista, Jos Vargas-Vidot. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-022)

1:30 to 1:45 pm - BREAK 1:45 to 3:15 pm - 5TH ORAL CONCURRENT SESSION (CLINICAL TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE) Location: Dental Medicine Amphitheater (B-103), 1st Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building
Moderator: Ins Garca, MD Professor, School of Medicine

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

1:45 to 1:55 pm
Dilation and Evacuation versus Induction of Labor for Second Trimester Termination of Pregnancy. Olga C. Torres-Mndez, Yari Vale- Moreno. UPR-Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (R-023)

Medical Sciences Campus, Neuropsychology Department. (R-027)

3:00 to 3:10 pm
Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Management Evaluation in the Northeast Region of Puerto Rico. Nannette M. Lugo-Amador. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine. (R-028)

2:00 to 2:10 pm
The Relationship between the Big Five Personality Traits and Emotional Dysregulation in Anxious and Healthy subjects. Laura E. Lpez 1 2 Roca , Carlos M. Morales Rodrguez , Karen G. 2 1 2 Martnez Gonzlez . UPR-Ro Piedras, UPR- Medical Sciences Campus. (R-024)


Location: Room A-225, 2 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

2:15 to 2:25 pm
Ulcerative Colitis and Ileal Pouch-anal Anastomosis Outcomes at the UPR Center for IBD. Irene S. Villamil, Yamilka Abreu, Wasilah Suleiman, Jorge Chelehuitte, Juan J. Lojo. UPR- Medical Sciences, School of Medicine. (R-025)

Moderator: Jos Vivaldi-Oliver, MPH, DMD Assistant Professor, School of Dental Medicine

1:45 to 1:55 pm
First Neonates Managed with Cooling for Neonatal Encephalopathy in Puerto Rico. Alessandro M. Acosta, Lourdes Garca, Gloria Reyes, Juan Rivera, Israel Matas, Marta Valcrcel. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R- 029)

2:30 to 2:40 pm
Evaluating the Evidence to Add Newborn Screening for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency in Puerto Rico. Karina 1 2 Acevedo-Torres , Sonia Ramrez , Jacalyn 3 3 Gerstel-Thompson , Anne M. Comeau , Pedro J. 4 1 Santiago-Borrero . UPR-Medical Sciences 2 Campus, Department of Pediatrics, Puerto Rico Center for Inherited Diseases, UPR-MSC, 3 Department of Pediatrics, New England Newborn Screening Program, University of 4 Massachusetts Medical School, Puerto Rico Center for Inherited Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Hematology Oncology Section, UPR- MSC. (R-026)

2:00 to 2:10 pm
Unexpected Type B Lactic Acidosis in Pediatric Cancer Patients. Jos E. Lugo Bernier, Ricardo Garca, Erskin Bezares, Nilka Barrios. UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, University Pediatric Hospital. (R-030)

2:15 to 2:25 pm
Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma, Non Germinal Center B-cell-like of Breast. A Case Report. Mara J. Betoli-Avella, R. Vlez, Elsie Diez. UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. (R-031)

2:45 to 2:55 pm
Cognitive Impairments in a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury and a Subtle Corpus 1 2 Callosum Lesion. ngel Viuela , Mario Corona , 1 3 Jos Daz-Pimentel , M. T. Margarida , Carmen 1 1 Serrano . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, 2 Neurology Department, UPR-Medical Sciences 3 Campus, Neurosurgery Department. UPR-

2:30 to 2:40 pm
Cystic Adnexal Mass in a 16 year old female: Ovarian Pathology or Complication of Mullerian Anomaly? Guido E. Santacana- Laffitte, Lorell Ruiz, Yasmn Pedrogo, Lourdes

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

Garca, Edgar Coln. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-032)

7 4:45 to 4:55 pm
PHQ-9 Adaptation for Depression Assessment in Puerto Rican Cardiac Patients. Vivian E Febo- 1 2 San Miguel , Juan C. Zevallos , Guillermo 3 3 4 Bernal , Luis R. Perichi-Guerra , Sue Eisen . 1 UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of 2 Health Professions, UPRMedical Sciences 3 Campus, School of Medicine, UPR-Ro Piedras 4 Campus, Boston University School of Public Health. (R-034)

2:45 to 2:55 pm
Paget disease associated with Invasive Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Penis: Case Presentation and Review of the Literature. Federico Salcedo, Romn Vlez, Alexandra Jimnez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. (R-033)

3:10 to 3:25pm - BREAK TH 3:25 to 4:25 pm - 5 PLENARY SESSION HOSTED BY THE SCHOOL OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS Las Inequidades en Salud y los Determinantes Sociales
Location: Amphitheater I, 3 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

5:00 to 5:10 pm
Cambio Climtico, Disponibilidad de Agua y Evolucin de las Precipitaciones en las ltimas Dcadas: Zona Metropolitana de San Juan y Cuenca del Ro Piedras. Pablo A. Mndez- Lzaro, Alejandro Nieves-Santiago, Nichole Ortiz-Cruz, Julianne Miranda-Bermdez, Paola Prieto-Pulido, Shirley Delgado-Rivera. UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-035)

5:15 to 5:25 pm
Vulnerabilidad Estructural de los Hospitales de Puerto Rico Ante un Sismo de Gran Magnitud. 1 1 Ralph Rivera Gutirrez , Marisol Pea-Orellana , 1 Nilsa D. Padilla Elas , Heriberto Marn- 1 2 Centeno , Juan A. Gonzlez Snchez , Patricia E. 1 1 Monserrate-Vzquez . UPRRecinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, 2 Centro de Preparacin en Salud Pblica, UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-036)

Alcira Castillo Martnez, M.Sc. Professor/Researcher, University of Costa Rica President of the Inter-American Development Network for the Social Determinants of Health (REDET)

Moderator: Ada M. Alemn-Batista, PsyD, MPHE, MT, Associate Professor, School of Health Professions

4:25 to 4:45 pm - BREAK 4:45 to 6:15 pm - 7TH ORAL CONCURRENT SESSION (APPLIED SCIENCES) Location: Dental Medicine Amphitheater (B-103)
1 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

5:30 to 5:40 pm
Diversidad de las Claves de Emergencia de los 1 Hospitales de Puerto Rico. Nilsa D. Padilla-Elas , Marisol Pea-Orellana, Ralph Rivera-Gutirrez, Heriberto Marn-Centeno, Juan A. Gonzlez- 1 Snchez, Hctor Alonso-Serra. UPRRecinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Centro de Preparacin en Salud Pblica, 2 UPR- Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela de Medicina. (R-037)

Moderator: Nirzka Labault-Cabeza, PhD. Professor, Graduate School of Public Health

5:45 to 5:55 pm
Reverse Vestibuloplasty: A New Approach for the Correction of Gummy Smile. Kamyr M. Martnez, Daniel Mrtir, David Malaret Alicea,

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

Jos G. Gonzlez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine. (R-038)

Asociacin entre seguro mdico y utilizacin de servicios en personas con epilepsia en Puerto Rico. Elvis Santiago, Cynthia M. Prez, Gilberto 1 Ramos-Valencia, Annie Alonso-Amador. UPR- Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health, Biostatistics and Epidemiology. (R-043)

6:00 to 6:10 pm
Modelo Promocin para la Salud PACCHI: Programa Educativo sobre Comportamiento 1 Sexual. Lourdes E. Soto de Laurido , Daribel 2 2 Rivera Iturralde , Wanda Tbora Tirado , Wanda 3 1 E. Soto . Instituto de Investigacin en Promocin y Educacin para la Salud Global 2 (IPESAG), UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, 3 Emilio Huyke. (R-039)

5:45 to 5:55 pm
La Aportacin de los Lderes Comunitarios a la Promocin de la Salud en los Municipios del Norte de Puerto Rico. Daritza M. Romn Lpez, Mara T. Borges Cancel, Lydia E. Santiago Andjar. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-044)

Location: Room A-225, 2 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

6:00 to 6:10 pm
Benefits and Challenges of Online Education: A Personal Experience. Brbara Segarra-Vzquez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions, Department of Graduate Studies. (R-045)

Moderator: Carlos Ortiz, BS, MBA, PhD (c) Associate Professor, School of Health Professions

4:45 to 4:55 pm
Public Knowledge and Decision-Making Factors Toward Child Vaccination. Nazario Rivera, Elisa Basora, Hana Lpez, Lourdes Avils, Joselle Otero, Lourdes Garca. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, University Pediatric Hospital. (R-040)

Third Day- Friday, March 30, 2012

7:30 to 8:30 am - REGISTRATION
Location: Hallway & Foyer adjacent to the 3 Floor Amphitheaters, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

5:00 to 5:10 pm
Promoviendo la Salud y Participacin en Ocupaciones en Adultos Mayores a Nivel Comunitario. Diana E. Hernndez, Arnaldo Cruz, Luz A. Muiz. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions, Occupational Therapy Program. (R-041)

Location: Room B-224, 2 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

Moderator: Erick L. Surez, BA, MA, MSc, PhD Professor, Graduate School of Public Health

