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Simmons College School of Social Work Student Course Evaluation Fall 2011 SW 421A-08 Social Work Practice Instructor Tien Ung

1. In each of the following areas, how would you rate this course compared with others you have taken at Simmons? Number in parentheses total respondents to item/% is percentage of total respondents selecting that item Overall Value for cost of instruction and materials Instructor Competence Class interaction Below Average Average Above Average

(0)0% (1)6%

(7)44% (8)50%

(9)56% (7)44%

(0)0% (2)12%

(2)12% (8)50%

(14)88% (6)38%

2. For each of the following statements about this course, please indicate whether you agree or disagree. Number in parentheses total respondents to item/% is percentage of total respondents selecting that item The course readings advanced my knowledge of the course content The methods (audio visual materials, guest speakers) enhanced the overall course. This course helped me to develop effective oral and written communication This course helped me gain self-awareness of the influence of personal biases and values This course helped me to practice personal reflection related to my professional social work identity This course increased my awareness of professional roles and boundaries This course helped me to recognize my personal values and allow professional values to guide practice Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A




































This course prepared me to use empathy and other interpersonal skills This course prepared me to develop mutually agreed upon plans and goals with clients This course prepared me to assess client strengths and limitations This course prepared me to facilitate transitions and endings with clients





















3. Please provide any additional comments. 1)This has been my favorite class this semester. I very much appreciate your continual high energy, your passion for social work, the incredible amount of time and effort you put into the class and your general responsiveness to our questions and concerns. You always respond to email promptly and create time for us to speak with you outside of class. All of those things I appreciate immensely! 2) If the course is structured around the questions presented in the above questions, then I feel like the professor has done little to center her class in regards to them. Often times, her class is tangential and not inclusive to class participation and discussion. We talk/discuss very little, if at all, about the readings, expected professional behavior (which one can assume/is common knowledge, but...), etc. I think this class might benefit more from a seminar style rahter than lecture. 3) I really like Tien. She is extremely intelligent and her passion for social work is contagious. She pushes me to think more deeply about clients and my work with them. I feel a little disappointed in the class. I thought Practice was more seminar style and would be an opportunity for students to discuss experiences at our field placements, but that has only happened two or three times in the entire semester. I've heard from other students in different classes that their Practice class is structured in that way, and I wish ours was too. I also wish we did small group work or had any type of interaction with other students during class time. I think that having a chance to write a psychosocial assessment and receive feedback before being expected to write such an in-depth one for our final paper would have been very beneficial. I felt very unprepared to tackle that assignment. I

really hope next semester is more student-centered. 4) The majority of the semester was lecture-based with a lot of PowerPoint. Things improved in late November with the integration of people's field examples and more discussion. 5) The material covered in the class was not as useful with the population I was working with. 6) good class 7) Looking forward to semester two! 8) This course has been unbelievably informative and enriching. Never enough time in a class! 4. For each of the following statements about the Instructor, please indicate whether you agree or disagree. Number in Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A parentheses total respondents to item/% is percentage of total respondents selecting that item The instructor (0)0% (0)0% (7)44% (9)56% (0)0% communicated course goals and objectives clearly The instructor (0)0% (3)19% (4)25% (9)56% (0)0% explained the subject matter clearly The instructor (0)0% (2)12% (7)44% (7)44% (0)0% explained class assignments clearly The instructor was (0)0% (1)6% (4)25% (10)62% (1)6% well prepared for class meetings

My instructor was available for consultation The instructor provided feedback on assignments in a timely manner My work in this course was graded according to fair and clearly understood criteria The feedback I received on assignments helped me to appraise my strengths and opportunities for growth The instructor communicated the values set forth by the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) and the International Association of Schools of Social


























Work The instructor was effective as managing class discussion The instructor facilitated an environment of respect and tolerance for others The instructor created an environment in which I developed my awareness of social justice as it related to class content
















5. Please provide any additional comments. 1)Professor Ung is a wonderful lecturer. I wish there had been more time during class to discuss our current placements, but I got so much out of her lectures that I'm not sure it matters. I am really enjoying this class so far. 2) The class discussions were dominated by a few students, making it hard for other's to participate. 3) Dr. Ung is great and clearly cares a lot about our class. I wish there was more time for class discussion & participation 4) Would have liked more communication between student colleagues during the class. Having a longer class time may have facilitate that.

