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A study or a project of this volume can never be the outcome of a single person or just a mere group of dedicated students. We are indebted to our subject teacher Mr. for being the epitome of guidance during the entire project. We are also thankful to Mr. , HOD, Computer science Dept. for their encouragement. Without their help this project would not have seen the light of day. we are happy to present a vote of thanks to them for their sincere advice and co-operation that they have lent us unconditionally.










To assist and ease the works of the Retail Outlet of Any Type of Companies, in particular, Payroll Management System is being developed. This would comprise the features that can be operated easily. Payroll Management System would take care of the day to day Attendance of All Employee. It covers activities from keeping the details of day to day In, Out, OD etc. The master and transaction activities are divided in modules so that the activities can be operated easily. The regular backup to the data can be taken and the backup data can be restored effectively. So, the Payroll Management System assists the employees of Company in each and every aspect of In and Out. The Payroll Management System is customized software and developed according to the needs of Any Type Company.

The PAYROLL SYSTEM is used to maintain a list of employees names, addresses and employment information and is used to interactively calculate and print payroll checks.

The purpose of this section is to obtain agreement regarding the objectives the system must meet. Ultimately this segment defines the boundaries of the effort. The Payroll system helps administrator honor their professional commitments by following a tailored version of the organizations standard process. This application is supported by a database consisting of employees salary details and their leave allowances. Based on these details at the end of every month the application automatically credits the employees bank account with their salary. The amount of salary credited into employees account is a variant of their leave allowances .This Payroll Processing application also considers employees income tax regulations and loan payment details. Based on these considerations the salary of each employee is deducted at the source. Taking into account all these aspects the appropriate accounts of each employee are credited. This application also includes generation of salary slips to every employee.

The payroll Processing System is an application of LBRCEJKC. Its target user group consists of Admin, Employees.

The Purpose of the project is to maintain the information regarding the employee and generates the pay slip.

Generating IDs and pay slips for the employees This project is a distributed endeavor that strives to employ languages that promote platform independence and make it possible to support desktop and laptop systems in traditional and wireless networking infrastructures .Efforts must be focused on business logic issues rather than Event Driven Web based System PPS System Business Logic Data Access Personal Persistent Data Repository Storage Subsystem Application Layer Interface Application Layer needlessly duplicating user interface software, database software, etc. Its main focus is on the generation of reports at any time.


 Software Requirements y y y y TURBO C++ MS DOS WINDOWS XP MICROSOFT OFFICE ACCESS 2003

 Hardware Requirements y y y y CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 RAM 1 GB (MIN) Hard disk 160 GB Operating System Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (CHT)


Functional Requirements INTRODUCTION:

Requirements analysis is usually the first phase of large-scale software development project. It is undertaken after a feasibility study has been performed to define the precise costs and benefits of a software system. The purpose of this phase is to identify and document the exact requirements for the system. The customer, the developer, a marketing organization or any combination of the three may perform such study. In cases where the requirements are not clear e.g., for a system that is never been defined, more interaction is required between the user and the developer. The requirements at this stage are in end-user terms

Administrator module

1. Test case: Login

Input : ID, Password. Process : Click on the login link. If administrator enters ID and password correct it goes to the admin services otherwise displays the same page with an error message. Output : Displays the admin services page.

2. Test case: Add new employee

Input : Name, Id, designation, Date of joining. Process : A new employee can be added into the system and admin can update his details. Output : The employee can be credited salary based upon his details.

3. Test case: Salary details

Input : Id, designation, basic salary, PF, DA, HRA. Process : The admin can update his salary details Output : Employee salary details will be updated to the database.

4. Test case: Loan details

Input : Id, Loan number, EMI, Repaid amount, Balance amount. Process : Administrator can update a particular employees loan details. Output : Employee Loan details will be updated to the database.

5. Test case: Leave details

Input : Id, Type of leave, Number of Leaves. Process : Administrator updates the leave details. Output : Employee Leave details will be updated to the database.

6. Test case: Tax details

Input : Id, Basic salary, Tax percentage, income tax. Process : The tax details of an employee can be updated by the administrator. Output : Employee Tax details will be updated to the database.

7. Test case: Salary slip

Input : Id, Basic salary, Designation, Net pay. Process : Based on the leave, loan , tax details the slip will be generated Output : Salary slip will be generated.

8. Test case: Bank details

Input : Id, Designation, salary Process : The employees salary is credited to bank. Output : Employee can View and receive the salary.

Employee modules

1. Test case: Login

Input : ID, Password. Process : Click on the login link. If Employee enters ID and password correct it goes to the other page otherwise displays the same page with an error message. Output : Displays the Information to be viewed by an employee.

2. Test case: Update profile

Input : Id, Name, Designation, Email-id, Mobile number, Address, key skills, qualification Process : The employee can update his profile if any modifications occur in his details Output : The details of an employee can be updated

3. Test case: Change password

Input : Id, Old password, New password Process : Employee can be able to change his password by using this test case Output : Employee new password will be updated

4. Test case: View earnings

Input : ID, Month, Year. Process : The earnings can be displayed by this test case Output : The total earnings of an employee for the specified month and year can be viewed

5. Test case: View deductions

Input : Id, Month, Year Process : The deductions can be known by using this test case Output : The total deductions of an employee for the specified month and year can be viewed

6. Test case: View salary slip

Input : Id, Month, Year. Process : The employee can view the salary slip. Output : The salary slip of an employee for the specified month and year can be viewed.

