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(Opening scene: News report} camera Zachery human running down street.

Quickly transitions to sleeping Brandon E [repeat few times] Zachary runs up porch stairs opens door wakes up Brandon.)
Zack: BRANDON BRANDON! OMG BRANDON (shaking Brandon) Brandon: Wowowow what? Zack? Y r u here? Zack: there is literally no time to explain! We have 2 move NOW! Brandon: what? Whats happening? Zack: Ur dads a cop right? Brandon: Yea? Y? Zack: go get his gun and all the ammo you can find. Brandon: Zack tell me whats going on (very slow and serious) Zack: ok ill tell you but your not going to believe me Brandon: just tell me! Zack: waitu havent heard? Brandon: heard what? Zack: the virus.. Brandon:omg its here isnt it Zack: yes (sadly) they.they killed my family (BANGING @ FROONT DOOR) Brandon: if where going get out of herewe have 2 leave now! Zack: k lets go! (get the gun. Run to the front door see zombies. Run to the back door get out) Brandon where r we going? Zack: somewhere safe! Brandon: any wheres beter than here

{transition 2 Tara Emily Krysten Nicole megan}

Emily: NicoleNICOLE! Nicole: Omg sry, I dont feel 2 well (looking sick) Tara: OMG ur bleeding! Nicole: wooooow..thts a lot of blood.i cant even feel it

Megan: omg..thts a bite mark! Krysten:

(megan and krysten and tara wisper 2 each other)

Nicole: nooooooo you cant leave me here! Dont leave pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase! Megan: were not leaving you anywhere! Nicole: thank god! Emily: so we need to start moving now! Come on I heard the military is holding out at the school Megan: and the military has medics! Nicole: help me up

{Transition to Melanie Jess}

Melanie: (crying) my family is gone! Jess: shhh dont say that we dont know that for sure. Keep your hopes up. Melanie: (CRYING STILL) I SAW MY BABY SISTER GET EATINBY THOSE..THINGS! Jess: thats badbut bad things happennow stop crying your going 2 make me cry 2! Melanie: yea (sniff and last tear and pause for a moment) I ges your right Melanie: so I heard that there's a safe house somewhere in lake Hopatcong, we should get going it will get my mind off everything.

{transition 2 Tara Emily Krysten Nicole megan}

Nicole: Guys. I cant go on any(cut off and fall 2 the ground [act dead]) Tara: OMG NICOLE! Megan: omg what r we gona do!!!?! Whats gona happen 2 her?????! tara: omg guys what r WE going 2 do? (every one turns the other way) (Nicole slowly gets up) Tara:(without looking back @ Nicole) I CANT TAKE IT ANY MORE!(runs away) Emily: WAIT ITS NOT SAFE! (Emily runs after her) (Nicole growls krysten and megan look back Nicole looks @ them and kills them[krysten+megan scream)

(Transition 2 tara and Emily running)

Tara: did you hear that? Emily: yea what was that?! Tara: it sounded lik.omg.krysten and megan!

Emily: (holding tara back) no we cant go back! There dead we have 2 keep moveing! Tara: noo!(about 2 cry) Emily: COME ON TARA! KEEP MOVEING! We have 2 get 2 the safe zone!(almost in tears) Tara: hey! R those people out there? (yells out to the people) HEEEY! HEEE(Emily cuts tara off) Emily: no! shhhhhhh! We dont know if there living or not they could be infected! Tara: but that one has a gun! HEEEEEEEEEEEY! HEY U OVER HERE! Emily: omg your right!!!! (both yell: HEEEEEEEEEY HELP!) (Brandon and zack look over[ start walking over]) Brandon: OMG real living people! Zack: but wait! (grabs arm) How do you know there ACTUALLY living though? Brandon: but they are calling for help! Zack: ok but we hav 2 be real careful (both run to them) Brandon: is any one sick? Tara: I dont think Emily: not me what about u? Brandon: nope Zack: nada (Screeches and moans come from a distance) Tara: omg what is that?!? Emily: We have to leave! NOW! Zack: its to late I already see them coming! Brandon: I only have one mag! Tara: oh no! (gravely) Emily: were going to die! Brandon: I have an idea! Ok so everyone just stay close in a single line behind me and stay low! Zack: this is suicide! Brandon: shut up! Just go! (go through the pack of zombies shooting a couple)

