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CST installation Guide

Ladies and gentlemen, I notice many of us are unable to install the CST program smoothly. Here is the recommended instruction line downloaded from internet.
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And it works with my 2010 CST version. Please read it carefully. If you mess up with the installation steps, you must start at step 1. My friend from Monash University did the installation for me for your info.



Don't forget to "Run as Administrator" for any files that you opened below (For windows vista and Windows 7). And, please READ CAREFULLY before proceeding. You might need to redo everything if you messed up any part of it. 1) Mount the .iso image file into a virtual drive. (You may use PowerISO, or Daemon Tools, or even WinRar or WinZip which supports .iso files to extract them out.) 2) Let it auto run from your virtual drive, (or go to the folder where you extracted all the files, and run Setup.exe)

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: CST installation Guide

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3) Select custom installations, and choose "This feature will not be available" for Dongle Drivers. (Note: If you are re-installing this after uninstalling CST Studio Suite 2010 because you've messed up somewhere, please remember to go to your C:\Program Files, and delete the whole folder of CST Studio Suite 2010. Then only you install this software again.) 3) After finished installing, go back to the folder of your .iso image file, and find a file named " p". 4) Copy this file, and paste it into C:\ drives. -> C:\CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2010_271120092103290120102102_SP1.sup 5) Next, go to Start -> Program Files -> CST Studio Suite 2010 -> CST Update Manager, and a update window will appear. Click on "Import", and select the sup file -> CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2010_271120092103290120102102_SP1.sup <from your C drives. C:\CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2010_271120092103290120102102_SP1.sup 6) Then click "Install" to install it. 7) Go to your CST Studio Suite installed folder, by default, it is: For windows 64-bit : C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 For windows 32-bit : C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 then navigate into "License Manager" folder, and double click on "CST License Manager". 8) Click on "Stop Service" if it is running (The Start Service is not clickable, and the Stop Service is clickable). Notice that the "Available Licenses" box is empty. (If it is not empty, you might be having the license already, or your CST Studio Suite license is already a cracked license. But that doesn't really matters.) 9) Next, go to Start -> Program Files -> CST Studio Suite 2010 -> Distributed Computing System -> Main Controller Administration 10) Choose your working directory. By default, it will be C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010, or C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 for windows 64-bit. 11) Click on "Start server", and let it run, then click again on "Stop server" to stop it. This is to let it generate some essential files and log files, which is essential for the program to run later on. (I think?) 12) Next, close this window. You might need to go to your system tray on your lower right, and find the tray icon for this "Main Controller

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Administration", and then right click it, and click on "Exit". 13) Next, open up the license.dat file available in the folder that you've downloaded, and search for the line: HOSTID=. Remove , and replace it with your hostID. For example, let say your hostID is: 00-11-22-33-44-55, so this particular line will look like this: HOSTID=001122334455 Edit each and every line available in there. You may use the function from : Edit -> Replace, and put for "Find next" section, and 001122334455 in the Replace section, and then click on "Replace all". For more information on how to get your hostID, refer to step 29 at the bottom of instructions. 14) After finished editing, save, and copy this file and put into install directory. For windows 64-bit : C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 For windows 32-bit : C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 15) Extract the rar file "2010FIX" anywhere you want. (Password of the RAR is : 0123456789876543210) 16) Open the extracted folder, and copy the "CSTpatcher" available inside, into your installed directory. For windows 64-bit : C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 For windows 32-bit : C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 17) Before doing anything, make sure every application related to "CST Studio Suite 2010" is turned off (or closed). It is safer if you open up your TASK MANAGER, and click on "Show processes from all users", and find any processes related to CST Studio Suite 2010, such as: CSTDCMain_Control.exe CSTDCMain_Server.exe. Basically, these processes will all start with a "CST" infront of it. Click on them, and click "End Process". 18) After making sure all applications are closed, run the CSTPatcher.exe in the installed directory and it will start patching the files. (Remember to run as administrator) 19) For APLAC features in CST Design Studio, use the tools available in the APLAC folder in your downloaded folder to generate separate license.lic file. Do this by first navigating into the APLAC folder in the FIX folder extracted earlier. 20) Open the file "EFALicGen.exe".


