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1.a. Define data strucure? Give an example? b. Define algorithm and program with an exxample for each. c.

What is profiling? d.Define linked list? e. What are the disadvantages of arrays? How can it be overcome? 2. a. Define array? Write the memory representation of arrrays? Describe the operations that to be performed on arrays with suitable examples? b. Write a program on deletion operation of an array? OR c. define stack? What are the applications of stack? Implement the stack using arrays? d. Explain the concept of multiple stack? 3. a.Explain the concept of priority queue with suitable program? b. Define linked list? Explain the different operations that to be performed on single linked list with examples? OR b. define queue? Describe the operations that to be performed on queue with example? c. Write a program on Queue using arrays? 4. a. Convert the following expression into prefix as well as postfix expression. (A+B)*(C^(D-E)+F)/G)^(H-J) b. Evaluate the following postfix expression AB-C+DEF-+DEF-+^ [ take A=1, B=2, C=3, D=2,E=4 ,F=1 ] OR b. Explain the concept of circular queue with an example? 5. a. What is meant by performnce analysis? Describe the different types of performance analysis? b. Give the step count for sum of n numbers program. OR b. What is meant by sparse matrix? Write a program on sparse matrix? c. Explain the concept of dequeue with an example program?

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