5:15 to 5:25 pm
Pharmacists Perception on Pharmaceutical Care Practice in Community and Hospital-Based Pharmacies: A Survey Study. Maricelis Mangual. UPR-Ro Piedras. (R-042)

8:30 to 8:40 am
Balloon Test Occlussion and Hypotensive Challenge as a Safe and Effective Technique. Rodolfo E. Alcedo-Guardia, Erwin Rayo, Jorge Mendoza, Caleb Feliciano-Vals, Rafael Rodrguez-Mercado. UPR-Medical Sciences

5:30 to 5:40 pm

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery. (R-046)


Location: Room B-428 (Room # 12), School of Public th Health, 4 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building

8:45 to 8:55 am
Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality Trends in Puerto Rico: Forecasting Using Age-Period- 1 Cohort Models. David A. Torres , Hernando 2 1 2 Mattei , Luis R. Pericchi , Juan C. Zevallos . 1 2 UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-047)

Moderator: Ada M. Alemn-Batista, PsyD, MPHE, MT Associate Professor, School of Health Professions

9:00 to 9:10 am
Factores Asociados a Mltiples Parejas Sexuales en Hombres que Asisten al Centro Latinoamericano de Enfermedades de Transmisin Sexual (CLETS) durante el 2009- 1 2 1 2010. Keysha K. Reyes , Herms Garca . UPR 2 Recinto de Ro Piedras, Centro Latinoamericano de Enfermedades de Transmisin Sexual. (R- 048)

8:30 to 8:40 am
Burnout among Hispanic Informal Health Caregivers (IHC): Assessment and Development of Culturally Sensitive Health Education 1 Material. Juliana M. Santiago-Marchany , Vctor 2 2 Emanuel Reyes-Ortiz , Javier Morales-Nazario . 1 Universidad del Este, Departamento de 2 Ciencias de la Salud, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-052)

9:15 to 9:25 am
Los Homicidios en Puerto Rico: Un Anlisis de sus Caractersticas Sociodemogrficas: 2000- 2006. Luz E. Len Lpez, Erick Villanueva Rosa. UPRRecinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Centro de Investigaciones Demogrficas. Programa Demografa, Dpto. Ciencias Sociales. (R-049)

8:45 to 8:55 am
Health Educational Strategies to Mitigate Environmental Noise Exposure: A Strategy to Prevent Hearing Loss in Older Adults. Neisha Rodrguez, Rodolfo Trujillo, Yomarie Aponte, Gerald Jerome-Duverseau, Yaritza Nieves, Vctor Emanuel Reyes-Ortiz. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-053)

9:30 to 9:40 am
Genetics of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in 1 Puerto Rico. Veroushka Ballester , Roberto 2 3 Vendrell , Talin Haritunians , Dermot 3 3 3 P.McGovern , Jerome I. Rotter , Kent D. Taylor , 1 UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Medicine Division of 2 Gastroenterology, UPR-Medical Sciences 3 Campus, Cedars Sinai Medical Center. (R-050)

9:00 to 9:10 am
Homicides in Infants 0-24 Months in Puerto Rico, 1999-2009. Liza Mariel Bermdez, UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. (R-054)

9:15 to 9:25 am
Comparison of Sociodemographic, Lifestyle and Clinical Factors Among Overweight and Normal Weight Adolescents. Arelys Cabrera Serrrano, Yasmn Pedrogo, Cynthia Prez, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-055)

9:45 to 9:55 am
Health Services Satisfaction for Parents of Congenital Defect Children: A Conceptualization of the Valid Measures to Be Used by the Puerto Rico Health Department. Beatriz Laureano Rodrguez, Javier O. Morales- Nazario, Yedidiach Ortiz-Gonzlez, Ivette Martn-Melndez, Vctor Emanuel Reyes-Ortiz, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-051)

9:30 to 9:40 am
Occupational and Social Implications of the Exposure to the Carcinogen Beryllium. A Critical Review of the Literature. Nycole M. Garca Romn. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health-Industrial Hygiene. (R-056)

10 Adjunct Professor School of Public Health Dr. Salvador Allende Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile and research member Greds Emconet (Grup de Recerca en Desigualtats en Salut y Employment Conditions Knowledge network) Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Commentators: Marta Bustillo, Ph.D., Ana L. Dvila, Ph.D., Edgardo Ruiz, Ph.D., Lydia Santiago, Ph.D., and Hiram Arroyo, Ed.D., Social Determinants of Health Doctoral Program in the School of Public Health, Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico. 11:55 to 12:25 pm - CLOSING SESSION
rd Location: Amphitheater I, 3 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building Padre Rufo Outstanding Achievement in Research and Education Award Closing Remarks Rafael Rodrguez-Mercado, MD, FACS MSC Chancellor Acknowledgements Annual Forum Organizing Committee Moderator: Ilka C. Ros-Reyes, DMD, MS Dean for Academic Affairs

9:45 to 9:55 am
La Polisemia de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud y sus Implicaciones para la Promocin de la Salud Colectiva. Marta M. Bustillo Hernndez, Ana Luisa Dvila, Lydia Santiago, Edgardo Ruiz-Cora, Arroyo Hiram, UPRRecinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Programa doctoral en Determinantes Sociales de la Salud. (R-057)

Location: Amphitheater I, 3 Floor, Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building Moderator: Ilka C. Ros-Reyes, DMD, MS Dean for Academic Affairs

On the Debates and Challenges about Undoing Inequities in Health: Exemplary Cases on Applying Intersectoriality for Healthy Policies and Programming
Orielle Solar, M.D., M.P.H.

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.



