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Human o\ Rational

, Animal
~b-ouser of Movement

(iognitivr Active I~~tellect Intellect Practical Reason Theoretical Rrason. Prir~ciple of Intellect: Material; movement of the Possible: Possessive; humail body. Acquired. P r r c r p t i o ~ ~ o f real 11atu1.eof Directs inditidual intelligibles action after abntracted from de1iber;ltion in accord with nlatter, space. positioii. Related what agrees to higher form of uith theoretical intellect and reason or principles of a faculty. Governs higher order of sub-facultirs existence. * of the body and Imagination ethical matters through the ratio~ial imagination Emotions. Arts. Judge~nent~. Vices and Virtues. Etl~ica:Life.


External Senses Touch Smell Taste Sight IIearing


Internal Senses Common Sense Representation Estimation Retentio11-Recollec tion Imagination

Appetitive Directs nlovement uri;rd t n the s u b facultirs of Drsi1.e and Anger. \'egetdtive

Etokrs the arousal of mo\t.rnent through tlie

nthn tks.

tc,ndons and ligaments

l l I Nutrition Growth Reproduction

Sensitive receiver of sensihle forms

Rational rerciwr of i~~telligibleforms

* See ahove. the classification of

the human intellect on p. 162.


(in action) Pos5ible

Human Irltellect


', \
\ \

\ (in action)---'Active Intelligence / Possessive /




(in action)


\ Acquired -- Highbr Form

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