External Interface Requirements

User Interfaces 1. Login Screen 2. Menu selection Screen 3. Employee Salary Details 4. Employee Loan Details 5. Employee Leave Details 6. Employee Tax Details 7. Generate Salary Slip 8. Employee Bank Details

Hardware Interfaces Server Configuration: Minimum 2GB Hard Disk P-III processor or equivalent Ram 512 MB Windows with Apache preloaded. Client Configuration A terminal with Internet Explorer and Printer. Software Interfaces Operating system WindowsXP/2000 Language -- JSP Database Oracle Network -- LAN

Communications Interfaces Communications interfaces can be provided through e-mail, web browser, network server communications protocols, electronic forms, and so on. For this we can use communication standards such as FTP or HTTP to provide security using encryption algorithms and synchronization mechanisms

Performance Requirements
System can withstand even though many number of users requested desired service. As we are keeping office level server of the automated payroll system. And access is given to the only registered users of office who requires the services of viewing, Updating etc. It can withstand the load.

Safety & Reliability Requirements

By incorporating a robust and proven SQL into the system, reliable performance and integrity of data is ensured. There must be a power backup for server system.

Security Requirements
Sensitive data is protected from unwanted access by users appropriate technology and implementing strict user- access criteria.


Standard compliance
Who must comply with these Standards:

All Organisations who pay employees. Payroll Practitioners: - Payroll Managers, Payroll Supervisors, Payroll Officers and Payroll System Administrators. Payroll Accountants and Finance / Accounting staff responsible for the management of Payroll. Human Resources staff responsible for the management of Payroll. Payroll Management - Consultants and Compliance Professionals. Payroll Management Auditors ( internal and external)

Hardware limitations
The other big problem associated with in sourcing payroll is that it forces companies to take on the burdens associated with hardware upgrades as well as the personnel costs linked to system maintenance.. Hardware must be purchased for data storage and processing.

Menu-driven programs with user friendly interface with simply hyper links. It is very easy to use.

Sensitive data is protected from unwanted access by users appropriate technology and implementing strict user- access criteria. companies in this situation also struggle to secure data,a growing concern given some of the high profile cases reported in the media involving lost,breached and stolen data.

Backup mechanisms are considered for maintainability of software as well as database. As it is object oriented reusability exists. As project is based on MVC architecture, testability exists.


   Drawing Entity Relationship diagram between the various entities of any Payroll System.Example relationship between departments and employee, Leaves and Employee, etc., Drawing the same will help to normalize and improve the Database Design. 

State-transition diagrams
State-transition diagrams (STD) show how the system behaves as a consequence of some external event. For this purpose the STD represents the state of the system and the transitions into different states when an external event happens. The structure of the data items within these models may be described in more detail within the data dictionary. Similarly, the models will contain a more detailed description of the key processes taking place



The Payroll Data Element Dictionary contains all the elements found in the U-M Data Warehouse Payroll Tables, ordered alphabetically by element name. Here is a description of the information that the dictionary provides for each element. Physical Element Name: Name for the element you can use in SQL queries. Logical Element Name:Descriptive name of the element. Format Type:Type of value of the element (for example: character, number, or date). Data Sets:The names of the data sets that contain the element. Table Locations:The names of the tables in which the element is located. Security Code:The level of security imposed on the element. Values are: Public data: Data with no access restriction that may be released to the general public. Private/Confidential data: Data available to University employees who need to access these data to perform their official University duties. Unless otherwise noted, all institutional data is designated as Private/Confidential. Sensitive data: Data available only to University employees who have specific authorization for access. Never release sensitive data in a manner that enables identifying data element values with a specific person or persons. Element Definition:Description of the element.



Level 0 for payroll ststem

Limitations of the project

Not supports web based operations Multiprocessing not allowed. Extensive help is not provided. Not support in the OS lower than windows

Advantages of existing system

It is very simple in nature & doesnt provide much functionality, thus reducing complexity of the system.It doesnt require employees to know about computers at all i.e. it doesnt require training its employees any special technique except of simple bill preparation and book keeping. Because of manual work it doesnt require any investment in computers or any other peripherals. Since there is no systems at all there is no need to keep available the facilities like 24- hour power backup or other facilities.

Disadvantages of existing system

The disadvantages of current system are all those associated with manual working systems. It is time consuming to produce bills or reports as compared to any other computerized system. Humans are more probes to errors so always possibility of errors in producing results. As all the work done is written on registers if any register is missed or damaged it is simply very difficult to produce to present accurate figures.Employees can make fraud by writing wrong entries on register and take away the money and it is simply impossible to catch the defaulter because there is no proof.

Future Scope
This project has many future applications like it can be used in any of the Retail Outlet of Any Type companies. This project was build keeping in mind all the requirements of these outlets and they can be implemented in any such type of organization with very few modification. With modifications it can be possible for Employee Attendance to control all retail outlets by connecting them through a network. Because of this software all they need is a Server application and any type of connectivity to that server.



1.Internet resources

2.books Software engineering - Shalini puri Software engineering - Pressman Software engineering - Saumerwilli PROJECT REPORT BY : RAHUL CHAUDHARY SONAL RATHI NIDHI SHAH PARUL SHARMA

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