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21st Century

Learning Environments
Information Display

What do Lecturers want from their Lecture Venues?

With increasing demand for powerful, technology-rich learning environments, it is likely that teacher centred lecture halls, designed to assist students acquire scare information, will not meet todays technological expectations.

When lecturing I have to be able to

Access a console equipped with working electronic education technologies Be able to connect to the internet and the university network Be able to plug in extra electronic devices from multiple power supply points Have sufficient table space for all my equipment and materials Lecture from behind a lectern All of the above


er ? ury Teac h ent y ou a 21 C , A re sroom a c c e ss la s n a d d ition to c I hav e a n d te a c h e r s stu d e n ts tu al n o th e r v i a v i r ea o a c c e s s to o n s, e m ail, Y es | N ssion : on lin e d isc u me ans tc . n e tw orkin g , e c h a t, soc ia l

The purpose of this research was to hear from humanities lecturers, what their technology expectations were for their teaching venues. We wanted to clearly articulate the minimum audio/ visual/computing facilities that academics require when teaching students in lecture halls seating 50 students or more. The data included in this poster was taken from an online survey answered by 39 academics from Wits Humanities faculty.

Information Display

When I present data or video to my class I most probably use a Data/Video projector Other

When I write up information I prefer to do it on a

Interactive whiteboard Chalkboard White board All of the above Ipad with backchannel Overhead projector
? entur y Teac her A r e y ou a 21 C ld be le c tu re, a ctiv ity shou In a r as foc use d on th e le ctu re r a nd th e stu d en ts o pre se n te he r Y es | N f his/ shou ld be re c ipie nts o e xpe rtise

Information Display

When projecting data or video onto a surface I prefer to use A projection screen An electronically operated screen A wall painted matt or low sheen white Any of the above Ar e y ou a 21 Centur y Teacher ? Pre sen tations an d m ate rials m ay be d eve loped dyn amically both inside and outsid e of cla ss w ith stu den ts as c o-d eve lope rs or as Yes | No prim ary de velope rs

I expect that in the near future my teaching venue will at least be equipped with

Media Storage

Media Storage

Media Storage

My class AUDIO is usually stored in the following format

My class VIDEO/DATA is usually stored in the following format

A high spec computer installed in my teaching venue that has a multi media capacity and specifically selected software connected to a data projector A terminal that is connected to a data projector with a set of accessible USB ports that allow me (and my students) to plug in peripheral devices and flash drives Multiple electrical plugs points and wireless access for my students and I to use our own mobile computing device while in the lecture All of the above
POSTER BY Derek Moore | James Smurthwaite | Nkaba Senne

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eLearning Support & Innovation | Wits University


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