Community-Based Procurement Manual - Final

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1 Community-Based Procurement Manual

This edition of the KALAHI-CIDSS Community Based Procurement Manual is designed to be a user-friendly and comprehensive guide. Major revisions aim to clarify some of the provisions and provide complete guidance to every Community procurement activity. The highlight of revisions include the following: definition of terms, elaboration on procedural steps, answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) and clarification to guidelines. This manual is intended for the Barangay Sub-project Management Committee (BSPMC) particularly the Procurement Team (PT) and the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) as guide in their procurement activities. This manual will also be used by the Area/Municipal Coordinating Teams (A/MCTs) and Regional Project Management Teams (RPMTs) in providing Technical Assistance on Community Procurement to the BSPMC; likewise, external monitors in conducting fiduciary reviews. This edition has been made possible through the leadership and support of Assistant Secretary Camilo G. Gudmalin, Deputy National Project Director of KALAHI-CIDSS Project; Mr. Edgar G. Pato, National Project Manager; technical inputs from Engr. Benito Cesario Tingson, Chief Infrastructure Engineer, Engr. Abelardo Cea, Deputy NPMO Infra Engineer, and the contributions of all the Regional Community Infrastructure Specialsists (RCIS). The role of Engr. Alfredo D. Tucpi (KALAHI-CIDSS Procurement Specialist July 200615 May 2011), who was responsible for putting together the inputs from the various units, is also acknowledged.

CORAZON JULIANO-SOLIMAN Secretary and National Project Director KALAHI-CIDSS Project 01 June 2011

2 Community-Based Procurement Manual

DEFINITION OF TERMS ABBREVIATIONS; ACRONYMS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Introduction Scope, Coverage, and Application Principles in Community-Based Procurement 6-12 12-13 14 15 15-16 16-17

CHAPTER 2: Possible Types of Community projects Requiring Procurement 18 2.1 Construction, repair and improvement 19 2.2 Common Service Facilities 19 2.3 Others 19 CHAPTER 3: PROCUREMENT POLICIES CHAPTER 4: COMMUNITY CAPABILITY BUILDING ON PROCUREMENT 4.1 Orientation, Organization & Workshop 4.2 Skills Training & Preliminary Procurement 4.3 Coaching Jobs, Practicum 4.4 Community Procurement Technical Assistance 4.5 Procurement Monitoring of Red Flags CHAPTER 5: PROCUREMENT ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS 5.1 Procurement Team 5.2 Bids and Awards Committee 5.3 Functions of the BAC CHAPTER 6: PROCUREMENT PROCESS 6.1 Procurement Planning 6.2 Presentation to the Barangay Assembly 6.3 Finalization of Planned Community Procurement Packaging 6.4 Implementation of the Planned Community Procurement Packaging 6.5 Monitoring Procurement Compliance 6.6 Billboards CHAPTER 7: MODE OF IMPLEMENTATION 7.1 By Contract 7.2 By Community Force Account CHAPTER 8: PROCUREMENT METHODS 8.1 Prior Review Requirements CHAPTER 9: PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES BY METHODS 9.1 Local Shopping 9.2 Direct Contracting 9.3 Community Force Account 9.4 Local Bidding CHAPTER 10: PROCUREMENT FORMS AND MONITORING FORMS 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 34 34 35 39 42 43 44 44-45 46 47-49 50 51-62 63-69 69-71 71-90 91

3 Community-Based Procurement Manual


4 Community-Based Procurement Manual

1-C 1-D 1-E 1-F 1-G

Local Shopping of Works Local Bidding of Goods Local Bidding of Works Direct Contracting of Goods Direct Shopping of Goods

196-197 198 199 200 201 202 203-204 205




208-209 210-216 217-225 226-229 230-232 233-237 238-241 242-244 245 246-249

5 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Abstract of Bids/Record of Bid Opening The corresponding document prepared by the BAC after all bids have been received, opened, examined, evaluated and ranked. Advance payment Refers to any payment made prior to the delivery and acceptance of Goods, Works, or Consulting Services. BAC The Bids and Awards Committee. Bid (Bid proposal) is a signed offer coming from a supplier/contractor interested to provide goods or undertake infrastructure work for the community. Bid Evaluation The process of determining the Bidder with the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid/Quotation (LCRB/Q) or the Highest Rated Bid (HRB) in case of consultancy services. Bid Opening Date The date specified in the Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the opening of bids. Bid Security- is required to ensure that the successful bidder shall, within five calendar days from receipt of the Notice of Award, sign the contract with the BSPMC. It could be in the form of cash, check, bank draft, letter of credit or bank guarantee that serves as a guarantee that the successful bidder shall not default on his offer, and shall enter into contract with the BSPMC and furnish the performance security. The bid security shall be returned to the bidders only after the successful bidder has signed the Contract and posted the performance security, except if the bidder fails to comply with all the requirements and the bid is marked failed. Bidder, who wants to present cash as bid security, shall be instructed to deposit the amount to the communitys bank account and to attach the machine validated deposit slip to the bid documents to be placed in a sealed envelope. Bid Validity A period indicated in the bidding documents, but in no case shall exceed sixty (60) calendar days from the date of the opening of bids, wherein a Bid Security is considered valid. Bidder An individual or entity that submits a bid. The term includes anyone acting on behalf of the individual or other entity that submits a bid, such as agents, employees, and representatives. More specifically, a contractor, manufacturer, supplier, distributor and/or consultant competing for the award of a contract in any government procurement. Bidding Documents. The documents issued by the BAC as the bases for bids, furnishing all information necessary for a prospective bidder to prepare a bid for the infrastructure projects, goods and/or consulting services required by the procuring entity. Blacklisting To place on, or as if on, a list of persons or organizations that have incurred disapproval or suspicion or are to be boycotted or otherwise penalized. Brand Name A trade name or product name, which identifies a product as having been made by a particular manufacturer.

6 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Calculated bid price The price of a bid, after taking into account minor arithmetical corrections to consider computational errors, omissions and discounts, if allowed. Collusion An agreement between two or more persons, to commit acts to accomplish a fraudulent or deceitful purpose. Competitiveness A principle in KC procurement that allows broad participation by eligible and qualified suppliers, contractors, consultants to put forward offers for a community project. Competitive Bidding (Public Bidding) A method of procurement which is open to participation by any interested party and which consists of the following processes: advertisement, pre-bid conference, receipt and opening of bids, evaluation of bids, postqualification, and award of contract. Communication costs mail, internet rental, and fax costs, plus cost of advertising, meetings, internet/web posting, and other costs incurred for the dissemination of information about the bidding. Conference Notice A formal written communication sent to the participants of the conference (such as the Pre-procurement, Pre-bid and Post-Award Conference) informing them when and where the conference will be held. Conflict of Interest a situation in which a public official's decisions are influenced by the official's personal interests. Consulting Services refer to services provided by external technical service providers1 or professional expertise that are beyond the capacity of the BSPMC or Local Government Unit (LGU) staff to undertake such as but not limited to feasibility studies; design; construction supervision; services for capability building types of community projects; and, special studies. Consolidated Blacklisting Report A report issued by the GPPB that contains a list of people and/or organizations that are barred from participating in any Government procurement project. Contract a meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to render some service. Article 1305, New Civil Code, Republic Act No. 386 A promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes a duty. An agreement, upon sufficient consideration, to do or not to do a particular thing. A promise enforceable by law. Contract Completion Project sign-off or acceptance of the project/goods by the enduser. Contract Implementation The execution of a contract, covering the following milestones: effectivity of the contract; contractors performance of his contractual obligations; procuring entitys performance of its contractual obligations, as specified in the Contract; final acceptance or project sign-off; all other related activities; and payment by the Procuring Entity.

Service providers referred to in these guidelines pertain to suppliers, contractors and consultants.

7 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Contractor One who undertakes to perform a work or service, or supply goods for a public or private entity. Contract Termination Ending of a contract prior to its completion. Corrupt practice the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any thing of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution. Compare fraudulent practice. Cost Recovery Component Direct and indirect costs accounted for in determining the price of Bidding Documents to be sold to interested suppliers/contractors. Defects Liability Period - refers to the period from the date of issuance of Certificate of Completion of the works as certified by the BSPMC Chairman up to the date within which, the contractor shall still be liable for defects, shrinkage or other faults as determined by BSPMC. The contractor shall execute all such work needed to amend, reconstruct, or remedy at his own cost. Development Cost Costs incurred in developing the original content of the documents, designs, plans and specifications. The design cost may be excluded if the same is to be included in the capitalized cost of the project which is to be recovered from the usage of the completed project facility. Direct Costs - Costs directly incurred such as communication costs allocated to the bidding activity. development, reproduction, and

Disclosure The act of disclosing, uncovering, or revealing. Disqualification The act of barring a bidder from further participation in the procurement at hand, even if, in some instances, it has initially been declared eligible or post-qualified. Eligible Bidder A contractor, manufacturer, supplier, distributor or consultant who meets all the eligibility requirements issued by the BAC. Eligibility Refers to the status of a Bidder in relation to its legal, technical and financial competence to comply with the requirements of the contract to be bid, as shown by eligibility documents submitted to and checked by the BAC. Eligibility Requirements - refer to qualifications set by the BAC for participating bidders. Some examples of qualifications are: Suppliers must have a SEC Registration, mayors permit or municipal license, or the Cooperative Development Authority, if a cooperative; Contractors for works must be either a duly licensed Filipino citizen or a sole proprietorship, or a duly registered partnership or corporation; Estimated Budget for the Contract The budget for the contract duly approved by the BSPMC which will serve as the agency estimate. Evaluated Bid - refers to the corrected bid after evaluation has been completed. Force Majeure see Fortuitous events. Fortuitous events/Force majeure An event which could not be foreseen, or which though foreseen, was inevitable. Fraudulent practice Misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the BSPMC.

8 Community-Based Procurement Manual


These include supplies, materials and purchase of equipment, trucking and hauling. Examples: construction materials, seedlings/seeds (for prevention of erosion), hand tools and including office supplies for use by the BSPMC in its operations.

Incidental Services services supplementary to the supply of the Goods, such as transportation and insurance; installation, provision of technical assistance, training, and other such obligations of the Supplier covered under the contract or purchase order. Indirect Costs - Costs indirectly incurred such as overhead, supervision, administrative costs allocated to the bidding activity. Compare Direct Costs. and

Ineligible Bidder A contractor, manufacturer, supplier, distributor or consultant who fails to meet any or all of the eligibility requirements. Infrastructure Projects (Civil Works) Include the construction, improvement, rehabilitation, demolition, repair, restoration or maintenance of roads and bridges, railways, airports, seaports, communication facilities, civil works components of information technology projects, irrigation, flood control and drainage, water supply, sanitation, sewerage and solid waste management systems, shore protection, energy/power and electrification facilities, national buildings, school buildings, hospital buildings, and other related construction projects of the government. Inspection Examination and/or testing of merchandise to determine whether it has been received in the proper quantity and condition and to verify that it conforms to the applicable specifications. Latent Defect A defect that is not apparent to the buyer by reasonable observation. A latent defect is hidden or one that is not immediately determinable. Liquidated Damages Damages agreed upon by the parties to a contract, to be paid in case of breach thereof. Minor Deviations are deviations in the bid that can be corrected. Some examples are the following: Computational error such as when the total amount is not equal to the unit cost times the number of units. In this case, it is the unit cost, which should be taken as the correct amount, and the total price should be corrected. Discounts which do not have pre-conditions should be applied to the total price to get the net amount Minor deviations shall be corrected and adjustments shall be computed to determine the calculated price. Major Deviations - are deviations which affect in a substantial way the scope, quality or performance of the works; which limits the communitys rights under the contract; or one that if corrected would affect unfairly the comparative position of other bidders. The following are examples: Bid contains a different design that does not respond to the contract plans and specifications; Stipulates price adjustment when bid price should be fixed given the short duration of the contract;

9 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Proposed timeframe of implementation does not conform to the required period Bid contains provision to exempt the bidder from some critical provisions of the contract.

Motion for Reconsideration In procurement, it is an application made to the BAC for the purpose of obtaining a rule or order setting aside a previous decision. Negotiated Procurement An alternative method of procurement of goods, infrastructure projects and consulting services, whereby the BSPMC directly negotiates a contract with a technically, legally and financially capable supplier, contractor or consultant. Notice of Award The document issued by the BSPMC to the bidder to whom the contract is awarded. Notice of Post-qualification The document issued by the BAC to the bidder with LCB or HRB whose bid is found responsive subjected for post-qualification evaluation. Notice to Proceed The document issued by the BSPMC to the winning bidder to proceed with the implementation of the contract. Observer One who is invited to attend and observe all stages of the procurement, especially: the pre-bid conference; opening of bids; bid evaluation; post-qualification; contract award; and special meetings of the BAC. Patent Defect A defect that is apparent to the buyer on normal observation. An apparent or obvious defect. Performance Security A security posted by the winning bidder to guarantee the faithful performance by the same of its obligations under the contract prepared in accordance with the bidding documents. Post-qualification The process of validating and verifying the documents, information and statements made in the Eligibility Documents by the Bidder who submitted the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid/Quotation, as well as ascertaining the said Bidders compliance with the legal, financial and technical requirements of the bid. Post-qualification Report The report prepared by the TWG containing the findings/results of the post-qualification conducted on the bidder with the LCRB or HRB, as the case may be. Pre-bid Conference is the forum where the Procuring Entitys representatives and the Prospective Bidders discuss the different aspects of the procurement at hand. Pre-procurement Conference is the forum called by the BAC for procurements undertaken through public bidding, where all officials involved in the procurement meet and discuss all aspects of the transaction, including the technical specifications, the Estimated Budget for the Contract, the applicability and appropriateness of the recommended method of procurement and the related milestones, the bidding documents, availability of the pertinent budget release for the project / contract, among others. Procurement The acquisition of Goods, Consulting Services, and the contracting for Infrastructure Projects by the BSPMC. Project Implementation Unit The unit created through an Executive Order that is primarily responsible for implementing and managing a community project.

10 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Procurement Package is a group of similar goods that can be purchased from one supplier or work items that can be performed or implemented by a single contractor. Protest A formal declaration made by a person interested or concerned in some act to be done, or already performed, whereby he expresses his dissent or disapproval, or affirms the act against his will. The object of such declaration is usually to save some right which would be lost to him if his implied anent could be made nil, or to exonerate himself from some responsibility which would attach to him unless he express negatively his assent. (Blacks Law Dictionary, 5th Ed.) Reproduction cost labor, supplies and equipment rental costs incurred in the reproduction of the documents e.g. photocopying, blue printing, etc Request for Clarification A written request submitted by the bidder to the BAC, asking the latter to clarify a particular provision of the Bidding Documents. Request for Proposal Bidding document for Consulting Services. Also called Request for Quotation. Responsive bid is a solicited bid is determined to be in substantial conformance with the conditions, completion or delivery requirements, and specifications detailed in the invitation-to-bid (ITB), request for proposals (RFP), request for quotations (RFQ), or request for tenders. Retention Money - refers to the amount retained from progress payment to cover uncorrected discovered defects and third party liabilities. This is equivalent to 10% of all progress payments. Upon issuance of Certificate of Completion by the BSPMC through the recommendation of the Project Supervisor, 100% of the retention money is returned to the contractor. It is understood that the Contractor is still liable to BSPMC under Defects Liability Period provision of the contract. For performance guarantees in the form of cash for contracts that are nearing thee end of KALAHI-CIDSS project, such guarantee shall be replaced with a bank guarantee from a reputable bank. Spare parts Refer to extra components, equipment, tools, instruments or parts of machinery or apparatus that replace the ones that are damaged or worn out. Specification - A description of what the purchaser requires and what a bidder must offer. - A detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work or material. Splitting of Contracts/Packages is the act of dividing or breaking up of contracts into smaller quantities and amounts, or dividing contract implementation into sub-contracts but it can be undertaken/procured as one contract to circumvent or subvert the procurement method. Standard The established and fixed measure used in assessing quality or performance. Subcontractor One who takes a specific part of the work undertaken by the principal contractor. (Blacks Law Dictionary, 5th Ed.) Submitted bid price The bid price as indicated in the financial proposal submitted by the bidder. Supplemental/Bid bulletin A notice issued by the Procuring Entity to Prospective Bidders with respect to any clarifications or modifications in the Bidding Documents, including those affecting the technical specifications, eligibility requirements, procurement schedule, and other similar matters.

11 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Technical Bid One of two components comprising a bid, the other being Financial Bid. Tender See Bid. Warranty An undertaking by the supplier, manufacturer or distributor to guarantee that it will correct any manufacturing defects of the goods procured by the BSPMC.

AC ACT AIT BA BAC BDC BSPMC CC CD DAC DSWD CERS CF CFA CSO DA DAC DC DENR DPWH CPP DC GOP KALAHI- CIDSS KKB LCCQ LCRB LGU LS LB MAO MCA-P MCC MIT NOA NOL NPMO NPMT NRM NTP OR PIT PO POs POW PT Area Coordinator Area Coordinating Team Audit and Inventory Team Barangay Assembly Bid and Award Committee Barangay Development Council Barangay Community Project Committee Conditions of Contract Calendar Days Deputy Area Coordinator Department of Social Welfare and Development Community Employment Record Sheet Community Facilitators Community Force Account Civil Society Organization Department of Agriculture Deputy Area Coordinator Direct Contracting Department of Environment and Natural Resources Department of Public Works and Highways Community Procurement Plan Direct Contracting Government of the Philippines Kapit-bisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services Kapangyarihan at Kaunlaran sa Barangay Lowest Calculated and Complying Quotation Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid Local Government Unit Local Shopping Local Bidding Municipal Agricultural Officer Millennium Challenge Account-Philippines Millennium Challenge Corporation Monitoring and Implementation Team Notice of Award No Objection Letter National Project Management Office National Project Management Team Natural Resources Management Notice to Proceed Official Receipt Project Implementation Team Purchase Order Peoples Organizations Program of Works Procurement Team

12 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Technical Working Group Regional Infrastructure Engineer Regional Project Manager Regional Project Management Office Resolution to Award World Bank Working Days

13 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Scope, Coverage, and Application Principles in Community-Based Procurement

14 Community-Based Procurement Manual

1. Introduction
Procurement is one of the most critical activities in community project implementation. It refers to the purchase of all the goods, supplies, and materials needed by the community project. It also refers to the contracting of the entire or a portion of the works in an infrastructure community project. It is the most sensitive disbursement of funds. because it involves

Since the Kalahi-CIDSS Project (KC Project) aims to empower communities by giving them control over the resources and implementation of community projectss, the communities through the Barangay Community Project Management Committee (BSPMC) is responsible for procurement. They have the authority to make decisions but they are also accountable for ensuring the quality of the goods and services are based on the technical specifications. They also ensure that the award is made using the criterion of Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid/Quotation. At the same time, they have to make sure that transparency is observed and fair competition among qualified contractors and suppliers are undertaken.

2. Scope, Coverage, and Application

2.1. Coverage The manual will be used for all procurement activities by the BSPMC for the KALAHICIDSS project and may be used for projects funded by other funding donors following the projects processes. 2.2. Scope The provisions shall apply to the procurement of goods, works, and consulting services whether the funds are local counterparts or from the grant. The provisions of this manual will only cover approved procurement packages based on the approved Planned Community Procurement Package (PCPP) and will not cover the acquisition of right-of-way site or location of infrastructure projects and leasing of government-owned facilities.

15 Community-Based Procurement Manual

2.3. Application The procurement procedures provided in this manual shall apply to the following: 1. Goods - These include supplies, materials, and purchase of equipment, lease of equipment2, trucking and hauling. Examples: construction materials, seedlings/seeds (for prevention of erosion), hand tools, and including office supplies for use by the BSPMC in its operations. 2. Works refer to civil/infrastructure and all types of physical works such as construction, improvement, upgrading, roads and bridges, irrigation, flood control and drainage, water supply, electrification facilities, buildings, fabrication of equipment and structural parts, Natural Resources Management (NRM) activities, solid waste management system and physical works that require labor. 3. Consulting Services refer to services provided by external technical service providers3 or professional expertise that are outside the capacity of the BSPMC or Local Government Unit (LGU) staff to undertake such as but not limited to feasibility studies; design; construction supervision; services for capability building types of community projects; and, special studies.

3. Principles in Community-Based Procurement

Fairness (Fair dealing) - it is competitive by extending equal opportunity to enable private contracting parties who are eligible and qualified to participate in public procurement. Service providers should be treated fairly and without unfair discrimination, including protection of commercial confidentiality where required. A competitive procurement process treats service providers equitably and provides fair grounds for competition among themselves, thereby ensuring that no single service provider significantly influences the outcome of the procurement. Effectiveness it should be simple and applicable to the community and the processes should be carried out as cost effective as possible. Economy The BSPMC shall use the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid 4 / Quotation5 and the most advantageous to the BSPMC as criteria for selection of service providers. Transparency - transactions during procurement process and implementation must be transparent. There should be openness and clarity on procurement policy and its delivery. Toward this end, posting in the regional newspapers (for bidding) and in conspicuous places within the Region, Province, Municipality or Barangay, in television or radio stations or any other possible means, as the case maybe, is required for all procurements. Moreover, the BSPMC-BAC must invite the Technical

16 Community-Based Procurement Manual

When leasing for equipment, the nature of the activities will define if it is categorized as goods or works. Categorization and procedures are provided in the guidelines for Lease of Equipment to further understand the details when renting/leasing equipment. 3 Service providers referred to in this manual pertain to suppliers, contractors and consultants. 4 The term Bid applies to thresholds under local bidding. 5 The term Quotation applies to thresholds under local shopping.

Working Group (TWG) to provide technical assistance. The BAC shall also invite representatives from the LGU COA in the Municipality, Civil Society Organizations, local government officials, Area Coordinator, Deputy Area Coordinator, Head of the Barangay Audit and Inventory Committee and other interested members to observe any or all stages of the procurement process. Finally, each procurement transaction must be properly documented and such records must be maintained and made available at the BSPMC office/s. Accountability all officials directly or indirectly involved in the procurement process as well as in the implementation of the contracts and the private parties when warranted by circumstances, investigated and held liable for their actions thereto.

17 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Construction, repair and improvement Common Service Facilities Others

18 Community-Based Procurement Manual

The following are some examples of community projects which would involve procurement.


Construction, repair and improvement / upgrading of small scale infrastructure

1. Construction/Improvement/Upgrading of Barangay roads and bridges 2. Construction of Multi-purpose buildings 3. Post harvest facilities 4. Small-scale communal irrigation projects 5. Classrooms for basic education (Elementary and High School) 6. Sanitation facilities (toilets) 7. Barangay Health Station 8. Day care centers 9. Flood control facilities 10. Domestic water supply systems a. Level I Water System b. Level II Water System


Common Service Facilities

1. Fabrication works 2. Manufacturing / Processing facilities (e.g. meat, vegetables, etc) 3. Equipment for common facilities for production, harvest, drying, processing, storage


1. Consultancy services such as the following; preparation of technical plans for subprojects requiring design analysis or feasibility studies; implementation supervision of SPs with complex technical requirements or expertise; and, 2. All other approved community projects not mentioned above, provided it is not within the negative list6.

Negative list includes acquisition of land; building or repair of government offices, meeting halls and places of worship; environmentally hazardous materials, such as, chainsaws, explosives, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, asbestos and other potentially dangerous materials; international travel; and maintenance and operation of infrastructure built from project funds; assistance to, or training of, the military, police, national guard, or other quasi-military organization or unit; and to pay for the performance of abortions as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortions, to pay for the performance of involuntary sterilizations as a method of family planning or to coerce or provide any financial incentive to any person to undergo sterilizations; or any activity or funds relating to trafficking of person/s. Note: Any proposed projects intended to benefit commercial logging, (provided this shall not include tree removal incidental to the project), must be sent to the funding donor for review prior to project approval.

19 Community-Based Procurement Manual


3.1 Procurement for the community project shall be the responsibility of the community through the Barangay Community Project Management Committee (BSPMC). A Procurement Team composed of at least three community volunteers elected by the barangay assembly shall assist the BSPMC. 3.2 Transparency should be practiced in all stages of the procurement process. From the public announcement of invitation to quote or to bid, awarding of contracts, contract implementation to payment to suppliers, contractors and local workers, the BSPMC should ensure that transparency is observed. This shall be achieved through conduct of barangay assemblies and posting of notices and reports in the KalahiCIDSS: KKB billboards or bulletin boards within the barangay. 3.3 The BSPMC shall use the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid/Quotation as the criterion for selection of suppliers and contractors. This criterion shall be publicly announced to the community and to all interested parties. 3.4 The Project prescribes the procurement methods and procedures to be used. These are contained in this revised manual and should be followed strictly by participating communities. 3.5 Section 4 of Government Procurement Reform Act, R.A. 9184 provides that any treaty or international or executive agreement affecting the subject matter of this Act to which the Government of the Philippines is a signatory shall be observed. 3.6 Participating communities which violate the prescribed procurement policies, methods and procedures are liable for sanctions and will be penalized. Procurement that does not follow guidelines will be disallowed and grant funds used will be returned to the KC Project. Depending on the degree of violation, the sanctions can range from disallowance, suspension of further fund releases, and withdrawal of the community project. If there are anomalous transactions, persons responsible will be charged with civil and/or criminal cases. 3.7 Blacklisted and suspended suppliers, contractors and consultants by private and Government entities shall not be allowed to participate in KALAHI-CIDSS procurement.

3.8 For MCC-funded subproject/s:

The Millennium Challenge Account-Philippines must review the following contracts: (i) every procurement (for goods or works) amounting to PhP 2,500,000 or higher; and (ii) fifty (50) randomly-picked (by MCAP) procurements from or within the whole area of KC-MCC coverage per cycle, regardless of amount. Where applicable, this review may take place at the same time as the prior review requirements listed in section 8 of this manual. Other procedures for eligibility verification, including review against the blacklist maintained by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) can be used.

20 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Orientation, Organization & Workshop Skills Training & Preliminary Procurement Coaching Jobs, Practicum Community Procurement Technical Assistance Procurement Monitoring of Red Flags

21 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Orientation, Organization and Workshop

Prior to the Municipal Inter-Barangay Forum (MIBF), orientation, organization and workshop on procurement are given to community volunteers, to enable them to package and plan community procurement. The expected output of the workshop is the Planned Community Procurement Package (PCPP).


Skills Training and Preliminary Procurement

In line with the readiness filter, preliminary procurement will be undertaken. Skills training on procurement will be given to the volunteers with the Deputy Area Coordinator (DAC) as the resource person.


Job Coaching and Practicum

In the implementation, the Deputy Area Coordinator (DAC) will conduct job coaching on the procurement. Practicum is required for the community volunteers. Popularization of Community Procurement Primers using local dialects is advised at this stage.


Community Procurement Technical Assistance

During the course of the implementation of the community project, the Deputy Area Coordinator (DAC) should provide technical assistance to the community volunteers relative to the procurement and contract management.


Procurement Monitoring Of Red Flags

The community volunteers will encounter red flag of abnormalities in the conduct of procurement activities. These red flags will provide a signal for the Area/Municipal Coordinating Team (A/MCT) and Regional Project Management Team (RPMT) to intensify supervision and undertake corrective measures. The community volunteers should be briefed regarding the Community Facilitators Red Flag Procurement Monitoring Form7.

The Community Facilitators Red Flag Procurement Monitoring Form can be found in the procurement manuals annexes.

22 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Procurement Team Bids and Awards Committee Functions of the BAC

23 Community-Based Procurement Manual


B arang ay As s e mbly
B a ranga y De ve lopme nt C ouncil

Br g y. Re p r es e n tatio n T e am (B RT )

P roj. P re pa ra tion T ea m (P P T )

B aran g ay S u b P ro jec t Mg mt. C o m. (B S P MC )

A u d it & In ve n tor y T e am (A IT )

Bid s an d A w ard s C o m m ittee (BA C )

O pe ra tion & Ma inte na nc e C om m ittee (O & M)

B rg y. T rea sure r S e c re ta ry B ookke epe r

P roc ureme nt T ea m (P T )

P roje c t Im pleme nta tion T ea m (P IT )

Monitoring & Inspe c tion Tea m (MIT )

This section elaborates on the formation of a Procurement Team within the BSPMC.


Procurement Team
The Barangay Assembly (BA) members elect at least three members of the Procurement Team during the Second Barangay Assembly (2nd BA). While the membership is elected8, the minimum qualification should be at least high school level or graduate. However, if there are elementary graduates that have experience in local procurement, they are also welcome provided they are dedicated to do the tasks. It is clarified that while the membership is elected, it does not mean that any member of the community can be a PT member. Furthermore, it is clarified that the selection with minimum qualification is not defeating the principle of inclusion but rather ensuring that fiduciary requirements are complied in accordance with this manual. The Procurement Team shall be in charge of activities required to facilitate acquisition of all supplies, materials, equipment, labor from suppliers and contractors.
Specific Functions of the Project Procurement Team Prepares procurement documents Acts as Canvassers Prepares and finalizes Planned Community Procurement Packaging (PCPP) & Community Employment Record Sheet (CERS) with the assistance of DAC Assists in the presentation of PCPP and CERS during Barangay Assembly Receives and records bids/quotations Acts as Secretariat to the Bids and Awards Committee Assists in updating the status of ACPP and CERS Prepares evaluation report of performance of suppliers/contractors

Elected in this statement to mean chosen from at least high school level or graduate.

24 Community-Based Procurement Manual

To be effective in their work, the Barangay Community Project Management Committee Members and the Procurement Team members should undergo the following: 1. Comprehensive Orientation Workshop on the Kalahi-CIDSS 2. Procurement Training which covers the procurement policies, alternative procurement methods and procedures, monitoring and reporting. 3. Workshop of the preparation of Planned Community Procurement Packaging (PCPP) should be conducted before Community Project Implementation. The Regional Project Management Team shall provide technical assistance and monitor the conduct of these activities.


Bids and Awards Committee (BAC)

Each BSPMC shall establish a single BAC for its procurement. The BSPMC may use the existing BAC (previously created during Cycle 1 and Cycle 2) or create a new BAC (for Cycle 2 and Cycle 3) with the following composition: 1. Barangay Treasurer 2. Chairperson of the Community Project Preparation Committee 9 3. One member to be elected by BSPMC Executive Committee . Elected barangay officials are disqualified. - Legal Reference: RA 7160, Section 109, Item Number 3, states that ... The
Barangay Officials shall Monitor and evaluate the implementation of national or local programs and projects.

The BAC members shall elect the BAC chairperson. The BSPMC Chairperson, as approving authority on all transactions, is disqualified to be a BAC member and the Barangay Treasurer is disqualified to head the BAC. The LGU COA Auditor, Barangay Captain, Area Coordinator, Deputy Engineer and the Barangay Audit and Inventory Committee Head will be invited to sit as nonvoting members. Other interested parties are also encouraged to observe the BAC proceedings. For the procurement of Consultancy services or service provider chargeable to the Technical Assistance Fund (TAF) especially the new municipalities where no established BSPMC composition yet, the BAC will be coming from the lead barangay comprising of the Treasurer, Project Preparation team (PPT) Chairperson and the Barangay Representation Team (BRT) Chairperson. A Technical Working Group (TWG) shall be formed with the assistance of the Area Coordinating Team. The TWG shall assist the BAC in bid evaluation and shall be composed of the following: 1. Area Coordinator or Deputy Area Coordinator

25 Community-Based Procurement Manual

The BSPMC executive committee is composed of the BSPMC chairperson and heads of teams under the BSPMC.

2. Municipal Engineer/Municipal Agricultural Officer/CENRO/MENRO (depends on the type of contract) 3. Supervising Community Project Engineer/Leadman/Foreman (if municipal engineer is not available) 4. Roving Bookkeeper 5. Volunteer professionals in the community (if any)


Functions of the BAC

The BAC shall have the following functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Advertises and /or posts the invitation to bid Conducts pre-procurement and pre-bid conferences Determines eligibility of prospective bidders Receives bids Conducts the evaluation of bids with assistance of the TWG Undertakes the post-qualification proceedings, including forwarding to the ACT TWG the contractors/suppliers for eligibility verification10 proceedings where applicable (For MCC-funded project/s only). 7. Recommends the award of contract to BSPMC Chairperson. When BSPMC Chairperson disapproves the recommendation, such disapproval shall be based on valid, reasonable and justifiable grounds to be expressed in writing, copy furnished the BAC. 8. Performs such other related functions as may be necessary, including the creation of Technical Working Group from a pool of technical, financial and/or legal experts to assist in the procurement process The BAC shall also be responsible for ensuring that the BSPMC follows the standards outlined in this Community-Based Procurement Manual. The BSPMC is the representative of the owner community. In effect, it represents the head of the procuring entity and approves contract with the Chairman being authorized to sign it. The BAC is a mere creation of the BSPMC. Responsibility therefore cannot be delegated to the BAC.


Eligibility verification follows the existing KALAHI-CIDSS Project. This mean that Contractors or Suppliers and Service Providers possessed the capacity to perform or deliver the Contract/s.

26 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Procurement Planning Presentation to the Barangay Assembly Finalization of Planned Community Procurement Packaging Implementation of the Planned Community Procurement Packaging Monitoring Procurement Compliance Billboards

27 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Procurement Planning
Procurement Planning starts after the Community Project Preparation Committee has completed the detailed project proposal and budget, complete with technical specifications, drawings and bill of materials (for infra community projects). The BSPMC shall prepare a procurement package called Planned Community Procurement Package (PCPP). Procurement package is a group of similar goods, works or services that can be purchased from one supplier or work items that can be performed or implemented by a single contractor or a an activity that can be performed by a consultant. A procurement action plan (PAP) shall also be prepared indicating the timeline to complete the activity, responsible volunteers and project staff, venue of meeting and place/s to conduct procurement, packages to be procured, and list of potential service providers11. Procurement planning ensures that the overall goal of a particular community project will be achieved effectively and efficiently. Through procurement plan, the BSPMC is able to effectively manage and track procurement all the way to contract implementation. The procurement will allow the BSPMC to be cost efficient in its procurement. Proper planning ensures that only goods, infrastructure projects, and consulting services which have been included in the approved PCPP. Procurement planning should be done within the approved estimated budget. Prior to the conduct of actual procurement, the PCPP must be approved by the RPMO. The A/MCT shall provide a copy of the PCPP to the Regional Community Infrastructure Specialist (RCIS) for review. The A/MCT can submit the PCPP electronically12 to the RCIS for online review, comments and approval. Approval and/or comments should be provided to the ACT before the conduct of the procurement conference. The following are the activities of the Procurement Team: Meet with the Project Implementation Team (PIT) to discuss the different items that needs to be procured and their technical specifications and financial requirements. Group the items to be procured into procurement packages.

Sample Cases in Packaging Case 1: Hardware materials such as Cement, reinforcing steel bars, tie wires, common wire nails and other hardware materials must be grouped as one package. Aggregates such as sand, gravel and boulders must be in a separate package.

11 12

28 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Service providers pertain to suppliers, contractors or individual or firms providing services to the BSPMC. Either scanned copy for handwritten PCPPs or electronic copy. For Shopping and Bidding for works the POW must also be submitted as basis for review. The electronic means could save use of papers.

Example: Prepare a procurement package of the materials needed for the community project with the following materials: Particulars Selected Filling Materials Aggregate Base Coarse Sand Boulders Portland Cement 16 mm diameter RSB x 6M 10 mm diameter RSB x 6M 2"x3"x10' Coco Lumber 1/4" thick Ordinary Plywood 3 inches CWN Quantity 50 40 30 20 100 110 150 500 12 15 Unit Cu.M. Cu.M. Cu.M. Cu.M. Bags Pieces Pieces Bd. Ft. Pieces Kilos

Possible Packaging: Package 1: Selected Filling Materials Aggregate Base Coarse Sand Boulders Package 2: Portland Cement 16 mm diameter RSB x 6M 10 mm diameter RSB x 6M 1/4" thick Ordinary Plywood 3 inches CWN Package 3: 2"x3"x10' Coco Lumber 500 Bd. Ft. 100 110 150 12 15 Bags Pieces Pieces Pieces Kilos 50 40 30 20 Cu.M. Cu.M. Cu.M. Cu.M.

In areas where all the required materials can be taken from one supplier or if all suppliers in the locality can supply all the materials needed thus, package it as one. Case 2: For works, the first step is to define the items that can be undertaken by community force account (CFA) and have it packaged as separate package. For items that require heavy equipment, such items must be packaged separately.

29 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Example: Prepare a package for a road community project with common work items such as items 100 (Clearing and Grubbing), 105 (Sub-grade Preparation), Item 200 (Aggregate Sub-Base Coarse), Item 201 (Aggregate Base Coarse), Item 311 (Portland Cement Concrete Pavement), Item 500 (Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert), Item 505 (Grouted Riprap). Option 1: Package all the items as one since all can be undertaken by one contractor. Package 1: Item 105 Item 200 Item 201 Item 311 Item 500 Item 505 Option 2: PACKAGE 1: (It can be Shopping or Bidding depending on the threshold) Item 105 Item 200 Item 201 Item 311 Item 500 Item 505 Sub-grade Preparation Aggregate Sub-Base Aggregate Base Coarse 300 Linear Meter (PCCP) RCPC (0.61M diameter) Grouted Riprap Sub-grade Preparation Aggregate Sub-Base Aggregate Base Coarse 300 Linear Meter Item 311 (PCCP) RCPC (0.61M diameter) Grouted Riprap


Notes: 1. This is a combined method of procurement. Items 105, 200 and 201 are mechanized so it will be undertaken by contract. Items 311, 500 and 505 were separated since it can be undertaken by CFA with 1 or 2 Pakyaw groups. 2. Breaking of packages in this particular case using combined method of procurement is not considered splitting since the purpose of undertaking the community project by contract and force account was based on the capacity of the community to implement it. Moreover, majority of the community can participate in the implementation and procurement process. The procurement packages should consider the implementation schedule and the releases of Grant Funds by tranche and local counterpart. The work items should be packaged into one. Procurement Team must observe the approved threshold for the procurement.

30 Community-Based Procurement Manual

The project does not allow splitting of goods and items of works. However, for selected goods, which are in extreme cases, considering the peculiarity of the areas covered by the project, appropriate packing must be done. Below are the definition and sample cases for clearer understanding: Splitting is the act of dividing or breaking up of contracts into smaller quantities and amounts, or dividing contract implementation into sub-contracts; but it can be undertaken/procured as one contract to circumvent or subvert the procurement method. Case 1: If the goods to be acquired can be procured in the Municipality and the method requires local bidding since it is within the threshold of bidding but the contract package were divided into several packages to evade the No-Objection-Letter (NOL) requirement from the National Project Management Office (NPMO) or the funding donor (World Bank, MCAPhilippines, others) then there is Splitting of Package/Contracts. Example: Package 1 : 300 Linear Meter Item 311 (PCCP) Estimated Budget for the Package : PhP. 941,219.78 Contract Amount = PhP. 940,219.78 Package 2: Item Item Item Item Item Item 105 Sub-grade Preparation 200 Aggregate Sub-Base 201 Aggregate Base Coarse 300 Surfacing 500 (1) - 0.60M diameter RCPC 505-Grouted Riprap

Estimated Budget for the Package : PhP. 501,434.02 Contract Amount: PhP. 501,434.00 Total Amount of Contracts= PhP.1, 442,653.80. Note: Obviously, the two packages can be combined but it was broken into 2 packages to evade bidding. Case 2: In cases of perishable goods like cement that are intended for different items of works and the community project requires bulk purchase but it is not realistic to deliver in the barangay given the lack of available storage and the distance as locations are in far flung areas, the community can break the packaging for cement into several package depending on the condition of the area to avoid spoilage. Likewise, for fuel and oil, if the conditions of the contract agreement do not apply to the condition of the area, several packages can be made for fuel and oil. Splitting under the KALAHI-CIDSS procurement guidelines depends on the purpose for which the contract is divided. If the purpose for the division of the contract/packages into artificial phases or subcontracts is to circumvent or evade the mandatory requirements as per Loan Agreement, the BSPMC is guilty of contract splitting thus, sanctions shall be imposed as per section 3.6 of the Procurement Policies. The service provider

31 Community-Based Procurement Manual

involved in the preparation must ensure proper packaging to avoid such sanctions. 1. Conduct resource assessment to find out which of the items are available within the barangay or within the municipality. They can visit the towns commercial center and check for possible suppliers. If not available within the municipality, they inquire for other possible sources in the areas near the municipality or any area within the province. They can also refer to the ACT and RPMT inventory of resource institutions, TA providers and suppliers. The Officer may already have a list of possible suppliers and the prevailing prices. 2. Review the Planned Community Procurement Packaging including the Community Employment Record in consultation with the Project Preparation Team. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) will ensure that Deputy Area Coordinator (DAC) assesses the overall feasibility of municipal and other counterpart contributions during the detailed community project preparation. Community Monitoring Teams will ensure a record is kept of municipal inputs (cash, equipment and services) during the community project implementation to verify actual delivery against commitment. They will present this to the community during the fifth barangay assembly. The Planned Community Procurement Packaging will contain the following information: A. For Community Projects to be Executed Under Community Force Account (CFA) Mode Name of Community Project and Total Estimated Cost Community Project Duration LCC: In Cash, In kind. Package Number Package Item Procurement Method Estimated Cost: 1st Tranche, 2nd Tranche, 3rd Tranche Propose Implementation Schedule

B. Community Projects to be Executed Under Contract Contracting and implementation duration. Duration the First Tranche will last? Second? Third?

During updating of status, the date of actual request and date funds received must be indicated in the Actual Community Procurement Packaging. 3. Update the Actual Community Procurement Packaging. Writing the Technical Specifications, Scope of Work and Terms of Reference The Technical Specifications (for Procurement of Goods), Scope of Works (for Infrastructure Projects) or Terms of Reference (for Consulting Services) shall be considered. Specification - A detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work or material. Types of Specifications to be considered: 1. Technical Specifications

32 Community-Based Procurement Manual

- Is the document that provides the detailed description of the deliverables of the Supplier, Contractor or Consultant. - Describes the physical characteristics of the material or product being purchased, such as dimensions, grades of materials, physical properties, color, finish, and any other data that defines an acceptable product; may be supplemented by drawings or samples.
Definition from the Philippine Institute of Supply Management(PISM)

2. Functional Specifications - defines the job to be done rather than the method by which it is to be accomplished; do not limit the supplier/contractor to providing specific solution, thus enabling the supplier/contractor to create the best possible solution; used to solicit suppliers/contracto rs proposals for further evaluation by the BSPMC when a specific solution is not known. (Definition from the Philippine Institute of Supply

Examples: Works: Equipment that has capacity to excavate 360 cubic meters per day - the contractor will provide either Backhoe or Bulldozer. For Goods: e.g. Compact bulb that can last for 1000 hours.

