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2 1 Productivity conse via mane “Theta el Acconing ¥ European Extoomic Coopention, “Predutiviy isthe qu corp by eof th ft of produto. Th sponse say pe materials arconding to uber ontutis being considered on felalion trail, avetmeent or DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PRODUCTIVITY AND PRODUCTION Frito stl Ge acy of retin gosor sevice. haggis ofceveing nt ioe weal, valuesdded cup rocty ize othe eet use of apt mail into rode epi the form of fitigg oes ores Eraoi 1 XY mnaarring 210 psec by 200 cei oer HA. The i ht po kg ors cuoner wo soppy 12000 ex pars The fia ska dein to employ more abn Bs Pedection and produtivity level when the number of lbour employed are (2, 0, 1 Mis relatively ey ta come data tras csnpary ecco, ito peoente company wise and sector wise dat, ny indies meas of itl ae ignored, EFFECT OF BASE PERIOD ON PRODUCTIVITY Producty i rate ofthe apt produced for use wutide of an organisation wih due atowance for iw! kind f pres vid By the mtr ed ll vided by sim caaFom a bose pied ‘Agptapited snip in tbe meso tae costo afer : _ Resourses input ne wesured period as : Pretacaly” “" Aggepted supa i Be ase period peer ‘Resouree pat ithe base period i ‘TYPE OF PRODUCTIVITY INDEX _Oapst_ | ring genet “vera Mea Foi a Ont __. | means nates Sir Epens pet adr Manayeose ) Services of consultant hited (RS) Seton (Caulaton Productivity Tagen ve 000, index» OPER 190 = 125 (0 Labour prods index >< oan omva.£00, ivr index = > 100 «1 Oiestabour pki Inder a 06,000, (ay Capel depo roy ie Fors * pow2sion ry index 10008 {n)Capitatbonk rae poi index F939, 90 200'86,000 (0) Tout ict coterie ap ggg "100 = (uf) Poregnenchangeprdoxtvityinder = 5 . 200 va) oergy asd prod index ™ “ (Gaieery (i) Raw material peductiviyit (Ge) fal factor prodtviy = iors Gp May regu ite oe capital epee iv When enter 60 taboo are eye redaction = 48,090 + 12000 60.80 i @000___. 9.961 Susman best > Gone (000) gen Ween 38 labour employed rode 48900 412600 60,000 itt eee Prods bol * Tso} fe) When a toe play oto 4,90» 1700 = Rn obey amie atincasot 928) ain sei hlon ene of 8 i eras aa wep ier tpn ORE gut otra cate oan —ad ee sg Eve of Protein ve: ei Sees peo pRODUCTINITY, [EEFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS Stages cia win iy ed eeteres: AN eum we RS Proper ese of tape teen) | ‘ener Qo things el os —_— Ln _| | ions “Fast Eiteeey,Eietvencs a Produit of tx redutoa Sytem

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