Efecto del Miedo a Cadas en la Participacin Social de Adultos Mayores Residentes en una gida en la Regin Norte de Puerto Rico. Luz A. Muiz Santiago, Mariangelix Arizmendi Rivera, Zullybel Mendoza Keppis, Carol D. Zaborsky Agosto. UPR- Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela de Profesiones de la Salud, Programa Maestra en Terapia Ocupacional. (R-058) Symptoms during Pediatric Cancer Treatments as Reported by Puerto Rican Mothers on the TRSC-C (Spanish version), 1 Methods Used to Alleviate their Children's Symptoms, and Impact on Functional Status. Velda J. Gonzlez , Phoebe D. 2 3 4 1 2 Williams , Jos N. Caraballo , Gloria Coln . Kansas University School of Nursing, UPR Cancer Center, Kansas University 3 4 School of Nursing, UPR-Cayey Campus, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-059) Knowledge of a Sample of Puerto Rican Public Health Graduate Students Regarding Global Warming and Climate Change. Efran Pagn, Vctor Emanuel Reyes-Ortiz, Ren Rolando Dvila-Torres, Glorimar Caraballo-Correa, Rafael Ros-Dvila. UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-060) Correlates between Biosocial Characteristics and other Substance Use among Hispanic Adolescents. Edith Lpez-Toro, Vctor Reyes-Ortiz, Ren Dvila-Torres, Michelle Reyes- Robles, Viviana Fontnez Pereira. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-061) 1 Prevalence of the CYP2D6*10 polymorphism in the Puerto Rican Population: Preliminary Data. Bianca F. Nieves , Lizbeth 2 3 3 3 3 1 Lpez , Jessica Y. Renta , Carmelo Orengo , Carmen L. Cadilla , Pedro J. Santiago-Borrero . UPR - Ro Piedras, Interdisciplinary 2 3 Program in Natural Sciences, UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-062) Inhalant and Its Association to the Use of Other Drugs among Hispanics Adolescents Living in the USA: Secondary Data 1 2 Analysis of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2009. Daniel D. Gonzlez Santiago , Zeleida M. Vzquez Rivera , 2 2 1 2 Vctor E. Reyes Ortiz , Ren R. Dvila Torres . Walden University, School of Health Sciences, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-063) Essential Characteristics that Enable Older Adults to Remain in their Homes: A study in Metropolitan Communities of Puerto Rico. Marln Oliver Vzquez, Nirzka Labault Cabeza, Jos Carrin-Baralt, Edgardo Ruiz Cora. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Human Development, Gerontology Program. (R-064) Antibacterial Activity of Five Medicinal Plants Commonly Used in Puerto Rico. Janice M. Nieves, Belinda Romn-Avils, Jannette Gavillan. UPRCayey Campus, Department of Biology. (R-065) Resilience and Protective Factors in a Sample of 60+ years Old Adults Living in Puerto Rico. Yarimar Martnez-Marrero, Arnaldo Cruz-Rivera, Jorge Dueo, Xiomara Camacho. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions, Graduate- Occupational Therapy. (R-066) Development of Standards for Flow Cytometry with the Same Fluorescent Intensity Profile as Labeled Biological Cells. Carol 1 2 3 4 3 B. Torres Nieves , Nahra I. Miscalichi Casiano , Nicole P. Rebollo Rodrguez , Mariv Bez Coln , Angela R. Valds Mrques , 1 1 2 Alejandro Ramrez-Rivera . UPR -Medical Sciences Campus, Department of Pharmacology, University of Puerto Rico, 3 4 Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico, Ro Piedras Campus, Univeristy of Puerto Rico, Bayamn Campus. (R- 067) Knowledge and Attitudes of Nephrologists Toward the Recommendation of PA to their Patients in Puerto Rico. Marta I. 1 2 3 1 2 Amaral , Mara Garca , Joan Modesto . UPR - Ro Piedras, Department of Graduate Studies-College of Education, VA 3 Medical Center, UPR-Ro Piedras. (R-068) Las Organizaciones de Voluntarios y su Rol en el Manejo de Emergencias y Desastres en Puerto Rico. Vctor D. Molina-De Jess, Taisha Melndez-Larroy, Ralph Rivera-Gutirrez, Heriberto Marn-Centeno, Patricia Monserrate-Vzquez, Liza I. Milln- Prez. UPR Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Centro de Preparacin en Salud Pblica. (R-069)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Vulnerabilidad de los Servicios de Salud Mental de los Hospitales de Puerto Rico ante un Desastre. Patricia E. Monserrate- Vzquez, Marisol Pea-Orellana, Nilsa D. Padilla-Elas, Ralph Rivera-Gutirrez, Liza I. Milln-Prez, Vctor D. Molina-De Jess. UPR Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Centro de Preparacin en Salud Pblica. (R-070) Percepcin de los Tecnlogos Radiolgicos del Cumplimiento con las Guas de Proteccin Radiolgica en Pacientes Peditricos. Edgardo L. Rosado. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions. (R-071) Anlisis Cualitativo de los Factores Contextuales que Configuran las Prcticas Sexuales y el Uso del Condn entre 1 2 3 1 Adolescentes en Comunidades de Alto Riesgo. Juan L. Negrn Ayala , Juan C. Reyes Pulliza , Toms Matos . UPR-Bayamn, 2 3 Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, UPR- Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, IRESA Universidad Central del Caribe. (R-072) 1 Hospitals Morgues in Puerto Rico are Prepared for a Mass Fatalities Incident: Reality or Myth? Marisol Pea-Orellana , Nilsa 1 1 2 1 1 1 D. Padilla-Elas , Ralph Rivera-Gutirrez , Juan A. Gonzlez-Snchez , Hctor Alonso-Serra , Heriberto Marn-Centeno . UPR 2 Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Centro de Preparacin en Salud Pblica, UPR-Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela de Medicina. (R-073) 1 2 Overcrowding among Emergency Departments in Puerto Rico. Juan A. Gonzlez-Snchez , Hctor Alonso-Serra , Ralph 2 2 2 2 1 Rivera-Gutirrez , Heriberto Marn-Centeno , Marisol Pea-Orellana , Nilsa D. Padilla-Elas . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, 2 School of Medicine, Emergency Medicine Department, UPR Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Centro de Preparacin en Salud Pblica. (R-074) 1 2 Influence of Surface Roughness on Streptococcal Biofilm Formation. Janice N. Hernndez , Luiz Meirelles , Robert G. 2 2 1 2 Quivey , Roberta Faustoferri , UPR - Medical Sciences / University of Rochester, N.Y., Department of Oral Biology, University of Rochester, N.Y. (R-075) Associations Between Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Other Health Indicators Among Women and Men Puerto Rico, 2005. Kanako Ishida. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemic Intelligence Service Program. (R-076) Mitochondrial Proliferation is not Affected by Inhibition of the Intracellular Renin-angiotensin System. Louis A Ruiz 1 2 1 2 Gonzlez , Rebecca M. Parodi-Rullan . UPR - Ro Piedras Campus, Department of Physiology, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-077) Food Consumption and Categories of the Subjective Global Assessment in Patients with an Initial Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer Attending the Dr. Isaac Gonzlez Martnez Hospital. Damarys S. Santiago Ortiz, Michael J. Gonzlez, Marcia Cruz. UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Nutrition. (R-078) QbD for Slightly Soluble Antibacterial and Water Soluble Histamine H1 Receptor Antagonist Drugs. Neysha Martnez- Orengo, Evone Ghaly. UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Pharmacy, Graduate Program. (R-079) 1 1 2 Role of the HIV-1 Envelope in Patients with Cognitive Impairment. Krystal Coln , Frances M. Zenn , Gisela Delgado , 3 1 Vanessa Rivera , Loyda M. Melndez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, UPR- 2 3 Medical Sciences, UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, Ponce School of Medicine. (R-080) Food Consumption Patterns of Urban Households in Puerto Rico: An Elasticity Approach. Yetsabel Auccaille, UPRMayagez Campus, Department of Mathematical Sciences. (R-081) Sensibilizacin de los Estudiantes de Derecho sobre el Estudio, Identificacin y Anlisis de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud. Nylca J. Muoz, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Department of Social Sciences. (R-082) Identification of the Essential Stress Sensor Proteins of the Cell Wall Integrity Pathway in a myo1 Strain of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Ednalise Santiago Cartagena, Sahily Gonzlez-Crespo. UPRMedical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-083) Translation, Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire. Lynette Rivera, Susana Mendiola, Gloridel Molina, Marjorie Centeno, Aira Matas, Mara Rohena. UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions, Occupational Therapy. (R-084)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Endometriosis, Gnero y Calidad de Vida: Perspectivas de Pacientes y Profesionales de la Salud. Damaris De Jess- Carrasquillo. ODS, Inc. Clinical Psychology. (R-085) Delay Time Factors for Acute Stroke Patients. Felixa C. Flecha, Juan C. Zevallos, Juan A. Gonzlez, Fernando Santiago, Rafael Rodrguez. UPR - Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Endowed Health Services Research Center. (R-086) 1 2 Relationship of eDNA and Glucans in Initial Exopolysaccharide Matrix of Oral Biofilms. Jorge L. Pantoja , Marlise Klein, 2 1 2 Hyun Koo. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine, University of Rochester. (R-087) 1 1 2 SorLA and Caveolin-1 Shared Subcellular Distribution Patterns in Glia. Iris K. Salgado , Melissa Serrano , Jos O. Garca , 1 3 1 1 Namyr A. Martnez , Hctor M. Maldonado , Walter I Silva . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department 2 3 of Physiology, University of Puerto Rico, School of Medicine, Institute of Neurobiology, Universidad Central del Caribe, School of Medicine, Bayamn, PR. (R-088) 1 2 Cellular Effects of Caffeine on Mammalian Locomotor Function. Marla S. Rivera-Oliver , Nikol M. Matos-Vergara , Luis R. 3 4 1 2 3 Marrero-Cordero , Manuel E. Daz-Ros . UPR - Ro Piedras, Department of Biology, UPR-Cayey Campus, UPR-Ro Piedras 4 Campus, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-089) Increased Expression of Eukaryotic Protein Synthesis Initiation Factor eIF4G by the Daidzein Metabolite Equol May Contribute to Breast Cancer Malignancy. Columba de la Parra, Elisa Otero-Franqui, Suranganie Dharmawardhane. UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-090) Molecular Tolerance of the BK Channel After 6-hour Alcohol Exposure is Protein Synthesis-Dependent. Cristina M. 1 1 1 1 2 1 Velzquez-Marrero , Alexandra Bernardo , Garrett E. Seale , Jos O. Garca , Stephanie Palacio . UPR-Medical Sciences, 2 School of Medicine, Institute of Neurobiology, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology. (R- 091) 1 2 Prevalence Study of CYP2D6*31 Polymorphism in Puerto Ricans. Muriel P. Peguero , Marisarah Torres-Gonzlez , Jessicca Y. 3 3 3 1 Renta-Torres , Carmen L. Cadilla-Vzquez , Pedro J. Santiago-Borrero . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Pharmacy, 2 3 UPR- Ro Piedras Campus, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-092) Reproductive Healthcare Utilization and Sexual Behaviors among Hispanic Females, 2006-2010. Jos R. Guzmn-Pereira, Lorinet Martell-Martnez, Vctor E. Reyes-Ortiz. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-093) Associations between Sexual Risk Behaviors and Religiosity among Female Hispanic Adolescents. Lorinet Martell-Martnez, Jos R. Guzmn-Pereira, Vctor E. Reyes-Ortiz. UPR-Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-094) Associations of Alcohol Consume towards Risky and Social Undesirable Behaviors in a Sample of Hispanics Adolescents and Young Adults Living in USA and Puerto Rico. Santos Villarn-Gutirrez, Michelle Reyes-Robles, Vctor Emanuel Reyes-Ortiz, Ivelisse Garca-Melndez, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-095) 1 2 Characterization of HPV Infection in Hispanic Colorectal Cancer Patients. Alejadro O. Villar-Prados , Heriberto M. Rodrguez , 3 4 3 1 2 Mercedes Y. Lacourt , Yasuhiro Yamamura , Ral D. Bernabe . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, UPR- Ro 3 4 Piedras Campus, Univ. of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ponce School of Medicine, Univ. of Puerto Rico Comp. Cancer Center. (R-096) Risky Sexual Behaviors and Condom Use Associations among a Sample of Adolescents: A Secondary Analysis Using the 2007 WHO Global School-Based Student Survey Data from Four Caribbean State Islands. Michelle Reyes-Robles, Santos Villarn- Gutirrez, Vctor Emanuel Reyes-Ortiz, UPR-Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-097) Experiencias de Violencia en la Familia y la Relacin de Pareja en Estudiantes de la UPR. Mara I. Jimnez Chafey, ngel A. Villafae Santiago. UPRRecinto de Ro Piedras, Departamento de Conserjera para el Desarrollo Estudiantil. (R-098)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Characterization of the First Member of the Fasciola Hepatica Ferritin Protein Family. Kimberly Cabn-Hernndez, Jos F. Gaudier, Ana M. Espino. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Medical Zoology. (R-099) Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Rabbit Antibodies Specific to Fasciola Hepatica Ferritin Protein (FhFtn-1). Caleb Ruiz-Jimnez, Kimberly Cabn-Hernndez, Ana M. Espino. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Microbiology and Medical Zoology. (R-100) Cystatin B and Cathepsin B Studies in Monocytes, Plasma, CSF and Post-mortem Brain Tissue of HAND Patients: A link to 1 2 3 2 Diagnosis and Therapy. Yisel M. Cantres-Rosario , Marins Plaud-Valentn , Viviana Melndez , Yamil Gerena , Richard 4 2 1 Skolasky , Valerie Wojna . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Medical 2 3 4 Zoology, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, UPR-Mayagez Campus, Johns Hopkins, Spine Outcomes Research Center, Baltimore, MD. (R-101) 1 2 Aging Increases Mitochondrial DNA Damage and Oxidative Stress in Liver of Rhesus Monkeys. Mara R. Castro , Edu Surez , 3 4 5 5 1 Edmundo Kraiselburd , ngel Isidro , Jos Paz , Len Ferder . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, 2 3 Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Ponce School of Medicine, Ponce, PR., UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, 4 5 Caribbean Primate Research Center, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Ponce School of Medicine, Ponce School of Medicine, Ponce, PR. (R-102) 1 2 Development of a Vaccinia Virus-Free DNA Vaccine against Smallpox. Eric Miranda , Pablo E. Vivas-Meja , Eddy O. Ros- 1 2 1 Olivares. Universidad Central del Caribe, Departmento de Microbiologa e Inmunologa, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, Cancer Center. (R-103) 1 1, 2 1 2 Cortactin Regulates Synaptic Growth. Carolina Maldonado , Gonzalo J. Falcn . UPR en Cayey, UPR-Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Instituto de Neurobiologa. (R-104) A Dehydratase Domain from a Bacterial Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Synthase: Expression and Activity. Delise J. Oyola- 1 1 1 2 1 Robles , Mara M. Rodrguez-Guilbe , Mei-ling Bermdez , Mnica Rivera, Nstor M. Carballeira . UPR - Medical Sciences 2 Campus, UPR-Ro Piedras Campus. (R-105) Interaction of Fasciola Hepatica Excretory-Secretory Products with TLRs on Human Monocytes. Olgary Figueroa-Santiago, Ana M. Espino. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology. (R-106) Novel G Protein-Coupled Receptor of Progesterone in Sporothrix schenckii. Waleska Gonzlez, Nuri Rodrguez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology. (R-107) Silencing of a Natural Resistance Associated Macrophage Protein (Nramp) in Sporothrix schenckii and its effect on iron and manganese uptake. Lizaida Prez-Snchez, Nuri Rodrguez-del Valle. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Microbiology and Medical Zoology. (R-108) Alpha Secretase Inhibitor Decreases the Secretion of Insulin Receptor Ectodomain from Human T lymphocytes Exposed to High Glucose Concentrations. Nahira I. Miscalichi Casiano, Emma Fernndez-Repollet. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (R-109) Frequency of the PON1 (rs662), CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*3 Polymorphisms in the Puerto Rican Population. Carmelo 1 2 3 2 1 Orengo-Mercado , Pedro J. Santiago-Borrero , Jorge Duconge , Carmen L. Cadilla . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of 2 3 Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Pharmacy. (R-110) Evolucin Reciente del Rgimen Hidrolgico en Ros Mediterrneos de Cabecera en Espaa. Julieanne Miranda. UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health. (R-111) 1, 2 2 Spx Regulation of Virulence Related-attributes in Streptococcus Mutans. Leila Soto Villamil , Jos A. Lemos , Isamar 2 1 1 1 2 Rivera , Evangelia Morou , Augusto Elas . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine, University of Rochester. (R-112)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