3. Performance Specifications - describes the parameters of actual performance the item or service must meet; interested in results rather than method; can be described by a virtually unlimited choice of criteria and must be capable of being expressed by some clearly stated metric. Example: 1. Rice Mill must mill 20-30 Tons per day; 2. One (1)- Bagger Concrete Mixer that can continuously mix 90 bags per day.
-Definition from the Philippine Institute of Supply Management (PISM)

Developing Standards: What are the considerations in setting the standards and technical specifications? 1. The standards and technical specifications quoted in procurement documents should promote the broadest possible competition, while assuring the critical performance or other requirements for the goods and/or works under procurement; 2. The BSPMC should specify accepted standards based on the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) with which the equipment or materials or workmanship should comply, except if such standard/s are unavailable or inappropriate, may be specified; and,

33 Community-Based Procurement Manual

3. the procurement documents should state that equipment, material or workmanship meeting other standards, which promise at least substantial equivalent, should also be accepted. The Use of Brand Name Use of Brand Name/s is not allowed as it limits competition and thus, increases likelihood of higher prices. May or may not improve the chances of receiving better quality; nevertheless, they typically cost more as a result of higher advertising cost to create the brand name.

6.2 Presentation to the Barangay Assembly

The Procurement Team Head or the BSPMC Chairperson presents the Planned Community Procurement Packaging to the community during the fifth BA. This is part of the presentation of the detailed community project proposal prior to its submission to the MIAC for Technical Review. This is also the same venue where the community members finalize their decision on local counterpart contribution. It would be very helpful if representatives of the Municipal LGU, such as the Municipal Engineer and Municipal Treasurer and other LGU technical staff who can provide technical assistance are invited to this presentation. The Presentation targets to achieve the following: 1. The community should be able to identify which of the locally available items can form part of the local contribution or can be accessed from the LGU, through the information of the Municipal Engineer and the Municipal Treasurer. (This would be the basis of the negotiation with the Mayor and the Municipal Council by the BSPMC and the Area Coordinating Team Leader.) 2. Draw out suggestions from the barangay members of possible suppliers and contractors, which can be added to the list prepared by the Procurement Team. All issues raised and agreements reached should be reflected in the minutes of the Assembly Meeting. The Procurement Team should refer to this when finalizing the Planned Community Procurement Packaging and Community Employment Record.

6.3 Finalization of the Planned Community Procurement Packaging and Community Employment Record
1. Indicate items in the procurement packages included in the draft but which have been agreed to form part of the community or LGUs local contribution in kind or in cash. 2. Submit one copy of the final Planned Community Procurement Packaging and Community Employment Record to the BSPMC ExeCOM and engineers for review. Once approved and signed by the BSPMC Chairperson, these shall form part of the documents attached to the communitys final community project proposal for

34 Community-Based Procurement Manual

submission to the MIBF. The Area Coordinating Team will retain a photocopy of the above documents after final approval of community projects by the MIBF. The final plan will be used during the implementation once the proposal is approved by the MIBF. 3. The Barangay Treasurer prepares projected cash requirements using the Planned Community Procurement Packaging as guide. This is important to DSWD so it can have an accurate forecast of the funds flow. 4. The A/MCT-DAC can now prepare a consolidated monthly a disbursement schedule for all Community Projects for the municipality. This will form part of their disbursement target.

6.4 Implementation of the Planned Community Procurement Packaging

1. While waiting for the grant funds, the Procurement Team should already start with the preparatory procurement activities based on the approved plan and in coordination with the Community Project Implementation Team. It is clarified that the term start would mean approval of the PCPP by the RPMO thru the RCIS. 2. The Area Coordinating Team shall provide the BSPMC and other barangay volunteers a skills enhancement training on Community Finance, Community Procurement and Basic Community Infrastructure. GUIDES IN FILLING UP THE PLANNED COMMUNITY PROCUREMENT PACKAGE (PCPP) References and documents at hand: a. Program of works with detailed estimates and bill of materials, Construction and Schedule (Gantt or Bar Chart) b. Manpower and equipment capability outputs c. Construction method d. Inventory of possible contractors for works e. Inventory of possible suppliers in the area (to include inventory available materials they can supply) f. Community Employment Record Sheet (for Labor), Local Counterpart Contribution Plan g. Certifications of local counterpart contribution/s (LCC) Steps in Preparing the PCPP: 1. Based on the references and definition, the first step is to review the proposed construction method and match with the Gantt chart or work schedule. List down the subsidiary13 work items to complete the pay item and identify the required materials needed based on the detailed estimates and bill of materials. Implementation schedules should be a major consideration in preparing the PCPP. The implementation schedule will guide the programmer and volunteers in determining what applicable tranche will be requested. The release of the local


35 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Items that are within the major item of work needed to accomplish that particular item e.g. Construction of Concrete Pavement for a Drying Pavement requires formworks. The formwork is the subsidiary item.

counterpart contribution (LCC) should also be a major consideration in preparing the PCPP. 2. Since most of KC projects are expected to be completed within 3-6 months, realistic projections have to be kept in mind in preparing the procurement packages. Weighted percentage of possible work items to be completed per month has to be reflected at the Gantt chart to guide on the required physical accomplishments needed for the requests of succeeding tranches. 3. Once it was decided that the works items listed on the initial months can trigger for the requests of next tranches, start preparing the procurement packages. For Goods: As a general rule, group similar materials that can be purchased from possible suppliers in the locality. (Make use of the inventory of suppliers and construction materials sold). For Works: As a general rule, group the works that can be performed or implemented by a single contractor and group items of works that can be undertaken by community force account. Based on the foregoing, the best way is to determine the items that can be undertaken by community force account (CFA) and have it packaged as separate package. If the community has no capacity to undertake any of the items of works as the works requires mechanized equipment and specialized skills, all the items must be packaged into one and undertake it by contract. 4. Once you have already identified the type of materials needed per package, review the implementation schedule/Bar Chart, manpower capability output and determine the required quantities of construction materials. Provide the unit cost per item materials and total the cost of packages to guide you on what procurement methods are applicable. (There will be work items that continue to be undertaken on succeeding months but will fall on next tranches and will require separate packaging.) Local Shopping Goods package with total estimated cost of not more than P500, 000.00. Local Bidding Goods package with total estimated cost of more than P500,000.00. Direct contracting package with total estimated cost of not more than P125, 000.00 5. If the proposed work items are not within the capacity of the community and municipality to implement, a package for works will be prepared and will observe the procurement method. Local Shopping works package with an estimated cost not more than P 1,250,000. Local Bidding works package with total estimated cost of more than P1,250,000. Direct Contracting small package with total estimated cost not more than P250,000.00 6. It is important that the specifications of required materials for purchase are clearly indicated in the PCPP for the reason that other Procurement Team members that will prepare the canvass form and/or Invitation to Quote/Bid will copy the procurement packages.

36 Community-Based Procurement Manual

7. Once the packages are determined, sum-up all the costs of each package to determine the amount and percent of tranches to be requested. The normal tranche is 50%-40%-10% of the total KC Grant for the community project. Flexible tranches as a result of appropriate packaging are allowed by the Project; 60-30-10; 70-2010; or 80-10-10 for community project that will require big initial investment. 8. Schedules of local counterpart delivery must also be considered. If the community, barangay and municipal LCC can be delivered on the first, second tranches, it must be clearly indicated on the respective column and form (Cash and in-kind LCC). 9. Group the packages subject for shopping and bidding. 10. Based on the implementation schedule, determine the activities and corresponding package/s that will be needed to immediately start and will provide significant accomplishment (will result to more than 30% which is the minimum requirement for the second tranche) that the community or the contractor can undertake in the given timeline. 11.Check the total amount of the package/s for the first tranche (with consideration to the implementation schedule/Gantt chart). The total amount of package/s grouped packages will dictate the amount of the first tranche. If the amount needed for the first tranche exceeded the regular tranching which is 50%-40%-10%, analyze the PCPP and draft a justification based on the PCPP when requesting for open tranche. 12. If the total amount of packages needed for the first tranche is below the regular 5040-10 tranching, the regular tranching will be applied. Shown in the succeeding page is an example in projecting the request for tranching (Estimators Guide)

37 Community-Based Procurement Manual




























18.816 %


18.816 %



































































152,225.00 939,695.50































38 Community-Based Procurement Manual

In the given example, assuming that the community project can be completed in 90 calendar days, based on the projection it may be noticed that at the end of the first month the accomplishment is 75.40%. This will determine the first tranche that will be requested. The first tranche request could either be 70 or 80%. It is safe to request 80% first tranche.

6.5 Monitoring Procurement Compliance

1. The Community Facilitator (CF) has been designated to conduct procurement review in order to monitor procurement compliance. The purpose of monitoring procurement compliance is to ensure that all procurement transactions are done in accordance with the Revised KALAHI-CIDSS Community Procurement Manual. The CF must have the working knowledge of procurement to help them detect the red flags and abnormalities. The community may also refer to the CF procurement issues and problems. The CF must refer to the DAC engineering related issues and problems. 2. The CF will conduct procurement review 100% of all procurement of each BSPMC. The objective of the procurement review is not to find faults in community procurement but to find areas where improvements can be made for more efficient implementation. What is procurement review? Procurement review is the process of checking the conduct of procurement activity if it was done in accordance to the KC Procurement Policies and its Procedure of Procurement Methods. There are two parts in the procurement review, namely: a. a. Checking the completeness of the Procurement and Finance Documents by filling up the simplified Community Project Implementation Procurement and Finance Documents Filing Checklist. b. b. Detecting the Red Flag of Abnormalities in order to provide signals for field and regional staff to intensify supervision and undertake corrective measures by filling up the CF Procurement Red Flags Monitoring Form.

39 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROC. STAGE Planning Stage PreProcurement Stage Procurement Stage

Contract Review

MATRIX OF PROCUREMENT FUNCTIONS OF COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS, ACT & RPMT Community BAC BSPMC Storekeeper BSPMC Chairman Bookkeeper -Prepares CPP -approves Community Procurement Plan (CPP) -attends procurement -attends -attends -attend -attends procurement training training workshop procurement procurement procurement workshop training workshop training training workshop workshop -prepares canvass forms -advertise/post -records -receive the -approves PO -delivers canvass forms invitation to bid transaction goods by -review and sign Resolution to to supplier -conduct pre-bid and files the signing the PO Award (RTA) -receives sealed envelop conference documents -store the -issue notice of award -prepares PO -determines (see goods and -issue Notice to Proceed -delivers PO to supplier eligibility of checklist of prepare stock -request clearance from AC prior -prepares invitation to prospective procurement cards. signing of PO ( for DC for goods ) quote bidders documents ) -request clearance from RPMT -delivers invitation to -conduct of prior signing of PO ( For DC for quote evaluation of bids works ) -prepares Invitation to -undertake post -request NOL from RPMO for Bid qualification contract above P 500,000.00 -posting of Invitation to Bid -make all procurement documents available Community PT

Barangay Treasurer

-attends procurement training workshop Certifies on Fund availability Prepares disbursement voucher and check

40 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROC. STAGE Planning Stage PreProcurement Stage Procurement Stage

Community BAC-TWG

Community Facilitator

Roving Book keeper

Deputy Area Coordinator -assist in the preparation of CPP -conduct training on procurement to volunteers -provide technical assistance during bid evaluation -attend pre-bid conference -attend bid opening -provide action regarding red flag of abnormalities as per instruction of AC.

Area Coordinat or


Regional Project Manager

-attend procurement training workshop -provide technical assistance to BAC during evaluation of quotation and bids. -assist procurement team in drafting contract

-attend procurement training workshop -monitor red flag of abnormalities using CF Procurement Monitoring Form. - provide guidance to the BSPMC in the preparation of minutes of meeting and to ensure that minutes are properly prepared, in order and filed. -Maintain copies of procurement documents at ACTs.

-provide action regarding red flag of abnormaliti es -issue clearance to direct contracting for goods.

-conduct coaching on procurement to ACTs -attend all prebid conference -attend all bid opening. -consolidation of action taken regarding red flag of abnormality

-provide action regarding red flag of abnormalities not resolve in the ACT. -issue clearance for direct contracting for works. -issue no objection letter to contract above P500,000.00

Contract Review

-conduct contract review by ensuring completeness of documents using checklist

41 Community-Based Procurement Manual


It is a policy of the project that billboards should be installed for each community project for transparency purposes. It must be placed at least 5 meters away from any commercial or political billboard/s. No political names should be indicated. The A/MCT will remind the BSPMC on monthly updating of billboards for transparency purposes. Likewise, A/MCT should coach the volunteers on how to present the rates of accomplishment for better understanding of all community members and the public.

42 Community-Based Procurement Manual


By Contract By Community Force Account

43 Community-Based Procurement Manual


By Contract
One or more packages undertaken by one or more contractors using his available resources will provide labor, materials and equipment in order to effect timely completion of the works. The BSPMC the representative of the owner community, will supervise the implementation of the community project.


Community Force Account

Community Force Account (CFA) refers to the community itself executing the work. This mode is appropriate when the community has the resources and capacity to perform the works. Portion of the work items maybe contracted if the community does not have capability and resources to undertake for the work items. What does capacity means under KALAHI-CIDSS? Capacity means the community has the ability to manage the implementation of the community project by hiring the services of skilled worker in the area. Technical Staff is available in the Community or they are willing to engage the services of a service provider who will supervise the project implementation. Resources include available local materials, labor, equipment in the community and other resources they can mobilize from the LGUs and other donors. Under the CFA mode of implementing, the barangay under the overall supervision of the Barangay Community Project Management Committee undertakes the following activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Procurement of construction materials, NRM inputs, tools and equipment Management of labor (skilled and unskilled) Execution of some of the work items in the POW Disbursement of Funds Preparation of monitoring reports Full Accounting to community members

Since implementation of an infrastructure community project involves certain highly technical work, the community will need assistance in: 1. Engineering design preparation, NRM planning; 2. Project supervision; and 3. Preparation of Physical and Financial Progress Reports.

44 Community-Based Procurement Manual

This can be provided by: a. Municipal Engineer, Municipal Agriculturist or Municipal Agricultural Officer (MAO), Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO), Provincial Environment Officer (PENRO), Municipal Environment Officer (MENRO) b. Technical Advisers from national government agencies such as the National Irrigation Administration (NIA), Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), for certain specialized14 community projects such as small water impounding or communal irrigation community project and Natural Resource Management projects. c. Community-hired private service provider/s using the budget of the community project for the supervision or the Technical Assistance Fund (TAF)15. In the case of labor, it is important to know how the community project was estimated and funded because it will be the basis for engaging workers for labor. The two possible cases are given below: Case 1: Labor Cost is not fully funded out of KALAHI-CIDSS funds or portion of labor cost is part of community counterpart (Bayanihan or other form). This is the case in almost all community projects. The communities provide labor counterparts to increase the chances of being prioritized. Counter part is either in a form of cash or in-kind. Case 2: Labor Cost is 100% funded out of KALAHI-CIDSS funds or by the local counterpart (w/ assistance from the LGU). On both CASE 1 and 2, the community will purchase construction materials and inputs needed for community projects. This will be done through appropriate procurement method (e.g. local shopping, local bidding or direct contracting). For labor under CASE 1, the community (BSPMC) through the assistance of skilled worker will manage and supervise community workers participating in the implementation of the community project. The BSPMC will pay the workers in accordance with the agreed rate for skilled and unskilled labor. The actual cash to be paid and the equity (bayanihan) monetized cost will be indicated in the Community Employment Record. It is important that bookkeeper regularly tracks the monetized counterparts. For labor under CASE 2, the community (BSPMC) will invite interested laborers to work in the community project. Payment will be made by the BSPMC based on the actual accomplishments of the laborers. In both CASE 1 and 2, the BSPMC will utilize the technical assistance of municipal engineer and or technical service provider. It is important that records to monetize the services rendered by municipal/provincial staff is regularly updated by the community.


Specialized community projects are those that requires structural analysis for infra community projects and new technologies introduced by other agencies. 15 TAF eligibility and requirements shall be based on the guidelines set by the NPMO.

45 Community-Based Procurement Manual


46 Community-Based Procurement Manual

The different procurement methods that may be used by the community in community project implementation are the following:
Expenditure Category 1. GOODS Conditions Goods are available locally and there are several suppliers. Contract is valued at less than or around PhP 500,000.001 Recommended Methods Local Shopping Description Community solicits at least three separate price canvass from suppliers. Among the factors to be considered in choosing the potential suppliers are quality, availability, reliability and hauling costs. Simplified bidding process.

Same condition as above except that value of the contract is and above or more than P500,000.00 Small amount of purchase required and only one local supplier available. Cheaper to purchase because of reduced transportation cost. Contract value does not exceed P125,000.00

Local Bidding

Direct Contracting

Lone local supplier can be chosen without any shopping for goods, provided cost are in line with local market rates as shown in the Regional Project Management Team Unit Cost Database. The AC should have a copy of this database. Clearance from AC is required prior to contracting. Written quotations from at least three qualified licensed local contractors shall be obtained.


Small works amounting to not more than US$25,000 or PhP1.25M Several local licensed contractors are available. Rental of equipment and manufacturing works are under this method. Only one local licensed contractor is available and the value of contract is not more than P250,000.00 This procurement method is also applicable for the Direct Contracting of Labor only (Pakyaw). Several local licensed contractors are available but contract price exceeds P1.25M.

Shopping for Work

Direct Contracting

Lone local contractor can be chosen without any shopping for works, provided within approved Program of Works (POW). Clearance from RPMT is required prior to contracting. Simplified1 open bidding procedure.

Local Bidding for Works

Prior Review Requirements

Prior review of the procurement documents by RPMO, NPMO and World Bank, MCA-P, others, is a requirement for Contract/Purchase Order amounting to PhP 500,000 or more or different contracts/purchase orders but with the same supplier or contractor, whose total aggregate amount is PhP 500,000 or more. Review will be done by the RPMO, NPMO or MCA-P, depending on the threshold, upon submission by the BSPMC of the

47 Community-Based Procurement Manual

request of No Objection Letter (NOL) together with the attached documents specified in the NOL review report. Any NOL issued by the RPMO is presumed to be thoroughly reviewed. Any contract/purchase order perfected without prior review and without issuance of NOL will be declared misprocured. The amount covered in the misprocurement will be deducted from the cost of the grant fund. Before entering into Contracts with the Contractors or serving Purchase Order to the suppliers the BSPMC shall secure NOL for the following: 1. Subject to prior review by the Regional Project Management Office (RPMO). Before the BSPMC issues Notice of Award and sign the contract or sign Purchase Order, all documents must first be submitted to the Regional Project Management Team for review and if found to be in order, the Regional Project Manager shall issue No Objection Letter. For GOODS: a. Individual purchase order amounting to PhP 500,000 but not to exceed PhP 1,000,000. b. Aggregate POs amounting to more than PhP1,000,000.00 Municipality proposed for award to a single supplier. within the

Sample Case: Two Barangays (say Barangays Poblacion East and Poblacion West) conducted serving of Invitation to different suppliers within the Municipality. Supplier X offered PhP560,000.00 to Poblacion East and offered PhP550,000 to Poblacion West, thus, the aggregated amount is PhP1,110,000. In this case, a NOL must be secured from the Regional Project Management Office (RPMO) before issuance or approval of Purchase Order. c. If the amount of a single PO/Contract is below PhP500,000, no need to secure NOL but the Area Coordinating Team shall ensure that the procurements made at the Barangay are done in accordance with the KC procurement procedures. For WORKS: a. Individual contract under Local Shopping of Works PhP500,000.00 or more but not to exceed PhP 1,250,000. amounting to

b. All contracts under Direct Contracting for Works regardless of the amount. PO/Contracts under Local Shopping for Goods and Works below PhP500,000.00 do not need prior approval by the RPMT but one out of every five community-based procurement contracts nationwide shall be subject to post-review. The Procurement Team should therefore make sure that all supporting documents of every contract are properly filed to facilitate submission in case it is selected for post-review. 2. Subject to prior review by the National Project Management Office (NPMO). Before BSPMC issues Notice of Award and sign the contract, all documents must first be submitted to the National Project Management Office for review and if found to be in order, the NPMO shall issue No Objection Letter.

48 Community-Based Procurement Manual

a. Individual PO under Local Bidding for Goods amounting to more than PhP1,000,000.00 but not more than PhP2,500,000. b. All Contract/s under Local Bidding for Works but not more than PhP2,500,000. 3. Subject to Funding Donorss No Objection. Before the BSPMC issues Notice of Award and sign the contract, it must first secure the approval of the funding donor e.g. World Bank, MCA-Philippines , through the Regional Project Management Team (RPMT). The RPMT shall review the documents before forwarding them to the National Project Management Team. In all cases, it shall be the National Project Management Team who shall secure and coordinate with the funding donor for NOL. a. Individual Purchase Order/Contract amounting to more than PhP2.5 Million per community project. b. Aggregate Contracts amounting to PhP2,500,000.00 or more within the Municipality proposed for award to a single supplier. For MCC-funded project/s: Contracts below PhP 2,500,000 generally do not need prior approval by the MCA-Philippines but during each Kalahi-CIDSS cycle, fifty (50) randomly-chosen community-based procurement contracts in part or whole area of coverage, regardless of amount, shall be subject to MCA-Philippines review proceedings. The procurement Team should therefore make sure that all supporting documents of every contract are properly filed to facilitate submission in case it is selected for review. 4. Prioritizing review of contracts All contracts requiring the donor and NPMO NOLs must be prioritized for review at the BSPMC, A/MCT and at the RPMO since it will require longer period for the issuance of NOL considering the review at the A/MCT, RPMO and NMPO. Normally, 14 days is allotted for the review from the A/MCT (2-days), RPMO (5 days), NMPO (5-days) and 2 days transmission. In cases of deficiencies, compliance to such defects or clarification must be given priority and immediate action.

49 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Local Shopping Direct Contracting Community Force Account Local Bidding

50 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Local Shopping
This procurement method is adopted when there are several local suppliers or contractors and the value of each contract or procurement is: 1. Less than PhP500,000.00 for purchase of goods (materials, supply and equipment); and, 2. Less than or approximately PhP1.25 M for works {construction, NRM contracts and services (hauling, trucking, and equipment rental) }. Given the ceilings for this procurement method, local shopping for goods is expected to be the most frequently used among the different methods. 9.1.1 Local Shopping 500,000.00)








TIME FRAME 1 Calendar Day (CD)


Conduct of pre-procurement conference. This is an internal meeting with the BSPMC. Tips in filing up canvass: date ( prepared & opening) by package/pick up date of canvassing &where to solicit dont forget to write specifications of materials. a. DISCUSSION Discuss the items of materials for procurement using the Planned Community Procurement Packaging PREPARATION The BSPMC will discuss the preparation and filling up of the following forms: Canvass forms at least three Acknowledgement receipt Abstract of Canvass Purchase Order


ACT PARTICIPATION CF will facilitate meeting. DAC will act as resource person. (Particularly if the community are situated on a far flung areas.)

same day

Procurement Team, BAC & PIT


Tip: If the BSPMC has to procure goods with different packages, it is best to hold just one pre-procurement conference to save time. Things to remember in filling up the canvass: - Indicate Date (prepared & schedule of opening) - Indicate if the items will be procured by package/pick up - Date of canvassing & where to solicit - Do not forget to write specifications of the goods/ materials. same day same day BSPMC Chairperson Procurement


REVIEW AND SIGNING The entries in the canvass form will be reviewed before the signing.

51 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES Prepares minutes of pre-procurement conference. Keeping of all documents 2. Solicits Sealed Canvass Delivers Canvass Forms to at least three suppliers a. b. Either wait for the supplier to accomplish the form and seal it in an envelope, or Asks the suppliers to submit their quotation in a sealed envelope to the BSPMC at the barangay hall within 3 days. The PT should ask the supplier to acknowledge receipt of the canvass form by signing the acknowledgement receipt.


RESPONSIBLE UNIT Team BSPMCBookkeeper @ least 2 Procurement Team members


same day

2 CD

CF should accompany during the first serving of canvass.

The following should be written outside the sealed envelope: NAME OF SUPPLIER ADDRESS Quotation for:_________________ KALAHI-CIDSS Barangay Community Project Management Committee Address of Barangay 3. 4. Fill up Canvass Form and submit in sealed envelope Receives sealed envelope at the barangay hall. If submitted in the Brgy hall before the deadline stipulated in the canvass forms. Procurement Team member records receipt in the logbook with the following information: Name of Goods for procurement Name of Supplier Date Received Name & Signature of team member who received the sealed envelope The sealed envelope and the logbook will be kept inside the filing cabinet at BSPMC. If during the deadline of submission of quotation/s three envelopes were received but only one or two are responsive/complying (quoted all items), award the contract to the supplier offering the lowest calculated and responsive quotation. If the lowest supplier refuse to accept the quotation, consider the second lowest. If the second lowest refuse to accept, consider the third lowest quotation provided his quoted price is within 110% of the price of the second lowest, otherwise proceed to direct contracting or re-canvass. 2 CD w/ in 3 CD upon signing acknowledgem ent receipt Suppliers Procurement Team

52 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES 5. Deadline of submission and opening of canvass. BAC to declare quorum before the opening of canvass. Open the padlock of the box and open one by one the sealed envelopes and read aloud in public the name of supplier and the total amount of prices. BAC to initial the canvass forms. If supplier/s submitted canvass after the deadline of submission, the same will be automatically rejected. Q: What is a quorum? A: The BAC is composed of a Head and 2 members. Two (2) out of the 3 persons constitutes a quorum. Q: What if the BAC Head/Chairperson is not present during the opening of quotation? A: It is not a requirement for the head/chairperson of the BAC to be present. The requirement is 2 out of 3 persons.

TIME FRAME 1 CD (On date and time indicated in the canvass.)

RESPONSIBLE UNIT BAC, PT (Invited: TWG, Audit Committee Head if necessary)

ACT PARTICIPATION CF observes the process.

Prepare minutes of opening of canvass Keeping of all documents 6. Evaluate canvasses and choose the supplier who offers the lowest calculated and responsive canvass based on the condition set forth on the canvass. a. Evaluation Evaluate if canvass is responsive, i.e.,: Specifications Delivery or pick up price By package or by item

same day same day 1 CD

PT BSPMC Bookkeeper BAC, TWG

ACT to have local prices certification as reference. DAC to attend in the evaluation.

If canvass is not responsive declare the supplier disqualified. Do not include disqualified canvass in the ranking. Prepares minutes of the evaluation of canvass. Keeping of all documents same day same day PT BSPMCBookkeeper

53 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES If during the deadline of submission of quotation/s three envelopes were received, the opening will push through. If only one or two suppliers quoted on all items, the BAC will proceed with the evaluation. If one or two supplier/s is found responsive, the BAC should recommend the award to the supplier offering the lowest calculated and responsive quotation. If the lowest supplier refuses to accept the award, consider the second lowest quotation with the quoted price. If the second lowest refuses to accept the award, re-canvass. As a general rule, in order for the opening to be successful, the minimum of three envelopes should be received. The BAC should not declare failure if one or two envelopes are not completely quoted. The BAC can declare failure of opening if only one or two envelopes were received (in the first attempt). However, in the second attempt and still one or two envelopes are received, the opening will push through provided more than three sets of canvass were served. The proof is the acknowledgement receipt. In cases of awards that are being waived by suppliers without acceptable/valid reasons, said suppliers will be blacklisted in KALAHICIDSS future procurements or can be recommended for blacklisting to the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB).





Recommends the lowest calculated and responsive canvass. a. b. Prepare Abstract of Canvass Encircle the name and amount of the winning supplier in the Abstract of Canvass and affix signature.

1 CD same day

Procurement Team BAC

DAC to ensure that the lowest calculated and responsive canvass is the one indicated in the minutes of evaluation of canvass.

If the supplier with lowest canvass waive, what will be the option? The BSPMC should ask the second lowest to accept the award at his quoted price. If the second lowest refuse to accept, consider the third lowest quotation provided his quoted price is within 110% of the price of the second lowest, otherwise proceed to direct contracting. c. Reviews and approves the Abstract of Canvass same day BSPMC Chairperson

54 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES d. Keeping of all documents 8. Prepares three (3) copies of Purchase Order (copy the specifications stated in the canvass form) a. Agree on date of delivery. b. Certifies on Fund Availability c. Approves Purchase Order 9. Delivers Purchase Order to supplier

TIME FRAME same day 1 CD

RESPONSIBLE UNIT BSPMCBookkeeper Procurement Team MIT Barangay Treasurer BSPMC Chairperson Procurement Team Supplier Procurement Team Procurement Team Supplier BSPMCBookkeeper MIT with concerned TWG member (depends on the type of items to be inspected) MIT BSPMCBookkeeper Storekeeper


same day same day 14 CD 1 CD same day

10. Signs conforme and returns two copies to the Procurement Team Furnishes one copy to Brgy Bookkeeper Furnishes one copy to MIT 11. Delivery of the goods Keeping of all the documents 12. Inspects the goods against the delivery receipt and the purchase order. Signs the Purchase Order if accepted & stamps Inspected on the delivery receipt, otherwise prepares report to the BSPMC Chairperson (incomplete delivery or does not comply with specifications). If accepted, turn over the goods to the Storekeeper Keeping of all documents 13. Receives the goods by signing the Purchase Order; stores the goods and prepares stock cards Forwards PO and delivery receipt to Barangay Treasurer Keeping of all documents 14. Process Payment on delivered items. Reviews the documents. a. b. Processing @ Barangay DV & cheque signing Cheque signing @ ACT Review Documents Initial duplicate copy of cheque to Indicate documents in order Sign cheque

1 CD (As scheduled in the PO) same day 1 CD

same day

same day same day

Storekeeper BSPMCBookkeeper

1 CD same day

Brgy Treasurer & BSPMC Chairperson


Signs the Logbook and Issues Official Receipt. Keeping of all documents 15. Filing and Record Keeping Compilation of all documents with

1 CD same day

Supplier BSPMCBookkeeper BSPMCCommunity Facilitator

1 CD

55 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES community project implementation procurement and finance document filing checklist on top of the folder. Original copy of the documents compiled and reviewed by the CF will be turn-over to the MRB for reproduction at the ACT or RPMT. Distribution of the copies will be original copy for COA, duplicate copy for Barangay and Xerox copies for ACT and RPMT.




9.1.2 Local Shopping Works Contract Below PhP 1,250,000.00

PROCEDURES TIME FRAME 2 CD RESPONSIBLE UNIT BSPMC, PT & BAC ACT PARTICIPATION CF will facilitate meeting. DAC will act as resource person.

Preparation of Documents 1. Conduct pre-procurement conference. This is an internal meeting with the BSPMC. The objective of the Preprocurement Conference is to ensure that the procurement is in accordance with the approved PCPP; properly schedule the succeeding procurement activities; and, to determine the availability of the approved budget for the package. The activities involved are: A. Discussion. Discuss the items of works for procurement using the Planned Community Procurement Packaging.
Tip: If the BSPMC has to procure different/several packages, it is best to hold just one pre-procurement conference to save time.

same day


same day

BSPMC Chairperson


Preparation. The Procurement Team will prepare the following forms: Invitation to Quote Abstract of Quotation Notice of Award Contract Agreement Notice to Commence Performance bank Technical Specifications Drawing (if applicable) Bank Guarantee (Advance Payment)

56 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES Things to remember: - Indicate the date prepared & schedule of opening - Do not forget to attach the specification





Review & signing The entries in the invitation to quote will be reviewed before the signing. The BSPMC Chairperson will sign the invitation. The PT will prepare the minutes of pre-procurement conference. The documents must be filed and ready for distribution.

Delivery of Invitation to Quote 2. Delivers Invitation to Quote (with attached specifications, drawings, bill of materials) to at least three licensed contractors.
3. Contractors Conference Required for all contracts under local shopping for works. To be done at least 5 days before the deadline of submission of quotation. The purpose of the contractors conference is to discuss the details of the contract and clarify documents. Ask the contractor to submit their quotation in a sealed envelope to the BSPMC @ the barangay hall. The PT should ask the contractor to acknowledge receipt of the Invitation to Quote by signing the acknowledgement receipt form The following should be written outside the envelope Name of Contractor Address Quotation for:__________________ KALAHI-CIDSS Barangay Community Project Committee Address of Barangay

1 CD

@ least 2 members of Procurement Team

1 CD


CF should accompany during first serving of canvass. (For communities that are situated on farflung areas.) DAC to act as resource person

same day


Prepare minutes of the conference. 4. 5. Fill up the Invitation to Quote and submit in sealed envelope. Receives sealed envelope in the barangay hall. If submitted in the barangay hall before the deadline stipulated in the Invitation to Quote, Procurement Team members record receipt in the logbook with the following information: Date and Time Received Name of Contractor:

same day 5 CD 1 CD

PT Contractor BAC, PT, TWG

same day

57 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES Name of Works Procured: Name & signature of team member who received the sealed envelope. 6. Deadline of submission and opening of quotations Convene in the Barangay Hall on the opening of quotations. Deliver the logbook and sealed quotations to the BAC. Declare quorum before the opening of quotation. Open the padlock of the box and open the sealed envelope and read aloud in public the name of the contractor and the amount of quotation. The same procedure will be done for the remaining sealed envelopes. If the contractor submitted quotation after the deadline of submission, the same will be automatically rejected. Name of late contractor must be recorded on the minutes of meeting.




1 CD

BAC, PT, BSPMC (Invite Mun. COA Auditor, Mun. Engr., DAC, Contractors)

DAC to act as resource person.


cases of In cases of conduct of shopping for works in the second attempt, due to failure in the first attempt and only one (1) bidder/contractor submitted quotation in the second attempt, the BSPMC has the option to proceed with the opening and evaluation provided at least three contractor was invited as manifested by the Acknowledgement Receipt. If the quotation of the lone contractor is within the approved estimated budget for the contract and the contractor passed the postqualification evaluation, award the contract.
Prepares minutes of opening of quotation. same day Keeping of all records same day 7. Document Examination Examine documents using the pass/fail criteria specified in the Instruction to Bidders: I. Technical Documents; II. Legal Documents; and, III. Financial Documents except Bid Security If examination is not completed in one day, keeps all documents in a lock filing cabinet in the barangay hall. 8. Evaluate the quotation and choose the contractor who offers the lowest calculated 1 CD BAC BAC, TWG ACT to have local prices certification 1 CD (Immediately after the Bid Opening) BSPMCBookkeeper BAC & TWG, PT PT

58 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES and responsive quotation. A. Evaluation Evaluate if quotation is responsive, i.e.,: Specifications Pass/Fail Criteria



ACT PARTICIPATION as reference. DAC to act as resource person.

If quotation is not responsive declare the contractor disqualified. Do not include disqualified quotation in the ranking. Prepares minutes of the evaluation of quotation. Keeping of all documents 9. Conducts post-qualification of the lowest calculated responsive quotation by validating contractors documents. Submits post-qualification report to BAC

w/ in same day same day

PT BSPMCBookkeeper Procurement Team DAC to provide assistance

within 3 CD after completion of bid evaluation

Post-qualification is the process of verifying, validating and ascertaining all the statements made and documents submitted by the bidder with the LCRQ, which includes ascertaining the said bidders compliance with the legal, financial and technical requirements of the bid. Who conducts Post-qualification evaluation?

of TWG.

Procurement Team with the assistance

10. Recommends award of contract to Lowest Calculated and Responsive Quotation. A. B. Prepare Abstract of Quotation Encircle the name and the amount of quotation of the winning contractor and affix signatures 1 CD w/ in same day BAC BAC DAC to provide technical assistance.

If the lowest bidder will waive will the second lowest can match the price of the lowest?

The BSPMC should ask the second lowest to match the price of the lowest bidder. If the second lowest refuse to accept the price of the lowest then conduct another serving of quotations.
Reviews and approves the Abstract of Quotation Contract Preparation 11. Drafts contract 12. Reviews contract C.

same day

BSPMC Chairperson

1 CD same day

Procurement Team BSPMC

DAC to act as resource person.

59 Community-Based Procurement Manual



RESPONSIBLE UNIT Chairperson BSPMC Chairperson RPMT (Infra Engr. for infra contracts.) The Regional Project Director or the Regional Project Manager in case the RPD is on official travel or on leave. BSPMC Chairperson Procurement Team Contractor contractor


Prior Review by RPMT

1 CD 3 CD 1 CD

13. Reviews contract and all supporting documents 14. Issues No Objection Letter (NOL)

17. Issues Notice of Award (3 copies) 18. Delivers Notice of Award to Contractor 19. Signs Conforme and returns two copies to Procurement team Posting of Performance Security If contract is P1M or more: 20. Contractor is required to post Performance Security in the name of BSPMC (Name of Barangay) in any of the following forms: Cash, cashiers check, managers check 5% of contract price Bank guarantee 10% of contract price This is in addition to the 10% retention money on all progress billing. If contract is less than P1M: Chooses between performance security or retention money. If security is in the form of cash or check, it should be deposited in the BSPMC account. Performance Securities in the form of cash or certified check (managers check or cashiers check) must be deposited in the BSPMC Account. Retention money is 10% on all progress billing. Retention money will be replaced by a bank guarantee of equivalent amount after the 100% completion of the community project. Retention money will only be returned after the lapsed of the defects and liability period of six (6) months for community projects below one million and 12 months for above one million. Contract Signing 21. Signs the contract

1 CD after receipt of NOL w/ in same day 2 CD 5 CD

DAC to provide technical assistance

DAC to provide T.A.

2 CD

Contractor, BSPMC Chairperson with Punong Barangay & Area Coordinator as witnesses

AC to provide assistance

60 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES 22. Furnish copy of the signed contract to LGU COA Auditor and RPMO Issuance of Notice to Commence 23. Issues Notice to Commence Starts the work 24. Mobilize equipment and workers


RESPONSIBLE UNIT Project Implementation Team BSPMC Chairperson Contractor


Immediately upon contract signing Within 7 CD

DAC to provide TA

DAC to certify mobilization of equipment, workers and materials. MRB to review the documents

Advance Payment 25. Contractor has the option to claim advance payment equivalent to 15% of the contract price subject to compliance of the following requirement: Certification from DAC that equipment and materials are already mobilized on the jobsite. Bank guarantee equivalent to the amount requested. Inspection and Provision of Technical Assistance During Contract Implementation 26. Conduct regular visits to the project sites and provide technical assistance

Within 3 CD

As frequent as necessary

Mun. Engr., DAC, Regional Infra Engr., Area Coordinating Team.

Payment 27. Process Payment on accomplishments certified by the Project Supervisor noted by the Project Implementation Team/Mun. Engr. Reviews the documents A. B. Processing @ Barangay DV & cheque signing Cheque signing @ ACT Review Documents Initial duplicate copy of cheque to Indicate documents in order Sign cheque 2 CD Brgy Treasurer & BSPMC Chairperson

same day


Signs the Logbook and Issues Official Receipt Keeping of all documents Filing of Procurement Documents 28. Filing and Record Keeping. Compilation of all documents with community project implementation procurement and finance document filing checklist on top of the folder. Original copy of the documents compiled and reviewed by the CF will be turn-over to the MRB for reproduction at the ACT or RPMT. Distribution of the copies will be original copy for COA, duplicate copy for Barangay and photocopies for ACT and RPMT.

1 CD same day

Contractor BSPMCBookkeeper

1 CD


Community Facilitator

61 Community-Based Procurement Manual


PERIODS ACTIVITIES Pre-procurement Serving of Canvass w/in 7 days / Invitation to for works Quote 5 days Contractors before Conference submission Submission and Opening of Bids Evaluation of Quotation Post Qualification Issuance of NOL and Notice to Award Signing of PO/ Prepn of Resolution to Award /Contract Preparation Issuance of PO / Notice to proceed TOTAL DEADLINE GOODS Min 1 CD 1 CD Max 1 CD 2 CD WORKS Min 1 CD 7 CD Max 1 CD 14 CD

1 CD 1 CD 1 CD 3 CD 1 CD 7 CD 1 CD 3 CD 3 CD

1 CD 7 CD 3 CD 5 CD 7 CD

2 CD

2 CD

3 CD

5 CD

1 CD 7 CD 9 CD

1 CD 27 CD

2 CD 45 CD

62 Community-Based Procurement Manual



9.2.1 Direct Contracting for Goods shall be used using the following procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Draw up a list of qualified suppliers within the municipality Serve canvass or invitation to quote Opening of canvass/quotation Evaluation of canvass/quotation Approval of Purchase Order

Supporting documents: 1. DAC certification (that it is cheaper to purchase from a local supplier) 2. ACT unit cost data base. a. Only one exclusive distributor of the good to be procured. b. Repeat Order of additional goods of a similar nature previously acquired through local shopping or bidding. Repeat Orders shall be subject to the following conditions: Unit prices of the repeat order must be the same as or lower than those in the original contract, provided that such contract is still the most advantageous to the BSPMC after price verification; The repeat order may be availed of only within three (3) months from the date of the original purchase; and The quantity shall not exceed the quantity in the original contract

c. Purchase value under this method should not exceed PhP 125,000. d. If after failure of canvass, direct contracting is allowed subject to amount in the threshold. 9.2.1 Direct Contracting For Goods Detailed Procedures
PROCEDURES 1. Pre-procurement Conference Conduct of pre-procurement conference. This is an internal meeting with the BSPMC. B. Discussion BSPMC to discuss items of materials for procurement using the Planned Community Procurement Package. The Municipal Engineer and Deputy Area Coordinator will certify that there is only one supplier in the municipality. C. Preparation The Procurement Team will prepare the following: Computation it is cheaper to purchase from the lone supplier compared to supplier outside the municipality. Canvass form Purchase Order same day BSPMC 1 CD BSPMC, BAC,PT,PIT CF will facilitate the meeting while DAC will act as resource person and will provide technical assistance TIME FRAME RESP. UNIT ACT PARTICIPATION

same day

PT DAC to provide technical assistance


Review and signing

63 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES Review and signing the canvass form. Prepares minutes of the Pre-Procurement Conference Keeping of all the records 2. Delivers canvass form to the lone supplier a. b. Either waits for the supplier to accomplish the form and seals it in an envelope. Asks the supplier to submit the canvass to BSPMC at the barangay hall.


RESP. UNIT Chairperson PT


same day same day 1 CD

BSPMCBookkeeper PT

The following should be written outside the envelope; Name of Supplier Address Quotation for:________________________ KALAHI-CIDSS: Barangay Community Project Management Committee Address of Barangay and submit it in Fill up in canvass form sealed envelope Receives sealed envelope and place inside the box. If submitted in the barangay hall before the deadline stipulated in the canvass form, Procurement Team member records receipt in the logbook with the following information: Name of goods for procurement:____________ Name of Supplier:_______________________ Date received:________________________ __ Deadline of Submission and Opening of Name & Signature of team member who Canvass BAC to declare quorum before the receive the sealed envelope. opening of canvass. Open the padlock of the box and open the sealed envelope and read aloud in public the name of supplier and the amount of canvass. Prepares minutes of opening of canvass Keeping of all documents 6. Evaluation of canvass. Evaluate canvass if it is responsive, i.e.,: a. Specification b. Delivery or pick up price c. By package or item award DAC to provide certification there is only 1 supplier Approves Purchase Order Delivers Purchase Order to supplier

3. 4.

2 CD 1 CD

Supplier Supplier


1 CD (On the date & time indicated in the canvass)

BAC, PT (Invited: TWG, Audit Committee Head if necessary) PT Bookkeeper BAC w/assistance of TWG

CF observe the process

same day same day 1 CD

DAC to provide T.A.

7. 8.

