Stranger From The Sky

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I closed the door behind me. Mom and dad were bickering as usual.

It is their daily routine to find faults with each other as it is mine to hear it. After closing the door, I started walking in the direction of my school. The greeneries around me gave such pleasure. A few minutes passed by and I was entering the compound of a building which Ive been seeing continuously for the past two years.

Once the tedious assembly was over, I walked into my new classroom. This particular year will be crucial for me as I will be sitting for the national exam called Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR). But education has never captured my interest. I just went to school as a duty to full fill. The only exciting news to me was that a newly appointed teacher will be teaching my class.

A young beautiful woman entered my class. She introduces herself as Miss Amy and said she will be our class teacher throughout the year. Lessons began as usual but I started to build castles in the air as the textbook held no interest for me. However, Miss Amy had some kind of gravity that pulled me to pay attention to her. After attending a few of Miss Amys class, I decided that she is the only teacher who had finally successfully made me learn.

On a bright sunny morning after a few months in school, I was called by Miss Amy after school hours. I faced Miss Amy with a solemn expression on my face. She looked at me sceptically and said that my previous exam results were rotten but astoundingly I only scored high for the subject she teaches which is not that shocking to me as she is the only teacher who succeeded in making me learn.

She looked at me straight in the eyes and said that she believed that I was a bright child the first moment she saw me. Those inspiring words made my eyes sting with tears. For a poignant moment, I felt that there was hope in me after all. I held my tears as the most amazing person Ive ever met started telling me about the values of education that held in a humans existence. As soon as she finished talking, I realised that it was the most vital moment for me to choose the right path in my life.

Time passed by. Miss Amy was always assisting me in all situations. She made me stay back in school almost everyday, just to coach me on my essential subjects. I was astonished to find my brains had a gift for learning things fast. She was shocked to discover that I came from such an appalling household and also how my parents had neglected me completely. I felt comforted after pouring my whole heart to my dear teacher who made me feel special. Soon, the day came for me to sit for PMR.

Eventually, the day Ive been waiting for arrived. The day Ill be receiving the results of my PMR. My heart pounded heavily as the teacher started calling out the names of students who passed with flying colours. My heart almost burst when I heard the teacher calling out my name for being the best student of the year. My eyes were shedding tears of joy but were also searching for the essential face which turned my dream into reality. Unfortunately, I couldnt find her. My eyes bulged out when I heard that Miss Amy was admitted in a nearby hospital for having lung cancer.

I rushed to the hospital where she was admitted. I frantically asked everyone about a patient named Miss Amy. Finally, a nurse told me the ward number. I was traumatized when I opened the wards door. I saw a frozen pale figure lying on the bed. The doctor told me that

Miss Amy couldnt be saved as she was in the final stage of lung cancer. He added that it was a miracle she survived for this long. His words didnt seem to register into my head. My body was still rigid with shock. I stood motionlessly staring at her face. I regretted for not spending more time with her although I had all the opportunity. I regretted for not thanking her every time she taught me. I was crying silently in my heart because I didnt even have the opportunity to utter a simple thank you to her now.

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