1 Analysis of Oxidative Stress Status of Plasmodium Berghei Mutants with Altered Glutathione Levels. Vivian Padn-Irizarry , 2 2 1 Roco Castro , Sylvette Ayala-Torres . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, UPR- Medical Sciences Campus. (R-113) 1 Age-dependent Accumulation of DNA Damage and Mutations in APEX1 Haploinsufficient Mice. Ceidy Torres Ortiz , Karina 2 3 2 2 1 Acevedo-Torres , Christi A. Walter , Syvette Ayala-Torres , Carlos A. Torres-Ramos . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of 2 3 Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. (R-114) Physiological Characterization of Deletion Strains of Streptococcus Mutans: A High-throughput Approach. Jhezanuel C. 1, 2 2 2 1 1 Goncalves Cordero , Robert G. Quivey , Roberta Faustoferri , Evangelia Morou , Agusto Elas . UPR-Medical Sciences 2 Campus, School of Dental Medicine, University of Rochester. (R-115) 1, 2 2 Function Evaluation of a Fluorescently Tagged Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate Receptor. Kristian T. Poventud , David I. Yule , 2 1 1 1 2 Lyndee Knowlton , Augusto Elas , Evangelia Morou . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine, University of Rochester. (R-116) Characterization of EHop-016, a Novel Small Molecule Inhibitor of Rac GTPase, as a Potential Inhibitor of Metastatic 1 2 2 2 Cancer. Linette Castillo-Pichardo , Brenda L. Montalvo-Ortiz , Eliud Hernndez , Alina De La Mota-Peynado , Tessa 2 2 1 Humphries-Bickley , Cornelis P. Vlaar . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, 2 UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-117) Estradiol and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Interaction within the Anxiety Neural Circuitry at the Behavioral and 1 2 3 2 Protein Levels. Mara I. De Jess-Burgos , Stephanie M. Gonzlez-Garca , Yanira Cruz- Santana , Gabriela Zbala-Alemn , 2 2 1 Beatriz Gonzlez-Bouza , Lucila Portela- Daz . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy 2 3 and Neurobiology, UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, URP-Cayey Campus. (R-118) A Mitochondria-targeted Antioxidant Protects Huntingtons Disease Cells from Death and DNA Damage. Sulay Rivera- 1 2 3 3 4 Snchez , Almas Siddiqui , Julie K Andersen, Peter Wipf , Laura J. Niedernhofer , Sylvette Ayala-Torres . UPR-Medical Sciences 2 3 4 Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, Buck Institute for Age Research, University of Pittsburgh, UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. (R-119) 1 Prelimbic Inactivation Blocks Avoidance without Reducing Freezing: Resolving the Conflict. Christian E. Bravo-Rivera , 2 1 2 Gregory J. Quirk . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-120) 1 Tyrosine Hydroxylase-like Immunoreactive Neurons in the Biomphalaria Nervous System. Deborah I. Vallejo , Nadia 2 2 1 Delgado , Mark W. Miller . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, 2 UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Institute of Neurobiology. (R-121) Localization of Serotonin in the Central Nervous System and Periphery of Biomphalaria Glabrata: An intermediate Host for 1 2 2. 1 Schistosomiasis. Nadia Delgado , Deborah I. Vallejo , Mark W. Miller UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, 2 Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Institute of Neurobiology. (R-122) 1 The Neuropeptide Proctolin Modulates Serotonin-induced Aggression in a Crustacean Animal Model. Ana I. Ortiz , Nietzell 2 2, 3 4 1 Vzquez , Eduardo A. Ruiz , Nilsa M. Rivera . UPR - Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and 2 3 Neurobiology, University of Puerto Rico, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, UPR-Cayey Campus, 4 Department of Social Sciences, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Institute of Neurobiology and School of Medicine. (R-123) 1 Analysis of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part D Grants from 2005 through 2009. Audilis Snchez , Matthew James 2 1 2 Newland . UPR-Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Health Services Administration, Health Resources and Services Administration. (R-124) Parents of Children with Down Syndrome. Gladys Crespo Ramos. UPR-Mayagez Campus, Department of Social Sciences- Psychology. (R-125)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