1 CDafter receipt of NOL 1 CD

BSPMC Chairperson Procurement Team

64 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES 9. Signs conforme and returns two copies to the Procurement Team Furnishes one copy to Brgy Bookkeeper Furnishes one copy to MIT Keeping of all records Delivery of Goods 10. Delivers the goods 11. Inspects the goods against the delivery receipt and the purchase order. Signs the Purchase Order if accepted & stamps Inspected on the delivery receipt, otherwise prepares report to the BSPMC Chairperson (if incomplete delivery or does not conform with specifications) If accepted, turn over the goods to the Storekeeper 12. Receives the goods by signing the Purchase Order; stores the goods and prepares stock cards Forwards PO and delivery receipt to Barangay Treasurer 13. Reviews the documents and process payment on delivered items only. A. Processing @ Barangay DV & Check signing of Treasurer & BSPMC Chairperson Check signing @ ACT MRB review documents MRB to initial duplicate copy of check to indicate documents in order ACT signs the cheque.

TIME FRAME 1 CD same day same day same day As scheduled in the PO w/ in same day

RESP. UNIT Supplier PT PT PT Supplier MIT with concerned TWG member (depends on the type of items to be inspected) MIT


w/ in same day w/ in same day 1 CD


Storekeeper Brgy Treasurer


Note: For the case of fuel the delivery of goods will be done on staggered basis. Withdrawal slip will be used each time withdrawal is made. Supplementary agreement (see page 113) between BSPMC and the gasoline dealer will be entered into. Withdrawal of fuel will be made per demand by the BSPMC. The stocks will be subject to spot checking by the BSPMC anytime. 14. Filing and Record Keeping. Compilation of all documents with community project implementation procurement and finance document filing checklist on top of the folder. Original copy of the documents compiled and reviewed by the CF will be turn-over to the MRB for reproduction at the ACT or RPMT. Distribution of the copies will be original copy for COA, duplicate copy for Barangay and photo copies for ACT and RPMT. One day BSPMCBookkeeper Community Facilitator

65 Community-Based Procurement Manual

9.2.2 Direct Contracting For Works Application and Detailed Procedures This involves small contracts at the community such as but not limited to: fabrication works of steel trusses, doors and windows, construction of furniture, installation of water pump, fabrication and installlation of railings in buildings or bridge, and other activities that will boost economic activities at the community. Direct Contracting for Works shall only be used under the following cases
1. Only one local contractor (in the barangay/municipality or adjacent muniicplaity) is available and the cost is in line with prevailing local market as shown in the Regional Project Management Team (RPMT) unit cost database. RPMT NOL is required prior to contracting. 2. Contract under this method should not exceed PhP 250,000.00 3. Repeat Order of Works of a similar nature previously acquired through Local Shopping or bidding. Repeat Order shall be subject to the following conditions: a. Unit prices of the repeat order must be the same as or lower than those in the original contract, provided that such contract is still the most advantageous to the BSPMC after price verification; b. The repeat order may be availed only within three (3) months from the date of original contract; c. The quantity shall not exceed the quantity in the original contract; d. Contract under this method should not exceed PhP 250,000.
PROCEDURE 1. Pre-procurement Conference Conduct of pre-procurement conference. This is an internal meeting with the BSPMC. A. Discussion Discuss items of works for procurement using the Planned Community Procurement Package. The Procurement Team should submit certification to the BAC that there is only one contractor in the municipality. Preparation The Procurement Team will prepare the following: a. Computation it is cheaper to purchase from the lone contractor compared to supplier outside the municipality. b. Invitation to Quote c. Notice of Award d. Contract Agreement e. Technical Specifications f. Drawing (if applicable) Review and signing Review and signing of the Invitation to Quote before signing. 1 CD BSPMC, BAC, PIT, PT CF will facilitate meeting. DAC will act as resource person. TIME FRAME RESPONSIBLE UNIT ACT PARTICIPATION


same day

Procurement Team


same day

BSPMC Chairperson PT BSPMCBookkeeper

Prepares minutes of the Pre-Procurement Conference Keeping of all records

same day same day

66 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURE 2. Delivers Invitation to Quote (with attached technical specifications, drawings) to the lone contractor. Ask the contractor to submit their quotation in a sealed envelope to the BSPMC @ the barangay hall. The following should be written outside the envelope. Name of Contractor Address Quotation for:________________________ KALAHI-CIDSS: Barangay Community Project Management Committee Address of Barangay 3. 4. Fill up the Invitation to Quote and submit in sealed envelope Receives sealed envelope and place inside the box. If submitted in the barangay hall before the deadline stipulated in the Invitation to Quote, Procurement Team member records receipt in the logbook with the following information: Name of goods for procurement:____________ Name of Contractor:_____________________ Date received:_________________ Name & Signature of team member who receive the sealed envelope. 5. Deadline of Submission and Opening of Quotation BAC to declare quorum before the opening of Invitation to Quote. Open the padlock of the box and open the sealed envelope and read aloud in public the name of contractor and the amount of quotation. If contractor submitted quotation after the deadline of submission, the same will be automatically rejected. Prepares minutes of opening of quotation 6. Evaluation of quotation. Evaluate quotation if it is responsive, i.e.,: a. Specification b. Pass/Fail Criteria Conducts post-qualification of the lowest calculated responsive quotation by validating contractors documents. Submits post-qualification report to BAC




Procurement Team assisted by DAC

1 CD 2 CD (As provided in the request)

Contractor Procurement Team

1 CD (on the date & time indicated in the Invitation to Quotation)

BAC, PT (Invited: TWG, Audit Committee Head if necessary)

CF observe the process

same day 1 CD

PT BAC w/assistance of TWG Procurement Team DAC to provide assistance


3 CD after completion of bid evaluation 1 CD same day 1 CD

DAC to provide assistance

8. Drafts contract 9. Reviews contract 10. Request NOL from RPMO prior to signing of contract (use-proforma contract for work). To be attached to the request are:

Procurement Team BSPMC Chairperson BSPMC Chairperson

DAC to act as resource person.

ACT to provide assistance

67 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURE a. b. c. d. e. Minutes of pre-procurement conference Plans and Technical Specification Quotation submitted by contractor Draft Contract Post Qualification Report




Review by RPMT 11. Review the documents and recommend issuance of No Objection Letter Review and issue No Objection Letter Approves Notice of Award 12. Approves Notice of Award Deliver Notice of Award (see pro-forma page) 13. Delivers Notice of Award (3 copies) to Contractor Signs Conforme and returns two copies to Procurement team Posting of Performance Security 14. Since contract amount is below P1M, the Contractor chooses between performance security or retention money a. If Contractor chooses to post Performance Security, it should be in the name of BSPMC (Name of Barangay) in any of the following forms: Cash, cashiers check, managers check 5% of contract price Bank guarantee 10% of contract price Performance Securities in the form of cash or certified check (managers check or cashiers check) must be deposited in the BSPMC Account. b. If the Contractor chooses retention money, 10% retention money will be retained on all progress billings.

3 CD 2 CD

Regional Infra Engr / concerned staff Regional Project Manager BSPMC Chairperson

ACT to follow up NOL

1 CD after receipt of NOL

w/ in same day 2 CD

Procurement Team Contractor

5 CD


Contract Signing 15. Signs the contract

2 CD

Contractor, BSPMC Chairman, witnesses Procurement Team BSPMC Chairperson

16. Furnishes copy of signed contract to LGU COA Auditor and RPMO Issuance of Notice to Commence 17. Issues Notice to Commence Starts the work 18. Mobilizes equipment and workers Inspection and Provision of Technical Assistance During Contract Implementation 19. Conduct regular visits to the project sites and provide technical assistance

same day 1 CD upon contract signing Within 7 CD As frequent as necessary

Contractor Mun. Engr., DAC, RIE, Area Coordinating Team.

68 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURE Payment 20. Processes payment based on accomplishments certified by the Project Supervisor noted by Project Implementation Team. A. B. Processing @ Barangay DV & Check signing Check signing @ ACT MRB review documents MRB to initial duplicate copy of check to indicate documents in order ACT sign the check




2 CD

Brgy Treasurer

1 CD


Signs voucher, logbook and issues Official Receipt Filing of Procurement Documents 21. Filing and Record Keeping. Compilation of all documents with Community Project Implementation Procurement and Finance Document Filing Checklist on top of the folder. Original copy of the documents will be compiled and reviewed by the CF and turned-over to MRB for reproduction at the ACT or RPMT. Distribution of the copies will be original copy for COA, duplicate copy for Barangay and photo copies for ACT and RPMT.

Immediately upon payment 1 CD



Community Facilitator

9.3. Community Force Account - Detailed Procedures For Procurement Of Labor and Materials
GUIDELINES ON THE USE OF DIRECT CONTRACTING OF LABOR Direct Contracting of labor may be used under the following conditions: If the work requires more skilled workers of which the community could not provide. If the laborers committed by the community in the Community Employment Record Sheet did not materialize. Organization of the Group 1. The formation of Group should be the responsibility of the BSPMC with the assistance of the Community Facilitator. Supervision The Project Supervisor hired by the BSPMC will oversee the selection of the contract group and be a witness to the agreement. The Project Supervisor / Foreman will ensure compliance with the design standards and specifications. The group leader will assist the Project Supervisor in setting out the task and distributing tools; assure that the work the work is undertaken as directed. Tools

69 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Hand tools will be supplied by the BSPMC through the Project Supervisor. The Project Supervisor will be responsible for keeping the tools in working order by sharpening / repairing them. Tools will be issued by the workforce and the issuance will be documented in the contract documents. Worn-out tools should be returned to the storekeeper for replacement. These should be returned from the project site to the property custodian for write off or replacement for tools lost. On completion of the Direct Contract Agreement all tools and implements, whether serviceable or not, shall be returned to the storekeeper. This shall be made a condition for payment of the Contract Agreement. Any loss will be deducted at replacement value from the contract sum and the amount recovered will be used for the purpose of replacement for the tools lost. No tools shall be offered or sold to the workers. PAYMENT 1. Before commencing the work, the barangay treasurer has to certify the availability of funds. 2. Payment will be made after the completion of the work only as certified by the Project Supervisor. DIRECT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 1. Proposal 2. Direct Contract Agreement 3. List of Tools to the provided to the Group
RESPONSIBLE UNIT BAC, PT, PIT, MIT, AIT Invited: Project Supervisor, Mun. Engineer, DAC ACT PARTICIPATION CF to facilitate the meeting. DAC as resource person

PROCEDURES 1. Pre-procurement Conference Convene and discuss the details of the project to be implemented by the community under CFA. a. b. Confirms the resources and capability of the community. Validate participation of project supervisor, Municipal Engineer, skilled and unskilled workers listed in the Community Employment Record Discuss participation of Direct Contracting of Labor (if any) Timetable for the implementation and the payment arrangement


c. d.

Prepares minutes of pre-procurement conference highlighting the execution of the community project using Community Force Account Mode Approves minutes of the meeting 2. Procurement of Materials Needed for the Project Procure materials needed for the community project using the appropriate procurement method (see LS, LB or DC) Delivery schedule of the materials shall be Awarded 2 wks before the work starts

Procurement Team

BSPMC Chairperson BAC

Delivered 1 wk before the


70 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES synchronized with the actual implementation of the project 3. Start and implement program of works Start implementation and supervise the day to day activities in the sites. Regular Inspection and Provision of Technical Assistance During Implementation Conduct regular visits to the project sites and provide technical assistance. Payments for labor CASE 1. Prepares payroll and Community Employment and Record Sheet every pay day. Submit payroll and CERS to the Heads of PT, PIT and BSPMC Chairperson for signature CASE 2. Prepare payment after receipt of request for payment from Direct Contracting Group 6. 7. Pays the workers based on agreed rates Signs the payroll and CERS Give copy of signed payroll to Brgy Treasurer Gives the payroll and CERS to the Brgy Bookkeeper Records the transaction and files the documents

TIME FRAME work starts



As scheduled

Project Supervisor/ Group Leader


As frequent as necessary

Mun. Engr. DAC, Area Coordinating Team, RIE Brgy Treasurer


Frequency as agreed by the community

Brgy Treasurer Brgy Treasurer

8. 9.

Workers Group Leader Brgy. Bookkeeper


This procurement method will probably be the least used procurement method given the high minimum amount set for its mandatory adoption. This method will be used when there are several local suppliers or contractors and the value of each contract is: 1. PhP 500,000 above for goods and 2. PhP 1.25 M and above for works Since under this method requires prior approval of the NPMT, the Regional Community Infrastructure Specialist (RCIS) or Deputy Area Coordinator (Municipal Engineer) should be invited in the important procurement activities in order to facilitate immediate issuance of No Objection by the NPMT.

9.4.1 Local Bidding For Goods - Detailed Procedures

71 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES 1. Pre-Procurement Conference Conduct of pre-procurement conference . This is an internal meeting with the BSPMC. A. Discussion BSPMC will discuss the items of materials for procurement using the Planned Community Procurement Package. Preparation The procurement team will prepare the following forms. a. Invitation to Bid b. Abstract of Bids c. Form of Bid d. Purchase Order e. Form of Bid Security (Bank Guarantee) f. Drawings (if applicable) g. Technical Specifications h. Form of Performance Security (Bank Guarantee) i. Notice of Award Review & signing Review & signing of the Invitation to Bid.




1 CD


CF to facilitate meeting. DAC to act as resource person.


same day



same day same day same day

BSPMC Chairperson Procurement Team BSPMC Bookkeeper Procurement Team CF to ensure wider circulation

Prepare minutes of Pre-Procurement Conference Keeping of all documents 2. Posting and Direct Invitation (personal serving by PT) of Invitation to Bid Posts Invitation to Bid in the provincial/municipal/ barangay hall billboards, Kalahi-CIDSS: KKB billboard or bulletin board, offices of MIAC and PIAC members, NGO offices and personal serving of Invitation to Bid to at least 3 suppliers Issuance of Bidding Documents Issues bid documents to interested bidders free of charge. Contents of Bid Documents: (To be issued to bidders) a. Invitation to Bid b. Form of Bid c. Form of Bid Security (Bank Guarantee) d. Drawings (if applicable) e. Technical Specifications f. Form of Performance Security (Bank Guarantee) 4. Pre-Bidding Conference Required for all contracts under local bidding for goods. To be done at least 7 days before the deadline for submission of bids. The purpose of pre-bidding conference is to discuss the details of the contract and clarify the bidding documents.

2 CD It must be posted for two weeks


For a period of two weeks from date of posting of Invitation to Bid

Procurement Team

DAC to provide TA

1 CD

BAC, PT, PIT, MIT Invited: Mun,. Engr., DAC, Bidders

DAC to act as resource person

72 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES What if the bidder did not attend the pre-bid conference.? Attendance in the pre-bid conference of the bidder is not compulsory and should not be a ground for disqualification.




Pre-bid conference must be conducted at the community level Records the minutes of the conference. The minutes shall be issued to all bidders 5 days before the bid opening Keeping of all documents

same day same day same day

Procurement Team Bookkeeper BAC, PT, PIT, MIT, Mun. Engr., DAC, bidders


Conducts group site visit (if this is critical for costing and delivery of goods)

What if the bidder did not conduct site visit? The conduct of site visit is compulsory. This will enable the bidder to make a good offer of bid price. The BSPMC to issue Certificate of Site Inspection (if required) 6. 7. Preparation, submission and receipt of bids Prepare and submit sealed bid Receives sealed bid by BSPMC-PT at the barangay hall. If submitted before the deadline stipulated in the Invitation to Bid, PT members record receipt in the logbook with the following information: a. b. c. d. Date and Time Received Name of Goods for procurement Name of Supplier Name and signature of procurement team member receiving the sealed enveloped

w/ in 7 CD On or before the date and time specified on the Invitation to Bid.

Contractor Procurement Team

The sealed bids and logbook will be placed at BSPMC office inside the filing cabinet. What if the bidder submitted late bid? Late bid is automatically rejected and returned to the bidder. 8. Bid Opening and Examination Invites Mun. Engr. DAC, COA representative, concerned TWG member, Regional Infrastructure Engineer to witness the bid opening.

1 CD (Send written invitation one (1) week before bid opening)


73 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES 9. Prepares the barangay hall for the public opening of bids.

TIME FRAME A day before bid opening On the date specified in the invitation to bid. 1 CD

RESPONSIBLE UNIT Procurement Team Procurement Team


10. Brings the logbook and sealed bid envelopes and place inside the bid box in the barangay hall. 11. BAC to declare quorum16 before the opening of bids. Open the padlock of the bid box and open the first envelope, read aloud the name of the supplier, bid amount, amount and form of bid security and record the attached documents using the checklist of bidding documents. The same procedure will be done for the remaining sealed envelopes. Forwards bid documents to other BAC members for review. Initial the bids and other supporting documents Prepares minutes of Bid Opening Review & sign minutes of bid opening Keeping of all documents What are grounds for automatic disqualification? Late bids and no bid security attached to the bid. 12. Prepares Abstract of Bids (see pro-forma) a. b. c. d. Name of Contract and its location Time, date and place of bid opening Names of bidders and their bids Bid security

BAC Chairman

same day same day same day same day

BAC Chairman PT BSPMC Chairperson Bookkeeper

Right after bid opening

Procurement Team

13. Bid Examination Examines bid documents using the pass/fail criteria. Bid security must conform to the requirements. Specifications must conform to the requirements. Bid Form is signed by the bidder/representative. DTI Business Name Registration/SEC Registration Authority of the signatory Price Schedule PS Mark License for pipes If bid examination is not completed in one day, keeps all documents in a lock filing cabinet in the barangay hall. Note: Bid Securities in the form of cash or (managers check or cashiers check) must be deposited in the BSPMC Account. Bank Guarantee as Bid Security shall be submitted as part of the bid documents. Bid

1 CD (Immediately after the Bid Opening)


Quorum consists of 2 out of the 3 BAC composition.

74 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES Securities of the non-winning bidders will be returned only after the winning bidder has signed contract with the BSPMC. Personal Check is not acceptable. 14. Evaluation of bids. Evaluate bid if it is responsive, i.e.,: 1.1 Applied correction on prices 1.2 Pass/fail Criteria 1.3 Ranking of bids If bid is not responsive declare the bidder disqualified. Do not include disqualified bidder in the ranking. Prepares minutes of the evaluation of bids Keeping of all documents Post Qualification of Bidder with Lowest Calculated and Complying Bid 15. Conduct post qualification to the lowest calculated and complying bidder by validating bidders compliance with qualification requirements (Technical, Financial and Legal). Submits postqualification report to BAC Passes Resolution to Award (RTA). The RTA will indicate that the bidder is the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid (LCRB). Review and signs the RTA Contract Preparation 16. Drafts Purchase Order Prior Review by NPMT 17. All contract regardless of the amount under Local Bidding for Goods a. Request NOL for RPMT or NPMT. To be attached to the request are: Draft Purchase Order and all other supporting documents (send only photo copy except the request letter). Reviews the Purchase Order and supporting documents and recommends issuance of NOL Issues No Objection Letter (NOL)




BAC 1 w w/assistance of d TWG

DAC to provide technical assistance.

same day same day

PT Bookkeeper

2 CD (after completion of bid evaluation)

Procurement Team BAC

1 CD

W/ in same day 1 CD

BSPM Chairperson Procurement Team

1 CD

BSPMC Chairperson


2 CD

NPMO Staff


1 CD

National Project Manager Procurement Team

Approval and issuance of Notice of Award 18. Prepares Notice of Award

Approves Notice of Award Delivers the Notice of Award Signs Conforme on the Notice of Award and returns it to Procurement Team Posting of Performance Security 19. Posts Performance Security

1 CD (Immediately upon receipt of NOL) w/ in same day w/ in same day 1 CD

BSPMC Chairperson Procurement Team Supplier Supplier

w/ in 5 CD

75 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES Forms of performance security: a. Cash, certified check, cashiers check, managers check, 5% of contract price b. Bank guarantee, 10% of contract price Signing of Purchase Order 20. Approves the Purchase Order (three copies) Signs in the conforme on the PO and returns two copies to Procurement Team Forwards the PO together with the rest of the supporting documents to the Brgy Bookkeeper Files the documents Furnishing Contract Documents to LGU COA and RPMO 21. Provides LGU COA, RPMO a duplicate copy of approved Purchase Order and supporting documents

TIME FRAME from receipt of NOA



Upon submission of Performance Security w/ in 1 CD upon receipt of PO 1 CD

BSPMC Chairperson


Procurement Team Brgy Bookkeeper Procurement Team

1 CD

2 CD

Start Delivery of Goods 22. Delivers goods

As provided in the delivery schedule. As scheduled


Monitoring 23. Monitors delivery of goods

MIT with assistance from Mun. Engr., concerned MIAC member, DAC (if necessary)

Regular Inspection and Provision of Technical Assistance During Contract Implementation 24. Conduct regular visits to the project sites and provide technical assistance 25. Processes payment based on delivered item. A. Processing @ Barangay DV & Check signing of Treasurer & BSPMC Chairperson Check signing @ ACT MRB review documents MRB to initial duplicate copy of check to indicate documents in order ACT sign the check

As often as necessary

Mun. Engr. DAC, AC Reg. Infra Engineer

2 CD

Brgy. Treasurer


same day


Signs voucher, logbook and issues Official Receipt 26. Filing and Record Keeping. Compilation of all documents with Community Project Implementation Procurement and Finance Document Filing Checklist on top of the folder. Original copy of the documents compiled and reviewed by the CF will be turn-over to MRB for

Immediately upon payment 1 CD

Brgy Treasurer BSPMCBookkeeper

Community Facilitator

76 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES reproduction at the ACT or RPMT. Distribution of the copies will be original copy for COA, duplicate copy for Barangay and photo copies for ACT and RPMT.




9.4.2 Local Bidding For Works - Detailed Procedures

PROCEDURES 1. Pre-Procurement Conference Conduct pre-procurement conference. This is an internal meeting with the BSPMC. A. Discussion. Discuss the item of works for procurement using the Planned Community Procurement Packaging (PCCP). Preparation Prepare the following: Invitation to Bid for works Instruction to Bidders Bidding Data Conditions of Contract Contract Agreement Engineering Drawings Technical Specifications Form of Bid Form of Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment Form of Bid Security(Bank Guarantee) Form of Performance Security (Bank Guarantee) 1 CD BAC,BSPMC,PT, TWG CF will facilitate meeting. DAC will act as resource person. TIME FRAME RESPONSIBLE UNIT ACT PARTICIPATION


same day

Procurement Team

C. Review and signing Review & signing of the Invitation to Bid. Prepare minutes of the pre-procurement conference Keeping of all records Publication and Posting of Invitation to Bid and Direct Invitation (personal serving of Invitation by the PT to at least 3 Contractors) Publish in regional newspaper minimum of 1 week and maximum of two weeks and post Invitation to Bid in the provincial/municipal/barangay hall billboards, or bulletin board offices of A/MCTMIAC and PIAC members, NGO/CSO offices and conspicuous public places e.g. bus, jeep, tricycle terminals, public markets, etc. Issuance of Bidding Documents Issues bid documents to interested bidders

same day same day same day

BSPMC Chairperson PT BSPMC Bookkeeper @ least 2 Procurement Team members



free of charge

Contents of Bid Documents (to be issued to bidders) a. Invitation to Bid (for works) b. Instruction to Bidders c. Bidding Data d. Conditions of Contract

For a period of two weeks from date of posting of Invitation to Bid

Procurement Team

77 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES Forms of Contract Agreement (draft) Engineering Drawings Technical Specifications Form of Bid Form of Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment j. Form of Bid Security(Bank Guarantee) k. Form of Performance Security (Bank Guarantee) Pre-Bidding Conference Required for all contracts regardless of the amount under Local Bidding for Works. To be done at least 10 days before the deadline for submission of bids. The purpose of pre-bidding conference is to discuss the details of the contract and clarify the bidding documents. If the bidder did not attend the prebid conference, is it a ground for disqualification? Attendance in the pre-bid conference is not compulsory and should not be a ground for disqualification. Records the minutes of the conference. The minutes shall be issued to all bidders 5 days before the bid opening Keeping of all the records 5. Conducts group site visit e. f. g. h. i.





1 CD

BAC, PT, PIT, MIT, Invited: Mun,. Engr., DAC, bidders

same day

Procurement Team BSPMCBookkeeper BAC, PT, PIT, MIT, Mun Engr, DAC, Bidders

same day same day

What if the bidder did not conduct site visit? Conduct of site visit is compulsory. This will enable the contractor to make a good offer of bid price. What if the contractor/s did not conduct the inspection during the scheduled prebid conference can they inspect on another day? YES. They can do it before the submission of bid proposal/s.

Issue Certificate of Site Inspection (if applicable) 6. 7. Preparation, submission and receipt of bids Prepare and submit sealed bid Receives sealed bid at the barangay hall. Records the following in a logbook: a. b. c. Date and Time Received Name of Bidder Name and signature of procurement team member receiving the sealed

same day

Procurement Team

w/ in 7 CD 1 wd (On or before the date and time specified on the invitation of bid.)

bidders Procurement Team

78 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES enveloped d. Keeps them in a locked filing cabinet Bid Opening and Examination Invites Mun. Engr. DAC, COA Auditor, concerned TWG member, RIE to attend the bid opening.





1 CD (Send written invitation one (1) week before bid opening) 1 CD (One day before bid opening) 1 CD (Right after the deadline for submission of bid) 1 CD (w/ in same day)



Prepares the barangay hall for the public opening of bids.

Procurement Team

10. Brings the logbook and sealed bid envelopes to the BAC in the barangay hall.

11. Declare quorum before the opening of bids. Opens the padlock of the bid box and open first envelope read aloud the name of the bidder, bid amount, amount and form of bid security. The same procedure will be done for the remaining envelope. Forwards bid documents to other BAC members Initial the bids and the attached supporting documents. Prepares the minutes of Bid Opening Review and approve the Minutes of Bid Opening Keeping of all documents 12. Prepares Abstract of Bids: a. Name of contract and its location b. Time, date and place of bid opening c. Names of bidders and their bids d. Bid Security Bid Examination 13. Examines bids using the pass/fail criteria. check the technical, legal and financial documents indicated in the Instructions to bidders If bid examination is not completed in one day, keeps all documents in a filing cabinet in the barangay hall and locked. Prepare and fill-up the pass/fail criteria sheet Note: Bid Securities in the form of cash ,managers check or cashiers check must be deposited in the BSPMC Account. Bank Guarantee as Bid Security shall be submitted as part of the bid documents. Bid Securities of the non-winning bidders will be returned only after the winning bidder has signed contract with the BSPMC.


same day same day same day same day Right after bid opening.

BAC PT BSPMC Chairperson BSPMCBookkeeper Procurement Team

1 CD (Right after the Bid Opening)


same day


79 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES 14. Evaluation of bids Evaluate bid if it is responsive, i.e.,: A. Applied correction on prices B. Pass/fail Criteria C. Ranking of bids What is a responsive bid? Responsive bid is a bid that has passed both in the Pass/Fail Criteria and in the post qualification evaluation. What if bid is not responsive? Declare the bidder disqualified. What if bidder is already disqualified? Do not include disqualified bidder in the ranking. Prepares minutes of the evaluation of bids Keeping of all documents




same day same day

Procurement Team BSPMCBookkeeper Procurement Team with the assistance of TWG BAC

15. Conducts post-qualification of the lowest calculated and responsive bidder by validating on the documents. Submits postqualification report to BAC Passes Resolution to Award (RTA). The RTA will indicate the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid (LCRB). Review and signs the RTA

2 CD after completion of bid evaluation same day

W/ in same day

BSPM Chairperson

Post-qualification is the process of verifying, validating and ascertaining all the statements made and documents submitted by the bidder with the LCRQ, which includes ascertaining the said bidders compliance with the legal, financial and technical requirements of the bid. Who conducts evaluation? Post-qualification

Procurement Team with the assistance of TWG. Contract Preparation 16. Drafts Contract (use proforma contract for works) Prior Review by NPMT 17. Required for all contracts regardless of the amount for all Local bidding for Works. a. Request for NOL from NPMO. To be attached to the request are: RTA, draft contract, form of bids, bidding documents and all other supporting documents (send only photo copy except for request letter). b. Reviews the contract and supporting Procurement Team with assistance from DAC

1 CD

1 CD

BSPMC Chairperson

1 CD

NPMO Staff

80 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES documents and recommends issuance of NOL c. Issues No Objection Letter (NOL) Issuance of Notice of Award 18. Prepares Notice of Award a. b. c. Approves Notice of Award(NOA) Delivers Notice of Award and contract to successful bidder Signs Conforme on the Notice of Award




5 CD 1 CD upon receipt of NOL w/ in same day 1 CD 2 CD 5 CD from receipt of NOA

NPM Procurement Team BSPMC Chairman Procurement Team Contractor Contractor

Posting of Performance Security 19. Posts Performance Security Forms of performance security: a. Cash, certified check, cashiers check, managers check, 5% of contract price b. Bank guarantee, 10% of contract price Note: If security is in the form of cash or check, then it should be deposited in the BSPMC account by the winning bidder and submit to BSPMC the deposit slip with bank validation.

For performance guarantees in the form of cash for contracts that are nearing the end of KALAHI-CIDSS project, such guarantee shall be replaced with a bank guarantee from a reputable commercial bank.
Contract Signing/Approval 20. Signs the contract and returns it to BSPMC Sign as witness Approves the Contract Issuance of Notice to Commence 21. Prepares Notice to Commence; Signs Notice to Commence Delivers Notice to Commence Provides LGU COA, RPMO and Contractor copy of signed and notarized contract Mobilization and Starts of Works 22. Mobilizes and starts works

5 WD upon receipt of NOA 1 CD 1 CD 1 CD 1 CD w/ in same day 1 CD w/ in 7 days from receipt of Notice To Commence Within 3 CD

Contractor witness BSPMC Chair

Procurement Team BSPMC Chairperson Procurement Team Procurement Team Contractor

Advance Payment 23. Contractor has the option to claim advance payment equivalent to 15% of the contract price subject to compliance of the ff: requirement: a. Certification from DAC that equipment and materials are already on the

Barangay Treasurer

81 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PROCEDURES jobsite. Bank guarantee equivalent to the amount requested. Monitoring and Supervision 24. Monitor execution of the contract b. Inspection and Provision of Technical Assistance During Contract Implementation 25. Conduct regular visits to the project sites and provide technical assistance Payment 26. Process payment based on accomplishment approved by BSPMC Chairperson as recommended by PIT noted by Municipal Engineer A. Processing @ Barangay DV & Check signing of Treasurer & BSPMC Chairperson Check signing @ ACT MRB review documents MRB to initial duplicate copy of check to indicate documents in order ACT sign the check




daily As often as necessary

PIT, MIT Mun. Engr. DAC, RIE, AC

2 CD

Brgy. Treasurer



same day



Signs voucher, logbook and issues Official Receipt 27. Filing and Record Keeping. Compilation of all documents with Community Project Implementation Procurement and Finance Document Filing Checklist on top of the folder. Original copy of the documents compiled and reviewed by the CF will be turn-over to MRB for reproduction at the ACT or RPMT. Distribution of the copies will be original copy for COA, duplicate copy for Barangay and photo copies for ACT and RPMT.

Immediately upon payment One day BSPMCBookkeeper


Community Facilitator

82 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PERIOD OF ACTIONS OF PROCUREMENT ACTIVITIES (LOCAL BIDDING) PERIODS ACTIVITIES Pre-procurement Advertisement/Posting of Invitation Pre-bid Conference and Site visit 7 CD before deadline of submission of bids DEADLINE Min 1 CD 7 CD GOODS Max 1 CD 14 CD Min 1 CD 7 CD WORKS Max 1 CD 14 CD

1 CD

1 CD

1 CD

1 CD

Issuance of bidding documents Submission and Opening of Bids Bid Evaluation Post Qualification SUB- T O T A L

7 CD 1 CD 1 CD 1 CD 19 CD 5 (RPMO) 5 (NPMO) 15 (WB) 29 CD 3 CD 2 CD 1 CD 35 CD

7 CD 1 CD 1 CD 3 CD 28 CD 5 (RPMO) 5 (NPMO) 15 (WB) 38 CD 7 CD 5 CD 3 CD 53 CD

7 CD 7 CD 1 CD 1 CD 25 CD 5 (RPMO) 5 (NPMO) 15 (WB) 35 CD 3 CD 2 CD 1 CD 41 CD

7 CD 7 CD 3 CD 3 CD 36 CD 5 (RPMO) 5 (NPMO) 15 (WB) 46 CD 7 CD 5 CD 3 CD 61 CD

Issuance of NOL SUB- T O T A L Issuance of Notice of Award Contract Preparation and Signing Issuance of Notice to Proceed TOTAL

9.4.3 DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN LOCAL BIDDING 1. Bid Bid is a signed offer coming from a supplier/contractor interested to provide goods or undertake infrastructure work for the community. 2. Evaluated Bid This refers to the corrected bid after evaluation has been completed. 3. Bid Security a. Bid security is required to ensure that the successful bidder shall, within five calendar days from receipt of the Notice of Award, sign the contract with the BSPMC. It could be in the form of cash, check, bank draft, letter of credit or bank guarantee that serves as a guarantee that the successful bidder shall not default on his offer, and shall enter into contract with the BSPMC and furnish the performance security.

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b. The bid security shall be returned to the bidders only after the successful bidder has signed the Contract and posted the performance security, except if the bidder fails to comply with all the requirements and the bid is marked failed. c. Bidder, who wants to present cash as bid security, shall be instructed to deposit the amount to the communitys bank account and to attach the machine validated deposit slip to the bid documents to be placed in a sealed envelope. 4. Defects Liability Period This refers to the period from the date of issuance of Certificate of Completion of the works as certified by the BSPMC Chairman up to the date within which, the contractor shall still be liable for defects, shrinkage or other faults as determined by BSPMC. The contractor shall execute all such work needed to amend, reconstruct, or remedy at his own cost. 5. Eligibility Requirements These refer to qualifications set by the BAC for participating bidders. Some examples of qualifications are: a. Suppliers must have a SEC Registration, mayors permit or municipal license, or the Cooperative Development Authority, if a cooperative; b. Contractors for works must be either a duly licensed Filipino citizen or a sole proprietorship, or a duly registered partnership or corporation. 6. Minor Deviations These are deviations in the bid that can be corrected. Some examples are the following: a. Computational error such as when the total amount is not equal to the unit cost times the number of units. In this case, it is the unit cost, which should be taken as the correct amount, and the total price should be corrected. b. Discounts which do not have pre-conditions should be applied to the total price to get the net amount. c. Minor deviations shall be corrected and adjustments shall be computed to determine the calculated price. d. For MCC-funded sub-project/s: Where applicable, contractors must also pass the revised eligibility verification review, which will ensure that the contractor is not prohibited from receiving U.S. funds. 7. Major Deviations These are deviations which substantially affect the scope, quality or performance of the works; which limits the communitys rights under the contract; or one that if corrected would affect unfairly the comparative position of other bidders.

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The following are examples: a. Bid contains a different design that does not respond to the contract plans and specifications; b. Stipulates price adjustment when bid price should be fixed given the short duration of the contract; c. Proposed timeframe of implementation does not conform to the required period; d. Bid contains provision to exempt the bidder from some critical provisions of the contract. 8. Retention Money Retention fee refers to the 10% amount retained from all progress billings to cover uncorrected discovered defects and third party liabilities. This is mandatory for all contracts with PhP 1M or more in addition to performance Security. For contracts with less than PhP 1M, retention fee is only deducted from the progress billing when there is no Performance Security posted. The retention fee, if not called shall be refunded to the contractor after the expiration of the warranty period. The refund shall not be subjected to Withholding Tax. In case where closing of community account is mandated by the project, the BSPMC shall require the Contractor to convert to Bank Guarantee or Managers Check or Cashiers Check from a reputable bank. Upon receipt of the Bank Guarantee or Managers Check or Cashiers Check, the treasurer shall prepare a Disbursement Voucher and issue a check equal to the amount of retention. 9.4.4 ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES ON LOCAL BIDDING (also applies to Shopping for Works) 1. On receiving sealed bids a. The BSPMC Chairperson authorizes the Procurement Team members to receive the sealed bids. b. At least one Procurement Team member shall be stationed at the barangay hall to receive the bids. c. Receiving Procurement Team member should be advised to accept only bid documents that are contained in one sealed envelope with the name of the bidder written outside. Furthermore, that he/she is not authorized to open the envelope. d. Bids received after the deadline set shall automatically be rejected. 2. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids a. No bid shall be changed after the deadline for submission of bids. b. Withdrawal of bid between the deadline for submission and of bids and the expiration of the validity of bid will result in the contractor being

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disqualified from participating in any KALAHI-CIDSS Project for two (2) years. 3. Bid Opening (On the same day just after the time set as deadline for submission of bids) a. The Procurement Team prepares a checklist of all the documents required to be submitted. There should be as many copies of the checklist as the number of participating bidders. b. Bidders or their representatives and interested barangay residents may observe the bid opening. c. Bids with incomplete requirements specified in the Invitation to Bid shall be marked failed. All bids with complete requirements shall be marked passed and shall be considered for evaluation. d. Bid security submitted by bidders whose bids were marked failed should be returned.
Let us clarify things: What if a calamity such as typhoon or flash flood or other fortuitous event happened during the scheduled submission opening of bids? In such cases, postponing or re-scheduling is allowed for all methods of procurement. However, a certification coming from the A/MCT signed by the Area/Municipal Coordinator shall be attached to minutes during the re-scheduled opening stating the reasons for postponement/re-scheduling. The BAC should give at least 2 days for shopping for goods, at least 5 calendar days to a maximum of 7 calendar days for bidding for goods, shopping for works and bidding for goods as allowance before the re-scheduled opening. The BSPMC Chair should then prepare a Supplemental or Bid Bulletin following the procedures for publication (for bidding for works), posting, personal dissemination to bidders or other possible means to inform service providers of the postponement/re-scheduling.

4. Bid Evaluation a. The TWG shall assist the BAC in the evaluation of bids. The TWG should explain fully every step in the evaluation process as part of the capacity building of the BSPMC. b. The following shall be considered in the evaluation: The bid must be complete. This means that all the required items in the bidding documents should be addressed. Bid security must conform to the requirements of the Instruction to Bidders, as to type, amount, form and wording, and validity period. Minor and major deviations from the terms and conditions specified in the Instruction to Bidders.

5. Other Bids which should automatically be rejected a. Late bid submission b. Unsigned bid (using the Form of Bid) c. No acceptable bid security submitted or attached or insufficient bid security amount (if required)

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d. After examining all the bids, which have initially been marked passed, and after correcting for minor deviations, the bids shall be ranked from the lowest calculated bid to the highest
Let us clarify things: What do we mean by late bid submission and what is the basis of the time? For example the time set is 10:00 in the morning and a bidder submitted a bid at 10:01 in the morning then it is clear that the bidder is late by 1 minute. The bid must be rejected by the BAC or the Procurement Team receiving the bids. The basis of time shall be based on a watch or clock at the Barangay agreed, set and synchronized during the pre-bid conference. There is no such thing as Filipino time!

Let us clarify things: What do we mean by insufficient bid security? The project requires 2% Cash or Check (Managers Check or Cashiers Check or 2% Bank Guarantee from a commercial bank based on the offered bid price. For example: If the bid amount offered is PhP 1,255,000 and the bidder enclosed/submitted/attached an amount of PhP 25,000.00. The amount is lacking by PhP 100.00 that was found out during the preliminary examination using the pas/fail criteria checklist, thus, the bid security is insufficient. The bid offered will be rejected and will not be subjected for evaluation.

Let us clarify things: What if the submitted bid security submitted is lacking by 1 peso? The term insufficient referred to in this community procurement manual means below the minimum bid security requirement therefore, if it is lacking by 1 peso the bid security is INSUFFICIENT and should be rejected. It is however clarified that the limit of computation is in pesos so lacking 1 centavo to 99 centavos is negligible. What if the bid security submitted was found to be insufficient as a result of re-calculation during the bid evaluation? In this case, the submitted bid security can be considered since the shortage was not intentional. The lacking amount shall be paid by the bidder or its representative to the BSPMC treasurer. Failure to pay the additional will be a ground for rejection. The treasurer will deposit the additional amount to the BSPMC account.

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What if only one bidder submitted a bid? One of the principles of procurement is fairness to mean there should be fair competition from amongst the service providers. The project would like to ensure that every service provider is given the opportunity to compete in KALAHI-CIDSS-funded projects. It is then recommended that all possible efforts to invite service providers through publication to regional, local newspapers or even national newspapers, radio, television, internet posting, posting in bulleting boards at the adjacent Provincial, Municipal or Barangay where the community project is located. Personal serving is also encouraged. The BSPMC should not limit preparation of three invitations for quotations/bids. However, under circumstances where limited service providers or if they are disinterested to participate then a single//lone bid can be accepted. If a single/lone bid is submitted, it should not be a ground for declaring a failure of bidding and the BSPMC shall conduct the following: The BAC will conduct bid evaluation. If bidder passed in the bid evaluation, the lone bidder will be subjected to post qualification evaluation. If he passed in the post qualification evaluation , he will be declared as the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bidder. evaluation and/or post-qualification evaluation. Re-bidding will be conducted.

6. Post-Qualification (Within three days after declaration of bidder with the lowest calculated bid) a. The BAC, assisted by the Procurement Team shall validate the truthfulness of the eligibility requirements submitted by the bidder with the lowest calculated price. This may involve verifying the availability and condition of the equipment to be used by the bidder. This should be completed within two days from the determination of the lowest calculated bidder. It should be noted that this post-qualification procedure will no longer include an eligibility check of the contractor against the blacklist maintained by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB). b. If the bidder passes the post qualification, he/she shall be declared as the bidder with the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid (LCRB). If the bidder fails, the BAC shall immediately notify him in writing. c. If the lowest bidder failed in the post-qualification, then the second lowest bidder will be subjected to post qualification. If the second lowest bidder passed in the post qualification, it will be declared as the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid. d. Even if there is a pending request for reconsideration, the BAC shall undertake post qualification of the next in rank bidder. e. If the post disqualified bidder submits a request for reconsideration, the BAC shall immediately convene to make a decision taking into consideration the justification or explanation of the bidder. The BAC shall notify the bidder of the decision in writing. f. If the request for reconsideration is denied and the next in rank bidder passes the post qualification, the latter shall be declared the bidder with the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid.

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g. If the second lowest bidder fails in the post qualification, the process will be repeated for the bidder with the next lowest calculated bid and again be repeated until a bidder is declared as the bidder with the LCRB. h. If no bidder passes the post qualification, the bidding shall be declared a failure. Re-bidding will be conducted. If the same situation results from the second bidding, the BSPMC can enter into negotiated contract.
What does Post Qualification entail?

