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Subject Code: MC0076 Subject Name: Management Information Systems Credits: 4 Marks: 140

Part A (One mark questions)

1 Management - is the process of achieving organizational goals by planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources. C) Management 2. At the highest level, managers are concerned with - Setting Long Term Goals - and direction for organization. B) Setting Long Term Goals 3. They typically develop a mission reflected in a mission statement that defines the basic character and characteristics of the organization, that is who the organization is, why the organization is in business and what the organization is in the business to do. A) Top Level Managers

4. Middle Managers - focus primarily on implementing the policies and strategies set by top managementC) Middle Managers 5. Organizations - are formal social units devoted to the attainment of specific goals. A) Organizations

6. Management - is the process of providing an organizational environment in which individuals work and employ available resources to attain aims that contributes to the overall goals of the organization. B) Management 7 Database management system - offers a vehicle for storing and supporting the processing of large quantities of nonscientific information, such as data on employees, products, customers, and suppliers.

A) Database management system

8. Peter Drucker - defined modern organizations as information-based. B. Peter Drucker 9. Managers also use the information generated by general ledger systems to plan their expenses and revenues for the future, a process called Budgeting A) Budgeting 10. Marketing - is a social process involving the activities necessary to enable individuals and organizations to obtain the products and services they need and want through exchanges with others. B) Marketing

11. Market research - is the process of gathering information about what consumers want and need. B) Market research 12) Perception - is an active process by which an individual attends to certain stimuli and then organizes them in a meaningful way. A) Perception 13) This stands in contrast to management reporting systemA) DSS 14) Who propounded that line graphics have time saving effects on decision making for more complex decision tasks, only and less, defective at providing precise information? C. ) Ali Monaazemi & Sheeahong Wang

15) Intermediary - role may range from simply running the system in behalf of and on detailed instruction from the manager to more substantive contribution of framing problem.
D) Intermediary 16) Pooled Interdependent - Decision Makers interact and negotiate to arrival a decision. D. Pooled Interdependent

17) _____ supports higher level management control by making data regarding all aspects of corporate operations accessible in a timely and easily handled fashion. C. EIS 18) Who has given the realistic behavioral picture of a modern manager? B. Henry Mintzberg 19) The concentration on productivity is necessary but the emphasis should be on - Process - productivity and not on Function - productivity.
D. Process, Function

20) Why do effective managers carve out organizational plans as it were their own informal structure?
C. Keeps Themselves informed and to influence others

21) Structured Decisions - are repetitive and can be represented as algorithms programmable procedures.
A. Structured Decisions

22) ERP - executes the SQL statement provide drill down help and intelligent support in business management

23) GUI - allows customization for a particular business entity.


24) _______ assist ERP in connecting two system electronically for E-mail documents transfer, data transfer etc. A. CAD B. EDI C. DMS D. SMS 25) Value chain helps in developing _________ where costs need to be combined and value can be enhancedA) Equilibrium Point
B) Leverage Point C) Customer Satisfaction D) All of the above 26) Competitive disadvantage loss of revenue, problems with cash flow, increased costs, fine or sanction is the impact of ___________

A. Less Customer Satisfaction B. Unnecessary Involvement of Top Management C. Growing Competition D. Discontinuity in Service

27) _________has made it possible for many people to perform their job functions using their home as an office. A. Information Technology
B. Home Office C. Internet D. Globalization

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