1 2 On Space Radiation-Induced Cancer in the International Space Station Astronauts. Pierina D. Agosto , Ernesto P. Esteban . 1 2 UPR-Humacao Campus, Department of Biology, UPR-Humacao Campus, Physics Department. (R-126) Perception of Neuroscience among Students at the University of Puerto Rico-Ro Piedras Campus. Nelson D. Cruz-Bermdez, Beatriz Suro-Maldonado, Frances Nieves-Casanovas, Jos Rodrguez-Romaguera. UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, Department of Psychology. (R-127) Opportunities and Methodological Challenges in Mental Health Research in the Context of Puerto Rican Prisons. Irene Lafarga Previdi, Ana C. Vasques Guzzi, Elba Betancourt. UPR - Ro Piedras Campus, Department of Psychology. (R-128) Extinction Switches Hippocampal Context Signaling from Danger to Safety. Edith Brignoni-Prez, Enmanuelle Pardilla- Delgado, Fernando Sotres-Bayn, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Gregory J. Quirk. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Depts. of Psychiatry, and Anatomy & Neurobiology. (R-129) A structure-activity Study of 4R-cembranoid Reversal of DFP-inflicted Functional Impairment in Hippocampal Slices. Angelie 1 1 1 2 1 1 M. Del Valle Rodrguez , Dinely Prez , Pedro A. Ferchmin , Khalid El Sayed , Vesna A. Eterovic . Universidad Central del 2 Caribe, University of Lousiana-Monroe. (R-130) 1 1 1 Langerhans Cell Sarcoma Presenting in a Child. William A. Gonzlez-Marqus , Mara S. Correa-Rivas , Romn Vlez-Rosario , 2 2 1 Erskin Bezares , Carlos Ocasio . UPR - Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory 2 2 Medicine, UPR School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. (R-131) Atypical Course of Bickerstaffs Brainstem Encephalitis Showing Relapsing Remitting Presentation: A Case Report. Javier 1 1 2 1 Chapa , Gishlaine Alfonso , Arturo Ortiz . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Internal 2 Medicine, Neurology Section, Private Neurology Clinic on Ashford Medical Center, San Juan, PR. (R-132) 1 Cranial Nerve Palsy as a Rare Complication of Hepatitis B Vaccine: Case Report. Jos A. Daz-Pimentel , Bernadette Nazario- 2 2 1 2 Lpez , Maritza Arroyo-Muiz . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Department of Medicine, Neurology Section, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-133) Post-Influenza Vaccine Encephalomyelitis Presenting with Cerebellar Manifestations: Case Report. Bernadette Nazario- 1 2 2. 1 Lpez , Jos A. Daz-Pimentel , Maritza Arroyo-Muiz UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Department of Medicine, Neurology 2 Section, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-134) 1 2 Case Report: Familial Jejunal Atresia in Two Siblings Infants. Kary M. Bouet, Ins Garca , Lourdes Garca , Mara C. 2 2 1 Gonzlez , Marta Valcrcel . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology Section, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-135) 1 Medulloblastoma with Extensive Nodularity: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Jorge G. Billoch-Lima , Romn Vlez- 1 1 1 2 2 Rosario , Emmanuel Agosto-Arroyo , Mara Correa-Rivas , Gloria Coln-Gonzlez , Leslie Soto-Vlez . UPR-Medical Sciences 2 Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University Pediatric Hospital, Hematology Oncology Department. (R-136) Synovial Sarcoma of the Hypopharynx in Pregnancy. Laureano Giraldez, Francisco Ruiz, Antonio Riera March. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. (R-137) Composite Low Grade Follicular Lymphoma and Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma. A Case Report and Review of Literature. Ramiro Prez Duardo, Romn Vlez, William Gonzlez, Mara Marcos. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R- 138) Loss of Anti-CD20 Expression Following Treatment with Rituximab in a Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. Glorimar Rivera, Rom Vlez, Jorge G. Billoch, Alexandra Jimnez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. (R-139)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Mucinous Carcinoma of the Breast Metastasizing to the Eyelid: A Case Report. Romn Vlez Rosario, Emmanuel Agosto- Arroyo, Alexandra Jimnez Gonzlez, Anarda Gonzlez Rodrguez. UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. (R-140) 1 1 Parosteal Osteosarcoma: A case Report with Review of the Literature. ngel Muoz-Mirabal , Mara Correa-Rivas , Juan 2 2 3 1 Bibiloni , Edil O. Jimnez , Edgardo Coln . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and 2 3 Laboratory Medicine, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology. (R-141) 1 2 Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis: Case Series Report at the University Pediatric Hospital. Jessica Gonzlez, Jocelyn 2 2 2 1 Montalvo, Leyda l. Snchez, Mara Dvila, Alicia Fernndez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-142) 1 2 3 3 When Proteins Attack. Esteban A. Del Pilar Morales , Ulises Nobo , Arelis Febles, Carlos Snchez , Javier Chapa , Mervin 3 1 2 3 Figueroa . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Hospital HIMA de Caguas, Hospital Universitario de Adultos, Hospital Universitario de Adultos, Hospital Universitario de Adultos, Hospital Universitario de Adultos. (R-143) Use of Dexmetomidine for Craniotomy and Clipping of Aneurysm in a 13 y/o Male with Severe Coarctation of the Aorta. Caroll Vzquez, Vctor Cardona, Csar Hernndez-Arroyo. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesia. (R-144) 1 1 Ejercicio en Intervalos de Alta Intensidad y Salud Cardiovascular: Estudio de Caso. Juan Trinidad , Juliana Pollock , ngel 1 2 Casul . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions, Department of Physical Therapy, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-145) Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis: A New Challenge in the Patient Management Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. 1 2 Carlos J. Ocasio-Del Valle , Alicia Fernndez-Sein . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Pediatrics, Critical Care 2 Medicine Section, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. (R-146) Mucinous Tubular and Spindle Cell Carcinoma of the Kidney: Report of Two Cases. Alexandra Jimnez, Mara Marcos- Martnez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. (R-147) Calcinosis Cutis after Calcium Chloride Administration in a Group of Neonates. Zayhara Reyes-Bou, Marta Valcrcel, Lourdes Garca-Fragoso, Ins Garca, Giselle Marrero-Clemente. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology Section. (R-148) 1 2 Primary Meningeal Sarcoma in Children: First Case Reported in Puerto Rico. Leslie A. Soto Vlez , Dennis Borrero , Nilka 2 1 2 Barrios . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Pediatric University Hospital, Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. (R-149) Rehabilitation in Neuroacanthocytosis: A Case Report. Kathya E. Ramos, Edwardo Ramos. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Sports Medicine. (R-150) 1 2 3 1 An Unusual Case of Melanoma Metastases to the Breast. Laura A. Ortiz , Ricardo Cruet , Jossette Axmayer , Carmen Cruz . 1 2 3 UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Universidad Metropolitana, UPR-Mayagez Campus. (R-151) Can a Real Drug Cure an Imaginary Infection? A 63-Year-Old Woman with Delusions of Parasitosis and Agitation. Hctor J. 1 2 2 2 Guerra-Garfalo , Rafael Trinidad-Hernndez , Juan J. Gonzlez-Concepcin , Ivonne Z. Jimnez-Velsquez . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, Geriatric Division, Internal Medicine, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-152) 1 2 Using Medical Records for Surveillance of Cardiovascular Diseases in Puerto Rico. Juan C. Zevallos , Jorge Yarzebski , Juan A. 1 3 1 2 1 Gonzlez , Hernando Mattei , Hctor Banchs , Robert J. Goldberg . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, 2 3 University of Massachusetts Medical School, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Social Sciences. (R-153)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Risk Factors for Cesarean Hysterectomy in Patients with Abnormal Placentation at University District Hospital. Mireily Rivera-Rosado, Juana I. Rivera-Vias. UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology. (R-154) Synchronous Gastric Epithelioid Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor and Mesenteric Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma: A case 1 1 1 2 report and Review of Literature. Dana Delgado Coln , Romn Vlez , Emmanuel Agosto , Juan Lojo . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-155)