A: Postqualification involves the BAC verifying, validating and ascertaining that the bidder satisfies the following: 1. LEGAL Requirements. The post-qualification process under this criterion involves the verification, validation and ascertaining of the contractors claim that ii is not included in any government blacklist, as well as all the licenses, permits and other documents it submitted, including the following: a. PCAB License; SEC registration or the DTI name registration; Mayors permit; BIR Certification which contains the TIN; Authority of the Signatory; contracts for the last 2 years, and, Affidavit of compliance with the Disclosure Provision and other documents specified in the invitation to bid. 2. TECHNICAL Requirements. The BAC would have to verify, validate and ascertain the veracity of the documents submitted by a contractor to prove compliance of the infra project it offered with the requirements of the contract and bidding documents. This involves the following: a. Verification of the bidders stated competence and experience, as well as the competence and experience of its key personnel to be assigned to the project, to ensure that these meet the minimum requirements; b. Verification of availability and commitment, and/or inspection and testing, of equipment units to be owned or leased by the bidder, as well as checking the performance of the bidder in its ongoing govt or private contracts, e.g. examine the Construction Schedule, Construction Methods, Equipment Utilization Schedule, List of projects undertaken or ongoing and to be started. c. Verification if any bidders on-going contracts show: A reported negative slippage of at least 15%; Substandard quality of work per contract plans and specifications; Unsatisfactory performance of his obligations as per contract terms and conditions, at the time of inspection; or That the minimum required experience of the bidders key personnel were not met; All of which will be grounds for disqualification if found by the BAC to be due to the bidders fault or negligence. d. other documents specified in the invitation to quote. 3. FINANCIAL Requirements. The BAC ought to verify, validate and ascertain the bid price proposal of the bidder and, whenever applicable, the required bank commitment to provide a credit line to the bidder in the amount specified and over the period stipulated. It also means verifying, validating and ascertaining, the bidders stated net worth and liquid assets, net working capital , the value of all outstanding or unfinished works under ongoing contracts, and the bidders NFCC, as recalculated considering developments in the bidders other projects. This is also done to ensure that the bidder can sustain the operating cash flow of the transaction. The process involves: a. Ascertaining of the sufficiency of the Bid Security (if required) as to type, amount, form and wording, and validity period; b. Ascertain the NFCC, credit line, or cash deposit; and, c. Examination of the BIR-audited financial statement.

7. Award of Contract (Within five days from post-qualification and declaration of bidder with Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid) The Notice of Award should be issued within five days after the final declaration of the bidder with LCRB or a day after the receipt of the No Objection from the Regional Project Director. If the first in rank bidder has been disqualified, the BSPMC/BAC shall wait for seven days to determine if the bidder will file a request for reconsideration. If none is received on the eight day, and the next in rank has been post qualified, the Notice of Award can be issued on that eight day. 8. Can the contractor ask for an advance payment?

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The BSPMC should only allow this if the contractor posts a bank guarantee for the advance payment, which is usually 15% of the total approved contract price. 9. Progress Payments Progress Payment shall be made upon request for payment for every substantial accomplishment not below 20% of the whole contract price as certified by the Project Supervisor noted by Project Implementation Team and or Municipal Engineer and approved by the BSPMC.

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The Barangay Sub-Project Management Committee Chairman shall submit to the Area Coordinating Team the Actual Community Procurement Packaging and Co mmunity Employment Record status on a monthly basis or when making a request for the release of funds. This shall be prepared by the Procurement Team, noted by SP Implementation Team and Brgy. Treasurer and approved by the BSPMC Chairperson. As part of enhanced oversight and support mechanisms, the Regional Project Management Office will also be conducting unannounced visits to barangays to ensure that the ACTs have sufficient support for any issues that may arise, and to conduct spot reviews to ensure correct implementation of KALAHI-CIDSS procedures, particularly with regard to procurement.

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SECTION 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (for Works Contract Only) 1. Scope of Work: The Barangay Community Project Management Committee of (name of Barangay), as the Owner, invites bids for the completion of the works indicated in the Invitation To Bid in accordance with the Conditions of Contract (CC). The successful contractor will be expected to complete the works by the Required Completion Date specified in the CC. 2. Eligibility to Bid: Filipino private registered or licensed single proprietors, partnerships or corporations, or cooperatives engaged in construction of infrastructure projects can participate. Local Government Units or other agencies of government are disqualified from participating. Each bidder shall submit only one Bid. All Bids submitted in violation of this rule shall be rejected. In addition, bidders are subject to eligibility verification procedures to ensure that the bidder has not been blacklisted from receiving U.S. Government funds (for MCC-funded sub-project/s). Blacklisted Contractors or Suppliers under the PCAB are not allowed to participate; this applies to the World Bank financed Project and all projects under this manual. 3. Qualification of the Bidder: To qualify for award of the Contract, a bidder shall meet the following minimum qualifying criteria (to be determined by the BSPMC): a) Experience in the work similar in nature to the works in this Invitation; b) Financial capability to successfully complete the works. 4. Site Visit: The Contractor is invited to a group site visit to examine the site of the works and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a contract. 5. Contents of Bidding Documents for Distribution to Interested Bidders: The set of bidding documents comprises the documents listed below: Invitation to Bid Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Instructions to Bidders Conditions of Contract Drawings Specifications Program of Works (Scope of Works/Bill of Quantities) Form of Bid Form of Contract Agreement Form of Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment Form of Bid Security (Bank Guarantee) Form of Performance Security

6. Documents Comprising the Bid:

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The Bid to be submitted by the Contractor shall comprise the following documents (as applicable): I. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS Form of Bid (in prescribe form) Program of Works Plans Detailed Estimates including summary sheet showing unit prices of materials, labor rates and rentals List of equipment owned/leased Official Receipt (to support owning the equipment for equipment proposed for use for the contract only) Certificate of registration (to support owning the equipment for proposed equipment for use for the contract only) Schedule of utilization of equipment List of similar projects undertaken for the last 2 years Certification that each document submitted is an original or true copy of the original Certification from the bidder under oath of its compliance to labor laws and standards and to utilize unskilled labor in the area List of Technical personnel Site Visit Certificate Detailed Construction method indicating the detailed methodology in complying with Environmental Laws for the each Item of Work involved, Safety measures Bidding data sheet

II. FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS Latest Income Tax Return w/ audited statement with Taxpayers Identification Number NFCC Bid Security form, amount and validity period; only the following are acceptable: Cash, cashiers check, managers check, bank draft or irrevocable letter of credit - 2 % of bid price Bank Guarantee 2% of bid price III. LEGAL DOCUMENTS Contractors License or Temporary Certificate of Renewal (for expired License) SEC registration w/ articles of Incorporation (for Corporations) Authority of the signatory Contracts (similar contracts for the last two years only) Certificate of Acceptance (contracts for the last 2 years only) Affidavit of Undertaking

7. Price Bid: The Contract shall be for the whole works as described in the Invitation and shall be based on the unit and total price on portion of work items indicated in the Bill of Quantities. The Contractor shall fill in the rates and prices for all items of the Works described in the drawings and specifications listed in the Bill of Quantities. The Owner will not pay for items, which were left blank by the Contractor, if executed. They

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shall be deemed covered by the other rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities. All fees and taxes payable by the Contractor under the Contract shall be included in the rates, prices, and total price bid submitted by the Contractor. The contract price quoted by the Contractor shall be fixed for the duration of the Contract and shall not be subject to any price adjustment. 8. Bid Security: The Bidder shall furnish as part of the Bid, a Bid Security in local currency or in a freely convertible currency, in the amount specified in the Bidding Data. The Bid Security shall, at the Bidders option, be in the form of a certified check, bank draft, or bank guarantee from a reputable bank located in the region of the BSPMC. Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security of a joint venture must be define as bidder all joint venture partners and list them in the following manner: a joint venture consisting of _____:, _______, and _______. The Bid Security of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within 28 days of the end of the Bid validity period specified in item 9 The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be discharged when the Bidder has signed the Agreement and furnished the required Performance Security. The Bid Security may be forfeited a) if the Bidder withdraws the Bid after Bid opening during the period of Bid validity; b) if the Bidder does not accept the correction of the Bid Price c) if the successful bidder fails to sign the contract within the specified time limit to sign the contract agreement; or furnish the required Performance Security.

9. Validity of Bid: The price bid shall remain valid for the period of sixty (60) calendar days counted from the date of the Bid. The BSPMC may request in writing the Contractor/s to extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The Owners request and the Contractors responses shall be made in writing. A Contractor may refuse the request for extension of bid validity in which case he may withdraw his Bid without any penalty. A Contractor agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to change its Bid. 10. Preparation and Sealing of Bids: The Contractor shall prepare one original and one duplicate copy of the documents comprising the Price Bid. The contractor or person duly authorized by the contractor shall sign the original and duplicate copy of the Price Bid. The person or persons signing the Price Bid shall initial all the pages of the Bid where entries or amendments or corrections have been made. The Contractor shall seal the documents in one envelope addressed to the BSPMC at the specified address and shall provide a warning not to open before the specified time and date for Price Bids opening.

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On the upper left-hand corner of the envelope, the contractor shall indicate his/her name and full address. If the envelope is not sealed and marked as above, the Owner will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the Price Bid. 11. Place and Deadline for Submission of Price Bids: The Price Bids shall be delivered to the Owner NO LATER than ____________ (time, date) at the address given in the Invitation to Bid. Any Bid received by the Owner after the deadline will be returned unopened to the Bidder. 12. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids: No bids shall be changed after the deadline for submission of Bids specified above. Withdrawal of a Bid between the deadline for submission of Bids and the expiration of the validity of the Bid as specified above will result in the forfeiture of his bid security. 13. Opening of Bids: The BAC will open the Bids in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend, at the time, date, and in the place specified in the Invitation to Bid. The BAC Chairperson shall announce the bidders names, the Bid prices, the total amount of each Bid, any discounts, and bid modifications and withdrawals at the Bid opening. 14. Late Bids: Any Bid received by the BSPMC after the deadline prescribed will be returned unopened. 15. Process to be Confidential: Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of quotations and recommendation for the contract award shall not be disclosed until the award to the successful Contractor has been announced. 16. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids: The BSPMC will award the Contract to the Contractor whose Bid has been determined to be responsive to the specifications of the contract and who has offered the lowest calculated price bid. In evaluating the bids, the BAC will determine for each proposal the calculated price bid by correcting the price bid for any arithmetic errors as follows: if there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words will prevail; if there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item amount resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will prevail; If a Contractor refuses to accept the correction, his Bid will be rejected. 17. Award Criteria. The BSPMC will award the contract to the Bidder whose Bid has been determined to be the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid. 18. BSPMCs Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject any or all Bids:

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The BSPMC has the right to accept or reject any bid/quotation, and to cancel the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to the award of the Contract. The affected Contractor(s) will not hold the BSPMC liable. It is not also obliged to inform the affected Contractor(s) of the grounds for its decision. 19. Notification of Award and Signing of Contract: The BSPMC shall notify the Contractor of the award in writing prior to the expiration of the validity period of the Bid. This Notice, together with a contract will state the amount that the BSPMC will pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution, completion, and maintenance of the Works by the Contractor as prescribed by the Contract. 20. Performance Security 20.1 Within 21 days after receipt of the Letter of Acceptance the successful Bidder shall deliver to the BSPMC a Performance Security in the amount stipulated in the Contract data and in the form stipulated in the bidding Data. Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirement of item 20.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the cancellation of the award and forfeiture of the Bid Security. Performance security in the form of cash or check withheld at the BSPMC account or by the treasurer as the case maybe, shall be replaced with Bank Guarantee or a Managers Check or Cashiers Check after the completion of the contract.



21. Advance Payment: The BSPMC will only consider providing an Advance Payment if the contractor posts a bank guarantee, or cash for such advance payment. SECTION 2 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (CC) 1. Definitions: a) Owner refers to the Community through the Barangay Community Project Management Committee (BSPMC) as represented by its Chairman, a recipient community of KALAHI-CIDSS Project. b) Contractor is a person, firm or corporate body whose Bid/Quotation to carry out the Work has been accepted by the BSPMC. c) Bill of Quantities specifies BSPMCs estimate quantity for each item of work. d) Activity Schedule means the schedule of execution and completion for a particular activity. e) The Completion Date is the date of completion of the Works as certified by the BSPMC. f) The Contract is the Contract between the BSPMC and the Contractor to execute, complete, and maintain the Works as specified in the specifications or in other sections of the Contract. The name and identification number of the Contract is given in the Invitation to Bid/Quote.

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g) The Contractors Price Bid is the completed document (Invitation to Bid/Quote together with attachments) submitted by the Contractor to the BSPMC. h) Contract Price is ___________________________ (P_________). i) j) Days are calendar days; months are calendar months. A Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the Contract.

k) The Defects Liability Period for infrastructure projects shall be one year from project completion up to final acceptance by the BSPMC. During this period the contractor shall undertake the repair work at his own expenses, of any damage to the infrastructure projects on the account of the use of materials of inferior quality within 45 days from the time the BSPMC Chairperson has issued an order to undertake repair. In case of failure or refusal to comply with this mandate, the BSPMC shall undertake the repair works and shall be entitled to full reimbursement of expenses incurred thereon upon demand. Any contractor who fails to comply with the preceding paragraph shall be perpetually disqualified from participating in any public bidding and his property or properties will be subjected to attachment or garnishment proceedings to recover the costs. All payable of the BSPMC, in the contractors favor shall be offset to recover the costs. l) Equipment is the Contractors machinery and vehicles brought temporarily to the Site to construct the Works.

m) Materials are all supplies, including consumables, used by the Contractor for incorporation in the Works. n) Project Supervisor is the person appointed by the BSPMC and who is responsible for day to day supervising the execution of the Works and administering the Contract. The designated Project ___________________ Supervisor for this contract is

The Required Completion Date is the date on which it is required that the Contractor shall complete the Works. The Required Completion date is __________________. The BSPMC may agree to revise The Required Completion Date subject to prior clearance from the Regional Project Management Office (RPMO).

o) Specification means the description of the Works included in the Contract. and any modification or addition made or approved by the BSPMC. p) The Site is ______________________________________________. q) The Start Date is _________________________. It is the date indicated in the Notice to Proceed for commencement of the Works. r) The Variation is an instruction given by the BSPMC, which changes the scope of the original Work requirements. In case of materials and drawings alteration this should have prior clearance from RPMO. 2. Conformity to Government Regulations:

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The Contract shall conform with the provisions of any national or local Government laws and regulations which may be applicable to the works Among such regulations or laws are: Employment of unskilled local labor. 1OO% unskilled labor force shall come from the barangay where the community project is located. The contractor shall also comply with the rules on hours and conditions of work, general health regulations, and safety and health precautions. Traffic regulations, including provision of adequate warning signs and traffic barriers. Environmental protection. The Contractor shall carefully plan and conduct his works in a manner, which will minimize the negative impact on the environment. In particular, the Contractor shall not interfere with or pollute in any way irrigation channels or watercourses. Borrow pits shall only be worked at the location and in particular, the pits shall be left in a condition that it is not a safety or a health hazard due to stagnant water collection.

3. Communications: Communications between parties that are referred to in these Conditions shall be effective only when made in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered. 4. Contractors Risks: From the Starting Date until the Project Supervisor has issued a certificate for the correction of any Defects, the risks of personal injury, death, and loss or damage to property and adjacent property (including, without limitation, the Works, materials and equipment) are Contractors risks. 5. Works to be completed by the Completion Date: The Contractor shall start execution of the Works on the Start Date and shall carry out the Works in accordance with the work schedule submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the approval of the Project Supervisor, and complete them by the Required Completion Date. 6. Safety: The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site. 7. Extension of the Completion Date: The BSPMC shall extend the completion date subject to prior clearance from RPMO. 8. Delays Ordered by the Project Supervisor: The BSPMC may instruct the Contractor through the Project Supervisor to delay the start or progress of any activity within the Works, provided consultation has been made with the Regional Project Management Office (RPMO). 9. Defects: The BSPMC shall give notice to the Contractor of any defects before the end of the Defects Liability Period, which begins at Project Completion and Acceptance. The Defects Liability Period shall be extended for as long as defects remain uncorrected. Every time notice of a defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified defect within the length of time specified in the Project Supervisors notice.

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If the Contractor has not corrected a defect within the time specified by the Project Supervisors notice, the Project Supervisor will assess the cost of having the defect corrected. The Contractor will pay this amount. BSPMC shall recover these amounts by deducting from the amounts due to the Contractor. Failure by the Contractor to pay the BSPMC will be a ground to disqualify him from participating from other KALAHI-CIDSS community project. After final acceptance of the project, the contractor shall be held responsible for structural defects and/or failure of the completed project within the warranty period (as provided in Sec 62 of the Revised IRR 9184) from final acceptance, except those occasioned by force majeure and those caused by other parties. 10. Program: Within seven (7) days of the written notification of award, the Contractor shall submit to the Project Supervisor for approval a Program showing the general methods, arrangements, order, and timing for all activities of the Works. The BSPMC approval of the Program shall not change the Contractors obligations. The Contractor may revise the Program and submit it to the Project Supervisor again at any time. A revised Program will show the effect of the changes. 11. Activity Schedule: The Contractor shall provide updated Activity Schedules within ten (10) days of being instructed by the Project Supervisor. The activities on the Activity Schedule will be coordinated with the activities of the Program. 12. Changes in Quantities: The Contractor shall carry out all the activities and complete them in accordance with the scope of works specified in the Contract as part of the prices in the Activity Schedule, which shall not be subject to any change. In the case of unit rate contracts no adjustment in the unit rate shall be made if the variation in quantity does not exceed 25% of the entire estimated quantity. If the variation exceeds 25%, the Project Supervisor will determine if there is any justification to revise the unit price, based on information provided by the Contractor, and will fix such rate as he deems appropriate with the approval of the BSPMC. The BSPM shall secure clearance from RPMO prior to any changes in quantities. 13.Payment Certificate: The Project Supervisor shall check the Contractors executed work and certify the amount to be paid to the Contractor. The value of work executed shall comprise the value of completed items of work or activities in the Activity Schedule. 14. Payments: Payments shall be adjusted for deductions on account of advance payments and retention money. The BSPMC shall pay the Contractor the amounts certified by the Project Supervisor within thirty (30) days of the date of each certificate. The Contractor may request payment every substantial accomplishment not below 20% of total contract amount. 15. Retention: Retention fee refers to the 10% amount retained from all progress billings to cover uncorrected discovered defects and third party liabilities. This is mandatory for all

99 Community-Based Procurement Manual

contracts with PhP 1M or more in addition to performance Security. For contracts with less than PhP 1M, retention fee is only deducted from the progress billing when there is no Performance Security posted. The retentionfee, if not called shall be refunded to the contractor after the expiration of the warranty period. The refund shall not be subjected to Withholding Tax. In case where closing of community account is mandated by the project, the BSPMC shall require the Contractor to convert to Bank Guarantee from a reputable bank. Upon receipt of the Bank Guarantee the treasurer shall prepare a Disbursement Voucher and issue a check equal to the amount of retention. 16. Taxes: The Contractor is responsible for all taxes in accordance with Philippine laws and ordinances of the local government units. 17. Advance Payment: The BSPMC may make advance payment to the Contractor in the amount up to fifteen (15) percent of the Initial Contract Price only after the DAC had certified materials and equipment presence on site and the Contractor has provided Bank Guarantee of equal amount. If there is no Bank Guarantee posted by the Contractor, at his request the BSPMC may make payment directly to the supplier after the delivery and acceptance of materials. The advance payment shall be repaid by making deductions for every progress billing with consideration that it is fully recoup upon reaching 80% physical accomplishment. The first recoupment shall start when accomplishment has reached 20% of the total contract price. 18. Completion and Taking Over: The Contractor shall request the BSPMC to issue a certificate of completion of the Works. The Project Supervisor will recommend such a certificate when he determines that the work is satisfactorily completed. The BSPMC shall take possession of the site within seven (7) days upon issuance of certificate of completion of the Works. 19. Final Account: The Contractor shall supply the Project Supervisor with a detailed account of the total amount that the Contractor considers payable under the Contract before the end of the Defects Liability Period. The Project Supervisor shall issue a Defects Liability Certificate after the Contractor has fulfilled its obligation under the Contract to this end and certify any final payment that is due to the Contractor within fifteen (15) days of receiving the Contractors account if it is correct and complete. If it is not, the Project Supervisor shall issue within fifteen (15) days a schedule that states the scope of the corrections or changes that are necessary. If the Final Account is still unsatisfactory after it has been resubmitted, the Project Supervisor shall decide on the amount payable to the Contractor and issue a payment certificate. 20. Suspension: The Contractor may suspend the Contract if a payment certified by the Project Supervisor is not paid by the BSPMC to the Contractor within thirty (30) days of the date of the Project Supervisors Certificate 21. Termination:

100 Community-Based Procurement Manual

The BSPMC or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the either party causes a fundamental breach of the Contract. Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: a) The Contractor stops work for ten (10) days when the stoppage has not been authorized by the Project Supervisor; b) The Project Supervisor gives notice that the Contractor has failed to correct a Defect within twenty one (21) days as determined by the Project Supervisor; and c) The Contractor has delayed the completion of the works by thirty (30) calendar days. d) If payment certified by the Project Supervisor is not ninety (90) days. paid by BSPMC within

e) If the contractor incurred a minimum of negative fifteen percent (-15%) slippage but remains dormant for 21 calendar days despite receipt of the warning letter from the BSPMC.

f) If the termination is due to failure of the contractor to complete the works within the specified duration in the contract agreement or any extended period approved by the BSPMC, the performance security and retention money shall be forfeited in favor of the BSPMC and shall be used for the community project. g) If the contractor is terminated due to breach of contract, the contractor will be blacklisted in all DSWD- KALAHI-CIDSS-funded projects. The CIAPPCAB will also be furnished about the termination.
Notwithstanding the above, the BSPMC with the concurrence of the RPMT may terminate the Contract for its convenience by giving the Contractor a fifteen (15) days notice in writing. If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the Site safe and secure, and leave the Site within seven (7) days of the completion of the notice period. 22. Force Majeure: Either party may terminate the Contract by giving a thirty (30) days notice to the other for events beyond the partys control, such as Wars and acts of God such as earthquakes, floods, fires, etc. 23. Payment upon Termination: If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the Contractor, the Project Supervisor shall issue a certificate for the value of the work completed and for the materials already ordered LESS the advance payments received up to the date of the issue of the certificate. If the total amount payable to the BSPMC exceeds any payment due to the Contractor, the difference shall be a debt payable by the Contractor to the BSPMC. . As such, the performance security will

be forfeited and shall be used by the BSPMC for the remaining works or for further improvement of the community project.
24. Property:

101 Community-Based Procurement Manual

All materials and construction equipment on the site, temporary works, and Works shall be deemed to be the property of the BSPMC if the Contract is terminated because of the Contractors default. 25. Penalties: Failure by the Contractor to complete the works within the implementation period or any extended period approved by the BSPMC shall render the Contractor liable to forfeit 1/10 of 1% of the value of uncompleted works per calendar day of delay. Total penalty shall not exceed 10% of the total contract price. 26. Resolution of Disputes: The BSPMC and the Contractor shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct negotiations any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the Contract. The disagreement may also be presented to appropriate Grievance Officer/Unit of KALAHI-CIDSS. In case of further disagreement either party can take the matter to arbitration in accordance with the Law governing the Contract. SECTION 3 DRAWINGS TO ATTACH DRAWINGS SECTION 4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION TO ATTACH SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 5 PROGRAM OF WORKS /SCOPE OF WORK

102 Community-Based Procurement Manual

SECTION 6 FORM OF BID Date: ___________________ To: Barangay Community Project Management Committee Barangay Hall (Employers Address) Barangay _____________, Municipality of ___________________ Province of ___________________________ We offer to execute the _____________________________________________ (name of Community Project) in accordance with the Conditions of Contract accompanying this Bid for the Contract Price of ____________________________ (amount in words and in figures) (__________) Philippine Pesos. We propose to complete the Contract within a period of _______________ (words and numbers) _______________calendar days from the Start Date. This Bid and your written acceptance will constitute a binding Contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid receive. We hereby confirm that this Bid complies with the Validity of the Bid required by the proposal documents. Address Authorized Signature: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Firm: Address: Phone Number: Fax number

103 Community-Based Procurement Manual

SECTION 7 FORM OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT FOR WORKS (PROCURED UNDER LS, LB, DC) AGREEMENT This Agreement, made the _____ day of ___________ 200__, by and between Barangay _________________________ (name of Barangay) Community Project Management Committee (BSPMC) with official address at __________________________________ (address) herein represented by ______________________ (name of BSPMC Chairperson) hereinafter called the Owner) and ________________________________________________ (name of firm) with official address at __________________________________________________ _________________ represented by _____________________________ (name of manager) hereinafter called the Contractor) of the other part. Whereas the Owner is desirous that the Contractor execute the ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________ (name of Contract hereinafter called the Works) And the Owner has accepted the bid/quotation submitted by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works and remedying of any defects therein. Now this Agreement witnesseth as follows: 1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to, and they shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement. 2. The following document shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, viz: (Note: select only appropriate method and applicable documents): For Local Bidding (LB) For Local Shopping (LS) & Direct Contracting (DC) - Form of Bid (incl. detailed costing) - Invitation to Quote - Invitation to Bid - Abstract of Quotation - Instruction To Bidders (for works) - Conditions of the Contract - Conditions of Contract (for works) - No Objection Letter (NOL) - Engineering Drawings - Notice of Award (with conforme) - Technical Specification - Notice to Proceed - Program of Works/Scope of Works - Performance Security - Bid Security - Bank Guarantee (if any) - Schedule of Construction - List of Equipment/Personnel - List of Equipment/Personnel - Resolution of Award - Abstract of Bids - No Objection Letter (NOL) - Notice of Award (conforme signed)

104 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Notice to Proceed Performance Security Bank Guarantee (if any) Credit Line from Supplier/Bank (if reqd) Addenda to Instruction (if any)

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Owner to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenents with Owner to execute and complete the works within ___ calendar days and remedy any defects therein inconformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract. 4. The Owner hereby covenants to commits to pay the Contractor in consideration and completion of the Works and remedying of defects wherein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. In Witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed this _____ day of _____________ 200_. For the Contract Group For the Owner

_________________________ Group Leader Funds Available _________________________ Barangay Treasurer

_________________________ BSPMC Chairperson

105 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Republic of the Philippines Municipality of ____________


BEFORE ME, Notary Public for and the Municipality of ____________________, personally appeared ___________________________ (name of BSPM Chairman) with residence certificate No. _________________ issued on _________________ at ________________________ in his capacity as Chairman of Community Project Management Committee of Barangay _______________________ (name of barangay) and ___________________________ (name of manager/owner) with residence certificate No. __________________ issued on _________________ at __________________________ in his capacity as manager/owner of _______________________ (name of firm) known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing Contract and Agreement and they acknowledge to me that the same is their true act and deeds for and behalf of the party they represent. This instrument consists of (three) pages including this page on which the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is written duly signed by the Contracting Parties and their witnesses. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature and seals this ______ day of _____________________, 200_ at ______________________.

NOTARY PUBLIC Until December ___, 200___ PTR NO. ______________ Issued at ______________ Issued on ______________ Doc. No. Page No. Book No. Series of ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

106 Community-Based Procurement Manual

SECTION 8 BANK GUARANTEE FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT Bank Letterhead To: (Name of Owner) (Address of Owner) (Name of Contract) Gentlemen: 1. In accordance with the provisions of the above mentioned Contract, ___________________________ {name and address of the Contractor}(hereinafter called the Contractor) shall deposit in favor of ________________________ {name of BSPMC} a Bank Guarantee to guarantee his proper and faithful performance under the said Clause of the Contract in an amount of __________{amount of Guarantee} _______________________{amount in words}. 2. We, the _______________________ {Bank or Financial Institution}, as instructed by the Contractor, agree unconditionally and irrevocable to guarantee as primary obligator and not as Surety merely, the payment to ___________________________ {name of BSPMC} on his first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without his first claim to the Contractor, in the amount not exceeding _______________________ {amount of Guarantee}______________________________ {amount in words}. 3. We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed under the Contract which may be made between ______________________ {name of BSPMC} and the Contractor, shall in any way release us from any liability under this Guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition, or modification. 4. The Guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment under the Contract until ___________________{name of BSPMC} receives full payment of the same amount from the Contractor. Yours truly, SIGNATURE AND SEAL Name of Bank/Financial Institution Address Date NOTED: Authorized Signature of the Firm Name of Contractor Date _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

107 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Bank Letterhead ANNEX 7 FORM OF BID SECURITY (BANK GUARANTEE) WHEREAS, ___________________________________ (hereinafter called the Bidder) has submitted his bid dated _____________________ for the execution of _________________________________________ (name of contract) (hereinafter called the Bid) KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that We _________________________ (name of bank) having our registered office at ________________________________________________ (hereinafter called the Bank) are bound unto the __________________ Barangay Community Project Management Committee (hereinafter called the Owner) in the sum of _____________________________________ (P__________) for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Owner, the Bank binds himself, his successors and assigns by these presents. SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this _____day of ________, 200_. THE CONDITIONS of this Obligation are: 1. If the Bidder withdraws his Bid during the period of bid validity specified in the Bid Form; or 2. If the bidder having been notified of the acceptance of his Bid by the Owner during the period of bid validity: a. fails or refuses to execute the Contract in accordance with the Bidding Documents, if required; or b. fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the Bidding Documents. 3. If the bidder refuses to accept the correction of error in his bid; We undertake to pay to the Owner up to the above amount upon receipt of his first written demand, without the Owner having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand, the Owner will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date, ____________ 28 days after the closing date for submission of bids as stated in the Bidding Documents or as extended by you at any time prior to this date, notice of which extension to the Bank being hereby waived, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date. Date: _________________________

Signature and Seal: _________________________ Name of Bank: Address: Witness: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

108 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ANNEX 8 KALAHI-CIDSS PROJECT PROCUREMENT OF WORKS EVALUATION FORM Barangay: Municipality: Province: 1. Community Project Title: 2. Name Contract: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ _________________________


3. Indicative Estimate: _________________________ 4. Contract Duration: 5. Bidders CONTRACTORS NAME SUBMITTED BID PRICE EVALUATED BID PRICE RANKING _________________________

6. Any issues (to be) discussed or clarified with the bidder before finalization of contract. Give details. Signatures of Evaluators: TWG Members Present _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Date: ___________________

109 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ANNEX 9 KALAHI-CIDSS PROJECT BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE Barangay: Municipality: Province: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Date: ___________________ RESOLUTION TO AWARD WHEREAS, the Invitation to Bid for this contract has been issued to interested bidders. WHEREAS, in response to the invitation, ___________ (number of contractors) submitted their bids. WHEREAS, the result of the evaluation is as follows: NAME OF BIDDERS 1. 2. 3. WHEREAS, the indicative estimate for this contract _____________________________________________ (P_________). is BID AMOUNT AS EVALUATED

WHEREAS, in the evaluation of the BAC, the bid of _______________________________ in the amount of ____________________________________ (P _________) is found to be the lowest calculated and responsive bid, and is the most advantageous to the Barangay. WHEREAS, this community project is partly financed by the __________________ (state name of donor e.g. World Bank, Millennium Challenge Corporation, PODER, etc..). NOW, THEREFORE, THE BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE AFTER A THOROUGH DELIBERATION, RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND AS IT HEREBY RECOMMENDS TO ACCEPT THE BID AND AWARD THE CONTRACT TO: ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF ____________________________________________ PESOS (P__________).

Done in the Barangay of __________________________ this _________ day of 200_. BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE _________________________ BAC Chairperson Approved By: _________________________ BSPMC Chairperson

Date: ___________________

110 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ANNEX 10 KALAHI-CIDSS PROJECT Barangay: Municipality: Province: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Date: ___________________ NOTICE OF AWARD Sir/Madam: Contract Title: ___________________________ The above contract is hereby awarded to you according to the terms and conditions of your bid as contained in your proposal submitted to us in the of amount of _______________________________________________ (P________). In accordance with the provisions of the Tender Documents, you are instructed to enter into and execute the Contract Agreement with us and to furnish us the following documents, which will form part of the Contract Agreement within five (5) calendar days upon receipt of this Notice of Award. (If contract price is P1Million or more) a. Performance Security shall be callable on demand, co-terminus with the community project and shall either be in the form prescribed as follows: i. Cash, Managers Check, Cashiers Check, Irrevocable Letter of Credit Five Percent (5%) of the total contract price ii. Bank Draft/Guarantee Ten Percent (10%) of the total contract cost price b. Construction Schedule and S curve. Very truly yours, _________________________ Chairperson, Barangay Community Project Management Committee



111 Community-Based Procurement Manual


KALAHI-CIDSS PROJECT BARANGAY COMMUNITY PROJECTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Barangay: Municipality: Province: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Date: ___________________ NOTICE TO COMMENCE

Sir/Madam: Community Project Title: _________________________ Pursuant to your Contract Agreement dated ____________________ with the ____________________________ Barangay Community Project Management Committee for the _________________(Name of Community Project__________ under the Kalahi-CIDSS: KKB Project, you are hereby directed to start the work within 7 days upon receipt of this notice in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. Please acknowledge receipt of this Notice to Commence. _________________________ BSPMC Chairperson

Date: ___________________

Received Original on: _________________________ (Date)

By: ________________________________________________ (Name, Signature and Position of authorized representative)

112 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ANNEX 12 PERFORMANCE SECURITY BANK GUARANTEE To: The __________________________ Barangay Community Project Management Committee ______(Address of BSPMC)_______ __________________________ WHEREAS ________________________________ (Name and Address of Contractor), hereinafter called the Contractor has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. __________ dated _________________ to execute ______________________________________________________________ (Name of Contract and brief description of works), hereinafter called the Contract; AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with his obligation in accordance with the Contract; AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contract such a Bank Guarantee; NOW THEREFORE, we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of ____________________________________ ____________________ (amount of Guarantee in words), such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of ________________________________ (amount of Guarantee) as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein. We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before presenting us with the demand. We further agree that no change or addition to or other modifications of the terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed hereunder or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification. This guarantee shall be valid until the date of issue of the Defects Liability Certificate. Signature and Seal of Guarantor Name of Bank Address _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

113 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Bidding Data Name of Community Project: _____________________________________________ The Grantee is the Government of the Philippines The Owner is the (Barangay Community Project Committee) The Project Implementation Unit is the Barangay Community Project Committee, LGU of __________________________. (Name of Mun./ City) The project Engineer is ___________________________________________ ( Name of Engineer to be assigned) Invitation to Bid Number (Project Number from POW ) The Location of the Works is in: _________________________________________________ (Name of BSPMC-, Brgy. , Municipality/City, Province ) The works are: Item No. Works Breakdown Structure Quantity ( Refer to the Approved Program of Work )

III.b.2 III.a.1(a), III.a.1(b) III.b.1(b)


[ x ] Site Visit is Obligatory on ( exact date, time and place of assembly) Bids must be address as follows The BSPMC Chairperson Barangay Community Project Committee-Name of Barangay _________________ Municipality/ City/ Province Bids may be delivered by hand, mail, or messenger/courier and must be received by the above address not later than (Bidding Date and Time as published on the Invitation to Bid )


III.b.6 III.c.2 III.c.3

Alternative Proposal are not acceptable The language of the bid shall be in English Program to train very small contractor [ ] Yes [ ] No

114 Community-Based Procurement Manual


The currency of the bid is Philippine Pesos Payment will be made in [ X ] Local Currency Only The period of Bid validity shall be [60] days after the deadline for Bid submission specified in the Bidding Data. The minimum amount of Bid Security shall be [Bid amount as provided in the Invitation to Bid] or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. Validity or bid security _______(date) _____________ [note: this should be 28 days after the validity period of the bids, as shown in III.c.5 Form of Bid Security shall be 2% Cash [ ]; managers Check[ ]; Bank Draft[ ]; Certified Check [ ] Opening of Bids: ( Date, Time and place as indicated on the Invitation to Bid publication ) Minimum requirements for staff, plant & equipment and construction schedule: ( to be decided by the BSPMC BAC ) itemized: Example Staff Plant and Equipment Construction Schedule others Bids should be offered in: [ ] Unit Prices [ ] Lump Sum [ ] Combination of both [ ] Performance Security 10% of contract price using Bank Guarantee [ Retention of Payments Advance Payment: 15% of contract price Day works [No of days] should be quoted




III.d.4(a) 1. 2. 3. 4. III.c.2; IV.a.4

III.f.3; IV.d.6(b)

III.f.5(a) III.Doc.#6(4) Bill of Quantity and IV.d.1(a)

Note: To be filled-up by the BSPMC before the Issuance of Invitation to Bid, issuance of bidding documents and will form part of the Tender Documents. Figures on parenthesis (bold and italic) should be deleted and replaced with the required data.

115 Community-Based Procurement Manual

KALAHI-CIDSS Project CANVASS FORM/Request for Quotation (for GOODS) Barangay: ___________________________ Municipality: _________________________ Province: ____________________________

DATE: ______________ To: _______________________ (Name of Supplier/Store) Address:______________________________ Tel. No. :______________________________ May we request you to indicate your prices for the items listed below? Please return this form to the canvasser in sealed envelope or submit it to the Barangay Community Project Management Committee at the Barangay hall on or before _______ (time), _____________ (date).Immediately after the deadline of submission, canvass will be opened. Item Description QTY Unit Unit Total No. Price Price

TOTAL AMOUNT P MODE OF PAYMENT DELIVERY PERIOD : __________ cal. Days Canvassers Names and Signatures 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ Note: 1. Quotation must be valid for 15 calendar days. 2. Prices quoted must include taxes and other incidental expenses. 3. Price quoted must be fixed for 15 calendar days. 4. Cost of delivery: to include not to include 5. Award shall be made: on per item basis on per package basis ________________ BSPMC Chairperson Canvass Submitted by: ______________________ Signature over Printed Name Owner/Manager Date: __________

116 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Kalahi-CIDSS Project ABSTRACT OF CANVASS/Quotation (Local Shopping for Goods) Barangay: ___________________________ Municipality: _________________________ Province: ____________________________

Ite m No. 1. 2. 3 4 5 6 7




Name of Supplier Unit Total Price

Name of Supplier Unit Price Total

Name of Supplier Unit Total Price

TOTAL Encircled is/are the price/s evaluated to be the lowest calculated and responsive quotations/s Award is hereby recommended to this/these supplier/s. BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ BAC Chairman APPROVED BY: _________________________ BSPMC CHAIRPERSON DATE: ___________________

117 Community-Based Procurement Manual

KALAHI-CIDSS PROJECT Barangay: ____________________________ Municipality: ___________________________ Province: _____________________________ PURCHASE ORDER Name of Supplier: Address: Date:___________________ In accordance with the canvass dated ___________, the Community Project Management Committee (BSPMC) off Barangay ______________________________ requests you to supply and deliver the items detailed below: Item No. Description / Specification Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Amount P.O. No. _________________

TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER TERMS & CONDITIONS: Deliver to _______________ (Place) ________________________ on or before _______ (Date) __________. In case of delay in delivery, 1/10 of 1% of the price of each item not delivered will be deducted from the total amount due for each day of delay (weekends, and holidays included). Payment Mode is by Check upon acceptance of completed delivery. BSPMC reserves the right to accept or reject any part of the items delivered which are not in accordance with the specifications. Very truly yours, Chairperson, BSPMC Funds Available: ___________________________________________ Treasurer Conforme: Date ________ ______________________________________________ (Name and signature of Supplier) Date ________ Date ________

Inspected/Tested by: Received by:

___________________________________________ Date

___________________________________________ Date

118 Community-Based Procurement Manual

LOCAL SHOPPING FORM Kalahi-CIDSS Project INVITATION TO QUOTE FOR WORKS CONTRACT Barangay: ___________________________ Municipality: _________________________ Province: ____________________________ Date: _________________ To: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Tel. No. __________________ Sir/Madam: Our community has received a grant from the Department of Social Welfare and Developments KALAHI-CIDSS Project. The Barangay Community Project Management Committee invites you to submit a quotation to construct and complete, on behalf of the community and according to the conditions of this Invitation, the whole of the work items for said project broken down as follows: Name of Community Project: _____________________________________________________ Work Item No. Scope of Works Qty Unit Unit Cost Total

To assist you in the preparation of your price quotation, we enclosed the necessary drawings and specifications. Your quotation should be sealed in an envelope and addressed to the undersigned at the following address: The Barangay Community Project Management Committee Attention: Bids and Awards Committee

119 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Barangay Hall, Barangay ______________________ Municipality of _________________, Province of ________________ Your quotation shall be valid for a period of forty five (45) days from the date of submission of the quotation. Quotation shall be fixed for four (4) months. Price quoted must include taxes and other incidental expenses. It is understood that the contractor shall complete all works enumerated at the total quoted price. Minor works not listed therein but are necessary to execute the work items are deemed part of these work items. Likewise, the contractor agree to utilize local labor incase the contract is awarded to the firm. A contractor who withdraws his quotation during the validity period and/or refuses to accept the award of the contract will be permanently disqualified from participating in any Kalahi-CIDSS funded community projects: Attached for your information and guidance is the Draft Contract with its Terms and Conditions. Your quotation should be received by the BSPMC on or before _______________ (date and time). The Quotations shall be opened in public in your or your representatives presence if you choose to attend, on ___________________ (same date as deadline for bid submission) at ____ (time) (same as the deadline for bid submission) at the given address: Please attach to your quotation with the following documents: Please attach to your quotation with the requirements provided in the Instructions to Bidders containing the following: I. Technical Documents; II. Legal Documents; and, III. Financial Documents except Bid Security Very truly yours, __________________________ BSMPC Chairperson Quotation Submitted by: ____________________ Name of Firm ________________________ Signature over Printed Name Owner/Manager ___________ Date

120 Community-Based Procurement Manual

LOCAL SHOPPING for WORKS ABSTRACT OF QUOTATION Barangay: _____________________ Municipality: ___________________ Province: ______________________ Name of Project/Contract: _________________________________________ NAME OF CONTRACTOR 1. 2. 3. 4. Based on the quotations opened on _________________ (date). The quotation submitted by ___________________________ (name of contractor) in the amount of ____________________________________________ (amount in words) P ______ (in figures) was determined after evaluation to be the lowest calculated complying quotation. Therefore, award of the contract is hereby recommended to the said contractor. BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ BAC Chairperson APPROVED BY: __________________________ BSPMC CHAIRPERSON Date: __________ AMOUNT REMARKS

121 Community-Based Procurement Manual

KALAHI-CIDSS Project INVITATION FOR DIRECT CONTRACTING OF LABOR Barangay: ___________________________ Municipality: _________________________ Province: ____________________________ Date: __________________ To: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Sir/Madam: Our community has received a grant from the Department of Social Welfare and Developments KALAHI-CIDSS Project. The Barangay Community Project Management Committee invites you to submit a proposal to construct and complete, on behalf of the community and according to the conditions of this Invitation, the whole of the work items for said community project broken down as follows: Name of Project: ________________________________________________________ Work Item No. Description of Works Qty Unit Unit Cost Total

TOTAL To assist you in the preparation of your proposal quotation, we enclosed the necessary drawings and specifications. Your quotation should be sealed in an envelope and addressed to the undersigned at the following address: The Barangay Community Project Management Committee Attention: Bids and Awards Committee Barangay Hall, Barangay ______________________ Municipality of _________________, Province of ________________ Your proposal shall be valid for a period of forty five (45) days from the date of submission. Proposal shall be fixed for four (4) months. Price quoted must include taxes and other incidental expenses. It is understood that the Group shall complete all works

122 Community-Based Procurement Manual

enumerated at the total quoted price. Minor works not listed therein but are necessary to execute the work items are deemed part of these work items. A Group who withdraws his proposal during the validity period and/or refuses to accept award or complete the contract will be disqualified from participating in any KalahiCIDSS: KKB funded community project for two years. Attached for your information and guidance is the Draft Contract. Your proposal should be received by the BSPMC on or before _______________ (date and time). The proposal shall be opened in public in your or your representatives presence if you choose to attend, on ___________________ (same date as deadline for proposal submission) at ____ (time) (same as the deadline for bid submission) at the given address: The Contract Time for this contract is _____________ calendar days Please attach to your proposal the following documents: Composition of Group (with their names and signature, address, work assignment, rate per day) It is understood that the Group shall coordinate with the BSPMC in the execution of the works herein indicated Very truly yours, _________________________ BAC Chairman Proposal Submitted by: ____________________ Name of Group Leader Recommended by: BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE __________________ Member Approved by: __________________ Member ____________________ BAC Chairman ________________________ Signature ____________ Date

__________________ BSPMC Chairperson Date: ___________

123 Community-Based Procurement Manual

CFA- DIRECT CONTRACT OF LABOR AGREEMENT This Agreement, made this _____ day of ___________ 20___, by and between Barangay _________________________ (name of Barangay) Barangay Sub-project Management Committee (BSPMC) with official address at __________________________________ (address) herein represented by ______________________ (name of BSPMC Chairperson) hereinafter called the Owner (the party of the first part), And ________________________________________________ (name of Group Leader) and with official address at Barangay _____________________ Municipality of ___________________________, Province of _____________________________ hereinafter called Contract Group (the party of the other part). Whereas the Owner is desirous that the Contract Group execute the works described in the Invitation issued on _______________________ (date) hereinafter called the Works And the Owner has accepted the proposal submitted by the Contract Group for the execution and completion of such Works and remedying of any defects therein. Now this Agreement witnesseth as follows: 1. 2. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them. The following document shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement: - Approved Proposal (for Direct Contracting of Labor) - Composition of Contract Group - General Condition of Contract Agreement - List of Tools provided to the Contract Group - Engineering Drawings - Technical Specification 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Owner to the Contract Group as hereinafter mentioned, the Group hereby covenants with the owner to execute and complete the works and remedy any defects therein inconformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract. The Owner hereby covenants to commits to pay the Group in consideration and completion of the Works and remedying of defects wherein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. The Owner shall pay the Group upon completion of the work; the check will be in the name of the treasurer. The Group commits to complete all the works within _______ (calendar days)


5. 6.

