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Child Care Enrollment Form

Name of Child: ___________________________________

Birth date: ___/____/___ Sex: M___ F___

Date of Enrollment: _________________________ Age at Enrollment: ___________________________

Parent or Guardian Contact Information
Name (First, Last):


Street Address:


Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Employer/Work Hours:

Work Phone:

Name (First, Last):


Street Address:


Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Employer/Work Hours:

Work Phone:

Zip Code:

Zip Code:

Emergency Contact Information (if parents are unavailable)

Name (First, Last):


Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Health Insurance Information (in case of emergency)

Insurance Company & Policy Holders Name:

Group #

Physician/Clinics Name:

Office Phone:

ID #

Please list any Likes or Dislikes that your child has:

Please explain your childs eating habits and schedule:
Please explain your childs sleeping habits and schedule:

Has child had previous experience away from home? Yes

if yes explain:

Are your childs immunizations up to date? Yes No

if no please explain:

Does child have any known health problems? Yes

if yes please explain:

Does you child have any known allergies? Yes

if yes please list allergy and reactions:

Does your child take any medication on a regular basis? Yes

if yes please list the name of the
medication(s) and the medical condition for which it is taken:
Any other special information provider should be aware of:
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________

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