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Alternate event names: Bowling for Bruises Nitro ThunderBall (2011 version of RollerBall) Bowling Ball Busting Records

Quarter-end Celebration! Let it be hereby recogmized, that on the day of April 7, in the year two thousand and eleven, the San Francisco team from Nitro PDF Software felt the overwhelming urge to BOWL! And Bowl they did! Taking over Yerba Buena Gardens alleys with more gusto and friendly competition than San Francisco has seen in many a year!
Ogopogo RED Brett (aka D.O.) Sam David Serena Chupacabra BLUE Candice Nick C Kyle Mika Richard MoFo

Nitro bowl you over ! will or at least knock you off your pins!
Led by the indefatigable Jenn The <insert nickname du jour here> we set out in teams to make some noise, destroy pins, have some tasty snacks and drinks, and compete like never before! The teams were divided. Let the battles begin!
Big Foot ORANGE Erin Mike Lonn Stephanie Nessie PURPLE Jennifer Gina Rich W Nick Sober

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