124 Community-Based Procurement Manual

In Witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed this _____ day of _____________ 200_. For the Contract Group ___________________________ Group Leader For the Owner ____________________________ Chairperson BSPMC

____________________________ Witness

Funds Available ___________________________ Barangay Treasurer

125 Community-Based Procurement Manual


KALAHI-CIDSS PROJECT Office of the Barangay Community Project Management Committee Barangay: _________________________ Municipality: ________________________ Province: __________________________ INVITATION TO BID (For Advertisement in Regional Newspaper and Personal Delivery) Date: __________________ The community of (Name of Barangay) has received assistance from the DSWD KALAHICIDSS Project. Interested bidders are requested to submit their offered price for the contract indicated below: Construction and completion of the works listed below: Name of Community Project: _____________________________________ Items No. Items of Work/Description of Work Qty Unit Unit Cost Total

TOTAL Amount in Words:

We will only accept an offered price that is fixed and is not subject to any adjustment. Bid shall be valid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of submission. Bidding documents may be obtained from the Barangay Treasurer in the Barangay Hall. A pre-bid conference will be held at the Barangay Hall on (date) ___________ at _________ (time). All bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the following forms: Cash, Cashiers check, managers check, bank draft or bank guarantee = 2 % of bid price.

126 Community-Based Procurement Manual

All bids must be received on _________________ (date and time) and will be opened in public in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend at the following address: Kalahi-CIDSS: KKB Project Barangay Community Project Management Committee Barangay Hall Barangay ____________, Municipality of ________________ Province of _________________________________________ Please attach to your quotation with the requirements provided in the Instructions to Bidders containing the following: I. II. III. Technical Documents; Legal Documents; and, Financial Documents

The community reserves the right to reject any bid or waive any defect or formality. The lowest calculated and responsive bid shall be used as the criterion in the selection of the contractor. The community will not reimburse any expenses related to the preparation of bids. (SGD.) ____________________________________ Chairperson, Barangay Community Project Management Committee

BID SUBMITTED BY: ___________________________________ Signature Over Printed Name of Contractor Date: _______________

127 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Local Bidding for Goods KALAHI-CIDSS PROJECT Office of the Barangay Community Project Management Committee Barangay: _________________________ Municipality: ________________________ Province: __________________________ INVITATION TO BID FOR GOODS CONTRACT (For Posting and Personal Delivery) Date: __________________ The community of (Name of Barangay) has received assistance from the DSWD KALAHICIDSS Project. Interested bidders are requested to submit their offered price for the supply of the items listed below: Items No. Description/Specs of Items Qty Unit Unit Cost Total

TOTAL Amount in Words:

We will only accept an offered price that is fixed and is not subject to any adjustment. Bid shall be valid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of submission. Bidding documents may be obtained from the Barangay Treasurer in the Barangay Hall. A pre-bid conference will be held at the Barangay Hall on (date) ___________ at _________ (time). The Bid shall include the following documents: Form of Bid (using prescribed form) Price Schedule Bid security - form, amount and validity period; only the followings are acceptable: (i) Cash, cashiers check, managers check, bank draft or irrevocable letter of credit, or bank guarantee - (2% of bid price) DTI Business Name Registration or SEC registration certificate Authority of the signatory; After Sales Service/Parts Technical Specifications of the goods being offered (brochures/manual to be attached) Delivery Schedule Certification that each document submitted is an original or a true copy of the original

128 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Warranty/ List of Service Centers (if applicable) Other document required in the instruction to bidders (if any)

All bids must be received on _________________ (date and time) and will be immediately opened in public in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend at the following address: Kalahi-CIDSS Project Barangay Community Project Management Committee Barangay ____________, Municipality of ________________ Province of _________________________________________ The community reserves the right to reject any bid or waive any defect or formality. The lowest calculated and responsive bid shall be used as the criterion in the award. The community will not reimburse any expenses related to the preparation of bids. (SGD.) _______________________ Chairperson, BSPMC BID SUBMITTED BY: ___________________________________ Signature Over Printed Name of Supplier Date: _______________

129 Community-Based Procurement Manual

LB for Goods & Works

KALAHI-CIDSS PROJECT ABSTRACT OF BIDS Barangay: ___________________________

Municipality: ___________________________ Province: ___________________________ ___________________________


Community Project:




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total

BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ BAC Chairman

APPROVED BY: _________________________ BSPMC CHAIRPERSON DATE : ___________________

130 Community-Based Procurement Manual

EMPLOYMENT RECORD SHEET FOR COMMUNITY FORCE ACCOUNT LABOR AS END OF ____________, 200___ Community Project: Barangay: ___________________

___________________________ Province: ___________________


Municipality: ___________________


NOTE: Rate - Is the rate per day or per hour of the community worker (cash plus "bayanihan" monetized) Cash - Is the cash amount to be paid to community members for labor Bayanihan- Cost of Labor not to be paid (Community Equity) Noted: _________________________ Head, Procurement Team Brgy. Treasurer Approved by: _________________________ Head, Project Implementation Team BSPMC Chairperson

131 Community-Based Procurement Manual

This agreement, made the ______ day of ______ 200__ by and between BSPMC_________________________________ (Name of Barangay) ____________________________________ (Address) herein represented by _________________________________________ (Name of BSPMC Chairperson) herein after called CONSUMER as party of the first part And ____________________________ (Name of Supplier) and company with official address at Barangay ___________ Municipality of _________________ province of _______________________ here in after called DEALER as party of the other part. Whereas the DEALER canvass form. is the desirous to sell diesel fuel to the CONSUMER described in the

And the CONSUMER has accepted the proposal of the DEALER for the supply of the diesel fuel and remedying of any defects therein. Now this agreement witnesseth as follows: 1. In this agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as respectively assigned to them. 2. The following document shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this agreement: Canvass form Abstract of Canvass Minutes of evaluation of Canvass Purchase Order 3. In consideration of the payments to be made in full amount by the consumer and of the fact that the CONSUMER does not have a safe depository tank for the flammable materials, the DEALER hereby covenants with the CONSUMER to supply and take custody of the stocks of diesel fuel and be held liable for whatever damages it may incur during its custody. 4. The DEALER allows partial withdrawal of stocks using withdrawal slip duly signed by the BSPMC Chairperson and inspected by the Monitoring and Inspection Team (MIT) and accepted by the storekeeper. 5. The DEALER allows on the spot reconciliation and checking of stocks by the Monitoring and Inspection Team (MIT). In witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed this _______ day of _______ 200__. FOR THE CONSUMER ______________________ BSPMC Chairperson Funds Available FOR THE DEALER ______________________ Gasoline Dealer Witnesses

______________________ Barangay Treasurer


132 Community-Based Procurement Manual

LOCAL SHOPPING FOR WORKS (For Fabrication works) CONTRACT AGREEMENT This agreement, made this ______ day of ______ 200__ by and between BSPMC___________________________________________________ (Name of Barangay) ____________________________________ (Address) herein represented by _________________________________________ (Name of BSPMC Chairperson) herein after called BUYER as party of the first part And ______________________________________ (Name of Contractor/Fabricator) and company with official address at Barangay ________________, Municipality of _________________, Province of _______________________ here in after called FABRICATOR as party of the other part. Whereas the FABRICATOR is desirous to execute the works described in the invitation to quote. And the BUYER has accepted the proposal of the FABRICATOR for the execution and completion of such works and remedying of any defects therein. Now this agreement witnesseth as follows: 1. In this agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as respectively assigned to them. 2. The following document shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this agreement: a. b. c. d. 3. Invitation to Quote Abstract of Quotation Minutes of evaluation of quotation Contract Agreement

In consideration of the payments to be made by the BUYER to the FABRICATOR as hereinafter mentioned, the BUYER hereby covenants with the FABRICATOR to execute and complete the works within ______ calendar days and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provision of the contract . 4. The FABRICATOR is allowed to collect partial payment or down payment equivalent to 15% of the contract after posting bank guarantee of equivalent amount. 5. The FABRICATOR is entitled to claim partial billing subject to the percentage of accomplishment of the work. In witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed this_____ day of______201__ FOR THE BUYER ________________ BSPMC Chairperson Funds Available ________________________ FOR THE FABRICATOR ________________________ Fabricator Witnesses: ____________________

133 Community-Based Procurement Manual

KALAHI-CIDSS Project CANVASS FORM FOR LEASE OF EQUIPMENT (GOODS) Barangay: ___________________________ Municipality: _________________________ Province: ____________________________ To: (Name of Contractor/Supplier/Owner) DATE: ______________

Address:_________________________________________ Tel. No. : ______________ May we request you to indicate your quotations for the rental of equipment indicated below. Please return this form to the canvasser in sealed envelope or submit it to the Barangay Community Project Management Committee at the Barangay hall on or before _______ (time), _____________ (date).Immediately after the deadline of submission, canvass will be opened. Item No. / Package No. Equipment Needed (Type of Equipment) Number of No. of Unit equipment (Days / Rate Per / No. of Hours) (Day / Unit Hour) Total Rental Cost

TOTAL AMOUNT MODE OF PAYMENT DELIVERY PERIOD : __________ cal. Days Canvassers Names and Signatures 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3._________________________________ Barangay Treasurer

134 Community-Based Procurement Manual

EQUIPMENT LEASE Terms and Conditions: 1. In case of unacceptable/unreasonable delay in delivery of services as required, 1/10 of 1% of the rental will be deducted from the total amount due for each day of delay (weekends, and holidays included) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Quotation must be valid and fixed for 30 calendar days. Prices quoted must include taxes and other incidental expenses. The Equipment Operators wages cost of equipment maintenance and repairs shall be for the account of the lessor. The lessor shall ensure that the equipment is in operating condition at all times during the duration of the contract agreement. Fuel, oil and lubricants shall be supplied by the LESSOR. The lessor shall ensure the equipment for third party liability and for total loss or partial damage to the equipment while on transport or at the designated area of operation. The lessor binds itself to protect and immune the LESSEE from any suit or liability resulting from claims of any nature, whether for death, injuries or damages that maybe suffered by the LESSORS Operator and/or third parties, arising from or in connection with the transport of the equipment or performance of the work. Damages caused by the lessors party shall be charged/deducted from the lessor. Payment shall be through CHECK. ____________________ BSPMC Chairperson Date: __________ Canvass Submitted by: ______________________ Signature over Printed Name Owner/Manager Date: __________


8. 9.

135 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PURCHASE ORDER (for equipment services) Barangay: _____________________________ Municipality: ___________________________ Province: ______________________________ Name of Supplier: Address: Date:___________________ P.O. No. _________

In accordance with the canvass dated ___________, the Community Project Management Committee (BSPMC) off Barangay ____________________ requests you to provide services as stated below: Item No. / Package No. Equipment Needed (Type of Equipment) Number of No. of Unit Rate Total equipment (Days Per (Day / Rental / No. of / Hour) Cost Unit Hours)


1. Provide the services at ___________________________________ (Location) on or before _____________________ (Date). In case of delay in delivery of services, 1/10 of 1% of the rental will be deducted from the total amount due for each day of delay (weekends, and holidays included). Quotation must be valid and fixed for 30 calendar days. Prices quoted must include taxes and other incidental expenses. The Equipment Operators wages, cost of equipment maintenance and repairs shall be for the account of the lessor. The lessor shall ensure that the equipment is in operating condition at all times during the duration of the contract agreement. Fuel, oil and lubricants shall be supplied by the LESSOR. The lessor shall insure the equipment for third party liability and for total loss or partial damage to the equipment while on transport or at the designated area of operation. The lessor binds itself to protect and immune the LESSEE from any suit or liability resulting from claims of any nature, whether for death, injuries or damages that maybe suffered by the LESSORS Operator and/or third parties, arising from or in connection with the transport of the equipment or performance of the work. Damages caused by the lessors party shall be charged/deducted from the lessor. Payment shall be through CHECK.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

BSPMC reserves the right to accept or reject the equipment if found not capable of delivering the required services. Very truly yours, ________________________________ Chairperson, BSPMC Date: __________ Funds Available: ___________________________________________ Treasurer Conforme: ________ ______________________________________________ Date ________ Date

136 Community-Based Procurement Manual

(Name and signature of Lessor) Inspected / Tested by: ________________________________ Date: ________________ Received by: ________________________________ Date: __________________

EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENT (FOR WORKS) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _____day of ___________, 200__ at _________________________________, _______________________, Philippines, By and between: _______________________________________ (name of owner/construction firm) with its address at________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR. -AndThe BARANGAY COMMUNITY PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BSPMC) of Barangay _______________________ with its principal office address at Barangay __________________________________, _____________________, represented herein by its BSPMC Chairperson, _____________________________ (name of Chairperson), hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE, WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS, ____________________________________ (name of owner/construction firm) owns the following equipments ___________________________ (type and description of equipment/s to be rented) that is for lease to any interested LESSEE; WHEREAS, the BSPMC of Barangay ________________________ is in need of a _______________________________ (type of equipment) for its _________________________ (type of community project); NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the _____________________ (Lessor) and BSPMC have agreed as follows: SECTION 1.0. TERMS and CONDITIONS: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Equipment Operators wages, cost of equipment maintenance and repairs shall be for the account of the LESSOR. The LESSOR shall ensure that the equipment is in operating condition at all times during the duration of the contract agreement. Fuel, oil and lubricants shall be supplied by the LESSOR. The LESSOR shall insure the equipment for third party liability and for total loss or partial damage to the equipment while on transport or at the designated area of operation. The LESSOR binds itself to protect and immune the LESSEE from any suit or liability resulting from claims of any nature, whether for death, injuries or damages that maybe suffered by the LESSORS Operator and/or third parties, arising from or in connection with the transport of the equipment or performance of the work. foregoing,


137 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Utilization of the equipment for the community project, the ________________________________ (name of community project) shall be under the supervision of the LESSEE; therefore, the LESSEE shall be responsible for the scope of work of the equipment. The LESSOR shall have the right at any time to inspect his equipment. For this purpose, the LESSEE agrees to provide free access and facilities to the LESSOR to accomplish such inspection. The LESSEE shall not sublease, pledge, encumber, dispose or place the equipment in the possession and/or use and supervision of any other person other than his duly authorized representative. The Equipment Operator shall maintain a Daily Time Record to be checked and signed by the PIT/BSPMC at the end of each day. This shall be part of the attachments for payment. SECTION 2.0. SCOPE OF WORKS TO BE DONE BY THE EQUIPMENT/S:




Scope of Works Item Qty Unit Description

Equipment Needed

Unit Cost (Per Cubic/Sq.M.)

Total Rental Cost

SECTION 3.0. 3.1


The total contract amount shall be Pesos, not to exceed the amount of ____________________________________________________ pesos (PhP: ______________). TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND END OF CONTRACT:


4.1 The contract shall commence on ______________________ (specific date) and shall terminate on _____________________________________________ (specific date). 4.2 The contract duration shall be ________________________________________ (number of calendar days), subject to the conditions in Section 5.0. SECTION 5.0. TERMS OF PAYMENT

5.1 The LESSOR may request for partial payments up to fifteen (15) percent of the Contract Price only after the DAC and/or Municipal Engineer had certified that the equipment is delivered at the project site; the equipment is in good running condition; and, the Lessor has submitted to the BSPMC a Bank Guarantee of equal amount. The advance payment shall be repaid by making deductions for every progress billing with consideration that it is fully recoup upon reaching 80% physical accomplishment. The first recoupment shall start when accomplishment has reached 20% of the total contract price.

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5.2. Total Rental cost of the contracted equipment shall be based on the total actual quantity accomplished in the project specified herein. SECTION 6.0. TERMINATION 6.1 The LESSOR shall have the right to terminate the Agreement and withdraw the equipment for the following reasons: a. b. If in LESSORS opinion continued operation will result in accelerated damage to the equipment. If the LESSEE has violated any provision(s) of the Lease Agreement and/or due to non-payment of the stipulated rental fees.

6.2 The LESSEE shall have the right to terminate this Agreement after giving for any of the following causes: a. b. The LESSOR fails to mobilize the contracted equipment as instructed by the BSPMC. Failure of the LESSOR to fulfill its obligations such as non-operation due to breakdown, absence of POL, or upon assessment of the lessee, the LESSOR cannot deliver the work on time; Assignment of the equipment by the LESSOR to any job site other than the _________________________________________ (name of the community project). The LESSOR is willfully violating any of the material conditions, stipulations and covenants of this Agreement.



6.3 In case of termination of this agreement due to the above stated causes, the cost of returning the equipment to the yard of the LESSOR shall be for the account of the LESSOR. 6.4 In cases where the Scope Works in the community project have been completed ahead of the contract period and the equipment is not any more of use to the LESSEE, or where community project has to be terminated for reasons beyond its control, the LESSEE has the option to terminate this Agreement. SECTION 7.0. BREACH AND VENUE

7.1 A material breach by either party of any of the warranty, representation of covenant herein made entitle the aggrieved party, at its option, to rescind the Agreement upon written notice to this effect. Any suit or legal proceeding which either party may in virtue of, or in relation to, or in any way connected with this Agreement, shall be filed with the proper courts of ___________________, _________________________. SECTION 8.0. EFFECTIVITY

8.1 This Lease Agreement shall take effect immediately upon signing of the Agreement. 8.2 The Notice to Commence shall be issued within three (3) calendar days upon signing of the contract agreement.

139 Community-Based Procurement Manual

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties aforesaid have hereunto affixed their signatures this ___ day of _________, 201__ at the Municipality of __________________, ___________________________________.


____________________________ Bspmc Chairperson

_____________________ Lessor

SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: __________________________ Witness ______________________ Witness

140 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES MUNICIPALITY OF _____________, ______________ BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the above jurisdiction, personally appeared this ____ day of __________, 20____ at ______________, ____________, Philippines. Name Res. Cert. No. Date / Place Issued _______________ _______________ _______________

___________________ ____________________ __________________

______________ ______________ ______________

Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing LEASE AGREEMENT consisting of five (5) pages including this page on which the Acknowledgement appears and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed and those of the principals they respectfully represent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on the date and at the place first above- mentioned. _____________________ Notary Public PTR No.______________ Until December 31, 200___ Doc. No. ____________; Page No. ____________; Book No. ____________; Series of ____________.

141 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Request for Quotation for TAF KALAHI-CIDSS Project REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Technical Assistance for the __________________________________ (Name of Community Project) Barangay: ___________________________ Municipality: _________________________ Province: ____________________________ Date: ___________________ To: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Tel. / Cell phone No. __________________ Sir/Madam: Our community has received a grant from the Department of Social Welfare and Developments KALAHI-CIDSS Project. The Barangay Community Project Management Committee invites you to submit a quotation for the preparation of _________________________________________ (name/type of activity); on behalf of the community. To assist you in the preparation of your price quotation, we enclosed the terms of reference (TOR) and qualification standards for your reference. Your quotation should be sealed in an envelope and addressed to the undersigned at the following address: The Barangay Community Project Management Committee Attention: Bids and Awards Committee Barangay Hall, Barangay ______________________ Municipality of _________________, Province of ________________ Your quotation shall be valid for a period of forty five (45) days from the date of submission of the quotation. Quotation shall be fixed within the period stated in the contract agreement. Price quoted must include taxes and other incidental expenses. It is understood that the consultant/service provider shall complete all activities enumerated at the total quoted price. The consultant/service provider agrees to use its own materials and resources to complete the activities in case the contract is awarded. A consultant/service provider who will not be able to provide the requirements during the validity of the contract will be permanently disqualified from participating in any DSWDKALAHI-CIDSS - funded projects: Your quotation should be received by the BSPMC on or before _______________ (date and time). The Quotations shall be opened in public in your or your representatives presence if you choose to attend, on ___________________ (same date as deadline for bid submission) at ____ (time) (same as the deadline for bid submission) at the given address:

142 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Please attach to your quotation with the breakdown of your quotations and attach proof of your experience in similar activity. Very truly yours, ____________________________ BSMPC Chairperson Quotation Submitted by: ____________________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Consultant _______________ Date

143 Community-Based Procurement Manual

SERVICE CONTRACT AGREEMENT This agreement made and entered this _______day of __________________ 201___ at _____________________ by and between Barangay ___________________ community, a barangay consisting of community residents thru its Project Preparation Team (PPT) Organized Committee, herein represented by its Chairperson ____________________ with official address at __________________________________________ herein represented by ______________________________ herein called the Owner And _______________________________________, a Filipino Citizen, a graduate of Bachelor of Science in _________________________________________ with official address at ________________________________________________ and business address at ____________________, hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Owner will be providing assistance in rendering the necessary services for the preparation of complete technical assistance documents in relation to the proposed community projects; WHEREAS, the Owner to comply with the needed documents as required by the Municipal Inter-Barangay Forum, the Owner employ the assistance of the Service Provider to handle the engineering and other technical requirements needed as attachment to the packaged proposals for the following community projects: 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ WHEREAS, the Owner has contracted the work to the Service Provider at the price in accordance with the Technical Assistance Fund; NOW WHEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, both parties have hereto agree and contract as follows: SECTION I AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS The following documents shall form part of this agreement: a. b. c. d. e. f. BA Resolution requesting to avail of the TAF and its purpose; Accomplished TAF Eligibility Checklist; Complete detailed engineering drawings and specifications; Design computations ands considerations; Detailed estimates to include derivation of unit cost; Program of works SECTION II SCOPE OF WORKS 1. The Service provider agrees and binds itself to fully and faithfully provide for its account all needed materials, instruments necessary or required to finish, and complete the work, based on the given timeframe to complete the community project/s (Section II, Clause 2) and requirements stipulated in the Terms of Reference attached to this contract.

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2. The work called for under this contract shall be completed and submitted on or before _________________, 2010. Failure to comply with the said date shall cause the Owner to impose the necessary penalty. 3. The Service provider shall provide and do everything necessary to conform to its obligation under the Agreement to the true intent and meaning of the other Agreement documents taken together, whether the same may or may not be shown or described particularly in the supporting documents as part of this contract (Section 1), provide that the same shall be informed there from. Should the Service Provider find any discrepancy in the said documents, he shall immediately refer the same to the Owner whose decision shall be followed. 4. The Service provider guarantees the quality of the workmanship of all its work under the Agreement and shall undertake at his own expense all revisions, adjustments as a result of the technical review of the Deputy Area Coordinator and Municipal Engineer relative to the work. SECTION III CONTRACT PRICE The Owner and in consideration of the faithful performance by the service provider of the terms and conditions of this agreement, agrees to pay the service provider in a manner provided under Section IV of this Service Agreement, the amount of ______________________________________ (PhP _________). It is understood that any increase in the cost related to the service contract shall be the sole account of the service provider. SECTION IV MANNER OF PAYMENT 1. Upon satisfactory completion and submission of the required documents by the Service Provider as supported by the final acceptance of Project Preparation Team full payment will be released to the service provider. 2. It is the intention of the parties that there shall be no employer-employee relationship between the owner and the service provider, and between the service providers employees and / or laborers, it being understood that the relationship between the parties hereto shall be one of an independent contractor. In the event or any official or legislated increase in the minimum wage and / or compulsory allowances during the contract period, the same shall be likewise be for the account of the service provider. SECTION V PERIOD OF COMPLETION 1. The work stipulated in the Agreement shall be completed within the given period as provided in the Scope of Works (Section III) In case the service provider encounters any justifiable cause or reason for delay, the same shall within two (2) days after encountering such cause of delay submit to the Owner in writing a request for time extension. Failure by the service provider to comply with this requirement will be considered an express waiver by the service provider for the owner not to grant the time extension. 2. Since time is of the essence in this Agreement, the completion period herein stipulated may be extended only for any of the following causes not attributable to the fault of negligence of the service provider, namely: a. Natural calamities resulting from destructive earthquakes, typhoons, prolong floods;

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Act of any government authority, domestic or foreign which has coercive effect to law such as quarantines, embargoes and licensing controls; and, c. Acts which restrain or restrict preparation activities such as war insurrection and rebellion. 3. If at any time the cumulative delay is all disruption in the normal progress of the works due to any cause, other than the Owners fault or negligence, shall be in excess of Five (5) days, the Owner shall have the right to terminate the Agreement and pay the service provider duly authorized representative and concurred by the service provider, less whatever damages may have been incurred by the Owner including liquidated damages as provided by Section VI. The Owner and the service provider will negotiate in good faith as to the amount of payments due to the service provider. If the parties cannot agree within five (5) days after commencing discussions, either party may resort to arbitration proceedings pursuant to the Arbitration Law and / or judicial remedies if both parties could not resolve through the grievance redress system of the KALAHI-CIDSS project. This section is without prejudice to the Owners right of termination or other rights in case of delay or disruption of the normal progress of the work due to the fault or negligence of the service provider. SECTION VI LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Failure by the Service Provider to complete the works within the implementation period or any extended period approved by the PPT shall render the Service Provider liable to forfeit 1/10 of 1% of the value of uncompleted works per calendar day of delay. Total penalty shall not exceed 10% of the total contract price. To be entitled to such liquidated damages, the Owner does not have to prove that it has incurred actual damages, such amount shall be deducted from any money due or which may become due the service provider under the Agreement and / or collect such liquidated from the final payment to the service provider. Incase the delay in the completion of the work exceed a time duration equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the specified contract time plus any time extension duly granted to the service provider the first party may forfeit the second partys due collectibles and take over the prosecution of the project and award the same to qualified service provider. In no case, however, shall the total sum of the liquidated damages exceed ten percent (10%) of the total contract price in which event the agreement shall automatically be taken over by the Owner or award the same to a qualified service provider through negotiation and the service providers accomplishments due for billing shall be forfeited. The amount forfeited due for billing shall be aside from the amount of the liquidated damages that the service provider shall pay the Owner under the provisions of this clause. SECTION VII COMPLETION AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE 1. When the work required and called for under this contract is totally completed, the service provider shall submit to the Owner through the Area/Municipal Coordinating Team for review and evaluation of the Deputy Area Coordinator and / or Municipal Engineer of the documents. The review shall be completed within two (2) days upon submission of the complete documents by the service provider.

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Should the work be found satisfactory with the agreements, the Owner shall within five (5) calendar days from the last day of review by the DAC, issue the Certificate of Final Acceptance of the submitted documents and the dull payment due to the service provider shall be paid immediately. Provided that no such certificate shall be issued the service provider has first submitted an affidavit attesting that any and all obligations /liabilities incumbent upon it have been fully satisfied and settled. If the work is found unsatisfactory however, the first party shall within two (2) working days from the last day of review, advice the service provider of the revisions to be done. Upon the correction of the items, the service provider shall again submit to the Owner the corrected documents. Should the correction made by the service provider of the items be found satisfactory, payment found to be due to the service provider shall be paid immediately and the Owner shall not later than three (3) working days after the last day of submission issue the certificate of final acceptance. SECTION VIII ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-CONTRACTING


4. 5.

The service provider shall not assign, transfer or make any other disposition of the agreement any part or interest therein except with the written approval of the Owner. Approval of the sub-contract shall not relieve the service provider from any liability or obligation under its agreement with the Owner, nor shall it create any contractual relation between the sub-contractor and the Owner. SECTION IX SERVICE PROVIDERS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The service providers duties and responsibilities are found in the TOR in connection to this agreement to include the following: 1. Conduct site validation and survey The service provider shall solely responsible for all expenses to be incurred during the preparation of all pertinent required documents as stipulated in this contract agreement. 2. Supplies, Materials, Equipment, etc. The service provider shall be solely responsible in the provision of all required supplies, materials, equipment, machineries, transportation and or among others for the proper and satisfactory completion of the work in accordance to the content of this agreement. 3. Assistance to the Project Preparation Team (PPT) The service provider shall be assisting the PPT during the preparation of the attachments for the package proposed by his/her attendance to the following: a. b. c. d. e. Project Development Workshop Detailed preparation of Project Proposal Finalization of Community Project Concept Municipal Inter-Barangay Forum Special MIBF if necessary

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The service provider shall also assist the Owner explain the content and details of the POW and design of the community project in the barangay assemblies to be conducted prior to the conduct of project approval. 4. Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement The service provider agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and its constituents including the KALAHI-CIDSS employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including reasonable attorneys fees in case any litigation arising out of the performance of the works herein. SECTION X GENERAL PROVISIONS The parties have herein agrees that the present agreement does not create any obligations, legal, financial or otherwise on the part of the Owner to any persons claiming entitlement to compensation or other remedies relating to personal injuries, economicharm or otherwise including but not limited to any contractor, sub-contractor or beneficiary and / or other project users before, during and after the completion of the contract. In the event any claim is asserted against the Owner, the service provider shall defend the Owner from all costs occasioned thereby, including any assessment of damages or imposition of legal; obligations. SECTION XI ARBITRATION The parties hereto agree to settle any dispute arising from this agreement amicably in accordance to the Grievance Redress System of the KALAHI-CIDSS project. In the event that any judicial proceedings brought by either party against the other arising out from this agreement, the venue of the same shall be the appropriate Court in the area. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto signed this SERVICE AGREEMENT this _________________ of _______ 2010.

BARANGAY ___________ COMMUNITY The First Party _________________________ BSPMC Chairperson CTC No. _______________ Issued On _____________ Issued at ______________

SERVICE PROVIDER Second Party ______________________ Service Provider CTC No. ________________ Issued On ______________ Issued at _______________

SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF: _____________________ PPT Head/Chairperson CTC No. _______________ Issued On _____________ Issued at ______________ _____________________ Area Coordinator CTC No. ________________ Issued on ______________ Issued at _______________

148 Community-Based Procurement Manual

TERMS OF REFERENCE SERVICE PROVIDER (Pre-Engineering Works for Water System) An Individual or Engineering/Consulting Firm that can provide technical assistance in the implementation of community water supply projects in KALAHI-CIDSS areas. Technical assistance shall include specialized advice to implementers along preparation of appropriate designs and engineering plans, cost estimates and Program of Works. Specifically, the Service Provider will assist the project municipal staffs and community volunteers in the following areas: I. Provide guidance and assistance to Project Preparation Team (PPT) on the conduct of the following specific activities to come-up with study, design and plans required for the proposed water supply project, to wit: Execute detailed field survey (horizontal and vertical control) to determine the following: A. Source of water available near the target service area. B. Water sampling to determine its physical, chemical or bacteriological properties C. Demography and mapping of households Preparation of engineering designs, technical drawings/plans drawn on a 500mm x 800mm tracing paper, with the following outputs; A. Hydraulic analysis showing design data and calculations B. Location plan showing the vicinity map of the proposed system C. Traverse plan showing the route/direction of pipelines; design pipe sizes and specifications; length of pipes; location and description of the structures (i.e. intake, reservoir, supports/pedestals, etc); D. Profile plan showing elevation and grades of pipeline, reservoir, nodes/junctions; E. Spot map showing the location of households and tapstands; F. Detailed plans for reservoir, intake box and tapstand; G. If elevated tank shall be constructed, provide structural analysis; H. Detailed cost estimates showing quantity take-off and capability outputs of labor and equipment, bill of materials for materials I. Materials and construction specifications Operation and maintenance activities should be considered in the choice of design options; Consultation with community members and project staffs as to the existing cultural practices and users preference must be properly coordinated. Close coordination with project technical staff as to the format of POW and other project standards.

II. Submit draft of design considerations and hydraulic analysis before the finalization of engineering drawings and plans. In cases there are conflicts or unclear standard on technical parameters, KC standard designs shall prevail. III. Prepare billing request together with the acceptable outputs as stated in parag. 1 for payment. IV. Payment/s will be made upon submission of acceptable outputs checked and reviewed by the DAC/Mun. Engineer and approved by the PPT Head and noted by the Area Coordinator.

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QUALIFICATIONS STANDARD 1. A Civil Engineer with 3 years minimum relevant work experience on community water supply projects, preferably with formal training and knowledgeable on ground water-related projects 2. Skilled in computer operation with some knowledge on CAD softwares related to community water supply system design and spreadsheet. DURATION : 1 Months (1-week survey works and data gathering; 1 week preliminary design consideration/consultation; 3 weeks drafting of plans; 1 week preparation/finalization of cost estimates)

TERMS OF REFERENCE SERVICE PROVIDER (Pre-Engineering for Road Construction community project) An Individual or Engineering/Consulting Firm that can provide technical assistance in the implementation of rural road access in KALAHI-CIDSS areas. Technical assistance shall include specialized advice to implementers along preparation of appropriate designs and engineering plans, cost estimates and Program of Works. Specifically, the Service Provider will assist the project municipal staffs and community volunteers in the following areas: 1. Provide guidance and assistance to Project Preparation Team (PPT) on the conduct of the following specific activities to come-up with the project requirements for the approval of proposed improvement of barangay road, to wit: Execute detailed field survey using instruments such as engineers transit, theodolite, total station and other appropriate instruments to establish horizontal and vertical controls; Preparation of engineering designs, technical drawings/plans drawn on a 500mm x 1000mm appropriate paper, with the following outputs; A. Location plan showing the vicinity map of the proposed road section B. Traverse and Profile plan drawn on a half-section drawing paper scaled at 1:100 vertical and 1:1000 horizontal. Plans must indicate the existing and proposed structures with corresponding station limits. The elements of curves, bench marks and match line of traverse plan must equal to the length of profile plan. Elevations of ground and design grade must be indicated on the profile plan. C. Cross-section plan at every 20 meter station interval drawn on full cross section with a scale of 1:100 (preferably). Actual ground elevation shall be indicated and inked. Designed ground elevation shall be indicated and penciled D. Detailed plans of road structures e.g. reinforced concrete pipe culverts (RCPC), reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) headwalls and crossdrains. At critical slope, provision of portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) and slope protection as may be required; E. Detailed cost estimates showing quantity take-off and capability outputs of labor and equipment, bill of materials for materials F. Materials specifications and method of construction; G. Others that may be specified in the contract depending on the need of the community.

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Type and traffic volume should be considered in the choice of design options; Close coordination with project technical staff as to the format of POW and other project standards.

2. Submit draft designs for review and approval before the finalization of engineering drawings and plans. 3. Prepare billing request together with the acceptable outputs as stated in parag. 1 for payment. 4. Payment/s will be made upon submission of acceptable outputs, checked and reviewed by the DAC/Mun. Engineer and approved by the PPT Head and noted by the Area Coordinator. QUALIFICATIONS STANDARD 1. A Civil Engineer or Geodetic Engineer with 3 years minimum relevant work experience on the survey works and implementation of rural roads, preferably with formal training and knowledgeable road project design. 2. Preferably with skills in computer operation such as CAD operations and spreadsheet DURATION : 1 Months (1-week survey works and data gathering; 1 week preliminary design consideration/consultation; 3 weeks drafting of plans; 1 week preparation/finalization of cost estimates)

TERMS OF REFERENCE SERVICE PROVIDER (Pre-Engineering for Road Improvement community project) KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB Project is assisting various rural communities to improve their governance through active participation to reduce poverty. One of the basic needs of these communities is access. The project allows the improvement of rural access to improve the delivery of services. Road improvement involves the implementation of selected work items only. This will not cover entire works for the rural road access (construction) but only those work items that will make the rural road access passable for vehicular traffic the whole year round. This can be applied on all roads that already exist and can be implemented in all types of terrain. The Project is looking for an Individual or Engineering/Consulting Firm that can provide technical assistance in the improvement of rural barangay road access in KALAHI-CIDSS areas. Technical assistance shall include specialized advice to implementers along preparation of appropriate designs and engineering plans, cost estimates and Program of Works. Specifically, the Service Provider will assist the project municipal staffs and community volunteers in the following areas: 1. Provide guidance and assistance to Project Preparation Team (PPT) on the conduct of the following specific activities to come-up with the study, design options and plans required for the proposed improvement of barangay road, to wit:

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Execute detailed field survey using instruments such as engineers transit, theodolite, total station and other appropriate instruments to establish horizontal and vertical controls; Assess the existing road and evaluate the possible improvement, extension or expansion needed for the road to be passable for vehicular traffic year round. Since the proposed road section will only requires improvement, it is expected that no major earthworks will be made. Preparation of engineering designs, technical drawings/plans drawn on a 500mm x 1000mm appropriate paper, with the following outputs; A. Location plan showing the vicinity map of the proposed road section B. Traverse and Profile plan drawn on a half-section drawing paper scaled at 1:100 vertical and 1:1000 horizontal. Plans must indicate the existing and proposed structures with corresponding station limits. The elements of curves, bench marks and match line of traverse plan must equal to the length of profile plan. Elevations of existing ground and design grade must be indicated on the profile plan. C. Cross-section plan for selected stations that may require earth moving activities have to be drawn on full cross section with a scale of 1:100. Actual ground elevation shall be indicated and inked. Designed ground elevation shall be indicated and pencilled. D. Schedules and detailed plans of road structures e.g. reinforced concrete pipe culverts (RCPC), reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) headwalls and cross-drains. At critical slope, provision of portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) and slope protection as may be required; E. Detailed cost estimates showing quantity take-off and capability outputs of labor and equipment, bill of materials for materials F. Materials specifications and method of construction; G. Others that may be specified in the contract depending on the need of the community. Type and traffic volume should be considered in the choice of design options; Close coordination with project technical staff as to the format of POW and other project standards.

5. Submit draft designs for review and approval before the finalization of engineering drawings and plans. 6. Prepare billing request together with the acceptable outputs as stated in parag. 1 for payment. 7. Payment/s will be made upon submission of acceptable outputs, checked and reviewed by the DAC/Mun. Engineer and approved by the PPT Head and noted by the Area Coordinator. QUALIFICATIONS STANDARD 2. A Civil Engineer or Geodetic Engineer with 3 years minimum relevant work experience on the survey works and implementation of rural roads, preferably with formal training and knowledgeable road project design. 3. Skilled in computer operation with some knowledge on CAD operations and spreadsheet DURATION : 1 Months (1-week survey works and data gathering; 1 week preliminary design consideration/consultation; 3 weeks drafting of plans;

152 Community-Based Procurement Manual

1 week preparation/finalization of cost estimates) TERMS OF REFERENCE SERVICE PROVIDER (Pre-Engineering for Barangay Electrification community project) An Individual or Engineering/Consulting Firm that can provide technical assistance in the implementation of rural electrification in KALAHI-CIDSS areas. Technical assistance shall include specialized advice to implementers along preparation of appropriate designs and engineering plans, cost estimates and Program of Works. Specifically, the Service Provider will assist the project municipal staffs and community volunteers in the following areas: 4. Provide guidance and assistance to Project Preparation Team (PPT) on the conduct of the following specific activities to come-up with the project requirements for the approval of proposed improvement of barangay road, to wit: a. Execute detailed field survey using instruments such as engineers transit, theodolite, total station and other appropriate instruments; b. Preparation of engineering designs, technical drawings/plans drawn on a 500mm x 800mm appropriate paper, with the following outputs; Location plan showing the vicinity map of the proposed site Traverse plan or schematic plan drawn on a drawing paper scaled at 1:1000 horizontal. Plans must indicate the existing and proposed households with corresponding station limits. The elements of curves, bench marks and match line of traverse plan must equal to the length of profile plan. Elevations of ground and design grade must be indicated on the profile plan. iii. Cross-section plan with a scale of 1:100 (preferably). Actual ground elevation shall be indicated and inked. Designed ground elevation shall be indicated and penciled iv. Detailed plans of road structures e.g. reinforced concrete pipe culverts (RCPC), reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) headwalls and crossdrains. At critical slope, provision of portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) and slope protection as may be required; v. Detailed cost estimates showing quantity take-off and capability outputs of labor and equipment, bill of materials for materials vi. Materials and construction specifications; vii. Others that may be specified in the contract depending on the need of the community. c. Operation and maintenance activities should be considered in the choice of design options; d. Consultation with community members and project staffs as to the existing cultural practices and users preference must be properly coordinated. Close coordination with project technical staff as to the format of POW and other project standards. 5. Submit draft of design considerations before the finalization of engineering drawings and plans. 6. Prepare billing request together with the acceptable outputs as stated in parag. 1 for payment. 7. Payment/s will be made upon submission of acceptable outputs, checked and reviewed by the DAC/Mun. Engineer and approved by the PPT Head and noted by the Area Coordinator. i. ii.

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QUALIFICATIONS STANDARD 8. A Civil Engineer or Geodetic Engineer with 3 years minimum relevant work experience on the survey works and implementation of rural roads, preferably with formal training and knowledgeable road project design. 9. Skilled in computer operation with some knowledge on softwares related to community water supply system design 10. Skilled in computer operation involving spreadsheet and other related softwares 11. Experience in foreign-assisted projects is an advantage MONTHLY RATE : DURATION : P ________ (Prevailing rate at the local level)

1 Months (1-week survey works and data gathering; 1 week preliminary design consideration/consultation; 3 weeks drafting of plans; 1 week preparation of cost estimates)

154 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PASS/FAIL CHECKLIST Form to be used in conducting Preliminary Examination of Bidding Documents (For shopping for works and bidding of works) Name of Contractor: ________________________________ REQUIREMENTS I. i. ii. iii. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS Form of Bid (in prescribe form) Program of Works of the bidder Plans PASS or FAIL? Remarks

iv. Detailed Estimates including summary sheet showing unit prices of materials, labor rates and rentals ( submitted by the bidder) v. List of equipment owned/leased proposed for use for the subproject vi. Official Receipt (to support owning the equipment proposed for use for the sub-project) vii. Certificate of registration (to support owning the equipment)

viii. Schedule of utilization of equipment ix. List of similar projects undertaken for the last 2 years
x. Certification that each document submitted is an original or true copy of the original xi. Certification from the bidder under oath of its compliance to labor laws and standards and to utilize unskilled labor in the area

xii. Notarized Affidavit for Defects Liability Commitment xiii. Certificate of Site Inspection xiv. List of Technical personnel
xv. Construction method with detailed procedures in complying environmental laws for every item

xvi. Bidding data sheet (for Bidding only) xvii. PS Mark License (for pipe materials) II. FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS Income Tax Return w/ audited statement and TIN Number NFCC Bid Security (for Bidding only)
III. LEGAL DOCUMENTS Contractors License / Temporary Certificate of Renewal (for expired License)

SEC registration w/ articles of Incorporation Authority of the signatory Contracts (similar contracts for the last two years)
Certificate of Acceptance (similar contracts for the last 2 years)

Affidavit of Undertaking

Note: In case one is missing based on the checklist, verification can be done during the post-qualification evaluation. If the missing requirement is the bid security, it will be a ground for automatic disqualification.

