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The Sutras of Awakening

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The Sutras of Awakening

The Sutras of Awakening (A dialogue between a seeker and the awakened one)
2012, Taoshobuddha
All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the original publisher TAOSHOBUDDHA MEDITATIONS.

Photography: Taoshobuddha Sanskrit text with English Transliteration & Short Explanation

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The Sutras of Awakening

The word Taoshobuddha comes from three words, tao, sho, and Buddha. The word Tao was coined by the Chinese master, Lau Tzu. It means that which is and cannot be put into words. It is unknown and unknowable. It can only be experienced and not expressed in words. Its magnanimity cannot be condensed into finiteness. The word Sho implies, that which is vast like the sky and deep like an ocean and carries within its womb a treasure. It also means one on whom the existence showers its blessings. And lastly the word Buddha implies the Enlightened One; one who has arrived home. Thus, Taoshobuddha implies one who is existential, on whom the existence showers its blessings and one who has arrived home. The Enlightened One! Page 4

The Sutras of Awakening

This is the upcoming work of Taoshobuddha. I am sharing with you this first chapter AWARENESS.

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The Sutras of Awakening

Indeed the title of this work is unique The Sutras of Awareness. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that I have presented these Sutras as a dialogue between a seeker and the enlightened one. This is the nature of Upanishad.

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The Sutras of Awakening

Chapter 1


A particular seeker desirous of awakening, verily asked the awakened one: How is awareness to be attained by the one who is still stumbling along lifes roads? How one can attain to liberation that frees one from the bondage of life and death and all dualities? And how is dispassion to be reached? Explain me this, O! Revered one!
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The Sutras of Awakening

The Enlightened one thus spoke out of compassion. It is always when there is a seeker indeed he wells up from the deepest core of the awakened one. Thus the compassion of the awakened one overflowed as: If you really seek liberation, my friend, then not only shun the objects of the five senses as poison. Instead try to understand their nature. Just as poison kills a person so too the constant use of sense objects destroys the consciousness. Practice tolerance, sincerity, compassion, contentment and truthfulness like nectar. Understand that you are not body. You are consciousness. You do not consist of the elements - earth, water, fire, air or even ether. It is your body that is composed of these five elements. Therefore to be liberated, know yourself as consisting of consciousness alone. Remember that consciousness alone is the witness of these five elements as these constitute the ephemeral body. Dwell and rest deep within at the center. This is your consciousness. Remember you
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The Sutras of Awakening are separate from the body. When you are a witness to your body and its senses then even now you will attain to happiness and peace. And in the end you will attain freedom from bonds. You do not belong to any cast, creed, or religion! Also you do not belong to any name of form. Neither you are not at any stage, nor anything that the eye can see. You are unattached and formless. Indeed you are the witness of everything. And witness is the essence of bliss. Righteousness and unrighteousness, pleasure and pain are purely of the mind. These exist as two sides of the same coin. Know this as duality. These are no concern of yours. You are neither the doer nor the reaper of the consequences. Witness is your nature and bliss is the essence. Remember therefore, you are always free. You are the one indeed witness of everything. Indeed freedom is the essence of witnessing. This is your nature. However you do not live in your nature. Thus the cause of your bondage is that you see the witness as something other than this.
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The Sutras of Awakening Since you have been bitten by the black snake the ego you are in bondage. You live by fear. Fear is the outcome of ignorance. And ignorance is the ornament of the EGO. Without ignorance, Ego ceases to exist. And without Ego ignorance has no value, no use For when the light absolute descends Ignorance disappears into oblivion. And thus vanishes the EGO Thereafter, what remains is the LIGHT OF TRUTH the Ultimate!!! But in the absence, despondency and agitation breeds in the human mind. And you consider yourself the doer, drink the antidote of awakening that I am not the doer, instead I am the witness. Certainly you will be happy. Since fear is the outcome of ignorance and ignorance is the ornament of the EGO. Without ignorance, Ego ceases to exist. And without Ego ignorance has no value, no use. Therefore burn down the forest of ignorance with the fire of the understanding. And what is the understanding - I am the one pure awareness and not the doer. Awareness brings freedom from distress and agony. Witness is that in which all this appears imagined like the snake in a rope, that joy,
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The Sutras of Awakening supreme joy and awareness is what you are. Therefore be blissful and happy. You are free indeed. This freedom is your nature. And if you think of oneself as bound, you certainly remain in bondage. Here this saying is true, Thinking makes it so. Your real nature is as the one Total, free, and actionless consciousness. This state is all-pervading witness - unattached to everything, desireless and at peace. It is from illusion that you seem to be involved in samsara your world and its duality. Meditate on yourself as motionless awareness ever fixed. Awareness is the axle that is indeed the cause of everything. On the ever unmoving axle all changes take place continuously free from any dualism. Certainly it gives the mistaken idea that you are just a derivative consciousness, or anything external or internal. However you have long been trapped in the snare of identification with the body and its myriad attributes. Sever it with the knife of understanding that I am awareness.
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The Sutras of Awakening Certainly you will attain to harmony and inner serenity. You are really unbound and actionless, selfilluminating and spotless already. This is Buddhahood or enlightenment. This is certainly your essential nature. Remember the cause of your bondage is that you are still resorting to stilling the mind. Indeed all of this is really your understanding and filled by you and strung out in you. However you consist of pure awareness - so do not be small minded. You are unconditioned and changeless. This formless and immovable, yet unfathomable awareness is indeed your nature. Therefore unperturbed you hold to nothing but consciousness that is your essence. Recognize that the apparent that which appears is unreal. And the unmanifest is abiding. Through this initiation into truth you will escape from illusion and falling into unreality again. Mirror exists everywhere. Each action and everything in life mirrors both within yet
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The Sutras of Awakening apart from its reflected images. So too that which is exists everywhere within yet apart from this body. Just as one and the same all-pervading space exists both within and without a container, so too the eternal, everlasting all-pervading God exists all around in the totality of things as consciousness. This consciousness is your essential nature. Also know this as awareness that you seek in the outer world and miss because it is embedded in the entire existence both visible and invisible. Just as you cannot search your heart beat because it is you so too you cannot search your awareness because it is you.


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