Clinical Profile and Mortality of Puerto Ricans Hospitalized with Acute Stroke. Abiezer Rodrguez, Rafael Rodrguez- 2 3 1 3 1 2 Mercado , Fernando Santiago , Ulises Nobo , Juan C. Zevallos . HIMA Hospital, Caguas, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, 3 School of Medicine, Neurosurgery Section, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-156) 1 1 1 Es Necesario Repetir los Valores Crticos? Consuelo Climent Peris , Jorge G. Billoch Lima , Romn Vlez Rosario , Mercy 2 1 2 Maldonado Belardo . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Laboratorio Clnico, Administracin de Servicios Mdicos de Puerto Rico. (R-157) 1 Health Literacy vs. Family History on Contraception Use Among Women Attending a Pregnancy Clinic. Yailis M. Medina , 2 3 2 4 1 Juan C. Jorge , Mariangely Alemn , Stephanie D. Rivera , Orlando M. Santiago . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of 2 3 Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, 4 Graduate School of Public Health, UPR Hospital. (R-158) Evaluation of a Promoter Methylation Panel in Plasma Cell Free DNA to Screen for Colorectal Cancer in Hispanics. Mara del 1 2 3 1 1 Mar Gonzlez-Pons , Heriberto M. Rodrguez , Patricia Delgado , Francisco Velzquez , Mercedes Y. Lacourt , Alberto 4 1 2 3 4 Cardona . UPR Comprehensive Cancer Center, UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, UPR-Mayagez Campus, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-159) 1 1 Behavioral Manifestations of HIV/AIDS Stigma among Health Professionals. Marinilda Rivera-Daz , Nelson Varas-Daz , Mark 2 3 4 4 1 Padilla , Marcos Javier Reyes , Beatriz Suro , Doralis Coriano . UPR - Ro Piedras Campus, Graduate School of Social Work, 2 3 4 University of Michigan, Ponce School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, UPR-Ro Piedras Campus. (R-160) 1 Participation and Occupational Competence Strategies of Hispanic Older Men Who Live Alone. Elsa M. Orellano , Marlene 2 1 2 Rosario . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions, Graduate Occupational Therapy, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-161) 1 Association of Troponin Levels and Complications in Puerto Ricans with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Pedro E. Vargas , 2 2 3 1 2 Rafael A. Cox , Rosella Marmorato , Juan C. Zevallos . UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, UPR-Medical 3 Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Cardiology Section, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-162) 1 Use of Secondary Prevention in Puerto Ricans Hospitalized with an Initial Acute Ischemic Stroke. Fernando Santiago , Rafael 1 2 1 2 1 1 Rodrguez-Mercado , Ulises Nobo , Juan A. Gonzlez , Abiecer Rodrguez , Juan C. Zevallos . UPR - Medical Sciences, School 2 of Medicine, Hospital HIMA San Pablo, Caguas. (R-163) Knowledge about Healthy Nutrition in a Sample of Parents/Legal Guardians of Children 5 To 12 Year-Old Attending a 1 2 1 1 Private Pediatric Practice in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Evelyn Trinidad , Ivonne Angler , Mara del R. Gonzlez . UPR-Medical 2 Sciences, School of Medicine, Pediatrics Department, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions. (R-164) 1 Vancomycin Monitoring in Pediatric Patients at the University Pediatric Hospital. Nahir M. Rivera Robles , Gustavo Jimnez 1 1 1 2 1 Martnez , Daled M. Serrano Bahri , Wanda T. Maldonado Dvila , Ins O. Esquiln . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Pharmacy, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, (R-165)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Building Bridges to Address Health Disparities in Puerto Rico: The Salud Para Piones Project. Enid J. Garca , Princess 1 1 1 1 2 1 Pacheco , Marielis Coln , Mary H. Mays , Jeamarie Pascual , Maricruz Rivera . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of 2 Medicine, Endowed Health Services Research Center, Piones Community. (R-166) Internet Use Among Parents and Grandparents of Newborns Admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Frances I. 1 2 2 3 3 Nieves , Wilfredo Alemn , Charlotte Cordovs , Ins Garca , Lourdes Garca-Fragoso . UPR- Ro Piedras, Department of 2 3 Biology, UPR- Ro Piedras, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Department of Pediatrics. (R-167) Comparative Study of the Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome Type 3 Carrier Frequency in Puerto Rican Newborns. Maraida L. 1 1,2 2 1 1 1 Serrant Hernndez , Sonia I. Ramrez , Elymic K. Coln , Maribel Torres-Serrant , Carmen Cadilla , Pedro J. Santiago-Borrero . 1 2 Puerto Rico Center for Inherited Diseases, PR Newborn Screening Program, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. (R-168) 1 Silencing Mannosylphospho Dolichol Synthase with shRNA Reduces the Angiogeneic Potencial. Jess Santiago , Zhenbo 1 1 2 2 Zhang , Aditi Banerjee , Krishna Baksi . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Department of Biochemistry, Universidad Central del Caribe. (R-169) 1 Prevalence of Dysplasia in Hysterectomized HIV Infected Women: Should the Guidelines Be Revised? Kanisha L. Sierra-Ros , 2 2 3 1 Helen M. Oquendo-del Toro , Sheyla Garced , Carmen D. Zorrilla . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus/University Distric Hospital, 2 3 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus- CEMI. (R-170) 1 2 Tracheostomy Placement in Pediatrics: Indications, Timing and Complications. Ricardo L. Garca , Carlos Ocasio , Anabel 2 3 1 2 Puig , Ingrid Mercedes . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, UPR-Medical 3 Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, University Pediatric Hospital. (R-171) 1 Ventilator-Associated Pnemonia in Critically Ill Children: An Assessment of Prevention Strategies. Manuel Iglesias , Alicia 2 2 3 2 1 Fernndez-Sein , Ricardo Garca De Jess , urea Gonzlez , Anabel Puig . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of 2 3 Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, University Pediatric Hospital. (R- 172) 1 What do Parents Know? Adherence to Treatment for the Management of Hypospadias. Johana V. Betances Lpez , 1 2 3 4 1 Jonathan Torres , Laureane Alveolo-Maldonado , Luis A. Avils , Wilmarie J. Bruckman. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, 2 3 4 School of Medicine, Department of Health-PR, UPR-Mayagez, Municipal Hospital- Medical Center. (R-173) 1 1 Pharmacogenetic-driven Warfarin Dosing Algorithm in Puerto Ricans. Alga S. Ramos Morales , Yirelia Alejandro Cowan , Joan 1 1 2 1 Vzquez , Ivette Valentn , Giselle Rivera . UPR-Medical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Puerto Rico, Medical 2 Sciences Campus, School of Pharmacy, VA Caribbean Healthcare System, Pharmacy Service. (R-174) Prosthethic Complications on Implant-Supported Prosthesis: A Clinical Review from 1997 to Present. Mariely Santini, Mara A. Loza, Yolanda Iduate, Carmen Jusino, Edwin Rodrguez, Miriel Torres. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine. (R-175) 1, 2 Infantile Hemangioma: Clinical Assessment of the Involuting Phase and Implications for Management. Rafael A. Couto , 2 2 1 2 Reid A. Maclellan , Arin K. Greene . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Children's Hospital Boston/ Harvard Medical School. (R-176) Fractura del Esquema Corporal Femenino que Afecta la Imagen Corporal y Causa Desajuste Psicosocial. Ada M. Alemn- Batista, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions, Undergraduate Department. (R-177) Assessment of Pediatric Health Needs Through Participatory Research. Princess Pacheco, Enid J. Garca-Rivera, Marielis Coln, Mara Gonzlez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-178) 1 Factors Associated to Parents' Willingness to Accept the Influenza Vaccine for their Children. Carolina Pichardo , Lourdes 1 Garca-Fragoso, Juanita Negrn, Wilda R. Vicente, Mariola Fernndez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, University Pediatric 2 Hospital, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-179)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Individual Characterization of Tumors: 18F-FMISO and 124I-IAZGP Hypoxia PET Imaging. Marina C. Bernal Fernndez , 2 2 2 2 2 1 Jeannine A. Ruby , John L. Humm , Sean D. Carlin , Clifton C. Ling , Heiko Schoder . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of 2 Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY. (R-180) Ceramic on Ceramic in Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA): Our Experience in Hispanic Population. Vctor H. Hernndez, Juan J. Bibiloni, Rubn Torrealba, Ariel Dvila, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics. (R- 181) 1 The Relationship Between Stroop-Type Conflict Tasks and Fear Conditioning in Anxiety Disorders. Dor M. Arroyo Carrero , 2 1 1 1 Polaris Gonzlez , Karen G. Martnez , Gregory J. Quirk . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of 2 Psychiatry, Ponce School of Medicine and Health Science, Clinical Psychology Department. (R-182) Extracranial Carotid Artery Stenting: The Puerto Rico Medical Center Endovascular Neurosurgery Service Experience. Euclides Effio, Rafael Rodrguez Mercado, Caleb E. Feliciano Vals, Manuel Hernndez Gaitn, Amaury Garca. UPR-Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Section of Neurological Surgery Neuroendovascular Surgery Program. (R-183) Knowledge and Misconceptions about Immunizations among Nurses that Administer the Vaccines. Joselle M.Otero Palacios. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. (R-184) Protein Nitrosylation and Carbonylation are Decreased with CSF HIV-1 DNA in Hispanic Women with HAND. Marangeline 1 2 3 4 2 2 1 Huertas , Joyce Vlez , Richard Skolasky , Bruce Shiramizu , Loyda Melndez , Dianedis Toro . UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, 2 3 Department of Biology, UPR-Medical Science Campus, Neuro AIDS Reseach Program, Orthopaedic Surgery, Spine Outcomes 4 Research Center Johns Hopkins University, John A. Burns School of Medicine. (R-185) Impact of Hypoalbuminemia in the Clinical Course of Patients Admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Liliana Morales Prez, Alicia Fernndez Sein. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. (R-186) 1 Childhood Trauma is Correlated with Impaired Conflict Resolution in Stroop-Type Tasks in Adults. Polaris Gonzlez , Rafael 2 2 2 1 Gonzlez , Gregory Quirk , Karen Martnez . Ponce School of Medicine and Health Science, Clinical Psychology Department, 2 UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-187) 1 Readiness Assessment of Medical Residents for an Online Residents-As-Teachers Curriculum. Debora H. Silva , Kadriye O. 2 1 2 Lewis . UPR-Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center. (R-188) Addressing Professional Development: The Bioethics and Survival Skills in Research Course. Emma Fernndez-Repollet. UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology. (R-189) Experiencias de Vida de Jvenes Puertorriqueos en la Seleccin de la Carrera de Medicina: Retos para la Consejera Ocupacional. Blanca E. Amors-Rivera. UPR-Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Decanato de Estudiantes, Centro Estudiantil de Consejera y Sicologa. (R-190) Enfoques Participativos y Metodologas Comunitarias en la Escuela: Opcin para el Trabajo Social Escolar. Doris S. Pizarro. UPR-Recinto de Ro Piedras, Escuela Graduada de Trabajo Social. (R-191) Enhancing Academia Infusing Technology: Follow up and Faculty Perspective on Institutionalization. Anadel Castro, Luz A. Muiz-Santiago, Rubn Garca, Mara P. Toral. UPR-Carolina Campus and UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Title V Cooperative II Project. (R-192) 1 1 Management and Hygienic Maintenance of Haitian Females Hair. Vernica Acevedo , Roselyn Cintrn , Ada M. Alemn- 1 2 2 Batista , Jos A. Vargas . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions, Undegraduate Department, Iniciativa Comunitaria. (R-193) 1 2 3 Physical Activity Among Medical Residents. Ricardo Gago-Piero , Humberto M. Guiot , Yanira Z. Vzquez Prez , Juan R. 3 3 1 Barrn Alemany , Carlos M. Morales Rodrguez . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Internal 2 Medicine, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-194)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Implantacin de una Gua Informativa para Padres de Nios/as Diagnosticados con Autismo. Anette Quiones Miranda, Ana M. Parrilla-Rodrguez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Maternal and Child Health Program. (R-195) Implantacin de un Programa de Apoyo de Lactancia Materna para Adolescentes dentro del Programa WIC. Abneris Daz Morales, Ana M. Parrilla-Rodrguez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Maternal and Child Health Program. (R-196) 1 Preparedness of Primary Care Centers in Puerto Rico to Response to Pediatric Emergencies 2010. Milagros B. Martn , Mara 2 2 1 2 E. Centeno , Wanda Arbelo . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-197) Intrathecal Polymixin B as an Adjunctive Therapy for Ventriculostomy Associated Infections Secondary to Multi-Drug Resistant Gram Negative Bacteria: A Retrospective Study of Cerebrospinal Fluid Sterilization. Arelis Febles, Sol M. Carrillo, Humberto Guiot. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Infectious Diseases. (R-198) Percepcin de Administradores Educativos Respectos a la Educacin a Distancia en Programas Graduados de Educacin en las Universidades de Puerto Rico. Juan A. Melndez-Sostre. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions, Undergraduate Department. (R-199) The Use of Standardized Patient to Train Medical Students on Hiv as the Next Generation of Service Providers. Belinda 1 2 2 Beauchamp , Nerian Ortiz . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, UPR-Medical Science Campus. (R-200) 1 2 Puerto Rico Abstinence Program Systematic Technical Assistance Model. Samaris O. Vega-Torres , Annette Alameda-Daz , 2 2 2 Edna Acosta-Prez , Monica Adams , Marizaida Snchez-Cesreo . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public 2 Health, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-201) 1 2 Puerto Rico en Forma: Enfoque Comunitario de Promocin de la Actividad Fsica. Mercedes Rivera , David Bernier , Ilia 3 2 1 2 Torres-Avilln , Rey Soler . UPRRo Piedras Campus, Physical Education and Recreation, Comit Olmpico Puerto Rico, 3 Puerto Rico en Forma. (R-202) 1 Recinto Pa la Calle: An Alternate Approach to Medical Education Through Solidarity Service-Learning. Marcos G. Salgado , 2 2 3 4 1 Sahily Reyes , Claudia S. Simich , Milangel T. Concepcin , Ramn E. Flores . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of 2 3 Medicine, UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, Psychiatry Residency Training Program, Georgetown University Hospital, 4 Washington, DC, University of Texas Health and Science Center, Houston, TX. (R-203) Integration of Assessment and Information Literacy to Enhance the Teaching-Learning Process. Efran Flores-Rivera, Mara P. Toral, Rubn Garca. UPR-Carolina Campus and UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Title V Cooperative II Project. (R-204) La Creacin de una Coleccin de DVD para Facilitar la Implantacin de Prcticas Educativas. Isabel Ramos Rodrguez, Carmen Pacheco Seplveda, Mayra Vargas Rodrguez, UPR-Recinto de Ro Piedras, Facultad de Educacin. (R-205) Para Vernos Mejor: Fotovoz como Metodologa y Estrategia de Investigacin Accin Participativa en el Estudio de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud en la Salud Pblica. Carmen M. Vlez Vega. UPR-Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales. (R-206) 1 Comparing Dietary Intake and Nutrients between Pre-diabetic and Normal Puerto Ricans. Sandra M. Soltero , Francisco 2 2 2 3 1 Muoz , Cristina Palacios , Jos L. Vegara , Kaumudi Joshipura . UPR-Medical Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, Center for 2 3 Clinical Research and Health Promotion, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Harvard School of Public Health. (R-207) Sex and Age Differences in Presenting Symptoms of Acute Myocardial Infarction: The Puerto Rico Heart Attack Study. 1 1, 2 1, 2 3 1 Gruschenka N. Mojica Snchez , Hctor L. Banchs Pieretti , Mario Garca Palmieri , Luis R. Pericchi . UPR-Medical Sciences