155 Community-Based Procurement Manual

No Objection Letter (NOL) REVIEW REPORT (For Local Shopping for Works & all Local Bidding) A. DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED Item No. Date submitted @ ACT DOCUMENTS TECHNICAL Approved POW, DE & Approved Engineering Plans Minutes of the Pre-Procurement Conference Invitation to Quote/Bid (Newspaper clippings or a copy of the posted invitation) Official Receipt (Of the Publication) Affidavit of Publication (From the Newspaper Company) Minutes of Pre-Bid Conference Minutes of Bid Opening Abstract of Bids Minutes of the Evaluation of Bids Post qualification Report Form of bid Program of Works of Recommended Contractor/Bidder to include summary sheet showing unit prices of materials, labor rates and rentals Plans Official Receipt (equipment proposed to be used for the contract) Certificate of registration (to support owning the equipment for proposed equipment to be used) Schedule of Utilization of Equipment List of similar projects undertaken for the last two years Certification that each document submitted is an original or true copy of the original Certification from the bidder under oath of its compliance to labor laws and standards and to utilize unskilled labor in the area Notarized Affidavit for Defects Liability Commitment Certificate of Site Inspection (Of the bidder recommended for award) List of Technical Personnel Construction Methods (itemized and wwith with safety procedures) Bidding Data Sheet PS Mark License (for Pipes) FINANCIAL ITR Audit Statement( Of the bidder recommended for award ) Bid Security (of the bidder recommended for award ) NFCC (Prepared by the bidder recommended for award ) Credit Line (For bidder recommended for award who did not passed NFCC ) REMARKS

156 Community-Based Procurement Manual

LEGAL Contractors License or Temporary Certificate of Renewal (For expired license) Resolution to Award SEC Registration with Articles of Incorporation (for Corporations) Authority of the Signatory (in case of representative) Contracts (To support projects undertaken for the last 2 years ) Certificate of Acceptance (To support projects undertaken for the last 2 yrs ) Affidavit of Undertaking ( To support in the list of Technical Personnel ) Other Pre- C Documents of the bidder recommended for award as specified below: ________________________________ ________________________________ * include PRE-C of lower bidders in case the contract was not awarded to lowest. B. COMMUNITY PROJECT INFORMATION: I. Background A. Name of Community Project: _________________________________________________ B. Physical Description/Indicators: _______________________________________ C. Location: _________________________________________________________ D. Items/Package Procured subject for NOL: Item Description of Work or Goods No. Quantity Unit

E. Method of Procurement Used: __________________________________________ F. Approved Budget for this package: P ____________________________________ G. Name of bidder recommended for award: _________________________________ H. Amount in this contract: P_____________________________________________ I. Aggregate Contract Amount for this contractor as of ____________:

P __________

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II. Pre-Procurement Conference _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (To be taken from the minutes of the pre-procurement conference. Capture all the necessary information like items to be procured, method of procurement, dates of procurement processes, etc.) III. Invitation to Bid _________________________________________________________________ (Date of Publication, Name of Newspaper, Details of Pre-bid Conference & Bid Opening) IV. Pre-bid Conference _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (To be taken from the minutes of the Pre-bid Conference. Capture all the necessary information like the technical requirements of the bidding, date and place of the pre-bid conference) V. Opening of Bids _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (To be taken from the minutes of the Bid Conference. Capture all the necessary information like what transpire in the bidding like are there late bidders, are there complaints, date and place of the bid opening, etc.) Name Bidders of Bid Offered Bid Security Amount Form REMARKS

VI. Evaluation of Bids (To be taken from the minutes of the Evaluation of Bids. Capture all the necessary information like are there disqualified bidders, bid security not conforming to the requirement, etc) Name Bidders of Price Corrected Pass/Fail Criteria Bid Evaluation Remarks

Conclusion VII. Post-Qualification Evaluation __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (What, Who, When, Where, How was the post qua conducted? Summarize the post-qualification activity conducted, indicate pour overall assessment and conclusion). Attach minutes/Proceedings of Post-Qualification Evaluation.

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VIII. Recommendation of Award __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (To be taken from the Resolution to Award) What are the bases for award or disqualifying the bidders? Mention the circumstances why it was not awarded to the lowest, second lowest, etc. as the case maybe.) C. OBSERVATION/S __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (Are there complaints? what are they? Is the procurement process followed? If not what are the deviations? What other information/s you want to know? ) Prepared by: Note: ________________________ Area Coordinator Date: ___________________

_______________ Deputy Area Coordinator/LGU Engineer Date: ______________ DRCIS/RCIS SECTION:

VALIDATION REPORT: ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Reviewed: __________________ RCIS Date: ______________ Endorsed by: _________________________________ Community Procurement Specialist Date: ______________


I. Indicate what are the technical, financial and legal documents submitted by the bidder in reference to the checklist of documents for NPMO/MCAP NOL. a. Indicate the title of the community project and its project type b. Describe the physical aspect of the community project and its indicators (How many units, what is the length, thickness, width, etc.)

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c. Indicate the barangay, municipality and province. d. Indicate the item number, Description of the Items of Work, Quantity and Unit of the package/s procured subject for NOL. e. Indicate the method of procurement used f. Indicate the approved budget for the package/s subject for NOL g. Indicate the name of the bidder recommended for award h. Indicate the amount in this contract i. Indicate the aggregate amount (Total amount of contracts of the bidder recommended for award from the previous KALAHI contracts within the municipality to include this contract subjected for NOL. j. Indicate if the NOL issuance is for RPMO, NPMO or World Bank. II. Extract from the minutes of the Pre-Procurement Conference useful information such as items to be procured, method of procurement, dates for the publication of the ITB, dates of the pre-bid conference, dates of the opening of bids, etc ) III. Describe what newspaper it was published, check if all of the items of works subjected for NOL was published, official receipt of the publication, affidavit from the publisher that it was published. IV. Extract from the minutes of the pre-bid conference useful information such as date, time and place of the bid opening, technical requirements of the bidding, agreement made, criteria for the award, etc. V. Extract from the minutes of the bid opening useful information such as late bidders, bid offered, bid security, complaints, date and time of actual bidding, etc.. Fill up in the matrix with the name of bidders, bid offered, bid security (amount & form), remarks (other information not found in the matrix) VI. Extract from the minutes of the Evaluation of Bids necessary information such as criteria for award, disqualified bidders and its reason for disqualification, etc. Fill up in the matrix with name of bidders, bid price corrected, results of the pass/fail criteria, result on the bid evaluation, remarks (other information not found in the matrix) Make a conclusion regarding the process and result of the bid evaluation. VII. Examples: Documents I.TECHNICAL a. List of Community Projects undertaken Based on Documentary Review Check if the community projects undertaken are supported with contract and certificate of acceptance Based on PostQualification. Status ( Pass/fail ) Post-Qualification

Interview the client if it is true that the bidder has a project with them and what is his performance.

Pass: If the bidder was able to support with contract and certificate of acceptance for every community project undertaken and if it is true upon validation that he has a project undertaken based on the list and has a positive feedback from

160 Community-Based Procurement Manual

their client. Fail: If the bidder was not able to support with contract and certificate of acceptance of the community projects undertaken and if found out in validation that he has no project undertaken or if there is negative feedback from their client. b. List of Technical Personnel Check if it is supported with affidavit of undertaking from the persons listed in the Technical Personnel Interview with the person listed in the Technical Personnel, if it is true that they connected to the bidder. Pass: If the bidder was able to support with affidavit of undertaking for every person listed in the Technical Personnel and if found out in the validation that they are employed to the bidder. Fail: If the bidder was not able to support with affidavit of undertaking and found out in the validation that the persons listed are not employed to the bidder. c. List of Equipment Owned Check if there is a deed of sale, Official Receipt and Certificate of Registration ( For dump trucks and other equipment which is registered in the LTO ) Check if supported with lease contract and Official Receipt and Certificate of Registration. Check if supported with Financial Audit Statement Check with the LTO if equipment in the list are registered. Pass: If bidder was able to support with deed of sale, Certificate of Registration and Official Receipt. Fail : If bidder failed to support it with deed of sale, Certificate of Registration (For Dump Truck) and Official Receipt (For DT) Interview the lessor if the rental is true. Pass: If bidder was able to support it with Lease Contract, Official Receipt (For DT & others ), Certificate of Registration (For DT & others) Pass: If bidder has an authentic ITR Fail: If bidder failed to support it with Audit Statement and has inauthentic ITR. Pass: If the bidder has submitted an acceptable and authentic bid security. Fail: If the bidder has not submitted acceptable and authentic bid security.

d. List of equipment lease

II. FINANCIAL a. Income Tax Return

Check BIR if the Income Tax Return Copy is authentic.

b. Bid Security

Check if the form and amount is acceptable.

Check it with the bank or bonding company if the bid security is authentic

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c. Net Financial Contracting Capacity ( NFCC )

Check the computation, if his NFCC is equal or more than the contract for bid.

Check if bidder has on-going community project not included in the computation, ITR and Audit Statement are authentic. Check with the bank the authenticity of the credit line

Pass: If the NFCC is equal or more than the contract for bid. Fail: If NFCC is less than the contract for bid, then require credit line.

d. Credit Line

Check its substance and amount should not be less than 10% of the contract

Pass: If the bidder has an authentic and acceptable credit line Fail: If the bidder has no authentic and acceptable credit line.

III. LEGAL a. Contractors License

Check if the contractors license is expired and if expired did he attach certificate of temporary renewal of license. Check if supported with articles of incorporation

Check if bidder has license and if expired license he has certificate of temporary renewal. Check if in the articles of incorporation its business is within their primary and secondary purpose. Validate if the owner has issued an authority or if corporation has issued a board resolution allowing its employee to represent the corporation.

b. SEC Registration

Pass: If the bidder has contractor license and if expired it was supported with certificate of temporary renewal of license. Fail: If the bidder has no license or expired license but not supported with certificate of temporary renewal. Pass: If the SEC registration is supported with Articles of Incorporation and validated that their business is within their primary and secondary purpose. Pass: If validated that the owner has issued an authority or corporation has issued a board resolution allowing employee to represent the corporation. Fail: If validated that the owner has not issued an authority or board of directors has not issued a resolution allowing employee to represent.

c. Authority of the signatory

Check if the authority of the signatory is signed by the owner if owned by the individual or board resolution if it is a corporation.

162 Community-Based Procurement Manual

SUGGESTED FORMAT IN PREPARING THE POST-QUALIFICATION REPORT I. II. INTRODUCTION (optional) State the facts why a post-qualification will be done METHODOLOGY A. Satisfy the ff: 1. WHO?

2. WHEN? 3. HOW?

Who authorized the conduct of post-qua (the BSPMC Chair) Name/s of the contractor/s to be evaluated The team composition (the TWG and volunteers) Date and time Duration Courtesy visit to the Contractors office Conduct interview (owner, project manager, personnel/workers) Check authenticity of submitted documents (companys records, financial records, conduct inspection of its premises, construction equipment, tools and facilities)

B. Check the ff: Check recently completed projects (for the past 2 years) that are similar to the project to be undertaken if they were completed satisfactorily according to plans, specifications and duration Check with local banks where the contractors account/credit line facilities are maintained to determine if he/she has access to funds to finance the execution of the contract III. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION
A. Test of Contractors Qualification Conduct review of awardees general eligibility qualifications based on the Instruction to Bidders B. Test of Contractors Technical & Organizational Capability Check the minimum construction personnel, tools, equipment and required schedule Contractors experience (2 years) in similar project C. Test of Contractors Financial Capability Check the NFCC (NFCC should be more than Contract Cost)

D. Contractors Reputation in the Community Check if the contractor has a good standing/reputation in the community or nearby Municipalities Check with the local courts and local arbitration commission (if there were cases, was he cleared?)

163 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Form to be filled up in conducting the Post-Qualification Evaluation:

Documentary Review (Check whether the document submitted matches the original documents or in accordance w/ required documents) POST-QUALIFICATION (Review computation, validate the submitted documents at the office who issued the documents, and others)



I. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS i. Form of Bid (in prescribe form) ii. Program of Works iii. Plans iv. Detailed Estimates including summary sheet showing unit prices of materials, labor rates and rentals (submitted by the bidder) v. List of equipment owned/leased vi. Official Receipt (to support owning the equipment) vii. Certificate of registration (to support owning the equipment) viii. Schedule of utilization of equipment ix. List of similar projects undertaken for the last 2 years x. Certification that each document submitted is an original or true copy of the original xi. Certification from the bidder under oath of its compliance to labor laws and standards and to utilize unskilled labor in the area xii. Notarized Affidavit for Defects Liability Commitment xiii. Certificate of Site Inspection xiv. List of Technical personnel xv. Construction method xvi. Bidding data sheet xvii. PS Mark License (for pipe materials) II. FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS Income Tax Return w/ audited statement and TIN Number NFCC Bid Security

III. LEGAL DOCUMENTS Contractors License / Temporary Certificate of Renewal (for expired License) SEC registration w/ articles of Incorporation Authority of the signatory

Contracts (similar contracts for the last two years) Certificate of Acceptance (contracts for the last 2 years) Affidavit of Undertaking

164 Community-Based Procurement Manual

PLANNED COMMUNITY PROCUREMENT PACKAGING Date Prepared: _____________ Barangay : __________________ Municipality : __________________ Province : __________________ Name of proposed community project : ____________________________________ Total Estimated Cost : _______________ KC Cost : __________ Community Project Duration: _______________ LCC (Cash): __________ Estimated Cost: 1st Tranche ______________ 2nd Tranche ______________ 3rd Tranche _______________

Mode of Implementation: CFA

LCC Cash LCC Cash LCC Cash Grant Grant Grant Grant LCC Cash





Package 2

Package 1

TOTAL Workshop output of: _____________________ Procurement Team Head (Name and Signature) Reviewed by: ________________________ DAC/Municipal Engineer Submitted by: ___________________ BSPMC Chairperson




165 Community-Based Procurement Manual

SCHEDULE OF IN-KIND LOCAL COUNTERPART CONTRIBUTION Date Prepared: _______________ Barangay : __________________ Municipality : __________________ Province : __________________ Name of proposed community project : _______________________________________ Total Estimated Cost : _______________ Community Project Duration : _______________ LCC (In-Kind) : __________ Estimated Cost: 1st Tranche ______________ 2nd Tranche ______________ 3rd Tranche ______________ BY Contract ESTIMATED COST INVOLVED and SCHEDULE OF DELIVERY PROC. METHOD 1ST Tranche In-Kind 2nd Tranche In-Kind 3rd Tranche In-Kind TOTAL 1 PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Month/Weeks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mode of Implementation: CFA




TOTAL Workshop output of: _____________________ Procurement Team Head

Package 2

Package 1



Reviewed by: _______________ DAC/Municipal Engineer

Submitted by: _______________ BSPMC Chairperson

166 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ACTUAL COMMUNITY PROCUREMENT PACKAGING Date Prepared: ____________________ Barangay: _____________ Name of proposed community project: _______________ Municipality: __________ Total Estimated Cost: ______________________ KC Cost: ______________ Province: _____________ Community Project Duration: ______________________ LCC: _________________ Estimated Cost: 1st Tranche ______________ In-kind: _________ 2nd Tranche ______________ Cash: _________ 3rd Trance _______________ Mode of Implementation: CFA BY CONTRACT




LCC Cash





2ND Tranche
LCC Cash

3RD Tranche
LCC Cash

LCC Cash




TOTAL Workshop output of: _____________________________ Procurement Team Head Name and Signature Reviewed by: ________________________ DAC / Municipal Engineer Submitted by: ________________ BSPMC Chairperson

167 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Package 2

Package 1



2 3 4

Guides in filling up the Procurement Action Plan (PAP) 1. The Procurement Action Plan (PAP) will be prepared in lieu of the required readiness filter documents for SPs undertaken by CFA. This will be supported by the Planned Community Procurement Packages (PCPP). Inappropriate packaging or splitting must be avoided to facilitate processing of grant funds. 2. The PAP and PCPP will be the basis of procurement monitoring and scheduling the post fiduciary review. 3. Schedules should be observed by the community volunteers and project staff. The PAP should be prepared following procurement activity duration of the procurement manual. 4. Specific name of responsible volunteers and project staffs who will participate and undertake the activity must be indicated on the plan. This is to observe the principle of accountability. Please take note that during Ex-post fiduciary review, the names should match with the corresponding documents such as the names of the PT members, canvasser on the canvass, otherwise, representation or justification has to be made for the deviations. 5. Venue of meetings and places where procurement activities are to be conducted must be specific. Locations of potential suppliers where canvasses per package are to be submitted must be indicated on the plan. It is very important that inventory of suppliers and contractors are done during the identification stage for proper guidance. This will observe the transparency principle of the project. 6. Under resource management, transportation expenses, reproduction costs that are chargeable under administrative cost must also be indicated for monitoring and accounting. These will practice the economy and effectiveness principle. 7. Under the remarks column, if the activities are already done prior to the submission, provide comments or observation of the activity conducted. 8. Dates for the serving of P.O.s under the first tranche and other activities must be specific while other packages under succeeding tranches must rationally follow the implementation schedule as indicated on the PCPP. 9. If the package falls on Local Bidding for Goods and will require RPMT or NPMT NOL, Purchase Order must not be issued unless No Objection Letter is issued. The transaction will be declared miss-procured once the provision is ignored. 10. In cases where direct contracting for Works is required, (e.g. fabrication of steel trusses, other specialized pay items), appropriate procurement procedures must be observed and RPMT NOL must be secured first before the issuance of contract. 11. It is expected that the documentations like the preparation of minutes of meeting will be more accurate and clear enough to understand what transpired during the activity and the agreements and actions are clearly captured on the minutes. 12. Posting of the Procurement Action Plan at the BSPMC office is a must. This will guide the volunteers on the activities to be performed on the given dates. This will also observe the principle of transparency.

168 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Procurement Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Preparation of PCPP Finalization of Packages & PCPP Conduct of Pre-procurement Conference Preparation of Minutes of Meeting Preparation of Procurement Documents Serving of Canvass - Package # 1 - Package # 2 - Package # 3 7. Opening of Canvass and Quotation 8. Preparation of Minutes of Opening 9. Evaluation of Canvass 10. Preparation of minutes of Evaluation 11. Conduct of Post Qualification Evaluation (LSW , LBG) 12. Prepn of Minutes of Evaluation (Post-qua) 13. Issuance of RPMT NOL 14. Preparation of Purchase Order 15. Serving of PO/s or Award (Package #) 16. Delivery of Materials Prepared by: ____________________________ Procurement Team Head

Timeline to Complete the Activity (Inclusive Dates )

Responsible Volunteers & Project Staff

Venue of meeting and place/s to Conduct Procurement

Name of Potential Suppliers & Contractors

Resource Requirement

Expected Outputs/ Remarks

Checked by: _____________________ Deputy Area Coordinator

Approved by: Municipal Engineer BSPMC Chairman

Noted by: Area Coordinator

169 Community-Based Procurement Manual



ITEM Axe * Bolo (multi-purpose) * Brush Hook* Grass Cutting Bolo* Grass Cutter * Crow Bar * Shovel * Hoe * Forked Hoe* Pick Mattock* Pickaxe* Sledge Hammer&* Rake Spreader* Hand Rammer* Wheel Barrow* * Including Handles


I certify that the above tools have been received by me in behalf of the CONTRACT GROUP. ________________________ GROUP LEADER I certify that the above tools have been returned by the PAKYAW GROUP in acceptable condition. ________________________ Project Supervisor

170 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Form for Bid Bulletin (for change in schedule) KALAHI-CIDSS Project Office of the Barangay Community Project Management Committee Barangay _________________ Municipality of _____________ Date: ____________ BID BULLETIN Bid Bulletin No. _____ for the ________________________ (Name of Community Project) To: All concerned participating prospective bidders: The BSPMC-BAC of ____________________________________ (name of Barangay) hereby announces the postponement of opening of bids on _______________ (date) and hereby rescheduled the same on __________________ (date) at ______________ (time) at ____________________________________ (venue). All other provisions not herein modified shall remain in full force and effect. For guidance and information of all concerned. Truly yours, _____________________________ BSPMC Chairperson

171 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Form for Bid Bulletin (for change in quantities or specifications)

KALAHI-CIDSS Project Office of the Barangay Community Project Management Committee Barangay _________________ Municipality of _____________ Date: ____________ BID BULLETIN Bid Bulletin No. _____ for the _______________________ (Name of Community Project) To: All concerned participating prospective bidders: This BID BULLETIN NO. _____ is hereby issued for your information and guidance in connection with the above-mentioned bidding. The following are the revisions: A revised Invitation to Bid and Bid Form are issued due to changes in ________________ (quantity or specifications) of some items as follows: Item Description Unit Original (Quantity / Specifications) Revised (Quantity / Specifications)

This BID BULLETIN NO. ___ shall form an integral part of the bid documents for this public bidding. All other provisions not herein modified shall remain in full force and effect. For guidance and information of all concerned. Truly yours, _____________________________ BSPMC Chairperson Date: __________________

172 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIPT This is to acknowledge receipt of the canvass form/Invitation to Quote served by ______________, ______________, _________________ Procurement Team members of BSPMC ______________________________________ (Name of Barangay /Municipality). ________________________ Name & Signature of Contractor / Supplier Date Served _________________ _________________________ Name & Signature of Contractor /Supplier Date Served_________________ _________________________ Name & Signature of Contractor /Supplier Date Served_________________ _________________________ Name & Signature of Contractor /Supplier Date Served _________________ ___________________________ Name & Signature of Contractor /Supplier Date Served _________________ _________________________ Name & Signature of Contractor /Supplier Date Served ________________ _________________________ Name & Signature of Contractor /Supplier Date Served _________________

173 Community-Based Procurement Manual

SITE VISIT CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the bidder together with the Barangay Community Project Management Committee (BSPMC) of Barangay ___________ , Municipality of ______________,Province of _____________________,has conducted joint site visit in the ______________________ (Name of Project). This is to certify further that the bidder has also visited the known source of aggregates and other indigenous construction materials and has scouted labor force available in the area This certification is issued to support his intent to bid the above community project

_________________________ BSPMC Chairperson Date: __________________

174 Community-Based Procurement Manual



(To be filled up by CF in two (2) copies of which one copy to be retained @ BSPMC and the other copy to be kept in ACT. RPMT will be furnished a photocopy.) Name of Community Project: Location: Date of Monitoring: I. PROCUREMENT A. COST ESTIMATES/POW
YES NO OBSERVATIONS Estimate within prevailing local prices REMARKS


_________________________ _________________________

Others: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ B. PACKAGING1

TOTAL COST PACKAGE Package #1 Package #2 Package #3 Package #4 Package #5 Package #6 ITEMS W/IN THRESH HOLD ABOVE THRESH HOLD REMARKS

Others: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ C. BID DOCUMENTS PREPARATION

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Invitation to Bid prepared Invitation to Bid posted in Barangay Hall Bidding Documents prepared using pro-forma Pre-bid conference conducted



OBSERVATIONS Bids submitted place on sealed envelope Sealed envelope place on bid box Bids submitted on or before deadline of submission


175 Community-Based Procurement Manual

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Bid opening immediately after the deadline of submission of bids Bids are placed inside bid box Bids are read aloud in public Minutes of bid opening prepared REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Bid securities conform to the requirements Bids are initialed by BAC members Specifications conform to the requirements Bids that comply are ranked from lowest to highest Abstract of Bids was prepared REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Post qualification conducted to lowest calculated bidder Passes Resolution to Award Purchase Order prepared No Objection Letter (NOL) issued Acceptable Performance Security posted by winning supplier. REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS The goods were delivered to site. Goods inspected by MIT Delivery receipt received by the Storekeeper Acceptance report by Storekeeper/MIT issued. REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Payment made after the delivery of goods Checks were prepared before the delivery of goods. REMARKS


YES NO OBSERVATIONS Request for the release of 1st Tranche has been received by the ACT from BSPMC ten (10) days after 2nd MIBF approval of the community project. RFR has stayed in particular station based on the standard period for review. Grant fund balance is 10% of the amount released and RFR has been prepared and/or submitted by the BSPMC within 5 days. Actual delivery of LCC committed and reflected in the detailed POW meet at least 50% when requesting for the release of the 2nd tranche. There is fund utilization one month after the release REMARKS

176 Community-Based Procurement Manual

of grant funds. Variance of physical and financial accomplishment did not exceeds 15%

Prepared by: _________________________ Community Facilitator Date: ___________________

Noted by: _________________________ Area Coordinator * Barangays certification need not have AC notation

Note: DAC to fill up this portion in the copy of report for the region.

Name & Signature of DAC

177 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ANNEX 2-B CF PROCUREMENT RED FLAGS MONITORING FORM (LOCAL SHOPPING FOR GOODS) (To be filled up by CF in two (2) copies, one copy to be retained @ BSPMC and the other copy to be kept in ACT. RPMT will be furnished a photocopy.) Name of Community Project: Location: Date of Monitoring: I. PROCUREMENT A. COST ESTIMATES/POW
YES NO OBSERVATIONS Estimate within local prices REMARKS


_________________________ _________________________

Others: __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ B. PACKAGING1

PACKAGE Package Package Package Package Package Package #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 ITEMS TOTAL COST W/IN THRESH ABOVE THRESH HOLD HOLD REMARKS

Others: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ C. CANVASSING

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Canvass forms served to at least three separate supplier for one package Technical specifications is specified instead of brand Canvass served by designated canvasser of the Procurement Team REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Canvasses are sealed prior to opening. Canvasses are placed inside bid box with lock or makeshift box sealed or lock inside the cabinet. REMARKS

178 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Canvasses are personally hand carried by at least two(2) PT members. Canvasses are submitted by owner or representative.

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Opening of canvass was conducted with the BAC in quorum and presence of witnesses Opening was conducted the day after the deadline of submission except on Saturday, Sunday, & Holidays REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Erasures of Canvass are initialed Canvass Forms are signed by at least two PT members Canvass Forms are signed at least three copies per package Canvass Forms are initialed by BAC members REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Awarded to lowest calculated responsive canvass. Winner conforms to specifications Is the material to be supplied tested for quality? For material to be supplied by informal suppliers, they should also be tested for quality. Awards are made to legitimate supplier3 (w/ business permit). If no, explain in remarks why? REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Goods are completely delivered on site as per purchase order Goods delivered in accordance to specification Goods delivered are used in the project Goods delivered are inspected by MIT Goods delivered are accepted by storekeeper REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Payment is on time Payment made only to goods delivered Signatories of check are BSPMC, Brgy. Treasurer & Area Coordinator Is the penalty observed for late deliveries? (1/10 of 1% per day) REMARKS


YES NO OBSERVATIONS Request for the release of 1st tranche has been received by the ACT from BSPMC ten (10) after 2nd MIBF approval of the community project RFR has stayed in particular station based on the standard period for review. Grant fund balance is 10% of the amount released and RFR has been prepared and/or submitted by the BSPMC within 5 days. REMARKS

179 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Actual delivery of LCC committed and reflected in the detailed POW meet at least 50% when requesting for the release of 2nd tranche. There is fund utilization one month after the release of grant funds. Variance of physical and financial accomplishment did not exceeds 15%.

Prepared by:

Noted by:

_________________________ Community Facilitator

_________________________ Area Coordinator

Date: ___________________ Note:

* Barangays certification need not have AC notation

DAC to fill up this portion in the copy of report for the region.

Name & Signature of DAC

180 Community-Based Procurement Manual



(To be filled up by CF in two (2) copies of which one (1) copy to be retained @ BSPMC other copy to be kept in ACT. RPMT will be furnished one (1) photocopy.) Name of Community Project: Location: Date of Monitoring: I. PROCUREMENT A. COST ESTIMATES/POW
YES NO OBSERVATIONS Estimates within prevailing local prices REMARKS


_________________________ _________________________

Others: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ B. PACKAGING1

TOTAL COST PACKAGE Package #1 Package #2 Package #3 Package #4 Package #5 ITEMS W/IN THRESH HOLD ABOVE THRESH HOLD REMARKS

Others: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ C. QUOTATION

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Quotations served to at least three (3) contractors. Technical specifications are specified on the plans. REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Quotations are sealed during submission Quotations are submitted by owner or representative REMARKS

181 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Quotations are placed inside bid box with lock or makeshift box sealed or locked inside cabinet

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Opening of quotation was conducted with BAC in quorum and presence of witnesses Opening was conducted immediately after the deadline of submission Quotations are sealed prior to opening Open sealed envelopes and read aloud in public the name of contractor and the documents attached. REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Erasures of quotations are initialed Quotations are signed by BSPMC Chairperson Quotations are initialed by BAC Documents are complete as per checklist Quotations of at least three (3) contractors. REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATION Abstract of Quotation prepared Awarded to lowest calculated responsive quotation. Winner conforms to specifications Award made to legitimate (with license) contractor 3 REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS No Objection Letter (NOL) secured if required (RPMT threshold is above P 500,000.00)4 Notice of Award issued Required Performance Security posted. REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Notice to Proceed issued by BSPMC Retention money withheld Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment appropriate form Technical assistance provided by RIE and DAC Payments made based in actual percentage of physical accomplishment Payments are made w/complete supporting documents attached. REMARKS


YES NO OBSERVATIONS Request for the release of 1st tranche has been received by the ACT from BSPMC ten (10) after 2 nd MIBF approval of the community project RFR has stayed in particular station based on the standard period for review. Grant fund balance is 10% of the amount released and RFR has been prepared and/or submitted by the BSPMC within 5 days. Actual delivery of LCC committed and reflected in the detailed POW meet at least 50% when REMARKS

182 Community-Based Procurement Manual

requesting for the release of 2nd tranche. There is fund utilization one month after the release of grant funds. Variance of physical and financial accomplishment did not exceeds 15%.

Prepared by:

Noted by:

_________________________ Community Facilitator Date: __________________

_________________________ Area Coordinator * Barangays certification need not have AC notation

Note: DAC to fill up this portion in the copy of report for the region.

Name & Signature of DAC

183 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ANNEX 2-D CF PROCUREMENT RED FLAGS MONITORING FORM (LOCAL BIDDING FOR WORKS) (To be filled up by CF in two (2) copies of which one copy to be retained @ BSPMC and the other copy to be kept in ACT. RPMT will be furnished one photocopy). Name of Community Project: _________________________ Location: Date of Monitoring: I. PROCUREMENT A. COST ESTIMATES/POW
YES NO OBSERVATIONS Estimate within prevailing local prices REMARKS

_________________________ _________________________

Others: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ B. PACKAGING1

TOTAL COST PACKAGE Package #1 Package #2 Package #3 Package #4 Package #5 ITEMS W/IN THRESH HOLD ABOVE THRESH HOLD REMARKS

Others: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ C. PRE PROCUREMENT

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Pre-procurement conference conducted by the Procurement Team Bidding documents prepared by PT Invitation to Bid posted at the Barangay Hall billboards Pre-bid conference conducted Letters sent to COA inviting them to attend Invitation to Bid announced at local radio stations. REMARKS

184 Community-Based Procurement Manual


OBSERVATIONS All bids are submitted on or before the deadline All bids are placed inside bid box with lock All bids are placed in sealed envelopes


YES NO OBSERVATIONS Opening was made when BAC is in quorum Bids are sealed prior to opening deadline Opening was done in the place stipulated in the Invitation to Bid. Opening was done in public All bids are complete as per checklist of documents Bid security is in acceptable form REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Erasures of bid are initialed by concerned contractor. Bid documents are initialed by BAC Technical Working Group (TWG) provided technical assistance Abstract of Bids prepared Specification conforms to the requirement Complying Bids were ranked from lowest to highest REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Award of contract was given to the lowest calculated responsive bidder NOL secured/issued Performance Security posted acceptable Notice to Proceed issued

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment posted is acceptable Technical assistance provided by DAC and RIE Progress report made base by actual physical accomplishment Payments were made with complete documents. REMARKS

II. Community Finance Red Flags

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Request for the release of 1st tranche has been received by the ACT from BSPMC ten (10) after 2 nd MIBF approval of the community project RFR has stayed in particular station based on the standard period for review. Grant fund balance is 10% of the amount released and RFR has been prepared and/or submitted by the BSPMC within 5 days. Actual delivery of LCC committed and reflected in the detailed POW meet at least 50% when requesting for the release of 2nd tranche. There is fund utilization one month after the release of grant funds. Variance of physical and financial accomplishment did not exceeds 15%. REMARKS

185 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Prepared by: _________________________ Community Facilitator Date: __________________

Noted by: _________________________ Area Coordinator * Barangays certification need not have AC notation

Note: DAC to fill up this portion in the copy of report for the region.

Name & Signature of DAC

186 Community-Based Procurement Manual



(To be filled up by CF in two (2) copies of which one copy to be retained @ BSPMC and the other copy to be kept in ACT. RPMT will be furnished a photocopy.) Name of Community Project: Location: Date of Monitoring: I. PROCUREMENT A. COST ESTIMATES/POW
YES NO OBSERVATIONS Estimate within prevailing local prices REMARKS


_________________________ _________________________

Others: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ B. PACKAGING


YES NO OBSERVATIONS Quotation served to lone supplier Technical Specifications are specified REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Quotation is sealed during submission Quotation is submitted by owner Quotation is placed inside bid box REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Opening of Quotation was conducted with BAC in quorum and presence of witnesses Opening was conducted immediately after the deadline of submission Open sealed envelop and read aloud in public the name of the contractor and the documents attached. REMARKS

187 Community-Based Procurement Manual

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Quotations are signed by BSPMC Chairperson Quotations are initialed by BAC Documents are complete as per checklist REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Awarded to lowest calculated responsive quotation Winner conforms to specifications Award made to legitimate (with license) contractor. REMARKS


YES NO OBSERVATIONS Notice to Proceed issued by BSPMC Retention money withheld Bank guarantee for Advance Payment in appropriate form Technical Assistance provided by RIE and DAC Payments made based in actual percentage of physical accomplishment Payments are made with complete supporting documents attached. REMARKS


YES NO OBSERVATIONS Request for the release of 1st tranche has been received by the ACT from BSPMC ten (10) after 2 nd MIBF approval of the community project RFR has stayed in particular station based on the standard period for review. Grant fund balance is 10% of the amount released and RFR has been prepared and/or submitted by the BSPMC within 5 days. Actual delivery of LCC committed and reflected in the detailed POW meet at least 50% when requesting for the release of 2nd tranche. There is fund utilization one month after the release of grant funds. Variance of physical and financial accomplishment did not exceeds 15%. REMARKS

Prepared by: _________________________ Community Facilitator Date: __________________

Noted by: _________________________ Area Coordinator * Barangays certification need not have AC notation

188 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Note: DAC to fill up this portion in the copy of report for the region

Name & signature of DAC

189 Community-Based Procurement Manual

ANNEX 2- F CF PROCUREMENT RED FLAG MONITORING FORM (DIRECT CONTRACTING FOR GOODS) (To be filled up by CF in two (2) copies of which one copy to be retained @ BSPMC and the other copy to be kept in ACT. RPMT will furnished a photocopy) Name of Community Project: Location: Date of Monitoring: I. PROCUREMENT A. COST ESTIMATES/POW
YES NO OBSERVATIONS Estimates within prevailing local prices REMARKS


_________________________ _________________________

Others: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ B. PACKAGING


YES NO OBSERVATIONS Canvass form serve to lone supplier Technical Specification is specified instead of brand Canvass served by designated canvasser of the Procurement Team REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Canvass are sealed prior to opening Canvass are placed inside bid box Canvass are personally hand carried by at least two (2) PT members Canvass are submitted by the owner representative REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Opening of canvass was conducted with the BAC in quorum and presence of witnesses Opening was conducted on the date specified in the canvass forms REMARKS

190 Community-Based Procurement Manual

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Erasures of canvass are initialed Canvass form is signed by at least two (2) PT members Canvass form is initialed by BAC members REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Awarded to the lowest calculated responsive canvass Winner conforms to specifications Is the material to be supplied tested for quality? For materials to be supplied by informal suppliers, they also be tested for quality. Awards are made to legitimate supplier(with business permit). If no, explain in remarks why? REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Goods are completely delivered on site as per Purchase Order Goods delivered are in accordance to specifications Goods delivered are used in the project Goods delivered are inspected by MIT REMARKS

YES NO OBSERVATIONS Payment is on time Payment made only to goods delivered Signatories of check are BSPMC Chair, Brgy Treasurer & Area Coordinator Is the penalty observed for the late deliveries? (1/10 of 1% per day) REMARKS


YES NO OBSERVATIONS Request for the release of 1st tranche has been received by the ACT from BSPMC ten (10) after 2nd MIBF approval of the community project RFR has stayed in particular station based on the standard period for review. Grant fund balance is 10% of the amount released and RFR has been prepared and/or submitted by the BSPMC within 5 days. Actual delivery of LCC committed and reflected in the detailed POW meet at least 50% when requesting for the release of 2nd tranche. There is fund utilization one month after the release of grant funds. Variance of physical and financial accomplishment did not exceeds 15%. REMARKS

Prepared by:

Noted by:



191 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Community Facilitator Date: __________________

Area Coordinator * Barangays certification need not have AC notation

Note: DAC to fill up this portion in the copy of report for the region

Name & Signature of DAC

192 Community-Based Procurement Manual

(Suggested format for RPMO NOL) REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT _______________________________________ (Address of Field Office) Date: ___________________ Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. ______________________ Barangay _____________, ______________,(Municipality), ____________(province) BSPMC CHAIRPERSON Thru: ______________________ Area/Municipal Coordinator Field Office _____ From : Director ________________________ Regional Project Director or Manager KALAHI-CIDSS Project

Subject: Request for No Objection Letter (NOL) Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. ______________: This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for No Objection Letter for _____________(name of sub-project) community project of Brgy. __________, ________________(Municipality), ____________(Province), Region ___________. .(if no deficiencies, the following will be stated) Upon thorough review of all submitted documents, we found out that the procurement was done in accordance with the KC Procurement Guidelines, therefore, we interpose no objection to the award of contract to ________________________ (supplier/contractor) in the amount not to exceed PhP. ________________ (amount of contract). If with with deficiencies, the following will be stated Based on your submission, the boxes with check are the documents we received, we would like to clarify the following: (State the clarification and/or lacking documents/information that needs to be submitted). Please comply the remaining requirements to facilitate the processing of your NOL. Very Truly yours, _________________________ Regional Project Director or Regional Project Manager

193 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Name of Community Project: Location:


DOCUMENTS Daily Rate Basis Laborers Disbursement Voucher Employment Record Sheet Daily Time Record Pakyaw Contracts Disbursement Voucher List of Workers Certification of Accomplishment Honoraria To Committee Members Disbursement Voucher Employment Record Sheet Time Sheets Training Expenses Disbursement Voucher Training Completion Report Contract with the trainers(if applicable) Training Design and Budget Petty Cash Fund (Establishment) Disbursement Voucher Minutes of BSPMC Executive Committee Meeting Reimbursement of Petty Cash Fund Disbursement Voucher Petty Cash Liquidation Summary Petty Cash Voucher w/supporting documents Payment of Goods to Non-registered Suppliers Reimbursement Expense Receipt Disbursement Voucher Certification from the Project Engineer. (Materials delivered on site and in accordance to specs. Certification from Punong Barangay(a.) No legitimate or registered supplier in the area; b.) Buying the materials from legitimate suppliers in other areas would entail additional cost not provided in the POW) Purchase Order Abstract of Canvass Canvass Forms PERSON RESPONSIBLE REMARKS

194 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Name of Community Project: Location:


PERSON RESPONSIBLE BSPMC Chairperson/C 1. Approved Program of Works om. Bookkeeper (CB) 2 . Planned Community Procurement Procurement Packaging Team/CB Procurement 3. Actual Community Procurement Packaging Team/CB 4. Data Base of Prices ( Regional Office) DAC/CB 5. Minutes of Pre-Procurement Conference PT/CB 6. Invitation to Quote PT/CB 7. Minutes Opening of Quotation PT/CB 8. Contractors License PT/CB 9. Minutes of Evaluation of Quotation PT/CB BSPMC 10. RPMT NOL and MCA-Philippines Chairperson/C eligibility verification letter as applicable B 11. Notice of Award PT/CB 12. Conditions of Contract DAC/CB 13. Contract of Agreement PT/CB 14. Performance Security PT/CB 15. Drawing/Plan/Specifications DAC/CB BSPMC 16. Notice to Commence Chairperson/C B 17. CF Proc Red Flag Monitoring Form DAC/CB Barangay 18. Contractors Billing Treasurer 19. Joint Inspection Report PIT/CB 20. Disbursement Voucher with attached Barangay photocopy of cheque Treasurer Barangay 21. Official Receipt Treasurer DOCUMENTS


Note: 1. Items 1-15 to be attached to first payment only (or refer to finance manual) 2. Second and succeeding payments require items 17-21 only(or refer to Finance manual)

195 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Name of Community Project: Location:



DOCUMENTS 1. Approved Program of Works 2 . Planned Community Procurement Packaging 3. Actual Community Procurement Packaging 4. Pre-Procurement Conference (Minutes) 5. Invitation to Quote 6. Abstract of Quotation 7. Minutes of Opening of Quotation 8. Contractors License 9. Minutes of Evaluation of Quotation 10. RPMT NOL (If applicable) 11. Notice of Award 12. Condition of Contract 13. Contract of Agreement 14. Performance Security 15. Notice to Commence 16. Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment 17. Drawing/Plan/Specification 18. CF Proc Red Flag Monitoring Form 19.Contractors Billing 20.Joint Inspection Report 21. Disbursement Voucher w/ photocopy of cheque 22. Official Receipt

PERSON RESPONSIBLE BSPMC Chairperson/ CB Procurement Team /CB Procurement Team/CB Procurement Team /CB Procurement Team/CB Procurement Team/CB PT/CB DAC/CB PT/CB BSPMC Chairperson/ CB BSPMC Chairperson/ CB BSPMC Chairperson/ CB PT/CB PT/CB BSPMC Chairperson/ CB Barangay Treasurer/CB PT/CB PT/CB Barangay Treasurer DAC/CB Barangays Treasurer/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB



1. Items 1-17 to be attached to first payment only 2. Second and succeeding payments require items 18-22 only

196 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Name of Community Project: Location:



DOCUMENTS Finance Documents 1. Official Receipt 2. Disbursement Voucher 3. Sales/Charge Invoice or Statement of Accounts 4. Delivery Receipts 5. Contract 6. Abstract of Quotation 7. Invitation to Quote Procurement Documents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Approved Program of Works Community Procurement Plan Pre-Procurement Conference (Minutes) Invitation to Quote Instruction to Bidders Conditions of Contract Drawings/Plan Technical Specification Contractor's License Minutes of Opening of Quotation Abstract of Quotation Minutes of Evaluation Quotation Contract Agreement No Objection Letter Notice to Proceed Performance Security Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment CF Proc Monitoring Form Request for Fund Release Physical Accomp. Reports (monthly) PIT


BSPMC Chairman Procurement Team (PT) Procurement Team (PT) Procurement Team (PT) DAC/PPT/PT DAC/PPT/PT DAC DAC DAC Procurement Team (PT) BAC/PT Procurement Team (PT) BSPMC Chairman BSPMC Chairman BSPMC Chairman BSPMC Chairman Barangay Treasurer CF BSPMC Chairman

197 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Name of Community Project: Location:


PERSON RESPONSIBLE BSPMC Chairperson/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB PT/CB Procurement Team /CB Procurement Team/CB Procurement Team /CB Procurement Team /CB Barangay Treasurer/CB Procurement Team/CB Procurement Team/CB Procurement Team/CB PT/CB PT/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB Procurement Team/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB Procurement Team/CB PIT/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB MIT/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB

DOCUMENTS 1 Approved Program of Works 2 Planned Community Procurement Packaging 3. Actual Community Procurement Packaging 4. Minutes of Pre-Procurement Conference 5 Invitation To Bid 6 Minutes of Pre-Bid Conference 7 Minutes of Bid Opening 8 Forms of Bid 9 Bid Security 10 Certificate of Business Registration 11. Minutes of Evaluation of Bids 12. Abstract of Bid 13.Post qualification Report 14.Resolution to Award 15. MCA-Philippines Eligibility Verification Letter; No Objection Letter (NPMT) 16. Performance Security 17. Notice of Award 18. CF Proc Red Flag Monitoring Form 19. Purchase Order 20. Sales/Charge Invoice or Statement of Accounts and/or Delivery Receipt 21. Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance* 22. Disbursement Voucher w/ attached photocopy of cheque 23.Official Receipt


*Certificate of Inspection could be indicated in the Purchase Order or Delivery Receipt.