6. For each of the following statements, indicate whether you agree or disagree. Number in Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree parentheses total respondents to item/% is percentage of total respondents selecting that item I developed a sense (0)0% (0)0% (5)31% of curiosity and desire to learn more about the subject I read course (0)0% (1)7% (9)60% materials and completed the necessary course assignments prior to class

Strongly Agree






7. List three things you learned in this course that are most helpful to your growth and development as a professional social worker. 1)Strengths perspective Empowerment theory Motivational interviewing 2) 1. How environment and culture shapes identity 2. How to begin creating your own personal practice framework 3. How to have meaningful, respectful working relationships with your clients 3) 1.different theories i.e empowerment... 2. How to formulate a bio-psycho-social 3. How to evaluate a clients environmental systems and the importance. 4) New interviewing skills, koans that helped us express our thoughts, and ways to communicate with clients when they may not be as interested as we are. 5) 1. Empathic failures exist and happen, and are usually repairable. 2. The miracle question and short-term brief therapy 3. Looking at a person in relation to his/her environment and various systems. 6) 1. importance of understanding and reflecting on my own biases, values, and beliefs and how that shapes my interaction with and understanding of clients 2. cultural competence/responsivity 3. introduction to motivational interviewing 7) 1. How to take a treatment issue and apply evidence and theory to go forward in an informed way. This is the first course I have had that does this methodically and it's really improving my field work. 2. Increased patience. 3. Expanded consideration of ecological factors. 8) I learned different theories and practice frameworks to help with my practice 9) - empathic failures- how they happen and how to negotiate them. - how to be aware of what I bring with me to the client/practitioner relationship. -how to think of and carry myself in a professional manner. 10) - the importance of saying the first "hello" - the importance of developing reflextivity - the importance of bringing up the differences between the client and the practitioner 11) Motivational Interviewing Cultural competence Guiding us in the importance of purposeful hellos and goodbyes. 8. What changes would you suggest to the activities, assignments, or features of the course to better enable your growth as a professional social worker? 1)Make class more seminar style rather than lecture style 2) As I mentioned, I have thoroughly enjoyed this class and very much appreciate how much time and energy you put into

your lessons. However, one thing I have noticed is that this class is much more lecture-based than all my other classes. It is wonderful that you go into such depth when you are lecturing but I often feel like we don't get enough time to talk and to share experiences from our internships. When we do have questions at the end of class, it often feels rushed. I don't want the class to be just people sharing anecdotes and cases from their internships, but if you could find a way to incorporate just a little bit more of this into class and have it be a little more interactive that would be helpful. Also, because you do give so much rich detail and are very explicit when you are lecturing I do find that once in a while my mind tends to wander once you have been talking for ten minutes straight. But then again, I definitely feel like I come away feeling the most inspired by your class and that I have gained the most knowledge and so I do not think your should radically change anything about the class. If it could be a little more interactive would be one main suggestion. 3) More class discussion and incorporation of class readings into the class so the ideas are reinforced. 4) I am enjoying the class, I would not change anything. 5) I would love if we sat in a circle to better facilitate class discussion. It's difficult to hear people's comments from different locations in the room, and I don't even know everyone's name. Tien always prepares a lot of excellent content for the class, but we often don't get to all of it because we are in an interesting discussion. I enjoy our discussions, and I think it would be ok for Tien to stick to her prepared agenda more closely. Maybe assigning a time keeper would be helpful to keep us a little more on track. 6) As said before, conversations that focus on students' experiences would better enable my growth. Small group work or activities that are related to understanding and applying theory to clients would be extremely helpful. 7) I would suggest less lecture and more discussion-based with the lecture content woven in. Also, more time for support with field questions and issues-we learn a lot from them. What I like that Tien does that does not need changing is her enthusiasm, her willingness to clear up confusion even if it takes awhile, and her genuine interest in teaching intro-level students. It is so clear that she wants us all to succeed.


8) I would try and have practice classes split so people with similar populations were together so you could focus on their populations 9) more class participation, less lecture 10) More interaction between students. 11) I am satisified with the current course design. Thank you, Tien! 12) Possibly more group work - but Tien has told us that we will be doing significant group work in second semester. So I am okay with getting a comprehensive foundation first semester. 9. Please identify your student status Full-time 14 Extended 2 Non-matriculated 0

88% 12% 0%

10. Excluding time in the classroom, approximately how many hours did you spend on this course per week? 3 hours or less 6 38% More than 3 and less than 7 hours 10 12% 7 hours or more 0 0%

11. Please indicate what grade you expect to receive in this class. A or A7 B+ or B 9 B- or below 1 Audited 0 No credit 0

44% 56% 6% 0% 0%

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