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

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Campus, School of Medicine, Cardiovascular Center of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, UPR- Ro Piedras Campus, Department of Mathematics and Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Center of the College of Natural Sciences. (R-208) 1 2 2 Oral Human Papillomavirus Infection Among Drug Users in Puerto Rico. Juan C. Reyes , Ana P. Ortiz , Guillermo Tortolero , 2 1 Hctor M. Coln . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics and 2 Epidemiology, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-209) Dental Fluorosis and Caries in a Fluoridated and non Fluoridated Community. Margarita Murillo, Luis J. Orraca, Mariema Garca, Jos Vivaldi, Sona Rivas-Tumanyan, Augusto Elas. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, UPR-School of Dental Medicine. (R- 210) Incidence and Mortality of Oral Cavity and Pharynx Cancer by Socioeconomic Position in Puerto Rico. Natalia Torres-Berros, Erick Surez, Rosa V. Rosario. UPRMedical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. (R-211) Outcomes of Puerto Rican Girls with Central Precocious Puberty Treated with Leuprolide (Lupron) and Followed at the UPH Endocrinology Clinics. Marina Ruiz, Francisco Nieves. UPR-Medical Sciences, University of Puerto Rico Pediatric Hospital. (R- 212) Association between the Level of Perceived Academic Stress, Social Support, and Eating Patterns on Higher Stress Moments, among Students of First and Second Year of the UPR-MSC in the Academic Period from January to May 2010- 2011. Ideliz Pagn, Carla Fabin, Josu L. Ros, Jesmari Betancourt, Sonia Y. Cruz, Anaisa Gonzlez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Human Development. (R-213) 1 Association between Dental Caries and Nutrient Intake in Twelve Year-Old Puerto Rican Children. Cristina Palacios , Roxana 2 2 3 2 3 1 Torres , Elvia Santos , Sona Rivas-Tumanyan , Gerardo Torres , Augusto Elas . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate 2 School of Public Health, Department of Human Development, Nutrition Program, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, UPR- 3 Medical Sciences, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, UPR-Medical Sciences, School of Dental Medicine. (R-214) 1 Mitigating Effects of Influenza Vaccination Given Constraints in Supply and Administration Capacity. Erin C. McKiernan , 2 1 1 2 Mayte Cruz-Aponte , Marco A. Herrera-Valdez . UPR-Cayey Campus, Arizona State University. (R-215) 1 1 Clinical Profile of Puerto Ricans Hospitalized with Intercerebral Hemorrhage. Ulises Nobo , Abiecer Rodrguez , Fernando L. 2 3 3 3 1 3 Santiago , Rafael Rodrguez Mercado , Jorge Yarzebski , Juan A. Gonzlez . Hospital HIMA-San Pablo, UPR-Medical Sciences 3 Campus, School of Medicine, University of Massachussets. (R-216) Dental Caries Prevalence among 12 Year Olds School Attending Puerto Ricans. Luis J. Orraca, Margarita Murillo, Rony Arencibia, Hctor Marrero, Sona Rivas-Tumanyan, Augusto Elas. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine. (R-217) 1 Is Body Mass Index Associated with Molecular Types of Breast Cancer Cases? Mary V. Daz-Santana , Consuelo Climent, 2 2 2 1 Emmanuel Agosto, Gilberto Ramos, Cruz M. Nazario. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, 2 Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-218) Prevalence of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms among 18-64 year-olds in Puerto Rico. Lizbeth M. Del Toro-Mejas, Heidi L. Venegas-Ros, Juan C. Reyes-Pulliza. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. (R-219) Distribucin Geogrfica de la Seguridad Alimentaria en Puerto Rico, 2005-2009. Mara A. Rosario-Mejas. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Social Sciences- Demography. (R-220) Necesidades de Vivienda de las Personas con Deficiencias en el Desarrollo y Otros Impedimentos Participantes en Organizaciones de Base Comunitaria de Puerto Rico. Annie Alonso, Luz Len, Aimar E. Cajigas. UPRRecinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Programa de Demografa, Instituto de Deficiencias en el Desarrollo. (R-221)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Cambios Demogrficos en la Primera Dcada del Siglo XXI. Dalianna Carrero Rivera, Yesarel Y. Pesante Snchez, Analuisa Dvila Romn. UPR-Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Programa de Demografa Departamento de Ciencias Sociales. (R-222) Oral Hygiene Practices in the Population of San Juan Overweight Adult Longitudinal Study (SOALS). Marlene Rivera- Sotomayor, Kaumudi Joshipura, Jos L. Vergara, Cynthia M. Prez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine. (R-223) Relationship between Dental Caries and Fluorosis in School attending Puerto Ricans. Ricardo G. Tomei, Sona Rivas- Tumanyan, Luis J. Orraca, Augusto R. Elas-Boneta. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine. (R-224) Self-Reported Tooth Loss in Puerto Rican Adults. Frances Escalera-Maldonado, Kaumudi J. Joshipura, Cynthia M. Prez, Jos L. Vergara. UPR - Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine. (R-225) Prevalence of MB2 Root Canal in Permanent Maxillary First Molars in a Patient Population at the School of Dental Medicine of the University of Puerto Rico. Alexandra Garratn, Cristina Martnez, Augusto R. Elas-Boneta, Carmen Santa. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine. (R-226) Dietary Patterns of 1st and 2nd Year Medical Sciences Campus Students of the University of Puerto Rico (MSC-UPR) and its Association with Socio-demographic Characteristics and Perceived Academic Stress during the Second Semester of 2010- 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2011. Carla Fabin Gonzlez , Anaisa Gonzlez , Ideliz Pagn , Jesmarie Betancourt , Josu Ros , Sonia Cruz . UPR-Medical 2 Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Human Development-Nutrition, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-227) 1 The Prevalence of Pit and Fissure Sealants in 12 Year Olds Attending Public and Private Schools in PR: 2010-11. Gabriela A. 2 2 2 2 2 1 Gata, Mara Berros , Luis J. Orraca , Carmen Bux , Mara M. Justiniano , Roxana Hanke . UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, 2 Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine. (R- 228) Association between Self-Perceived Academic Stress, Physical Activity and Eating Patterns of Students in First and Second Year of the Medical Sciences Campus (MCS) during the Academic Period from January to May 2011. Sonia Y. Cruz, Carla Fabin, Ideliz Pagn, Josu L. Ros, Anaisa M. Gonzlez, Jesmari Betancourt. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Human DevelopmentNutrition. (R-229) Association between Self-Perceived Academic Stress, Alcohol Consumption, Smoking and Dietary Pattern Among 1st And 2nd Year Graduate from the Medical Science Campus (MSC) of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR). Anaisa M. Gonzlez, Sonia Cruz, Josu Rios, Ideliz Pagn, Carla Fabin, Jesmarie Betancourt. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Human DevelopmentNutrition. (R-230) Underreporting of Leptospirosis in Puerto Rico: 2001-2006. Yomayra Otero, Gilberto Ramos, Cruz M. Nazario. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. (R-231) 1 Association Between Caffeine Consumption, Blood Pressure and Hypertension Diagnosis. Irvic Rodrguez , Francisco 2 2,3 1 2 Muoz , Kaumudi Joshipura . UPR-Ro Piedras Campus, Interdisciplinary Sciences Program, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, 3 School of Dental Medicine, Center for Clinical Research and Health Promotion, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA. (R-232) Expectativa de Vida de las Personas Diagnosticadas con Cncer Colo-Rectal en Puerto Rico: 2000-2004. Erick Villanueva 1 2 2 2 1 Rosa , Ana-Luisa Dvila Romn , Karen J. Ortiz Ortiz , Nayda Figueroa-Valls . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate 2 School of Public Health, Department of Social Sciences-Demography Program, Puerto Rico Cancer Central Registry. (R-233) Craniosynostosis Patients Surgically Treated at the University of Puerto Rico Pediatric Hospital. Alejandra Fernndez, Antonio Rivera-Luna, Jazmn Oliva, Sona Rivas-Tumanyan. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Dental Medicine. (R-234) Knowledge, Perception and Consumption Patterns of Energy Drinks Among College Students. Stefany Y. Olivera. Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Puerto Rico, Department of General Science. (R-235)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


La Violencia Domstica en Puerto Rico para el Periodo 2005-2010. Lisa L. Ayala-Mathew, Michelle Sonera-Cuevas, Ana-Luisa Dvila. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Social Sciences, Demography Program. (R-236) 1 2 Finding the Causes of Preterm Births in Puerto Rico: The PROTECT Transdisciplinary Model. Jos F. Cordero , Camille Rivera , 2 1 2 Liza V. Anzalota . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-237) Association Between Self-Perceived Academic Stress, Medication Use and Eating Patterns of Students in First and Second Year of the Medical Sciences Campus (MSC) of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) During the Academic Period from January to May 2011. Jesmari Betancourt, Josue Ros, Ideliz Pagn, Carla Fabin, Sonia Cruz, Anaisa Gonzlez. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Human DevelopmentNutrition. (R-238) Nacidos en Puerto Rico: Caractersticas de los que Residen en la Isla y los que Emigraron, 2005-09. Manuel Prez-Muiz. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Social Sciences, Demography Program. (R- 239) Trends and Risk Factors for Preterm Births among Puerto Rican Women: An Island and Mainland Study. Liza V. Anzalota, Jos F. Cordero. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health. (R-240) Caractersticas Sociodemogrficas de las Jefas de Familia sin Cnyugue Presente: Puerto Rico 2005-09. Zaira Y. Rosario- Pabn, Luz E. Len-Lpez. UPR-Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Programa de Demografa, Centro de Investigaciones Demogrficas. (R-241) 1 Perfil de los Cuidadores y las Cuidadoras de los y las Personas Mayores en Puerto Rico, PREHCO 2008. Ana-Luisa Dvila , 1 2 Alberto Garca , Mara P. Aranda . UPR-Recinto de Ciencias Mdicas, Escuela Graduada de Salud Pblica, Proyecto PREHCO, 2 Universidad de California del Sur. (R-242) 1 Diet and Physical Activity in Children from a Community with Limited Access of Health Care Services. Gabriela Algarn , 1 2 2 1 2 Sharleen Ruiz , Melisa Rivera , Princess Pacheco . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, UPR- Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine. (R-243) 1 1 Interaction of Childhood Environmental Factors with NOD2 in Crohns Disease. Francisco Garca , Roberto Vendrell , Jerome 2 2 1 2 1 I. Rotter , Dermot P. McGovern , Esther Torres , Kent Taylor . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, 2 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Genetics Institute, Los Angeles, CA, United States. (R-244) Association between Self-Perceived Academic Stress, Stimulating Beverages Consumption, and Eating Patterns among Students of First and Second Year of the University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences Campus During the Academic Period 1 2 2 2 from January to May 2011. Josu L. Ros Romn , Jesmari Betancourt Betancourt , Ideliz Pagn Daz , Carla Fabin Gonzlez , 2 2 1 Anaisa Gonzlez Cedrs , Sonia Cruz Corts . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Department 2 of Human DevelopmentNutrition, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-245) 1 Intentional and Unintentional Poisoning Trends among the Elderly in Puerto Rico. Yerania Rodrguez Navedo , Ivonne Z. 2 2 1 2 Jimnez Velzquez , Enrique Lpez . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Geriatrics Department, UPR- Medical Sciences Campus. (R-246) Perfil Mdico Delegacin de Puerto Rico, XXI Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe: Mayagez 2010. Hctor J. Rodrguez 1 2 2 2 2 1 Medina , Rebecca Rodrguez-Negrn , Nancy Torres Torres , Esther A. Rivera Gmbaro , Gabriel Daz Rozo . UPR-Medical 2 Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-247) Air Quality Educational Programs for Older Age Persons Living in Puerto Rico. Oscar Martnez-Franco, Mariluz Alvarado Lpez, Idalysz Morales Gonzlez, Lymari Ortiz Lpez, Vctor Emanuel Reyes-Ortiz. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Human Development Department. (R-248)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.


Worldwide Trends on Reproductive Health Issues: A Systematic Review of Evidence Research Made from 2001 to 2011. 1 2, 2 2 Viviana Fontnez Pereira , Edith Lpez Toro Vctor E. Reyes Ortiz , Ivelisse M. Garca Melndez . UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, Graduate School of Public Health, Departement of Social Sciences, UPR-Medical Sciences Campus. (R-249) Uterine Curettage in Post Partum Patients With Severe Trophoblastic Hypertension Known as Preeclampsia: A Meta- Analysis. Alma C. Pontn Nigaglioni, Susana Schwarz. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (R-250) Identification of Major Components of Fasciola Hepatica Tegument Those are Highly Reactive with Sera from Humans with Chronic Infection. Adelaida Morales, Ana Margarita Espino. UPR-Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Medical Zoology. (R-251)

This is a preliminary program. The final version will be published on Monday, March 19, 2012.

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