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Banner Navigation Short Cut Keys

There are numerous keyboard short cuts available in BANNER. The specific keystrokes for a function depend on your environment. The Show Keys command in the Help Menu lists the keyboard equivalents available in your environment for the current form, window and field. In addition, the Alt key gives quick access to the Menu Bar items. Menu Bar:
Alt+E Alt+B Alt+R Alt+T






Toolbar (or Icon bar):

Rollback Insert Record Previous Record Previous Block Enter Query Cancel Query Print

Broadcast Message

Supplemental MultiData Engine Institution Functionality

Save Select Remove Record Next Record Next Block

Execute Query

Banner Message


FineGrained Access

Online Help


Below is a list of some of the more common shortcut keys used. Function File Save File Rollback File Exit Query Enter Query Execute Query Cancel Query Count Hits Record Next Record Previous Record Insert Record Duplicate Record Clear Record Remove (delete) Select Record Banner Shortcut Keys Shortcut Key Function F10 Block Next Shift + F7 Block Previous Ctrl + Q Block Clear F7 F8 Ctrl + Q Shift + F2 or PageDn or PageUp F6 F4 Shift + F4 Shift + F6 Shift + F3 List of Values Display Error Show Keys Print Screen Field Next Field Previous Field Clear Field Duplicate Save Rollback Options Menu Direct Access bar Shortcut Key Ctrl + PageDn Ctrl + PageUp Shift + F5 F9 Shift + F1 Ctrl + F1 Shift + F8 Tab Shift + Tab Ctrl + U F3 F10 Shift + F7 Right Click or F2 F5

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