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Adapt an Animal

Requirements: 1. Pick a living/imaginary non-polar animal (e.g. Tropical Animal, Classroom animal) 2. Change your animal (adapt it) to survive in a polar region. 3. Draw/illustrate your adapted animal (you may have a before picture from the internet). 4. Label physical changes on illustration. 5. Include the following (minimum): a. 3-4 Physical Adaptations b. 1-2 Behavioral Adaptations c. 1 Physiological Adaptation 6. Write 1-3 Paragraphs describing adaptations and how they allow the animal to survive in the polar region.
Extension: With your animal creation, create a polar food chain and/or food web with you new animal in it. Be sure to label producers, consumers, level and type of consumer. Your illustration/model needs to be final copy quality!

Adapt an Animal
Requirements: 1 Pick a living/imaginary non-polar animal (e.g. Tropical Animal, Classroom animal) 2. Change your animal (adapt it) to survive in a polar region. 3. Draw/illustrate your adapted animal (you may have a before picture from the internet). 4. Label physical changes on illustration. 5. Include the following (minimum): a. 3-4 Physical Adaptations b. 1-2 Behavioral Adaptations c. 1 Physiological Adaptation 6. Write 1-3 Paragraphs describing adaptations and how they allow the animal to survive in the polar region.
Extension: With your animal creation, create a polar food chain and/or food web with you new animal in it. Be sure to label producers, consumers, level and type of consumer. Your illustration/model needs to be final copy quality!

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