The South Was Right

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"I conclude, therefore, that the Southern States had the right to secede in 1860, that the circumstances

fully justified them in appealing to that right for protection against hostility of the North; and that the North had no constitutional right to coerce the seceded States to return to the Union, but appealed the right of revolution to force upon the

States a new and different construction of the Constitution from its original meaning." (emphasis mine)
"The South was Right" by S. A. Steel (1914) page 62 From "The South was Right"; Northern General Charles Francis Adams, President of the Massachusetts Historical Society, quoted from his address on the occasion of the Lee Centennial at Washington and Lee University: "The technical argument---the logic of the proposition---seems plain, and, to my thought, unanswerable. The original sovereignty was indisputably in the States; in order to establish a nationality certain attributes of sovereignty were ceded by the States to a common central organization; all attributes not thus specifically conceded were reserved to the States, and no attributes of moment were to be construed as conceded by implication. There is no attribute of sovereignty so important as allegiance-citizenship. So far all is elementary. Now we come to the crux of the proposition. Not only was allegiance---the right to define and establish citizenship---not among the attributes specifically conceded by the several States to the central nationality, but on the contrary, it was explicitly reserved, the instrument declaring that 'the citizens of each State should be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States.' Ultimate allegiance was, therefore, due to the State which defined and created citizenship, and not to the central organization which accepted citizens whomever the States pronounced to be such." (Italics mine)" (emphasis mine) "The South was Right" by S. A. Steel (1914) pages 27 and 28 ============

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