Tara: is everyone all right? Brandon: I'm good Zack: check Emily: alls good here Brandon: K good. So where u guys heading? Tara: the military safe haven by the school Zack: where going there to! We should stick together Emily: well you guys have a gun so yea this is the safest way! Brandon: Lets get moving its almost dark (every1 starts walking)

{transition to jess and Melanie}

Jess: I heard that there was a whole city that was blown up because of the infection! Melanie: OMG! I really hope thats not the case here! But if that whole thing is true about the strong hold with military taking us in is true y would they blow us up? Jess: idk I ges so the virus doesnt get out? Jess: omg I see the school! Melanie: OMG WERE SAVED!! Jess: where are all the people? Melanie: LOOK OVER THERE! I SEE SOMETHING! Jess: omg.your right! (runs to the group) Melanie: wait.. They could be infected! (Tries to grab arm but 2 late) (Jess runs to the groom and they grab he and eat her as Melanie hides behind a rock) (Melanie dramatically falls to knees and cries as she sees another groop shooting the zombies and she quickly gets up and runs to them) Melanie:(as running to group) HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!! I'm NOT INFECTED! HEEEEEEEEEELP! Zack: omg another living person! Brandon: thats goodbut where is every1 Melanie: I couldnt see any1 from up there either! Tara: well what r we going to do then!?! Brandon: I ges go check out whats by the school (all walk over to school)

Brandon: HEY! I see something! Zack: what.what is that? Emily: wait here I see somethingill brb! Tara: Be careful!!! Brandon:its a timer attached toomg(stretched out) itsits...a bomb Tara: (face palm) what r we going 2 do? (Every1 looks surprised and shocked) Brandon: get as far away as soon as possible! (Emily screams and every1 runs to her shes dead on the walk way) Tara: WHY IS ALL OF THIS HAPPINING?? Zack: come on we hav 2 get going now Tara: I'm not moving! whats the point!? Brandon: (sort of pushing tara) we hav 2 get moveing while we still have a chance! Melanie: (almost in tears) please! Tara: fine, lets hurry then! (chris runs up from behind waving a duffel bag in the air yelling) Chris: waaaaaait! waaaaait! Zack: who is that?.....chris?!?!? Brandon: CHRIS! Chris: I cant belive I found you! Brandon: whats in the bag? Chris: oh hohoho.ur gona like this! Brandon: come on we have to move! Chris: (pulls out guns and hands one per person [if enough]) Brandon: epic! Zack: this isnt gona b as hard as I thought now! Lets go! (all start moving)

{Transition to forest}
Chris: omg.what is that? Zack: thats a person!

Tara: wait. Hes eating somethingits.bloody (cringes) Brandon: EXCUSE ME!? SIR! Sean: heey! These zombies arent actually that bad! Brandon:r u infected? Sean: infected? Oooooo no no no! I cook this meat thoroughly! Its soo good! U want some?(points to Melanie) Melanie: pleaseno! Brandon: well where on our way now. Sean: WAIT! Can I come anywhere is safer when there's a group! (Brandon and Chris whisper) Brandon: surejust dont do anything stupid ok? Sean: yes sir! (moaning of zombies and screeching) Brandon: every1 loaded? Zack: check! Chris: sure! Melanie: definitely! (little shoot out) Zack: We should stop and rest Brandon: but the bomb! We hav no idea when its going off! Zack: since when r u the leader? I didnt have to save you u know! Brandon: u had 2 I was the only one with the gun and any experience with one! (Brandon pushes zack, he pushes back they get in a fight) Melanie: STOP EVERY1 JUST STOP! Sean:look(points to the tree line horizon. As a mushroom cloud rises[Brandon and Zack stop fighting and look up{Melanie looks up and says quietly..} Melanie: omgwhere all dead they arent evacuating us their just destroying infected cities (Screen slowly fades to black as screeches and screams r heard from a distance) Brandon: I ges all we can survive as long as we can now


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