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HBe Ag:

(Hepatitis Be antigen)

It is used as a marker of viral replication.

Hepatitis B may be prevented by either passive (Hepatitis B immunoglobulin) (HBIG) or active (Hepatitis B recombinant vaccine) for immunization. Initially vaccination was targeted towards high risk individuals such as : 1) Babies of infected mothers 2) Health care workers 3) Those having sexual contacts with infected individuals

Diagnostic tests for Hepatitis B:

HBSAG is produced in excess by the virus and is used as laboratory test to detect current HBV infection (Acute & Chronic) antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen (Anti HBc) is the most commonly detected antibody against HBV two tests are usually used. 1) IgM (Immunoglobulin M) 2) Total Anti-HBC The total antibody test measures both IgM & IgG antibodies and usually positive for life after exposure. IgM anti HBC is usually positive for three months to six months after acute infection. But is occasionally positive with chronic HBV infection as well . Anti-body to the hepatitis B surface antigen (Anti HBS) is considered an evidence of immunity to hepatitis B and is the only marker found in those receiving the hepatitis B vaccines. During the recovery from natural infection most individuals develop both Anti-HBS & Anti-HBC .Hepatitis B viral DNA is a direct measure of circulating virus.

Hepatitis C Virus:
(HCV) is the most common cause of chronic hepatitis in North America, Europe and Japan. It is estimated to infect approximately 170 million individuals worldwide. HCV infection primarily occurs through plasma. The major risk factors are injection, drug use & transfusion before testing the blood supply. HCV is an RNA flavivirus with a high rate of spontaneous mutation. There are six major genotypes along with a number of subtypes.

Preventions of Hepatitis C Virus:

Prevention of hepatitis C has proved to be more difficult than HAV & HBV. However there has been an 80% decrease in incidence of HCV over the past decade, which is thought to due testing blood donar for HCV into safe injection practices to reduce risk of HIV infection.

Diagnostic tests for HCV:

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