Terms of Reference Output 4: Support For The Leading Accounting Talent Project Accounting and Capacity-Building Specialist

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Terms of Reference Output 4: Support for the Leading Accounting Talent Project Accounting and Capacity-Building Specialist (international,

2 person-months) The international consultant will be an experienced certified public accountant or equivalent with extensive theoretical and practical knowledge of professional accounting examination systems in developed and developing countries and familiarity with the application of best-practice training. The specialist should have substantial professional experience in and knowledge of accounting, auditing, and financial reporting in the PRC. The specific responsibilities of this specialist will be as follows: (i) advising the national specialists on good international practice and experience in capacity-building programs for leading accountants and on a suitable way of adapting the lessons to specific conditions in the PRC; (ii) advising the national specialists on the review and analysis of the Leading Accounting Talent Project (LATP), including its curricula and its examination and certification system; (iii) advising the national consultants on the revision and improvement of the capacity-building framework for the LATP in line with the increasing internationalization of the PRC economy, experience from the international financial crisis, and international standards and best practices; and (iv) developing a medium- to long-term plan for building the capacity of leading accountants, including professional development goals and administrative structures and systems.

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