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In the first two minutes we have identified that the film begins: A disequilibrium A non linear plot/ cause and effect Restricted narration Binary oppositions- strong and weak, good and evil. The hermeneutic code- why are we watching this backwards?

A disequilibrium
It begins with a disequilibrium to engage an audience and build suspense. This is typical of a psychological thriller. It is a disequilibrium because it jumps straight into an unexplained murder, with no good given motive.

Non linear- it jumps straight into the action (a murder) and doesnt show the events leading up to the death. This creates a state of confusion and shock for the audience, this is a typical convention of a psychological thriller. This is also connected to the hermeneutic code

A non linear plot/the hermeneutic code

Cause and effect

Leaves the audience confused, asking what was the motive of the killing was. The audience assumes that the murder was deliberate and planned out as he had the weapon and had taken a picture of the crime.

Restricted narration
Leaves the audience questioning as to why the victim is murdered or questioning his side of the story. This can add surprise as we only discover what happens from the narrators point of view.

Binary Oppositions
The audience can clearly observe from the first 2 minutes, that one of the 2 characters on screen is in a position of power and the other a victim. This mirrors the typical convention of a psychological thriller possessing characters of the typical roles of strong and weak, good and evil.


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