: CST installation Guide

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21) Click on "Open", and navigate yourself to your downloaded folder -> FIX -> APLAC -> Packs, then select the file AplacCST.lpd, and click on "Open". 22) Select "Ethernet" for the section "Select Host ID". (Keep the box "Use Daemon" UNTICKED) 23) Click on "Generate", and a window will pop up. 24) Click "Save" on the upper left to save the generated file, (remember to select the "Save as type:" to "License File (*.lic)" and not "License File (*.dat)", save the name as "license.lic". Save this file into the installed directory: For windows 64-bit : C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 For windows 32-bit : C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 25) Create an Environment Variable -> CSTD_LICENSE_FILE with the value: C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010\license.lic, or C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010\license.lic for windows 64-bit. Note: You may do this by going to: right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables, and under the "System Variables", click on the "New" button , and enter the name as "CSTD_LICENSE_FILE" (without the quotes), and the value as "C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010\license.lic" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010\license.lic" for windows 64-bit (without the quotes). For Windows Vista or Windows 7: Right click on "Computer", and click on "Properties". On the left column there, click on "Advanced System settings", and a window will pop up. Go to the "Advanced" tab, and you can see a button "Environment Variables" below. Click on it, and under the "System Variables" sections, click on "New" button , and enter the name as "CSTD_LICENSE_FILE" (without the quotes), and the value as "C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 \license.lic" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 \license.lic" for windows 64-bit (without the quotes).

26) Go to your installed directory, and navigate into the "License Manager" folder. For windows 64-bit : C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 \License Manager For windows 32-bit : C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010\License Manager and open the file named "CST License Manager". and the CST License


: CST installation Guide

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Manager window will be opened up. Notice that the "Available Licenses:" is no longer empty now. (Note: If yours is empty, you might have put a wrong hostID in your license.dat. I suggest checking back your license.dat and try it again, if it's still empty, maybe you've messed up somewhere in the instructions... and try doing it again from the beginning. 27) Click on "Start Service". If a pop up box appeared mentioning "CST License Manager service started successfully!", then you're ready to go. If something else appeared on the box instead, you might've messed up somewhere else instead. I suggest checking back and try doing it again from the beginning. 28) Go back to the installed folder: For windows 64-bit : C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 For windows 32-bit : C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 and open up the file "CST DESIGN ENVIRONMENT", and a "Specify License" box will appear. 29) Select "Remote (e.g. floating) for "Lisence Server type", and type in your Host Name in the "Server: " blank box. Keep the "Automatic" TICKED. (DO NOT UNTICK). Then click OK. IMPORTANT: Your host name is basically your computer's name. You can check it by going to Start -> Run... , then type in "cmd", and then enter "ipconfig /all" without the quotes. Then for the first category, you will see your host name there. (Note: If there's error after you clicked "OK", then try stopping and starting the service again via CST License Manager... If this still can't work, try opening License Wizard in your License Manager folder in CST Studio Suite 2010: for 32-bit -> C:\Program Files\CST Studio Suite 2010\License Manager\License Wizard.exe for 64-bit -> C:\Program Files (x86)\CST Studio Suite 2010\License Manager\License Wizard.exe and select "Import a CST License File", then click Next. Then Browse to your installed directory, and select the license.dat which will be something like: For windows 64-bit : C:\Program Files (x86)\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 \license.dat For windows 32-bit : C:\Program Files\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010 \license.dat Then click on next, and click on "Install and Start License Service". Then click "Finish". Try reopening it and type your Host Name again. If error still persist, try to stop the service from "CST License Manager", then exit it from your system tray (on the lower right) and your processes (in Task


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Manager). Then try again from step 28. If error still occur, try re-starting your computer and try again Step 28. If error still occur, then i really suggest doing it again from the beginning... =.=

30) How to get your host ID: Click Start on the bottom left, and click "Run...". Then type in "cmd" without the quotes, and press "Ok". Then a command prompt will pop up. Type in "ipconfig /all" without the quotes. For example: ipconfig /all (Please note that there is a space between ipconfig and /all). Then a list of items will be listed up. Find for your connection: "Local Area Network" or something similar, the connection that gives you internet accessibility. Then look in the section for "Physical Address". It will be a 12digit MAC Address. That is your hostID. View the link below for the picture preview. The one in the red circle is your MAC address. It will be something like: A1E2-25-67-B8-97 (a 12-digit HEX numbers). This is your hostID. Put it in your license.dat, without the "-". Means you will be putting in as: A1E22567B897, instead of A1-E2-25-67-B8-97
Posted by Predator at 3:07 AM
Recommend this on Google

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