Benwallace 319 A

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(New Program: March 19) WARM-UP FOR UPPER BODY DAY Row 10 minutes (easy-doable pace, smooth motions: gently warm up the body) Shoulder Stability Exercises: 10 reps: -With arms in front of you push the shoulders forward and back -With arms above your head, push the shoulders up and down Shoulder Shrugs, 10 reps Shoulder Circles, 10 reps Arm circles: -Small 10 reps -Big (one arm at a time) 10 reps Shoulder Rotations with Cable Machine -External Rotation (to the outside) -Internal Rotation (to the inside) Stretches: 15-20 second hold: -Prone (lying on your stomache) Straight arm stretch -Seated, hands reach back behind you -Standing- arms on wall, chest to wall -Standing Triceps Stretch -Hamstrings (Walk your hands down the wall) -Traditional Quad Stretch CORE CIRCUIT 1) Banana Roll with Hold -Hold the banana 30 seconds, Roll, Hold the Superman 30 seconds, Roll (This is one round) -5Rounds 2) Banana Roll with Crunches & Pushups -15 crunches, 15 reverse crunches, lower legs to banana position, Roll, 15 superman reps and 8 pushups, Roll (This is one round) -5 rounds 3) Banana Roll with Side Crunch -20 side crunches, Roll to your other side, 20 Side Crunches (one round) -5 rounds 4) Banana Roll with V-Up and Hip-Up -10 v-ups, 10 one-legged hip-ups (on both sides for a total of 20), full roll (back to the the same position on your back), (one round) HEAVY LIFTING WITH REST PERIODS: 1) Deadlift (For Testosterone Release): 3 sets, 1 min rest in-between sets

-10 rep max (max means that by the 10th you shouldnt be able to do more. If you reach 10 and youre not maxed out, keep lifting until you are- you will notice your form starts to break. The number you get up to will give you an idea of how much you need to increase your weight for your 8-rep max. As your reps decrease, your weight should increase.) My estimate for your weight: 35-40 lbs on each side. It might be more since we havent done a full-body legs day together in a while. -8 rep max (5-8 lbs heavier) -6 rep max (5-8 lbs heavier) 2) Bench Press: 2 consecutive sets for each, 6-8 rep max, 1 min rest in-between sets Flat Bench (23-24 lbs on each side)-- These weights are my guesses as to what you are now, if they are too light, go up by increments of 2.5 lbs on each side (5 lb total increase) Incline (11-12 lb each side) Decline (16-17 lb each side) 3) Pullups -55 lbs assistance, max reps -lighten the assistance by one plate, max reps -same weight as second set, max reps Note: with max reps, you have reached your last rep once you would need to compromise your form to do another rep (in this case, you might feel a desire to round your shoulders forward.) Circuit, 3 rounds, keep your pace up, no rest periods (If you really need to rest take 3 deep breaths/10 seconds and then keep going) Try the full three sets with these weights and then see how you feel at the end. If you didnt fall into the challenging range, increase your weights by 3-5 lbs for the next time: 15 Pushups 15 Dumbell Rows (15 lb) 15 Dumbell Side Raises (8 lb) 15 Tricep French Presses (15 lb) 15 Dumbell Bicep Curls Biceps Curls (12 lb) FINISH: 5 minute steady-state run on cardio machine of your choice 5 min cool-down on same cardio machine. Stretches for the upper body and hamstrings (45 sec hold)

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