Re Election

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March 19th, 2012 Press Release For further information please call: Tony Avella; 917-723-3289

(Bayside, Queens) Today I am proud to announce that I will seek re-election to New York States 11th Senatorial District. Two years ago I ran for Senate on a platform of reform and good government in this district and while we have accomplished a great deal during my first term, we still have a long way to go to reform Albany. Since taking office, I have served this district faithfully, both in Albany and in the community, through bi-partisan legislative efforts, an unbridled defense of the our neighborhoods from harmful overdevelopment and unparalleled constituent services. As Senator I have authored and introduced over fifty bills and co-sponsored numerous others. In doing so I reached across the aisle to co-sponsor over two hundred bills which is more than double the amount co-sponsored by any of my Senate colleagues. I look forward to continuing this spirit of bipartisanship in an effort to truly accomplish what needs to be done for the greater good of New York State. While much of my attention was devoted to addressing our Statewide issues in Albany, I never lost sight of what needed to be done in the community. As Senator I attacked the reckless overdevelopment issues that have threatened the characters of our neighborhoods and never failed to take City Agencies to task for failing to provide the quality of life the people of Queens deserve. With the promise of even greater challenges in the future, I look forward to building on my first term in the State Senate and continuing my service to the 11th Senatorial District.

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