198 Community-Based Procurement Manual

COMMUNITY PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROCUREMENT AND FINANCE DOCUMENT FILING CHECKLIST (ANNEX 1-E) Procurement Method: Local Bidding of Works Name of Community Project: ___________________________ Location: ___________________________
DATE OF CHECKM FILING ARK DOCUMENTS Finance Documents 1. Approved Program of Works 2.Planned Community Procurement Packaging 3. Actual Community Procurement Packaging 4 Minutes of Pre-Procurement Conference 5 Invitation To Bid 6. Minutes of Pre-bid conference 7. Minutes of Bid Opening 8. Instruction to Bidders 9. Drawings/Plan 10. Technical Specifications 11. Forms of Bid 12. Bid Security 13 Minutes of Bid Evaluation 14 Abstract of Bids 15. Contractors License 16 Post Qualification Report 17 Resolution to Award 18 No objection Letter (NPMT); 19 Notice of Award 20. Contract Agreement/Conditions of Contract 21. Performance Security 22. Notice to Commence 23. Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment 24. CF Proc Red Flag Monitoring Form 25. Contractors Billing 26. Joint Inspection Report 27. Disbursement Voucher w/ photocopy of cheque 28.Officicial Receipt BSPMC Chairperson/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB Procurement Team /CB Procurement Team/CB Procurement Team/CB Procurement Team/CB PT/CB PT/CB PT/CB Procurement Team/CB Barangay Treasurer/BCB PT/CB PT/CB PT/CB PT/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB CF/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB PERSON RESPONSIBLE REMARKS

Note: 1. Items 1-24 to be attached to first payment only 2. Second and succeeding payments require items 25-28 only

199 Community-Based Procurement Manual

COMMUNITY PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROCUREMENT AND FINANCE DOCUMENT FILING CHECKLIST (ANNEX 1-F) Procurement Method: Direct Contracting of Goods ___________________________

Name of Community Project: Location:



DOCUMENTS 1. Approved Program of Works 2. Planned Community Procurement Packaging 3. Actual Community Procurement Packaging 4. Data Base Price( Regional Office) 5. Minutes of Pre-Proc Conference 6. Certification from Procurement Team that no other supplier is available in the area 7. Canvass form 8. Minutes of Opening of Canvass 9.Minutes of Evaluation of Canvass 10. No Objection Letter (RPMT) 11. Purchase Order 12. CF Proc Red Flag Monitoring Form 13. Sales/Charge Invoice and/or Delivery Receipt 14. Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance* 15. Disbursement Voucher w/ attached photocopy of cheque 16. Official Receipt

PERSON RESPONSIBLE BSPMC Chairperson/CB Procurement Team/CB Procurement Team/CB DAC/CB PT/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB PT/CB PT/CB PT/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB PIT/CB CF/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB


*Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance could be indicated in the Purchase Order or Delivery Receipt

200 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Name of Community Project: Location:



DOCUMENTS 1. Approved Program of Works 2. Planned Community Procurement Packaging 3. Actual Community Procurement Packaging 4. Minutes of Pre-Procurement Conference 5. Canvass form 6. Minutes of Opening of Canvass 7. Minutes of Evaluation of Canvass 7. Abstract of Canvass 8. No Objection Letter (RPMT) 9. Purchase Order 10. CF Proc Red Flag Monitoring Form 11. Sales/Charge Invoice and/or Delivery Receipt 12. Certification of Acceptance and Inspection* 13. Disbursement Voucher w/ attached photocopy of cheque 14. Official Receipt

PERSON RESPONSIBLE BSPMC Chairperson/CB PT/CB PT/CB PT/CB PT/CB PT/CB PT/CB PT/CB BSPMC Chairperson/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB CF/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB MIT/CB Barangay Treasurer/CB Barangay Treasure/CB


*Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance could be indicated in the Purchase Order and Delivery Receipt

201 Community-Based Procurement Manual


202 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Direct Contracting of labor may be used under the following conditions: If the work requires more skilled workers of which the community could not provide If the laborers committed by the community in the Community Employment Record Sheet did not materialized

Organization of the Group The formation of Group should be the responsibility of the BSPMC with the assistance of the Community Facilitator.

Supervision Tools Hand tools will be supplied by the BSPMC through the Project Supervisor. The Project Supervisor will be responsible for keeping the tools in working order by sharpening / repairing them. Tools will be issued by the workforce and the issuance will be documented in the contract documents / Annex A Worn-out tools should be returned to the storekeeper for replacement. These should be returned from the project site to the property custodian for write off or replacement for tools lost. On completion of the Direct Contract Agreement all tools and implements, whether serviceable or not, shall be returned to the storekeeper. This shall be made a condition for payment of the Contract Agreement. Any loss will be deducted at replacement value from the contract sum and the amount recovered will be used for the purpose of replacement for the tools lost. No tools shall be offered or sold to the workers The Project Supervisor hired by the BSPMC will oversee the selection of the contract group and be a witness to the agreement. The Project Supervisor / Foreman will ensure compliance with the design standards and specifications. The group leader will assist the Project Supervisor in setting out the task and distributing tools; assure that the work the work is undertaken as directed.

Payment Before commencing the work, the barangay treasurer has to certify the availability of funds. Payment will be made after the completion of the work only as certified by the Project Supervisor.

Direct Contract Documents Proposal Direct Contract Agreement. List of Tools to the provided to the Group.

203 Community-Based Procurement Manual



LIST OF TOOLS PROVIDED TO THE DIRECT CONTRACT GROUP BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. ITEM Axe * Bolo (multi-purpose) * Brush Hook* Grass Cutting Bolo* Grass Cutter * Crow Bar * Shovel * Hoe * Forked Hoe* Pick Mattock* Pickaxe* Sledge Hammer&* Rake Spreader* Hand Rammer* Wheel Barrow* * Including Handles I certify that the above tools have been received by me in behalf of the CONTRACT GROUP. QUANTITY

______________________ GROUP LEADER I certify that the above tools have been returned by the PAKYAW GROUP in acceptable condition.

______________________ Project Supervisor

204 Community-Based Procurement Manual

It has been observed that various community procurement of civil works for KALAHICIDSS community community projects, are resorting to the use of Special Power of Attorney (SPA).In some cases, SPAs are used for sub-contracting a project to one another Contractor. Hence the need to clarify, to wit: Section 4 of the government procurement Reform Act or R.A. 9184 provides that Any treaty or international or executive agreement affecting the subject matter of this act to which the Philippines is a signatory shall be observed. For MCC-funded project/s: The Compact Agreement signed between MCC and the Government of the Philippines provides that MCC Funding will be granted to DSWD to plan and implement community-chosen sub-projects in accordance with the KalahiCIDSS Project manuals approved by MCC. Thus, the procurement procedures provided for in this Community Procurement Manual, as acceptable to MCC shall be followed. It includes this directive and other addendum provisions to the Community Procurement Manual. A Special Power of Attorney (SPA) is basically a contract known as Agency. By the contract of Agency, a person binds himself to render some service or to do something representation or on behalf of another, with the consent or authority of the latter (See; Art.1868, Civil code of the Philippines). Accordingly, in a contract of Agency, the principal allows an agent (Attorney-in-Fact) to do acts, service, or things for him as if personally present in certain transactions. Although the execution of an SPA is allowed under the law, the KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB Project ONLY allows the SPA authorizing the Attorney-in-Fact to represent the principal during the conduct of procurement transactions (i.e. submit bid, attend pre-bid conference, bid opening); BUT NOT in the implementation and execution of the contract, including bidding or shopping for works or goods. Moreover, the Attorney-in-Fact should be legally connected to or part of the Suppliers/Contractors firm. Under an SPA, therefore, the Attorney-in-Fact is ONLY an AGENT of the PRINCIPAL and is only authorized to represent the Principal during procurement proceedings in cases the Principal is not available. As such, the Agent SHOULD ONLY USE THE ELIGIBILITY, TECHNICAL, LEGAL and FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS OF ITS PRINCIPAL as required by R.A. 9184 and its IRR-A, and by KALAHI-CIDSS Community-Based Procurement Manual. It should NOT be allowed to use other documents/requirements (including his own) to prove the eligibility, technical and financial capacity of its principal. Even during Contract implementation, the principal should be the one directly and entirely responsible for the execution of the contract. While sub-contracting may be allowed under the Civil Works Generic Procurement Manual (See GPM Vol. III, p. 82) if given consent by the Procuring Entity, KALAHICIDSS does not ALLOW sub-contracting in any form, hence direct engagement to the legitimate contractor/supplier shall be observed. Procedures on procurement planning, packaging, implementation of the Planned Community Procurement Packaging (PCCP), and monitoring procurement compliance are clearly stipulated in the Community Procurement Manual. In cases where there is contradiction of provisions and procedures, between, R.A. 9184 and the KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB Community Procurement Manual, the latter and its addendum provisions shall be observed.

205 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Requirement for Philippine Standards (PS) Quality and/or Safety Certification Mark of Construction Materials used for Community Projects
Relative to the implementation of community projects, quality of construction materials purchased are seldom verified if it passed the Philippine National Standard. As a result, community projects making use of low-grade materials are at risk in terms of safety and sustainability. As an example, for potable water system community projects, communities using High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipes or Polyethylene (PE) pipes since it is easy to haul and install, but without PS Mark may cause harm to the water users. In this connection, we sought technical assistance from the Department of Trade and Industry-Bureau of Product Standards (DTI-BPS), they cautioned us not to acquire materials that did not pass BPS inspection, testing and certification requirements, as these products are considered unsuitable if it does not bear PS Mark. The PS Mark reveals a manufacturers compliance to the requirements of a Philippine National Standard (PNS). As such, the BPS authorizes a manufacturer to affix the PS mark on its product or its products packaging material, to let the buying public know that the marketed product has successfully passed DTI requirements. As a PS License holder, a manufacturer has shown evidence that it maintains a system according to the National Standard. This assures the consumers that the PS License holder can consistently satisfy them by making only safe and quality products. In view of the foregoing, you are hereby directed to include the PS Mark License when procuring goods especially pipes for potable water as a minimum requirement in the eligibility of the supplier/manufacturer. The intent of requiring the PS Mark License is to ensure product QUALITY, SAFETY and RELIABILITY. This is line with the KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB principle of sustainability and safeguard to ensure that materials supplied to the community projects complied with the National Standards.

206 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Fiduciary reviews revealed that there were confusions on what method of procurement to be used in renting hand tools for use in community projects. Form used is either Canvass or Lease of Equipment. It was also observed that there were rentals for hand tools that are more expensive than procuring such tool/s. Hand tools such as Planer, Sander, Grinder, Drill/Drivers, Routers, Screw Gun, Rivet Gun, and the like, are commonly used in the construction of building community projects and these are normally included in the program of works. Some tools are needed for a few days and some are to be used in the entire duration of the community project. However, there are tools that costs more than the allowed budget for the tools provided in the ACT manual that is PhP. 4,000.00 per community project for buildings, thus, the community resorts to renting the needed tools. In view of the foregoing, we would like to reiterate that tools are considered goods as cited in the procurement manual (please refer to the example provided in the procurement manual). Hence, the proper form to be used is Canvass for Goods. For rental, the quantity indicated in the canvass form shall be in terms of the Estimated number of hours or days that the tool/s will be utilized while the Unit of measure to be used shall be in terms of hour/s or day/s. Using Canvass for goods requires less paper works rather than using Lease of Equipment which requires longer period of time and more paper works such as invitation to quote, contract, supplemental agreement, among others. In cases of rental of hand tools that are more expensive than the cost of the tool/s, it is recommended that said equipment will be procured chargeable to either LCC or grant. Provided, however, that Operation and Maintenance of the tool/s is established; and, a cost comparison is submitted/attached as part of the readiness filter. Provided further that utilization is discussed during Barangay Assemblies to discuss among others, turn over to the association/organization or the BLGU after the completion of works. In contrast, it is also reiterated that procurement of hand tools for water system community projects such as pipe wrench, threaders, and other tools for pipe installation is allowed for Operation and Maintenance.

207 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Fiduciary reviews revealed that there were confusions on what procurement method should be used for the rental of equipment. Under the provisions of the CommunityBased Procurement Manual, rental of equipment except for trucking for the delivery of goods, is categorized as works. In the procurement process, documentary requirements for both light and heavy equipment are the same. For rental of equipment, the requirements include among others, the Invitation to Lease, Lease Agreement and Conditions of Contract. However, there are cases where categorization varies depending on the need as specified in the program of works. Categorize as follows: Equipment Rental as Goods if the equipment is to be used on an hourly or daily basis inclusive of fuel, oil, lubricants and operatorfully operated for heavy equipment e.g. bulldozer, grader, pay loader, etc The procurement form to be used in renting any equipment categorized as goods shall be Canvass and Purchase Order (please see attached format). This shall also apply to rental of light equipment such as concrete mixer, portable/plate compactor, water pump, concrete vibrator, chain block, welding machine, drilling machine, bar cutter, generator set, acetylene set, chain saw, and the like that are commonly used in the community projects. The unit and unit rate for any type of equipment shall be dependent on the requirement. Trucking/hauling as defined in the enhanced procurement manual is considered as goods. The unit and unit rate used shall be in terms of the quantity to be hauled e.g. 20 pieces Reinforced Concrete Pipes at PhP. 200 per piece, 50 rolls HDPE Pipes at PhP. 100 per roll, 40 cubic meters sand at PhP. 250 per cubic meter. The purchase order form used for trucking shall be the same as provided in this guideline. For purchase order amounting to PhP. 20,000.00 and below, payment shall be made upon delivery/completion. For amount of purchase order amounting to more than PhP. 20,000.00, the following conditions may be allowed:

1. The Lessor has the option to claim for advance payment up to fifteen (15) percent

provided a Bank Guarantee of equal amount from a reputable bank is submitted to the BSPMC and a certification from the DAC or the Municipal Engineer (if there is no DAC in the Municipality) the equipment is delivered at the project site.

2. The Lessor can claim partial payment if the accomplishment is at least twenty

(20) percent without submitting a bank guarantee provided the DAC or the Municipal Engineer (if there is no DAC in the Municipality) certified that the equipment is being utilized on the date claimed. Equipment Rental as Works - if the utilization of the equipment is based on the quantity of the item/s of work/s. Payment for rental under works is based on an output that the equipment will complete. Similar with Equipment Rental as Goods, equipment should be fully operated. The procurement form to be used in renting any equipment categorized as works shall be Invitation to Lease Equipment and Equipment Lease Agreement for Works (please see attached format). For contract amounting to PhP. 30,000.00 and below, payment shall be made upon completion of the contract. For contract amounting to more than PhP. 30,000.00 and

208 Community-Based Procurement Manual

above, the BSPMC may make advance payment to the Lessor in the amount up to fifteen (15) percent of the Contract Price only after the DAC had certified that the equipment is delivered at the project site and the Lessor has submitted to the BSPMC a Bank Guarantee of equal amount. The advance payment shall be repaid by making deductions for every progress billing with consideration that it is fully recoup upon reaching 80% physical accomplishment. Progress payment is allowed. The first recoupment shall start when accomplishment has reached 20% of the total contract price. Full payment shall be made only upon completion of the services with certification of the DAC and approval of the BSPMC. There shall be no retention money withheld on any progress billing for rental of equipment. It is reiterated that the detailed procedures as provided in the manual shall be strictly followed. The threshold for the issuance of No Objection Letter shall also be strictly followed.

209 Community-Based Procurement Manual


I. RATIONALE One of the causes of delay in the implementation of contracted community projects is the poor performance of the contractor/s or suppliers in delivering the expected output as provided in the contract. This includes workmanship or poor quality of goods, delay in the execution of works or delivery of goods, abandonment of works, and others. Despite the existence of a provision on termination of the contract, such provision has not been strictly enforced because of the absence of specific guidelines and procedures on how to implement it. Hence, the need to reiterate the Project guidelines in the implementation of Contract Termination. With reference to the provisions of Annex A of the Government Policy Procurement Board (GPPB) Resolution No. 018-2004 dated December 22, 2004, hereunder are the implementing guidelines. II. PURPOSE, SCOPE, AND APPLICATION This guideline aims to promote fairness in the termination of procurement contracts and to prescribe contract conditions and measures to enable BSPMC to protect its interests. For this purpose, policies and procedures relating to the whole or partial termination of BSPMC procurement contracts of goods and infrastructure projects (works) are herein established. III. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Coercive Practice means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect the execution of a contract. 2. Collusive Practice means a scheme or arrangement including practice among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels to prevent free and open competition. 3. Corrupt Practice means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the selection process or in contract execution. It also means entering, on behalf of the BSPMC, into any contract or transaction manifestly and grossly disadvantageous to the same, whether or not the public officer profits or will profit thereby; and similar acts as provided in Republic Act 3019 also known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. 4. Fraudulent Practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a selection process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the BSPMC. 5. Head of the BSPMC refers to the Chairperson of the BSPMC; 6. Termination in Part means the termination of a part but not all, of the work that as not been completed and accepted under a contract. 7. Termination in Whole means the termination of all of the work that has not been completed and accepted under a contract.

210 Community-Based Procurement Manual

8. Show Cause refers to a notice which the BSPMC is required to issue prior to terminating a contract. The purpose of a show cause notice is to enable the contractor to present its position why the contract should not be terminated. 9. Verified Report refers to the report submitted by the Technical Working Group to the BSPMC Chairperson setting forth its findings as to the existence of grounds or causes for termination and explicitly stating its recommendation for the issuance of a Notice to Terminate. IV. GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS A. Termination for Default 1. In contracts for Goods: The BSPMC shall terminate a contract for default when any of the following conditions attend its implementation: a) Outside of force majeure17, the Supplier fails to deliver or perform any or all of the Goods within the period(s) specified in the contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the BVSPMC pursuant to a request made by the Supplier prior to the delay, and such failure amounts to at least ten percent (10%) of the contact price; b) As a result of force majeure, the Supplier is unable to deliver or perform any or all of the Goods, amounting to at least ten percent (10%) of the contract price, for a period of not less than sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of the notice from the BSPMC stating that the circumstance of force majeure is deemed to have ceased; or c) The Supplier fails to perform any other obligation under the Contract. 2. In contracts for Infrastructure Projects (Works): The BSPMC may terminate the Contract for breach of contract. Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: a) The Contractor stops work for ten (10) days when the stoppage has not been authorized by the Project Supervisor; b) The Project Supervisor gives notice that the Contractor has failed to correct a Defect within twenty one (21) days as determined by the Project Supervisor; c) The Contractor has delayed the completion of the works by thirty (30) calendar days; d) If the contractor incurred a minimum of negative fifteen percent (15%) slippage but remains dormant for almost two months despite receipt of the warning letter from the BSPMC; and, e) The Contractor:


Force majeure (French for "greater force") is a common clause in contracts which essentially frees one or both parties from liabilities when an extraordinary event beyond the control of the parties, such as flood, war, riots, acts of God, et cetera prevents one or both parties from fulfilling their obligations under the contract.

211 Community-Based Procurement Manual


Abandons the contract works, refuses or fails to comply with a valid instruction of the BSPMC or fails to proceed expeditiously and without delay despite a written notice by the BSPMC; Does not actually have on the project site the minimum essential equipment listed on the Bid necessary to prosecute the Works in accordance with the approved work plan and equipment deployment schedule as required for the project; Does not execute the Works in accordance with the contract or persistently or flagrantly neglects to carry out its obligations under the contract; or Neglects or refuses to remove materials or to perform a new work that has been rejected as defective or unsuitable.




Notwithstanding the above, the BSPMC with the concurrence of the Regional Project Management Team (RPMT) may terminate the Contract for its convenience by giving the Contractor a fifteen (15) days notice in writing. If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the Site safe and secure, and leave the Site within seven (7) days of the completion of the notice period. 3. Sanctions for contracts terminated by Default The rescission18 (cancellation/termination) of the contract shall be accompanied by the confiscation by the BSPMC of the contractors performance security. The contractor will also be recommended for blacklisting. The contractor shall be paid on a quantum meruit19 B. Termination for Convenience The BSPMC may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The BSPMC Chairperson may terminate a contract for the convenience of the BSPMC if it determined the existence of conditions that make Project Implementation economically, financially or technically impractical and/or unnecessary, such as, but not limited to, fortuitous event(s) or changes in law and national government policies. C. Termination for Insolvency The BSPMC shall terminate the Contract if the Supplier/Contractor is declared bankrupt or insolvent as determined with finality by a court of competent jurisdiction. In this event, termination will be without compensation to the Supplier/Contractor/Consultant, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the BSPMC and/or the Supplier/Contractor. D. Termination for Unlawful Acts The BSPMC may terminate the contract in case it is determined prima facie20 that the Supplier/Contractor has engaged, before or during the implementation of the

Rescission - the cancellation/termination of a contract and the return of the parties to the positions they would have had if the contract had not been made; " rescission may be brought about by decree or by mutual consent" 19 Quantum meruit is the amount that should be paid as merited by the extent and quality of the original service performed in a contract or the reasonable value of services rendered. 20 Prima Facie - is a Latin word meaning at first sight, a fact presumed to be true until disproved.

212 Community-Based Procurement Manual

contract, in unlawful deeds and behaviors relative to contract acquisition and implementation. Unlawful acts include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Corrupt, fraudulent, collusive and coercive practices; b) Drawing up or using forged documents; c) Using adulterated materials, means or methods, or engaging in production contrary to rules of science or the trade; and d) Any other act analogous to the foregoing. E. Termination by Contractor 1. In contracts for Infrastructure Projects: The Contractor may terminate its contract with the BSPMC if the works are completely stopped for a continuous period of at least thirty (30) calendar days through no fault of its own, due to any of the following reasons: a) Failure of the BSPMC to deliver, within a reasonable time, its obligations stated under the terms of the contract (e.g. materials, right of way, nonpayment of billings and related others; or b) The prosecution of the work is disrupted by the adverse peace and order situation, as certified by the Armed Forces of the Philippines Provincial Commander. V. PROCEDURES FOR TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS 1. Verification. The Project Implementation Team (PIT) and/or the Monitoring and Inspection Team (MIT) shall inform the BSPMC Chairperson that delivery of goods/works has stopped based on the above conditions. The BSPMC Chairperson will convene for an Executive Committee meeting to discuss the acts or causes which may constitute ground(s) for termination as aforementioned. The BSPMC Chairperson shall order the Procurement Team with assistance of the TWG to conduct within a period of five (5) calendar days, verify the existence of such ground(s) and cause the execution of a Verified Report, with all relevant evidence attached. 2. Notice to Terminate. Upon recommendation by the Procurement Team with assistance of the TWG, the BSPMC Chairperson shall terminate contracts only by a written notice to the Supplier/Contractor conveying the termination of the contract. The notice shall state: a) That the contract is being terminated for any of the ground(s) aforementioned, and a statement of the acts that constitute the ground(s) constituting the same; b) The extent of termination, whether in whole or in part; c) An instruction to the Supplier/Contractor to show cause as to why the contract should not be terminated; and d) Special instructions of the BSPMC, if any. The Notice to Terminate shall be accompanied by a copy of the Verified Report.

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3. Show Cause. Within a period of seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the Notice of Termination, the Supplier/Contractor shall submit to the BSPMC Chairperson a verified position paper stating why the contract should not be terminated. If the Supplier/Contractor/Consultant fails to show cause after the lapse of the seven (7) day period, either by inaction or by default, the BSPMC Chairperson shall issue an order terminating the contract. 4. Rescission of Notice of Termination. The BSPMC may, at anytime before receipt of the Suppliers/Contractors verified position paper to withdraw the Notice to Terminate if it is determined that certain items or works subject of the notice had been completed, delivered, or performed before the Suppliers/Contractors receipt of the notice. 5. Decision. Within a non-extendible period of seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the verified position paper, the BSPMC Chairperson shall decide whether or not to terminate the contract. It shall serve a written notice to the Supplier/Contractor of its decision and, unless otherwise provided, the Contract is deemed terminated from receipt of the Supplier/Contractor of the notice of decision. The termination shall only be based on the ground(s) stated in the Notice to Terminate. 6. Contract Termination Review Committee (CTRC). The BSPMC Chairperson shall assign the Procurement Team with the assistance of the TWG to assist him in the discharge of his function under this Guideline. All decisions recommended by the Procurement Team shall be subject to the approval of the BSPMC Chairperson. 7. Take-over of Contracts. If a BSPMC terminates the contract due to default, insolvency, or for cause, it may enter into a negotiated procurement pursuant to Section 53(c) of R.A. 9184 and its Revised IRR or guidelines provided by the project. 8. BSPMCs Options in Termination for Convenience in Contracts for Goods. The goods that have been performed or are ready for delivery within thirty (30) calendar days after the Suppliers receipt of Notice to Terminate shall be accepted by the BSPMC at the PO/contract terms and prices. For goods not yet performed or ready for delivery, the BSPMC may elect: a) To have any portion delivered or performed and paid at the contract terms and prices; and/or b) To cancel the remainder and pay to the Supplier an agreed amount for partially completed or performed goods and for materials and parts previously procured by the Supplier. If the Supplier suffers loss in its initial performance of the terminated contract, such as purchase of raw materials for goods specially manufactured for the BSPMC which cannot be sold in open market, it shall be allowed to recover partially from the contract, on a quantum meruit basis. Before recovery may be made, the fact of loss must be established under oath by the Supplier to the satisfaction of the BSPMC before recovery may be made. 9. Notice by Contractor. The Contractor must serve a written notice to the BSPMC of its intention to terminate the contract at least fifteen (15) calendar days before its intended termination. The Contract is deemed terminated if it is not resumed in thirty (30) calendar days after the receipt of such notice by the BSPMC. Attached is a matrix showing the period of action for termination.

214 Community-Based Procurement Manual


BLACKLISTING The project reserves the right to blacklist suppliers/contractors as determined through the guidelines provided by the project. The blacklisted suppliers shall be recommended to the Government Procurement Policy Board - Technical Support Office (GPPB-TSO) and blacklisted contactor shall be referred to the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) for license suspension/revocation.


AMENDMENTS 1. In the implementation of this Guideline, the NPMO may introduce modifications hereto through the amendment of its specific provisions as the need arises. 2. Any amendment to this Guideline shall be applicable to community projects advertised for bid after the effectivity of the said amendment.

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(GOODS and WORKS) Note: CD Calendar Days PERIOD OF ACTION (Calendar Days) ACTIVITIES Responsible Person Minimum GOODS Report of non-delivery of expected goods/services as provided in the grounds for termination Project Implementation Team and/or the Monitoring and Inspection Team Procurement Team with assistance of the Technical Working Group Max. Min. WORKS Max.

1 CD

1 CD

1 CD

1 CD


Within 2 CD

Within 5 CD

Within 2 CD

Within 5 CD

Issuance of Notice of Termination Show Cause Order (The Supplier/Contractor will submit to the BSPMC a position paper why the contract should not be terminated) Rescission of Notice of Termination (The BSPMC may, at anytime before receipt of the Suppliers/Contractors verified position paper to withdraw the Notice to Terminate if it is determined that certain items or works subject of the notice had been completed, delivered, or performed before the Suppliers/Contractors receipt of the notice. Decision (The BSPMC Chairperson shall decide whether or not to terminate the contract)

Procurement Team

1 CD

1 CD

1 CD

1 CD

The Supplier/Contractor

Within 7 CD

Within 7 CD

Within 7 CD

Within 7 CD

The BSPMC Chairperson to be delivered by the Procurement Team 1 CD 1 CD 1 CD 1 CD

The BSPMC Chairperson

Within 2 CD

Within 7 CD

Within 2 CD

Within 7 CD


The BSPMC Chairperson or the RPD/RPM

Within 2 CD

Within 2 CD

Within 2 CD

Within 2 CD



1 CD 17 CDs

1 CD

1 CD 17 CDs


25 CDs

25 CDs

216 Community-Based Procurement Manual


1. RATIONALE One of the major causes of the delay in the implementation of community project is the withdrawal of contractors or overdue implementation of the contract/s. In like manner, untimely delivery of goods by the manufacturers, suppliers and distributors is also contributing in the delay in the completion of the community projects. Despite penalizing the contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and distributors by imposing liquidated damages and forfeiture of performance security, the expected quality and timely delivery services are not delivered. Moreover, it has been discovered during the bidding process and fiduciary reviews that Contractors, Manufacturer, Suppliers and Distributors are in cahoots as evidenced by the bid documents submitted. Contractors, Manufacturer, Suppliers and Distributors artificially create semblance of competition during the bidding process. Hence, a need to impose sanctions to erring Contractors, Manufacturers, Suppliers and Distributors. 2. PURPOSE This guideline is issued to authorize the BSPMC through the RPMO (Regional Director or Regional Project Manager) and to authorize the RPMO to issue blacklisting or suspension orders to erring Contractors, Manufacturers, Suppliers and Distributors participating in KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB funded projects. 3. RULES & REGULATIONS 3.1 The BSPMC shall submit the following within seven (7) calendar days from its issuance. A. Blacklisting Order duly signed by BSPMC Chairperson thru the Regional Director or the Regional Project Manager; and,

B. Delisting Order duly signed by the blacklisting BSPMC or RPMO following the procedures blacklisting. 3.2 The RPMO should also submit the abovementioned requirement with attached supporting documents within two (2) calendar days to the following: A. For Suppliers, Manufacturers, and Distributors to the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB), through the GPPB-Technical Support Office (TSO), Unit 2506, Raffles Corporate Center, F. Ortigas Jr. Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City TeleFax: (632) 900-6741-44; and B. For Constructors, to the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP), 4F Jupiter 1 Bldg., 56 Jupiter St., Bel Air, Makati City. Fax:. 897.9336.

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4. SCOPE This guideline shall govern the blacklisting of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and contractors involved in KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB Project for offenses or violations committed during competitive bidding and contract implementation. This guideline shall apply to all KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB FUNDED Projects. 5. PROHIBITION ON BLACKLISTED PERSONS/ENTITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE BIDDING OF KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB PROJECTS/CONTRACTS A person/entity that is blacklisted by a procuring entity and/or included in the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Consolidated Blacklisting Report shall not be allowed to participate in the bidding of all KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB funded projects during the period of disqualification unless it is delisted as provided for in these guidelines. 6. DEFINITION OF TERMS 6.1 Appellate Authority. The BSPMC with concurrence of the RPMO. 6.2 Award. A written notice from the BSPMC accepting a bid or proposal. 6.3 Blacklisting. An administrative penalty disqualifying a person or an entity from participating in any KALAHI-CIDSS: KKB procurement for a given period. 6.4 Suspension. The administrative penalty imposed for infractions21 committed by a contractor during the competitive bidding stage, whereby such contractor is prohibited from further participation in the bidding process of an agency. 6.5 Consolidated Blacklisting Report. A report prepared by the GPPB containing the list of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, contractors or consultants blacklisted by procuring entities. 6.6 Contract Implementation. A process of undertaking a project or contract in accordance with the contract documents. 6.7 Termination of Contract. Extinction of contract by reason of resolution or rescission under Articles 1191, 1380, 1381 of the Civil Code, Section 68 of the Revised IRR of R.A. 9184 and provision of the Community-Based Procurement Manual and other applicable laws arising from the default of the contractor. 6.8 Delist. Removal of a person/entity from the Consolidated Blacklisting Report. 6.9 Blacklisted Person/Entity. A person/entity who was disqualified by an agency and/or is included in the GPPB Consolidated Blacklisting Report. 7. SANCTIONS AND GROUNDS FOR BLACKLISTING 7.1 Competitive Bidding Stage During the competitive bidding stage, the BSPMC shall impose on bidders or prospective bidders the penalty of suspension for one (1) year for the

Infraction - means a violation of a rule, regulation, promise, obligation, or contract.

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first offense, suspension for two (2) years for the second offense from participating in KALAHI-CIDSS bidding process, without prejudice to the imposition of additional administrative sanctions as the internal rules of the BSPMC may provide and/or further criminal prosecution, as provided by applicable laws, for the following violations: a) Submission of eligibility requirements containing false information or falsified documents. b) Submission of Bids that contain false information or falsified documents, or the concealment of such information in the Bids in order to influence the outcome of eligibility screening or any other stage of the public bidding. c) Unauthorized use of ones name, or using the name of the name of another for purpose of public bidding. d) Withdrawal of a bid, or refusal to accept an award, or enter into contract with the BSPMC without justifiable cause, after he had been adjudged as having submitted the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid. e) Refusal or failure to post the required performance security within the prescribed time. f) Refusal to clarify or validate in writing its Bid during post qualification within a period of seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the request for clarification. g) Any documented unsolicited attempt by a bidder to unduly influence the outcome of the bidding in his favor. h) All other acts that tend to defeat the purpose of the competitive bidding, such as but not limited to: an eligible contractor not buying bid documents or not complying with the requirements during bid evaluation, and contractors habitually withdrawing from bidding. In addition to the penalty of suspension, the bid security posted by the concerned bidder or prospective bidder shall also be forfeited. 7.2 Contract Implementation Stage Pursuant to the provisions of the Guidelines on Contract Termination, and without prejudice to the imposition of additional administrative sanctions as the internal rules of the BSPMC may provide and/or further criminal prosecution as provided by applicable laws, the BSPMC shall impose on contractors after the termination of the contract the penalty of suspension for one (1) year for the first offense, suspension for two (2) years for the second offense from participating in the public bidding process, for violations committed during the contract implementation stage, which include but not limited to the following: a) Failure of the contractor, due solely to his fault or negligence, to mobilize and start work or performance within the specified period in the Notice to Proceed (NTP); b) Failure by the contractor to fully and faithfully comply with its contractual obligations without valid cause, or failure by the contractor to comply with any written lawful instruction of the procuring entity or its representative(s) pursuant to the implementation of the contract. For the procurement of infrastructure projects, lawful instructions include but are not limited to the following: i. Employment of competent technical engineers and/or work supervisors; personnel, competent

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ii. Provision of warning signs and barricades in accordance with approved plans and specifications and contract provisions; iii. Stockpiling in proper places of all materials and removal from the project site of waste and excess materials, including broken pavement and excavated debris in accordance with approved plans and specifications and contract provisions; iv. Deployment of committed equipment, facilities, support staff and manpower; and v. Renewal of the effectivity dates of the performance security after its expiration during the course of contract implementation. c) For the procurement of goods, unsatisfactory progress in the delivery of the goods by the manufacturer, supplier or distributor arising from his fault or negligence and/or unsatisfactory or inferior quality of goods, as may be provided in the contract; f) For the procurement of infrastructure projects, poor performance by the contractor or unsatisfactory quality and/or progress of work arising from his fault or negligence as reflected in the Constructor's Performance Evaluation System (CPES) rating sheet provide by the GPPB. In the absence of the CPES rating sheet, the existing performance monitoring system of the KALAHI-CIDSS shall be applied. Any of the following acts by the constructor shall be construed as poor performance: i. Negative slippage of 15% and above within the critical path of the project due entirely to the fault or negligence of the contractor; and ii. Quality of materials and workmanship not complying with the approved specifications arising from the contractor's fault or negligence. g) Willful or deliberate abandonment or non-performance of the project or contract by the contractor resulting to substantial breach thereof without lawful and/or just cause. In addition to the penalty of suspension, the performance security posted by the contractor shall also be forfeited. 8. PROCEDURE FOR SUSPENSION AND BLACKLISTING DURING THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING STAGE 8.1 Initiation of Action Any bidder/prospective bidder or duly authorized observer may initiate the suspension and blacklisting proceedings by filing a written complaint with the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC). The BAC may also by itself commence the proceedings upon prima facie22 (self-sufficient) determination that the contractor as a bidder or prospective bidder has committed any of the grounds for blacklisting during the competitive bidding stage. At the option of the BSPMC, a reasonable fee may be required for initiating the suspension and blacklisting proceedings. 8.2 Notification Upon verification of the existence of grounds for blacklisting, the BAC shall immediately notify the contractor concerned in writing, advising him that:


Prima Facie - is a Latin word meaning at first sight, a fact presumed to be true until disproved.

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a) a complaint for suspension and blacklisting has been filed against him, or he has been considered by the BAC for suspension and blacklisting, stating the grounds for such; b) he has the opportunity to show cause why he should not be suspended and blacklisted; c) a hearing shall be conducted before the BAC, upon his request, where he may present documentary evidence, verbal testimony and crossexamine the witnesses presented against him; and d) the consequences of being suspended and blacklisted. Within seven (7) calendar days from receipt of notification, the contractor shall submit its written answer with documentary evidence to the BAC with a manifestation for request of hearing to determine questions of fact, if he so desires. No time extension shall be allowed. Should the contractor fail to answer within the same period, the BAC shall issue a resolution recommending to the BSPMC Chair to be assisted by Area Coordinating Team or the Municipal Inter-Agency Committee to be concurred by the RPMO thru the Regional Director or Regional Project Manager the immediate suspension of the contractor from participating in any bidding process in any KALAHI-CIDSS funded project and the forfeiture of his bid security. 8.3 Hearings If a hearing is requested, the BAC shall immediately set the date and time for hearing. The hearing shall be non-litigious and shall be terminated within five (5) calendar days. The BAC may also invite a representative from a duly recognized private group, NGOs, NGAs, religious group or discipline relevant to the procurement at hand as an observer for each hearing. If no request is made, the BAC shall make a determination of the case based on the complaint, answer, documentary evidence submitted and facts verified. If the BAC is convinced that the contractor is at fault, it shall issue a resolution recommending to the BSPMC Chairperson (assisted by Area Coordinating Team or the Municipal InterAgency Committee) to be concurred by the RPMO thru the Regional Director or Regional Project Manager the suspension of the contractor from participating in any bidding process of the agency and the forfeiture of his bid security. 8.4 Decision The BSPMC Chairperson shall, within five (5) calendar days from receipt of the resolution and the records of the BAC proceedings, determine whether reasonable cause exists for the suspension of the contractor and the forfeiture of the latters bid security. If the BSPMC Chairperson determines that such reasonable cause exists, he shall issue a decision suspending the contractor from participating in any bidding process of the KALAHI-CIDSS project, and further declaring that his bid security is forfeited. Otherwise, he shall dismiss the case. The decision shall clearly and distinctly state the facts, evidence and the law on which it is based, as well as the date of effectivity of the penalty, if any. The BSPMC Chairperson may delegate to the BAC the authority to impose the corresponding sanction(s) provided for in these guidelines. In case a contractor commits more than one offense or a combination of offenses for the same

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project/contract in a particular KALAHI-CIDSS area, each violation shall be meted the corresponding penalty. 8.5 Notice of Decision The BSPMC Chairperson shall furnish the suspended Contractor, Manufacturer, Supplier and Distributor a copy of the decision immediately from its promulgation. 8.6 Effect of Decision A Contractor, Manufacturer, Supplier and Distributor is suspended upon receipt of the notice of decision prohibiting him from participating in the bidding process in any KALAHI-CIDSS project. The suspension shall remain in effect during the period of motion for reconsideration and protest and shall terminate only upon a reversal of the decision by the BSPMC or appellate authority. If no motion for reconsideration or protest is filed, the decision shall become final and executor after the lapse of seven (7) calendar days from the receipt of the notice of decision. Thereafter, the BSPMC shall issue a Blacklisting Order with concurrence of the RPMO disqualifying the erring contractor from participating in the bidding of all KALAHI-CIDSS projects. 8.7 Motion for Reconsideration A Motion for Reconsideration may be filed by the suspended person/entity within seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the notice of decision and shall be for either or both of the following causes, provided that only one (1) Motion for Reconsideration shall be filed with the blacklisting BSPMC or Regional Project Management Office (RPMO): a) The decision is not in conformity with the evidence and/or facts presented; and b) Newly discovered evidence or facts which could not be discovered and produced at the investigation and which when presented would probably alter the result of the investigation. The BSPMC shall resolve with finality the motion for reconsideration within five (5) calendar days from the filing thereof and furnish suspended contractor a copy of the resolution immediately from its promulgation. 8.8 Protest from Decision A protest may be filed by the suspended contractor/manufacturer/supplier/distributor with the appellate authority within seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the resolution on the Motion for Reconsideration. 8.9 Finality of Decision The decision of the BSPMC shall become final and executory after the lapse of seven (7) calendar days from the receipt of the notice of decision or resolution on the motion for reconsideration. If a protest is filed, the affirmed, modified or reversed decision shall become final and executory upon receipt thereof by the project and person/entity concerned. Upon finality of the decision suspending the contractor, the BSPMC shall issue a Blacklisting Order with concurrence of the RPMO disqualifying the erring contractor from participating in the bidding of all government projects.

