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Prepared By: Pallav Vaishnav Ravi Dave Jigar Vaghasiya Satish Gadhadara Priyank Shah

Meaning Why? Where? What

of grapevine

experts say? and disadvantages


Idle talk or rumor Information passed person to person by the words of mouth Occurs when formal communication is insufficient Informal communication within organization Spreading information randomly like grapevine plant Formed by individuals and group


persons in grapevine need not necessarily pass the information to others ,there might be only receivers in the group


tendency Emotions and sentiment sharing Insecurities among employees Jealousy Show self-superiority Mutual relaxation Curiosity to know about others


cooler conversation Cubical of the organization Canteen in break timings Official get together road "vine in case of travelling together to firm Via different mediums of communication


water cooler chat encourages a healthy rapport among the employees at the workplace. It helps maintain a sense of calmness as colleagues exchange information of their work load and other personal problems Organization can also opt for break out areas where employee can engage in recreation activities in their free time. It will reduce their unnecessary gossips

feel water cooler discussions can be a great tool for a company to feel the pulse of its people. It is similar to what yester year kings used to do by disguising themselves and moving in the kingdom trying to hear the gossip


is a place where people share similar background hanged out to share work and other expertise water cooler have become a spot where employees come together is no necessarily a gossip..


gossip cannot be curbed. The challenges for the management should be to create an environment where employees can come forward and speak up fearlessly and express their views rather than gossiping.


problems comes on surface of strong group

Formation Creates Fills

a social bond

in the gap keep people honest



spread through grapevine is

not verified It spreads rumors mostly Red signal to the reputation and sometimes even to careers and lives of employees Can hurt emotions of the employee

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