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1. All living and non- living things on earth, are made up of matter. 2.

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. 3. Human, animals and plants are examples of living matter. 4. Books, water and soil are examples of non-living matter.

1. Matter is made up of very small particles. 2. There are spaces between the particles because they are discrete. 3. The particles of matter can move. 4. These particles consists of atoms and molecules. -Atom: smallest particles -Molecule:2 or more atoms combined together
hydrogen atom oxygen atom

oxygen atom

water molecule

1. Matter can exist in three different states: a) solid b) liquid c) gaseous 2. Example of solid form: table, ice, ruler 3. Example of liquid form: water, oil 4. Example of gaseous form: steam, air

The arrangement of particles determines the shape of matter, whether it is a solid, liquid or gas.

1. The particles are arranged close to one another in an orderly manner, are compact and follow a pattern. 2. There are very small spaces between the particles. 3. The force of attraction between particles is strong.


Activity to show space exist between particles of solids

50cm3 small stones 50cm3 green peas


1. The particles are arranged loosely and are not orderly. Because of this, the spaces between the particles are wide. 2. The particles collide with one another and, therefore, do not follow a pattern. 3. The force of attraction between particles is not as strong compared with particles in solids.


Activity to show space exist between particles of liquids

50cm3 water 50cm3 alcohol


1. The particles are widely separated from one another. 2. There is a lot of space between particles. Therefore, gases can be compressed. 3. A gas can completely fill any vessel it is put into. Therefore, gases do not have a definite volume. 4. The force of attraction between particles is very weak.


1. The particles of solid are held together by strong forces of attraction. 2. They are only free to vibrate about fixed positions and cannot move about freely. 3. The particles of solids contain very low kinetic energy.

1. The particles of liquid still have force of attraction but not enough to hold the particles in a fixed position. 2. So that, the particles of liquid can move freely. 3. The particles in liquids move at random and sometimes collide with one another.

1. The force of attraction between gas molecule is very weak and very far apart one another. 2. So that, they have complete freedom movement. 3. The particles move at random in quick motion and always collide with one another.

Similarities Has mass Occupies space





Arrangements of Packed and close Loosely arranged Widely particles to each other separated Movement of particles Volume Shape Ability to flow Ability to compressed Vibrate about fixed positions Fixed Fixed No No Move at random Move quickly at and sometimes random and collide often collide Fixed Follows the container Yes Very difficult Changes Fills the whole container Diffuse in all direction Easily compressed

Force of attraction
Energy content

Very strong


Very weak

A solid has fixed shape and volume.

Particles in a solid Movement of particles

Packed closely together

Arranged in fixed positions Arranged in a regular pattern

Cannot move away from their fixed position

Can only vibrate Can spin around


A liquid has a fixed volume but no fixed shape - Takes the shape of the container which it fills.
Particles in liquid
Not closely packed

Movement of particles
Can move away from their fixed positions Can changed positions

Not held in fixed positions Can vibrate Not arranged in a regular pattern


A gas has no fixed shape and volume. - Same as the container it fills or of the space it occupies
Particles in gas Widely spaced Not held in fixed positions Movement of particles Move freely with high speed Knock into one another


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