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This one is a Summary based on Book The Future of the Management of Gary Hamel in which one was speaking about the topic given according to the definition of

Santiago Gmez Correa

Trabajo de Administracin 16/03/2012


Hamel who is what feeds the long-term success in the business? Clearly not neither the operative nor excellence neither the new business models but the innovation in the Management. In a world where the constant only(unique) thing is the change, where the technologies, the information and the knowledge have returned common denominators in all the aspects of the human being, so much in the social thing, academician, personally and labor, it is necessary to think brings over of the practices and current manners of management and since (as,like) they are projected towards the future. In this order of ideas it(he) is notable and verified that the aspects previously renowned affect dramatically the business world and the administration, nevertheless there are not great the changes and innovations that with regard to the management have arisen. Today per today are still reining the practical old women of administration, which were conceived for more two centuries. Names like Frederick Taylor, Henry Fayol, Edward Deming, Peter Drucker, for only some name all that they influence almost that of the same way today across his (her,your) ideas and models in the way of administering of the great majority of the organizations. The innovative capacity of the organizations as for the management has not been consistent with other types of innovations related to the new technologies and the communications plunging the organizations in an administrative lethargy maximizing risks, volatility and constant instability in I them negotiate., clear example of the constant risks that are moving along is the fall of economic sectors that seemed to be solid and almost that untouchable as the self-propelling sector, the air sector and the financial sector which on having fallen down have generated chaos in effect dominoes to all the sectors without importing size, model and geographical location. Today at the time do we ask ourselves that It Is An Innovation?, That is An Innovation ingestion? And since(as,like) we can generate Innovation in such a way that we could guide and project our organizations towards a predictably more complex, demanding and uncertain future.

Innovation refers to the introduction, modification or creation of a product or service to the successful market using of new practices and that satisfy a need of a more efficient way. So(then,since) then departing from this idea the Author Gary Hamel Define Innovation in Management as any thing that alters the way in which the work of administration slant of new practices and that on having done it produces competitive advantage. Taking the definition of innovation as an anteroom in management it becomes necessary to project the organizations as for new practices of management that organizations derive in significant advances in the goals, for which we have to face the following challenges in the 21st century.

To create a democracy of ideas:

The human talent of an organization returns in the principal assets of this one and for such a motive it becomes necessary to centre his(her,your) efforts not only on the client and on the operative thing, but also to motivate the labor force in order that they align his(her,your) aims(lenses), goals, dreams and ideas with the goals and aims(lenses) of the organization, generating autonomy, participation and mutual collaboration between(among) employee and organization. What eventually would generate better practices on having given major participation to him to the employees and deployment of his(her,your) ideas.

To amplify the Human imagination:

The lost time has been great since he(she) has not taken advantage of the real potential of the human imagination, there have been despised for decades the suggestions and ideas of the human talent in almost all the levels of the organization making the responsibility alone to the high managerial spheres, it is necessary to offer to them all the tools that promote the development of the creativity of the employees.

To re-locate the resources in Dynamic form:

It is not possible to continue living of the past, it is necessary to concentrate in creating scenes(stages) that propitiate(cause) the innovation and the revolutionary projects.

To assemble(To bring together) collective wisdom:

Many persons know more than few ones(small), it is necessary to possess(to rely on) the support of all the members of the Organization and to be humbler and bear in mind the ideas and wisdom that can drink to us persons different from the staff.

To minimize the power of the old mental models:

To diminish the power of the authority on the decisions in such a way that they give priority to the original and innovative ideas.

To give each one the possibility:

It is necessary to exploit the power of the voluntary commitment and to give the possibility that the people demonstrate sense of belonging(property) and commitment.

It manages 2.0 The management of the 21st century must be based on the collaboration, democratization, communication, renovation, commitment and certainly innovation which is not possible without the cohesion and amplification of human resource of a collective and awkward way, generating spaces of which they allow to the management to develop fullly and to take advantage of the changes that continue being given in the environment to general level. Example clear and palpable of this possibility they can be demonstrated in the experimental models of Management realized by Google and Whole Foods who give importance and participation to the Human Capital, giving them autonomy, equity and motivation in order to unite efforts in a common sense that is of taking part and collaborating with a stable, innovative organization and with competitive advantage. The human being is an inexhaustible source(fountain) of innovation, which has been countersigned across the history, and consequently it(he) is inappropriate and haughty to despise this potential in the organizations which have delegated this responsibility to some few ones represented in persons of the high management

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