Leadership Ethics

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Ethics is central to leadership Ethics is central to leadership because of the nature of the process of influence, the need to engage

followers in accomplishing mutual goals, and the impact leaders have on the organisations values (Northouse, 2009. p. 383). In other words power differences between people or leaders and followers create a great ethical responsibility for leaders. The principles of ethical leadership The five principles of ethical leadership are: respect, service, justice, honesty, and community. Treating others with respect is of the duty of the leaders. This involves listen closely to others and be tolerant of opposing opinions. A leader serves towards a common good by putting others welfare before their own. In other words by acting altruistically. In order to achieve justice, an ethical leader must place fairness at the core of their decision making. This also includes the difficult task of being fair to the individual and at the same time being fair to the common interests of society. A good leader is an honest leader and do not tell lie. This also includes not to present truth to others in ways that are destructive or counterproductive. Ethical leaders are also committed to building community. This involves searching for goals that are compatible with the goals of followers and with the whole of society (Northouse, 2009).

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