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Feasibility Study Format

The feasibility study format consists of fourteen sections. Detailed information required in the various sections should be attached to the feasibility study as appendices. Information not available or not included should be explained in the body of the feasibility study.


Full Program Title - including degree to be offered and description of program. A. B. C. Explanation or definition General program goals (limit to maximum of 3-5 major goals). Specific objectives or student outcomes (limit to maximum of 8 -10 items).


Program Rationale 1. Documentation of educational, economic and social needs. Include citation of specific studies or authorities consulted. Key sources (studies or documents) should be included in the appendix. Conceptual fit with University Mission, Philosophy, and Goals, and the Long Range Plan. Place of the program in the University structure. Indicated appropriate college, school, or department. Career Opportunities and Employment Outlook for Graduates. Include data from Occupational Outlook (U.S. Department of Labor), professional groups or organizations, potential employers (as a result of a needs assessment) and published studies. Cite appropriate studies and include key sources in an appendix.

B. C. 4.


Student Availability A. B. 3. List of competitive programs in the State and the Northeast Region. Include institutions to which our students typically cross apply. Application experience of other programs for the past three years. Include number of applicants, number accepted, and number enrolled. Include data from the College Board on number of students in the region indicating a preference for the program of study for the past three years. (For undergraduate programs.)


Enrollment Projections A. B. C. Project FTE enrollment for years 1 to 5. Calculate 18% attrition rate per year for the first three years of each class. Indicate, if appropriate, the addition of transfer students to each class.



Model Curriculum A. 2. C. D. Outline of required and elective courses indicating total credits required for degree. (Program of study.) Pro forma curriculum outline indicating possible course schedule for each year of the program. Nature of field experience, independent study or clinical practicums employed in curriculum design. Cite specific way curriculum may be integrated into existing course offerings (See Section VII, A.)


Accreditation Requirements 1. If program requires specialized or can achieve specialized accreditation, describe specific requirements and their effect on the institution, i.e., faculty requirements, space requirements, curriculum requirements. Describe any programmatic plans that have potential effect on institutional accreditation.



Educational Requirements and Capacity 1. Impact of program on existing programs. Include impact of increasing the number of students in service/support courses. Included undergraduate core curriculum for all four-year undergraduate degree programs. Obtain data from department heads including increase in sections of courses, development of new courses, and personnel required to meet increased demand. Impact on academic support area, i.e., learning assistance center, library, media center, bookstore, registrar's office. For those programs requiring field-based experiences, include data on availability of field or clinical sites for student placement, as well as mechanism for student supervision, i.e., program faculty or placement faculty supervision.

B. 3.


Facility Requirements and Capacity. A. B. 3. D. Renovation of current classroom or laboratory space required. Additional space requirements including faculty offices, staff offices, new classroom or laboratory space. Project for five years. Additional academic support area space requirements, i.e., Learning Assistance Center, library, media center, bookstore, Registrar's office. Residential life capacity.


Student Life Considerations. A. Impact of additional students on student support services, i.e., health center, student activities, counseling center, financial aid, meal plan and cafeteria, and



bookstore especially as they relate to adult/non-traditionally oriented programs. Impact of new student demographics (age, commuter vs. resident, gender) on areas listed in A. above as well as minority population, parking, athletic programs. Consider special needs of non-traditional students.


Program Resources A. Personnel 1. Vita or position requirements of faculty who will assume major responsibility for the program to be included in an appendix. Describe specialty roles needed and include and explanation/justification for all positions. 2. Specific effect on existing programs if current faculty members are reassigned to new program. 3. Secretarial staffing needs. Equipment 1. New equipment required for program and a plan for its acquisition, i.e., year by year plan and potential grants or donations.


XI. Financial Projections A. 2. C. D. 5. F. Five-year financial projection. Project costs to other academic areas to provide support courses for the program. Project for five years. Include in narrative an estimate of start-up commitment prior to initiation of fiveyear plan. Include program cost computation for new program and for existing programs. What additional funding is required beyond projected income to support the program during any given year and identify the source of that funding. Identify potential outside or independent sources of funding that may be available to the program.


Time Line for Implementation 1. B. Provide an overall time line indicating the major events/activities from initiation through admission and enrollment of the first class. Attach the time line to the study as an appendix.


Program Evaluation A. 2.

All new programs should undergo a program evaluation three years after implementation. The program evaluation should follow the format of the feasibility study The evaluation should focus on the comparison between original study and actual results. Revised projections, particularly enrollment and financial should be



completed during the evaluation as a reference point for the next three years. In the event revisions do not forecast positive results, follow C. Identify a general process with anticipated difficulties for discontinuing the program should the three year evaluation indicated non-viability of the program. Include plans for placing students in other institutions or other program, reassigning or terminating faculty members, and a time line for phasing out the program.

XIV. Executive Summary The Executive Summary should be one to two pages in length and briefly summarize the content of the feasibility study. It should include, but is not limited to, the following elements: A. B. Title of the program and the degree to be offered. Description of the program goals curriculum (course content, sequencing, and credits) methods of instruction accreditation requirements time line for implementation. Rationale for the program educational and/or social need conceptual fit with University mission placement of program in University structure (college, school, department) enrollment projections. Impact on University resources income and expense projections faculty, staff, equipment, and space requirements. Academic support services (Library, Registrar, Admissions, LAC etc.). Identify outside or independent sources of funding, if any.





For the Fiscal Years :___________ thru ____________ Revenue: Credit Hours Rate Total Revenue Expenditures: Salaries: Director Staff Part-time Faculty Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

$ $ $ $ $ ___________________________________________________________ $ $ $ $ $

___________________________________________________________ Total Salaries $ $ $ $ $ Fringe Benefits @ 24% ___________________________________________________________ Total Salaries & Fringe $ $ $ $ $ Benefits Operating Expenditures: Office Supplies $ $ $ $ $ Postage Duplication Equipment Travel/Professional Development Dues and Subscriptions $ $ $ $ $ ___________________________________________________________ Total Expenditures $ $ $ $ $ ____________________________________________________________ Net Surplus Overhead @ 50% of $ $ $ $ $ Expenditures ____________________________________________________________ Net Surplus (Deficit) $ $ $ $ $ After Overhead ====================================================


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