Online Green Light Review - Part 2 Unit 5 - Animation The Maniacal Automobile'

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Online Green light Review Part 2 Unit 5 Animation The Maniacal Automobile

By: Nicholas Baker 20/03/2012

Character Designs
I did go through a bit of a problem with my first idea, as it was too complex and had to much going on for me to take on for the next couple of weeks, and I wouldnt of got it done, so Ive had to re-think my idea and start again so there are things missing which I will make up for through the weeks to come. Here are some of my thumbnails for some maniacal automobiles

Character Designs

Introduction to Written Assignment

This written assignment will investigate the work and success that Hayao Miyazaki has brought to the world with his feature length animated films and has become one of the most notable animator and director of our time with such films as Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke with their originality and impression they leave on the audience from the traditional animation and computer animation we say today. Sources that will evidence this agreement are; Matsutani article on Japans greatest film directors (2005) will evidence the argument on why and how his films have become so successful. Feldmans Hayao Miyazaki Biography, Revision 2 will evidence the point on the comparison of Studio Ghibli against Disney. And finally Days post on Hayao Miyazakis: Studio Ghibli films Spirited Away to the Big Screen post will help express Miyazakis wisdom on the work he has created which has inspired so many.

Introduction to Written Assignment

Day, P, K, (2012) Hayao Miyazakis: Studio Ghibli films Spirited Away to the Big Screen On:
Feldman, S. (1994) Hayao Miyazaki Biography, Revision 2 On: Matsutani, M. (2008) Japans Greatest Film Directors On:

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