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9. PROCEDURE FOR BLACKLISTING DURING THE CONTRACT IMPLEMENTATION STAGE Upon termination of contract due to default of the contractor / manufacturer / supplier / distributor, the BSPMC or the RPMO shall immediately issue a Blacklisting Order disqualifying the erring contractor from participating in the bidding in all KALAHI-CIDSS Projects. The performance security of said contractor shall also be forfeited. 10. STATUS OF BLACKLISTED PERSON/ENTITY Before the issuance of a Blacklisting Order, the erring contractor / manufacturer / supplier / distributor may participate in the procurement of any government project except in KALAHI-CIDSS unless otherwise blacklisted by any Government institution. But if Blacklisting Order is issued prior to the date of the notice of award (NOA), the blacklisted person/entity shall not be qualified for award and such project/contract shall be awarded to another bidder pursuant to Community-Based Procurement Guidelines. If the Blacklisting Order is issued after award of a government project/contract to the blacklisted person/entity, the awarded project/contract shall not be prejudiced by the said order. Provided, however, that the said offense(s) committed by the blacklisted person/entity is/are not connected with the awarded project/contract. 11. DELISTING 11.1 A blacklisted person/entity shall be automatically delisted after the period for the penalty shall have elapsed, unless the blacklisting agency requests the GPPB to maintain the blacklisted person/entity in the GPPB Consolidated Blacklisting Report due to justifiable reasons. In the latter case, the blacklisted person/entity shall be delisted only upon the blacklisting agencys issuance of a Delisting Order. 12. METHODOLOGY FOR NOTIFICATION TO THE GPPB 12.1. Unless otherwise provided in these guidelines, the blacklisting agency concerned shall submit to the GPPB, within seven (7) calendar days after the issuance of the blacklisting order/delisting orders made by the agency, the following documents: a) Blacklisting Order duly signed by the BSPMC Chairperson or RPMO/appellate authority containing, among others, BSPMC-BAC Resolution number, name and address of the blacklisted person/entity, license number, if applicable, Authorized Managing Officer (AMO), name of project/contract and location/amount, specific ground(s)/offense(s) committed, sanction imposed and its date of start and completion, date of issuance of the order to blacklist, and other conditions which can extend duration of sanctions in Sections 7 (Sanctions and Grounds for Termination) hereof. b) Delisting Order duly signed by the blacklisting BSPMC/RPMO containing, among others, BSPMC-BAC Resolution or RPMO Order, name and address of the blacklisted person/entity, name of project/contract and location, specific sanction being lifted and the number of previously issued blacklisting Department/Office Orders or Board Resolutions, effectivity date of delisting, and date of delisting approval. 12.2 In the case of procurement of infrastructure projects, should a blacklisting BSPMC/RPMO decide to refer the case of its blacklisted person/entity to the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) for license suspension/revocation, it shall submit to PCAB a copy of the decision accompanied with supporting documents.

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13. AMENDMENTS 13.1 In the implementation of these guidelines, the project may introduce modifications thereto through the amendment of its specific provisions as the need arises. 13.2 Any amendment to these guidelines shall be applicable to all KALAHI-CIDSS funded community projects posted/advertised to be procured after the effectivity of the said amendment

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Responsible Person The BAC commence the proceedings to determine the grounds for blacklisting The BAC to notify the contractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor The BAC (can invite duly recognized groups, NGOs NGAs, religious group) If the BAC is convinced that the contractor/supplier/distributor is at fault, it shall issue resolution recommending to the BSPMC Chairperson the suspension. The ACT/MIAC shall assist the BAC and BSPMC. The BSPMC to decide of the suspension and declare forfeiture of the bid security/performance security. Otherwise, he shall dismiss the case. The BSPMC Chairperson may delegate to the BAC the authority to impose corresponding sanctions. The BSPMC Chairperson shall furnish the suspended contractor / manufacturer / supplier / distributor The contractor / manufacturer / supplier / distributor is suspended upon receipt of the notice of decision prohibiting him in participating in the bidding process in any KC project SUB-TOTAL NUMBER OF DAYS Motion for Reconsideratio n The contractor / manufacturer / supplier / distributor may file motion for reconsideration to the BSPMC The BSPMC shall resolve with finality the motion for reconsideration from date of filing

ACTIVITIES Initiation of Action Notification

1 CD Within 3 CD to deliver the notice

1 CD Within 7 CD

Hearings (NonLitigious)

Within 2 CD

Within 5 CD


Within 2 CD

Within 5 CD

Notice of Decision

Within 1 CD

Within 1 CD

Effect of Decision

Within 1 CD

Within 1 CD 20 Cal. Days Within 7 CD from filing + 5 Calendar days to resolve from the filing date Within 7 CD from receipt of the resolution on the motion for reconsideration

10 Cal. Days Within 7 CD from filing + 5 Calendar days to resolve from the filing date Within 7 CD from receipt of the resolution on the motion for reconsideration

Protest from Decision

Finality of Decision and submission to the GPPB/CIAP

The contractor / manufacturer / supplier / distributor may protest with the appellate authority (BSPMC) The BSPMCs decision shall be final and executory. TOTAL NUMBER OF DAYS

1 CD after the lapse 1 CD after the lapse of 7 CD from receipt of 7 CD from receipt of Notice of Decision of Notice of Decision 30 Cal. Days 40 Cal. Days

II. DURING CONTRACT IMPLEMENTATION STAGE Upon termination of contract due to default of the contractor, the BSPMC or the RPMO shall immediately issue a Blacklisting/Delisting Order disqualifying the erring contractor / manufacturer

225 Community-Based Procurement Manual

/ supplier / distributor from participating in the bidding in all KALAHI-CIDSS Projects. The performance security of said contractor shall also be forfeited.


Fiduciary reviews and audit conducted by the Commission on Audit (COA) revealed that variations orders/change orders were made during the course of implementation of community projects. It was found out that there were changes in quantities in the actual implementation due to inadequate planning/validation and some with considerable reasons. Variation/Change Order is allowed under KALAHI-CIDSS project only in extreme cases and when deemed necessary to complete the community project. For a better comprehension on Variation/Change Order, hereunder are the implementation guidelines: I. VARIATION ORDERS CHANGE ORDER / EXTRA WORK ORDER / SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT 1. Variation Orders may be issued by the BSPMC to cover any increase/decrease in quantities, including the introduction of new work items that are not included in the original contract or reclassification of work items that are either due to change of plans, design or alignment to suit actual field conditions resulting in disparity between the preconstruction plans used for purposes of bidding and the "as staked plans" or construction drawings prepared after a joint survey by the contractor and the BSPMC after award of the contract, provided that the cumulative amount of the Variation Order does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the original project cost. The addition/deletion of works should be within the general scope of the project as bid and awarded. A Variation Order may either be in the form of a change order or extra work order. A Change Order may be issued by the BSPMC Chairperson to cover any increase/decrease in quantities of original work items in the contract.


3. An Extra Work Order may be issued by the BSPMC Chairperson to cover the


introduction of new work necessary for the completion, improvement or protection of the project which were not included as items of work in the original contract, such as, where there are subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those indicated in the contract, or where there are duly unknown physical conditions at the site of an unusual nature differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in the work or character provided for in the contract. Any cumulative Variation Order beyond ten percent (10%) shall be subject of another contract to be bid out if the works are separable from the original contract. In exceptional cases where it is urgently necessary to complete the original scope of work, the BSPMC may authorize the variation order beyond ten percent (10%) but not more than twenty percent (20%) subject to the guidelines to be determined by the NPMO: Provided, however, That appropriate sanctions shall be imposed on the designer, service provider, consultant or official responsible for the original detailed engineering design which failed to consider the Variation Order beyond ten percent (10%).

5. In claiming for any Variation Order, the contractor shall, within seven (7)

calendar days after such work has been commenced or after the circumstances leading to such condition(s) leading to the extra cost, and within fifteen days (15) calendar days deliver a written communication giving full and detailed particulars of any extra cost in order that it may be investigated at that time. Failure to provide either of such notices in the time

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stipulated shall constitute a waiver by the contractor for any claim. preparation and submission of Variation Orders are as follows:


a. If the Project Engineer, DAC or Municipal Engineer (in cases of community projects without KALAHI-CIDSS staff) and RIE, believes that a Change Order or Extra Work Order should be issued, he shall prepare the proposed Order accompanied with the notices submitted by the contractor, the plans therefore, his computations as to the quantities of the additional works involved per item indicating the specific stations where such works are needed, the date of his inspections and investigations thereon, and the log book thereof, and a detailed estimate of the unit cost of such items of work, together with his justifications for the need of such Change Order or Extra Work Order, and shall submit the same to the Regional Project Manager. b. The Regional Project Manager, upon receipt of the proposed Change Order or Extra Work Order shall immediately instruct the technical staff of the Region to conduct an on-the-spot investigation to verify the need for the work to be prosecuted. A report of such verification shall be submitted directly to the Regional Project Manager. c. The Regional Project Manager, after being satisfied that such Change Order or Extra Work Order is justified and necessary, shall review the estimated quantities and prices and forward the proposal with the supporting documentation to the BSPMC for consideration. d. If, after review of the plans, quantities and estimated unit cost of the items of work involved, the DAC and RIE to review and evaluate Change Orders or Extra Work Orders recommends approval thereof, the BSPMC, upon endorsement of the RPMO that the Change Order or Extra Work Order to be in order, shall approve the same. e. The timeframe for the processing of Variation Orders from the preparation up to the approval by the procuring entity concerned shall not exceed twenty one (21) calendar days. II. ADDITIONAL / EXTRA WORK COSTING 1. For Variation Orders, the contractor shall be paid for additional work items whose unit prices shall be derived based on the following: a. For additional/extra works duly covered by Change Orders involving work items which are exactly the same or similar to those in the original contract, the applicable unit prices of work items original contract shall be used. b. For additional/extra works duly covered by Extra Work Orders involving new work items that are not in the original contract, the unit prices of the new work items shall be based on the direct unit costs used in the original contract (e.g. unit cost of cement, rebars, form lumber, labor rate, equipment rental, etc.). All new components of the new work item shall be fixed prices, provided the same is acceptable to both the BSPMC and the contractor, and provided further that the direct unit costs of new components shall be based on the contractor's estimate as validated by the procuring entity concerned via documented canvass in accordance with existing rules and regulations. The direct cost of the new work item shall then be combined with the mark-up factor (i.e. taxes and profit) used by the contractor in his bid to determine the unit price of the new work item. 2. Request for payment by the contractor for any extra work shall be accompanied by a statement, with the approved supporting forms, giving a detailed accounting

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and record of amount for which he claims payment. Said request for payment shall be included with the contractor's statement for progress payment. III. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH CONTRACTOR IS TO START WORK UNDER VARIATION ORDERS AND RECEIVE PAYMENTS 1. Under no circumstances shall a contractor proceed to commence work under any Change Order or Extra Work Order unless it has been checked by the DAC and the RIE and approved by the BSPMC Chairperson. Exceptions to the preceding rule are the following: a. The Regional Project Manager may, subject to the available community project funds, authorize the immediate start of work under any Change or Extra Work Order under any or all of the following conditions: 1. In the event of an emergency where the prosecution of the work is urgent to avoid detriment to public service, or damage to life and/or property; and/or 2. When time is of the essence; Provided, however, That such approval is valid on work done up to the point where the cumulative increase in value of work on the project which has not yet been duly fully approved does not exceed five percent (5%) of the adjusted original contract price whichever is less; Provided, further, That immediately after the start of work, the corresponding Change Order or Extra Work Order shall be prepared and submitted for approval in accordance with the above rules herein set. Payments for works satisfactorily accomplished on any Change Order or Extra Work Order may be made only after approval of the BSPMC Chairperson. b. For a Change Order or Extra Work Order involving a cumulative amount exceeding five percent (5%) of the original contract, no work thereon may be commenced unless said Change Order or Extra Work Order has been approved by the National Project Manger. IV. ADVANCE PAYMENT 1. The procuring entity shall, upon a written request of the contractor which shall be submitted as a contract document, make an advance payment to the contractor in an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the total contract price, to be made in lump sum or, at the most two, installments according to a schedule specified in the Instructions to Bidders and other relevant Tender Documents. 2. The advance payment shall be made only upon the submission to and acceptance by the procuring entity of an irrevocable standby letter of credit of equivalent value from a commercial bank, or a bank guarantee callable upon demand, issued by reputable bank and confirmed by the BSPMC. 3. The advance payment shall be repaid by the contractor by deducting fifteen percent (15%) from his periodic progress payments. V. PROGRESS PAYMENT 1. Once a month, the contractor may submit a request for payment for work accomplished. Such request for payment shall be verified and certified by the PIT, DAC and RIE concerned. Except as otherwise stipulated in the Instruction to Bidders, materials and equipment delivered on the site but not completely put in place shall not be included for payment.

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2. The procuring entity shall have the right to deduct from the contractor's progress billing such amount as may be necessary to cover third party liabilities, as well as uncorrected discovered defects in the project. VI. RETENTION MONEY FOR VARIATION/CHANGE ORDER 1. Progress payments are subject to retention of ten percent (10%) referred to as the "retention money." Such retention shall be based on the total amount due to the contractor prior to any deduction and shall be retained from every progress payment until fifty percent (50%) of the value of works, as determined by the BSPMC, are completed. If, after fifty percent (50%) completion, the work is satisfactorily done and on schedule, no additional retention shall be made; otherwise, the ten percent (10%) retention shall be imposed. 2. The total "retention money" shall be due for release upon final acceptance of the works. The contractor may, however, request the substitution of the retention money for each progress billing with irrevocable standby letters of credit of from a commercial bank, or bank guarantees callable on demand, of amounts equivalent to the retention money substituted for and acceptable to the BSPMC, provided that the project is on schedule and is satisfactorily undertaken. Otherwise, the ten percent (10%) retention shall be made. Said irrevocable standby letters of credit or bank guarantees, to be posted in favor of the BSPMC shall be valid for a duration to be determined by the concerned BSPMC and will answer for the purpose for which the ten percent (10%) retention is intended, i.e., to cover uncorrected discovered defects and third party liabilities. VII. CONTRACT COMPLETION Once the project reaches an accomplishment of ninety five (95%) of the total contract amount, the inspectorate team to make preliminary inspection and submit a punch-list to the contractor in preparation for the final turnover of the project. Said punch-list will contain, among others, the remaining works, work deficiencies for necessary corrections, and the specific duration/time to fully complete the project considering the approved remaining contract time. This, however, shall not preclude the procuring entity's claim for liquidated damages.

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During the procurement stage, cases of failure of bidding may happen. Likewise, in the implementation of the contract, cases of contract termination may also happen. Hence, as mentioned in the additional guidelines in this manual, negotiated contracting may be undertaken. Conditions and Requirements for the use of the Negotiated Procurement The selection of contractor through Negotiated Procurement is justified only in any of the following cases: i. ii. iii. iv. If there is twice failure of bidding; If the contract was terminated or rescinded; and, If there is variation order e.g. additional work If time is of the essence to avert an imminent danger to life or property or to restore destroyed community project arising from natural or man-made calamity or emergency as declared by appropriate authorities23.

Failure of bidding occurs in any of the following instances: No bids are received; All prospective bidders are declared ineligible; All bids fail to comply with all the bid requirements or fail-post qualification; The bidder with the lowest calculated and responsive bid refuses, without justifiable cause, to accept the award of contract.

Contract termination may happen in any of the following instances: There is breach of contract or termination for default (either BSPMC or the contractor/supplier). If the contract is abandoned by contractor. The BSPMC terminated the contract for convenience, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The BSPMC Chairperson may terminate a contract for the convenience of the BSPMC if it determined the existence of conditions that make Project Implementation economically, financially or technically impractical and/or unnecessary, such as, but not limited to, fortuitous event(s) or changes in law and national government policies. Due to unlawful acts to include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Corrupt, fraudulent, collusive and coercive practices; b) Drawing up or using forged documents; and, c) Any other act analogous to the foregoing.

Procedures in negotiated contracting: 1. In cases of failure of bidding 1.1. The BSPMC thru the BAC shall directly invite or get quotations/bid proposals from at least three or more licensed contractors within the municipality or adjacent municipalities that has satisfactorily completed a contract of the same nature. This procedure will exempt the requirement for advertising or publication in the newspaper (in the case if bidding). It


Appropriate authorities to mean the Sanggunian in the Municipality or Province declaring state of calamity inn the area where the sub-project is located.

230 Community-Based Procurement Manual



1.4. 2.

is important to keep minutes of the two failed biddings as reference in future audits. It is advised that the PT and BAC shall not limit invitation to only 3 bidders to ensure wide competition. In case of failure or no bid proposal submitted on the date specified, the BAC can negotiate with an interested or single bidder. It is reiterated that minutes of the failed bidding be kept at the BSPMC office. In the event that there is till failure after undertaking the above, the BSPMC thru the TWG shall review the program of works. If it requires re-programming, the process of negotiated procurement will apply. In comparison with the Revised IRR of RA 9184, it allows disclosure of the approved budget for the contract (ABC). In KALAHI-CIDSS, it is clarified that the estimated budget for the contract should not be disclosed. Hence, the invitation to quote/bid should not include the estimated budget for the contract so the bidders will competitively prepare their own bid proposal. The BSPMC shall allow at least 7 calendar days for bidders to prepare a detailed bid proposal and thereafter, the timelines specified in each procurement activity from opening to award of contract shall be strictly followed to facilitate immediate implementation. The invitation to quote/bid issued must contain specific requirements such as the date, venue and complete documents to be submitted.

In cases of abandoned or terminated contract (also known as Take-Over of Contract) 2.1 2.2 The contract may be negotiated starting from the second lowest rated bidder under consideration at the bidders original price. If negotiation fails, then negotiation shall be done with the third lowest calculated rated bidder at his original price. If the negotiation fails again, a short list of at least three (3) eligible contractors shall be invited to submit their bids, and negotiation shall be made starting with the lowest calculated rated bidder. The BSPMC shall allow at least 7 calendar days for bidders to prepare a detailed bid proposal and thereafter, the timelines specified in each procurement activity from opening to award of contract shall be strictly followed to facilitate immediate implementation.



If there is variation order In the preceding guidelines, a procedure for variation order is provided. In the event of a change order e.g. Extra Work order, the guidelines on undertaking change order shall be followed. Limits and conditions shall also be referred to said guidelines. Negotiation with the same contractor may be allowed in the following instances: The extra or additional work is adjacent or contiguous to the ongoing contract/community project. The subject contracted item to be negotiated has similar or related scopes of work. If the item or works is within the contracting capacity of the contractor. The contractor uses the same unit price or lower unit price as in the original contract less mobilization cost24. The amount involved does not exceed the amount of the ongoing contract. If the contractor has no negative slippage/delay. Any cumulative Variation Order beyond ten percent (10%) shall be subject of another contract to be bid out if the works are separable from the original contract. In exceptional cases where it is urgently necessary to complete the


Mobilization cost for extra work orders should not be considered since it is assumed to be incorporated in the original contract.

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original scope of work, the BSPMC may authorize the variation order beyond ten percent (10%) but not more than twenty percent (20%) subject to the guidelines to be determined by the NPMO: Provided, however, That appropriate sanctions shall be imposed on the designer, service provider, consultant or official responsible for the original detailed engineering design which failed to consider the Variation Order beyond ten percent (10%).

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The KALAHI-CIDSS is a fast-paced/time-bounded project. Community community projects are funded as these are immediate needs of the communities. Therefore, in the provision of goods and services, service providers such as suppliers and contractors should comply strictly with the provisions of the contract to immediately expedite the completion of the community projects. In order to facilitate management of suppliers and contractors doing business with the communities, the project shall establish procedures for evaluating, documenting, and reporting the supplier/contractors performance under a contract for purchase of goods, performance of services, consulting, construction or improvement of facilities. These procedures shall include a process for performance appraisal, communication of feedback to vendors, forms and documentation requirements. Why Evaluate the Supplier/Contractor? 1. To improve communication and relationship with suppliers/contractors; 2. To improve supplier performance by way of awareness and feedback on key performance criteria and service improvement areas; 3. To have more reliable material quality and availability and/or better service; 4. To document supplier performance to be used as basis for future transactions and discussions with the supplier Purposes 1. To provide the BSPMC with objective information on which judgments relating to source selection can be based; and, 2. To enable the BSPMC to provide the supplier with an indication of his performance rating and where improvements, if any, are required. Criteria for Evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Quality Delivery Price Technical Support Management Attitude

Who will Evaluate? The evaluators will come from the heads of the Procurement Team, Monitoring and Inspection Team and from the Project Implementation Team. The evaluation report will be approved by the BSPMC Chairperson to be collected by the CF and submitted to the DAC for consolidation. The Rating The rating to be used will be a combination of weighted-point system and categorical method. Depending on the established range based on the points assigned in each criterion, a corresponding category will be assigned based on the total number of points.

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Assigned Points: Criteria Quality Delivery Price Compliance to Environmental Laws Technical Support Management Attitude Total Categorical Rating: Very Good - 90-100 Satisfactory- 50-89 Unsatisfactory - 0-49 Blacklisting The purpose of blacklisting is to protect the project from risks associated with awarding contracts to persons or firms having exhibited an inability or unwillingness to fulfill contractual obligations, and to protect the projects interests and the integrity of the procurement process by preventing individuals or firms who have displayed improper conduct from participating on project requirements for specific periods of time. Sanction/s 1. Any supplier/contractor that has incurred an UNSATISFACTORY rating in a particular barangay shall not be allowed to participate in any procurement in that barangay; 2. Any supplier/contractors that has incurred two (2) UNSATISFACTORY ratings in a particular Municipality shall not be allowed to participate in any KALAHI-CIDSS procurement in that Municipality; and, 3. Any supplier/contractors that has incurred three (3) UNSATISFACTORY ratings in a particular region shall not be allowed to participate in any DSWD - KALAHICIDSS procurement in any region. Discussion The evaluation procedures must be discussed with the suppliers and or contractors during contractors conference/meeting or pre-bidding conferences. The Form and Guides in Filling-up The evaluation form and guides is found on the succeeding page. Points 40 20 20 10 5 5 100

234 Community-Based Procurement Manual

SUPPLIER / CONTRACTOR EVALUATION FORM Date : ___________________ Municipality Region : _________________

Barangay : ___________________ Province : ___________________

: _________________

Contract for

: ____ GOODS ______WORKS (Please check what type of contract)

Method of Procurement Used: _______ Shopping ______(Bidding) Name of Supplier/ Contactor : _________________________________________________ Address of Supplier/Contactor: _________________________________________________ Assigned Points: Criteria Quality Delivery Price Compliance to Environmental Laws Technical Support Management Attitude Total Categorical Rating: Very Good - 90-100 Satisfactory - 50-89 Unsatisfactory - 0-49 Rated by: __________________________________________ Head, Procurement Team (Name & Signature) __________________________________________ Head, Project Implementation Team (Name & Signature) ___________________________________________ Head, Monitoring & Inspection Team (Name & Signature) Approved by: ___________________________________________ BSPMC Chairperson Points 40 20 20 10 5 5 100 Rating

235 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Guides in Rating: 1. Quality = 40 points A. FOR GOODS: BASIS If the goods (materials) delivered are in accordance with specifications (size or dimension, weight, with Product Standards Certification Mark if required, etc) the maximum of 40 points can be given. If goods were delivered on time but there were rejected items during the delivery If there are significant rejection (say 80% or 8 out of 10 items) If half of the total items were rejected and replaced (say 5 out of 10 items) If no delivery B. FOR WORKS : BASIS If the items under contract were constructed in accordance with plans and specifications and on time Any of the following: If all works are completed but there are unacceptable outputs based on the community and engineers assessment; If there replacements/repairs done during construction as a result of inspection; If completion is only 90% based on timeline If completion is only 71-89% based on contract timeline If completion is only 50-70% based on contract timeline If accomplishment is ranging from 1-49%; or If no accomplishment; or, If test result shows that the quality did not pass 2. Delivery A. GOODS BASIS If If If If If the the the the the goods goods goods goods goods are delivered within schedule were delivered but 1 3 days delayed were delivered but 3-5 days delayed were delivered but more than 6 days delayed were not delivered Corresponding Points 20 15 10 5 0 Corresponding Points 40 35 Corresponding Points 40 35 25 20 0

30 20 0

B. WORKS BASIS If the works were undertaken within schedule (to include extension, if any, with approval of BSPMC) If the works completed but 1-2 weeks delayed If the works completed but 3-4 weeks delayed If the works completed but more than 1 month delayed If the goods were not delivered Corresponding Points 20 15 10 5 0

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3. Price Applies to Goods and Works BASIS If the amount of quotation/bid is within 80-85% of the estimated budget (with savings generated) If the amount of quotation/bid is within 86-95% of the estimated budget (less savings generated) If the amount of quotation/bid is above 96% of the estimated budget (none or less savings generated) 4. Compliance to Environmental Laws BASIS If the supplier/contractor delivered the materials on the designated drop points and no disturbance to or adverse effect to the environment If the supplier/contractor delivered the materials on the designated drop points but has disturbance to the environment example: canals were clogged, road were inaccessible due to the improper dumping, the delivery truck was very noisy, there were vegetations damaged, etc If the environmental compliance were not implemented 5. Technical Support BASIS Did the owner show concern with the BSPMC on the immediate delivery? Did the workers of the supplier or contractor assisted the volunteers in terms of handling, proper installation, or provided instructions in the usage of materials If during the delivery there were no efforts shown by the owner and their workers 6. Management Attitude BASIS Is the owner or their personnel provided quality service by to the volunteers? Are they humble enough? If yes, give the maximum score. Do they give importance to the volunteers when they are transacting business with the firm/company/office? If they show less concern to the volunteers Corresponding Points 5 Corresponding Points 5 Corresponding Points 10 5 Corresponding Points 20 15 10

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Some community projects require services of contractors if the community does not have the capacity to undertake the works. However, it was observed that some quotations/bid proposals submitted by contractors are unbalanced and it is disadvantageous to the BSPMC. Awarding a contract to the lowest bidder in a case where the bid is clearly unbalanced has the potential in certain circumstances to expose the BSPMC to an unnecessary and unacceptable financial risk. It is the responsibility of BAC to evaluate all bids appropriately to ensure that the communitys interests are protected. Purpose of the Guidelines In KC-1, there is no policy which precludes the submission of an unbalanced bid by a bidder, nor is there any provision explicitly disqualifying any bid which may be unbalanced. Thus, this guideline will provide provisions for disqualifying quotations or bid proposals that are proven unbalanced. Definition: Unbalanced Quotation/Bid- is the shifting of a part of the cost of one work item to another item of work. It occurs in circumstances where a bidder on a contract places an unreasonably high price on certain items in a unit price contract and an unreasonably low price on other items within the same bid. Two Types of Unbalanced Quotation/Bid 1. A mathematically unbalanced bid - is one that contains lump sum or unit bid items that do not appear to reflect reasonable actual costs plus a reasonable proportionate share of the bidder's anticipated profit, overhead costs, and other indirect costs, which he/she anticipates for the performance of the items in question. A common example is Front End Loading, wherein activities scheduled to be performed early in the project (Example: Clearing and Grubbing for a road community project) have values quoted with an excessive proportion of planned overhead costs and anticipated profit. This case shows and advance payment characteristic that is objectionable. If excess funds are paid at an early stage of the contract, the potential exists for an inadequate amount to properly complete the project and protect the owners (BSPMC) interests. 2. Materially unbalanced Bid - is one "based on prices significantly less than cost for some work and prices which are significantly overstated in relation to cost for other work, and . . . there is a reasonable doubt that the bid will result in the lowest overall cost." There are reasons why a Bidder may want to unbalance a Bid. The following are some reasons: i. To get more money at the beginning of the Project by overpricing the Work done early in the Project. This is called front loading the Contract. ii. To maximize profits. This is done by overpricing bid items the Bidder believes will be used in greater quantities than estimated and underpricing items that will be used in significantly lesser quantities The BAC and TWG shall use the following guidelines when evaluating Bids to identify materially unbalanced Bids: After Bid Opening, evaluate all bid item prices, as submitted by the Bidders, for unreasonable deviations from the Engineers Estimate. The BSPMC deserves the right to review all Bids for material unbalancing regardless of the deviation from the Engineers Estimate. If bid item prices deviate more than a reasonable amount from the Engineers Estimate, re-check the bid item quantities.

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Items that may contribute to material unbalancing are: Obvious errors in the Plans or estimates. Front-end loading where the Bids indicate that the Contractor will receive disproportionate payment for work done during early stages of the Project. Anticipated underruns or overruns of items. Bids which indicate that the Bid(s) are disproportionately higher than the value of the work to be done under the Contract.

Example: Name of Community Project: Improvement of Farm to Market Road

Per Approved POW and PCPP F.B. Night Construction
Percentage (Cost Difference)

Item No.




Unit Price



Cost Difference

102 105 200 201

Roadway & Drainage Excavation Sub-Grade Preparation Aggregate Sub-Base Coarse Aggregate Base Coarse TOTAL

6,762.39 9,812.00 1,417.80 1,471.00

Cu. m. Sq. M. Cu. m. Cu. m.

70.39 14.69 225.81 253.36

476,004.63 144,138.28 320,153.42 372,692.56 1,312,988.89

625,000.00 221,000.00 224,000.00 242,000.00 1,312,000.00

148,995.37 -76,861.72 94,153.42 130,692.56

-31.30% -53.32% 29.41% 35.07%

In the above example, assuming that profit, overhead costs and other considerations were incorporated, it is clear that the bid is unbalanced as unit bid prices are front loaded in Items 102 and 105 of the contract with minimal unrealistic costs attributed to work required for Items 200 and 201 of the contract. The risk in the above example is: What if the contractor abandoned the contract after completing Item 102 and 105? Can the remaining amount complete the remaining items of work? Accuracy of Estimated Quantities: When items are bid unusually high or low in relationship to the engineer's estimate, the accuracy of the estimated quantities should be checked. If, after examination, the estimated quantities are determined to be a reasonably accurate representation of actual anticipated needs, then the low bid should be further evaluated for unbalancing. On the other hand, in cases where it is concluded, after examination, that the estimated quantities are not a reasonably accurate representation of actual anticipated needs, the BAC with assistance of TWG should consider rejecting all bids, correcting the quantities, and re-advertising. However, an error in estimated quantities should not cause an automatic rejection of bids. Two factors need to be considered: (1) whether the communitys interest would be best served by making the award and, (2) whether any bidder would be treated in an unfair manner if the award were made.

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Bid Analysis: An analysis of unbalanced bids should be properly undertaken by the BAC and TWG. However, the final analysis should not preclude the use of engineering judgment especially at the RPMO who will issue NOL or in some cases endorsing procurement documents for issuance of NOL at the NPMO or MCA-Philippines. In analyzing bids, the following should be considered: 1. Is the bid mathematically unbalanced? Are the unit bid prices in reasonable conformance with the engineer's estimate and other bids? 2. If awarded, what effect will unbalanced bid items have on the total contract amount? 3. If quantities are incorrect, will the contract cost be increased when the quantities are corrected? 4. On items where the quantities may vary, will the lower bidder remain as low bidder? 5. If the bid is unbalanced, will the unbalance have a potential detrimental effect upon the competitive process or cause contract administration problems after award? In cases where obvious unbalanced bid items exist, the BAC's recommendation to award or reject a bid needs to be supported by written justification or stating clearly in the minutes of evaluation. The justification should include the detrimental effect or lack of detrimental effect. However, prior to concurrence in the award of any mathematically unbalanced bid which is not materially unbalanced, the RPMO or NPMO, as the case maybe, should determine the reason for the unbalancing and, when warranted, take appropriate steps to protect the project. Hence, it is important that details of the evaluation is clearly indicated in the minutes of evaluation. The action may take the form of concurrence or no objection whether or not to award the contract to the submitter of the unbalanced low bid. A unbalanced bid analysis will be performed under two circumstances: 1. If the BSPMC becomes aware of an error in a quantity of an item shown in the bidding documents; and, 2. If an item is found to be both significant to the contract and significantly unbalanced. The estimated unit price for all items identified as being significantly unbalanced will be reviewed for correctness. Corrections will be made as needed and the low bidders unit price will re-evaluated to determine if the item remains significantly unbalanced. Quantities for all items found to be significant to the contract will be checked and verified. Quantities will be determined based upon the bidding documents and the construction methodologies depicted in the plan. These quantities will be used only for the purpose of performing the Unbalanced Bid Analysis.

The Unbalanced Bid Analysis shall consist of the following steps:

Finally, if unbalancing is found to be caused in part by questionable specifications or procedures, the BSPMC should work with the A/MCT or RPMO to facilitate appropriate and timely revisions.

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Rejection of unbalanced bids The bids should be rejected if the communitys interest would be best served in canceling the defectively estimated proposal; and/or, if awarding the contract to the apparent low bidder using a corrected quantity estimate would be unfair to the other bidders. Proposals will be considered irregular and may be rejected if the TWG or RPMO determines that any of the unit bid prices are significantly unbalanced to the potential detriment of the KALAHI-CIDSS project. BAC and TWG performing bid analysis should be aware that signs of apparent unbalancing in bidding may be an indication of more serious criminal activities such as collusion and bid rigging. Studies of collusion and bid rigging show that such activities are often accompanied by suspicious bidding patterns such as bids: "front loading," "identical bidding," "complimentary bidding." An item will be considered significantly unbalanced if the following are observed: 1. The quotation/bid is higher by 25% against the approved engineers estimate; or, if the quotation/bid is lower by 75% against the approved engineers estimate. 2. During evaluation, a comparison of the calculated gross sum totals show that the calculated gross sum for the contract low bid is found to be higher than the calculated gross sum of another bidder, the low contract bid proposal shall be determined to be materially unbalanced. If the calculated gross sum of the contract low bid proposal is found to be less than the calculated gross some of all other bidders, that bid shall be determined to be not materially unbalanced. 3. If the initial contract low bid proposal is found to be not materially unbalanced, the contract will be considered for award at the bid contract amount in accordance to the Standard Specifications. The contract will be based upon the bid amount and the quantities shown in the bidding documents. 4. If the initial low bid contract proposal is found to be materially unbalanced it will be considered irregular and will be rejected as non-responsive as reasonable doubt exists that the bid does not represent the lowest cost to the BSPMC. 5. If the initial low bid contract proposal is found to be materially unbalanced and rejected, the BSPMC may award to the next low bid contract proposal at the bid contract amount or may elect to reject all bids and re-let/re-bid. Decisions will be made in the communitys interest and will consider consequences of re-letting/re-bidding the project.

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1. Warranty 1.1. For the procurement of goods, in order to assure that the manufacturing defects shall be corrected by the supplier, manufacturer, or distributor, as the case maybe, a warranty shall be required from the contract awardee for a minimum period of three (3) months, in the case of supplies, and one (1) year, in the case of equipment, after performance of the contract. The obligation for the warranty shall be covered by either retention money or in an amount equivalent to at least ten percent (10%) of every progress payment or a special bank guarantee equivalent to at least ten percent (10%) of the total contract price. The said amounts shall only be released after the lapse of the warranty period. Provided however, that the goods supplied are free from patent and latent defects and all the conditions imposed under the contract have been fully met. 1.2. For the procurement of infrastructure projects, the contractor shall assume full responsibility for the contract work from the time project construction commenced up to final acceptance by the community and shall be held responsible for any damage or destruction of the works except those occasioned by force majeure. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the safety, protection, security and convenience of his personnel third parties, and the public at large, as well as the works, equipment, installation and the like to be affected by his construction work and shall be required to put up a warranty security in the form of cash, bank guarantee or letter of credit callable on demand in accordance with the following schedule: Form of Warranty 1. Cash deposit, cash bond or letter of credit 2. Bank Guarantee Minimum amount in % of Total Contract Price Five percent (5%) Ten percent (10%)

The warranty security shall be stated in Philippine Pesos, shall remain effective during the applicability warranty period and shall be returned only after the lapse of warranty period. 2. Liability (under contract) The defects liability period for infrastructure projects shall be one year from project completion up to final acceptance by the community. During this period, the contractor shall undertake the repair works, at his own expense of any damage to the infrastructure projects on account of the use of materials of inferior quality within ninety (90) days from the time the BSPMC has issued order to undertake repair. In case of failure or refusal to comply with this mandate, the BSPMC shall undertake such repair works shall be entitled to full reimbursement of expenses incurred therein upon demand. Any contractor who fails to comply with the preceding paragraph shall suffer perpetual disqualification from participating in any public bidding and his property shall be subject to attachment or garnishment proceedings to recover the costs. All payables of the BSPMC in his favor shall be offset to recover the costs.

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3. Sanctions against Bidders 3.1. The BSPMC being the representative of the barangay as the lowest political structure in the government should impose administrative penalties to the prospective bidders. The sanctions of one (1) year suspension for the first offense, suspension of two (2) years for second offense from participating in the public bidding process as well as disqualification from further participating in the public bidding being undertaken by the project, for the following violations: a. Submission of eligibility requirements containing false information or falsified documents. b. Submission of Bids that contain false information or falsified documents, or the concealment of such information in the Bids in order to influence the outcome of eligibility screening or any stage of public bidding. c.Withdrawal of a bid, or refusal to accept award, or enter into contract with the BSPMC without justifiable cause, after he had been adjudged as having submitted the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid. d. Refusal or failure to post the required performance security within the prescribed time. e. Termination of the contract due to the default of the bidder. f. Any documented unsolicited attempt by a bidder to unduly influence the outcome of the bidding in his favor. g. All other acts that tend to defeat the purpose of the competitive bidding, such as an eligible contractor participating in the pre-bid conference which does not buy bid documents and contractors habitually withdrawing from bidding or submitting letters of non-participation for at least three (3) times within a year, except for valid reasons. 3.3 3.4 3.5 In addition to the penalty of suspension, the Bid Security or the Performance Security posted by the concerned bidder or prospective bidder shall also be forfeited. The BSPMC Chair may delegate to the BAC the authority to impose the aforementioned administrative penalties. The procedures for the blacklisting of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, contractors, or consultants for the Government projects shall be undertaken in accordance with the guidelines issued by the project.

4. Sanctions against the BSPMC members 4.1. Since most of the community projects are implemented by the community volunteers and some barangay officials, there is a possibility of procurement violation. In order to safeguard the integrity of the procurement process adopted by the Project, appropriate sanctions and penalties should be imposed to them. Sanctions and penalties may depend on the magnitude of offenses committed by the BSPMC members. Accidental mistakes made by the BSPMC members must be immediately corrected. Succeeding similar mistakes or offenses will warrant for the imposition of sanctions and penalties to the individual, BSPMC or the Barangay as a whole. Listed below are some of the common mistakes that the BSPMC may commit and must be address by the concerned ACTs or Procurement Officers to avoid penalties and sanctions. Under the Local Bidding/Shopping Method a. Sets of Canvass Form were served or given to only one (1) or two suppliers. b. Opening of canvass without proper quorum of the BAC.

243 Community-Based Procurement Manual

c. The awarding of contract or Purchase Order (PO) with only one (1) or two (2) canvass received during the opening. d. Payment was made before the delivery of materials and works. e. Non-observance of the penalty to be imposed to supplier/contractor for delayed delivery of materials and works. f. Payroll padding of Labor payment. g. Favoring supplier or contractor. h. Awarding contract without posting the required performance security. i. Purchasing without following our prescribed procurement method and its detailed procedures.

244 Community-Based Procurement Manual





Incessant price increases maybe experienced anytime and may have effect to approved community projects. These include prices of construction materials resulting to high quotations/bids of suppliers/contractors exceeding the programmed cost. The 5% markup in the estimates and 10% contingency costs may not be able cover such escalation. To somehow address the above, a revised the readiness filter replacing the procurement requirements into a procurement action plan (PAP) to eliminate cases on nonconformance of suppliers when the purchase order is served. This is effective when the procurement benchmark/timeline (within 7-9 calendar days) is observed when shopping for goods. For shopping of works, bidding of goods and works, that will need 27-35 calendar days to complete the procurement process that are affected by price escalation and the resultant quotations or bids exceeds the approved estimated cost, automatic re-bidding should NOT be the immediate action. There is a need to review whether the bids are reasonable, i.e. within market ranges. If the BAC and TWG are convinced that the prices are within market ranges and that the increase is based on the current trend, the following shall be undertaken to augment the difference: i. Use the savings/balance from other packages (if there are); ii. Use the allotted contingency; iii. If there are no savings/balances from other package/s and no allotted contingency or if the contingency is not enough to cover the deficit, supplement the budget by sourcing out additional LCC; iv. If no LCC is produced, the last resort will be to reduce the scope of works to fit within available budget. In reducing the scope of works below are suggested considerations: a. For buildings: Deletion of painting works, amenities such as chairs and tables or other possible items that will not affect stability of the building; b. For Roads: Reduction of the physical length may be necessary or deletion of items of works that may be covered by future operation and maintenance like provision of Item 201 (Aggregate Base Coarse) if Item 200 (Aggregate Sub-Base Coarse) will be provided, Item 311-Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCPP), Item 504 (Grouted Riprap) in non-critical sections, etc c. For Water System: the engineer/s to review the hydraulic analysis to check possible reduction of pipes that were overly designed and possible reduction of overly designed reservoir or other structures, otherwise, increase labor counterpart contribution; and, d. For other type of community projects where there are no scope of work/s to be reduced, reduction of programmed labor to be paid is recommended. It is reiterated that whenever there is reduction in scope of works, it should be properly deliberated with the Barangay Assembly for transparency purposes. The community must also agree to shoulder reduced scope of works as part of the operation and maintenance activities. It should be considered that whenever there is reduction of scope, the community project should be functional. In using any of the above provisions as basis for recommending the award to a particular service provider (supplier/contractor), said basis must be properly captured/indicated in the minutes of evaluation. If there is substantial reduction (say more than 20%), a re-bidding with reduced scope of works may be the best solution.

245 Community-Based Procurement Manual

EVALUATION OF BIDS/QUOTATION USING EXCEL FORMAT Background An excel format of Abstract of Bids is prepared to simplify evaluation of quotation/bids for both goods and works. This may not be applicable to all Municipalities since technology may be limited especially in the far-flung areas. However, for those areas with computers it is recommended to use the formulated evaluation sheets to fast track evaluation and submission. Reminder Quotation or Bid Examination has two levels, first is the preliminary examination using the pass/fail criteria and the second is the evaluation proper. At the first level, as provided in the procurement manual, quotations/bid proposals that are not compliant to the requirement based on the checklist will not be evaluated. Thus, to be fair, quotations or bid proposals that have lacking documents should not be evaluated and should be marked failed. Bid proposals that have passed the pas/fail criteria will be evaluated and rated. The examples presented are established forms in the procurement manual. The example presented is for bidding for goods and works but can be enhanced for shopping by replacing the title Abstract of Bids to Abstract of Canvass and deleting the columns for bid security since it is not required for shopping. The evaluation process We have 2 examples presented (1 for goods and 1 for works). With the assumption that all documents were complied by the 3 bidders based on the pass/fail criteria, cost evaluation will now take place. Before going to the details of the evaluation25, it is suggested that the evaluators should review the contents of the package (based on the PCPP) in consideration. The example shows 3 major columns with several sub-columns. Rows vary on the number of items to be procured. The sub-columns under Per Approved POW and PCPP have 6 sub-columns which are: Item Number, Description, Quantity, Unit, Unit Price and Total were taken from the PCPP. For purposes of understanding, let us cut out the first major column in example number 2 (abstract for works): Per Approved POW and PCPP Item no. 102 105 200 201 Total Description Roadway & Drainage Excavation Sub-Grade Preparation Aggregate Sub-Base Coarse Aggregate Base Coarse Qty 6,762.39 9,812.00 1,417.80 1,471.00 Unit Cu.m. Sq.M. Cu.m. Cu.m. Unit Price 70.39 14.69 225.81 253.36 Total 476,004.63 144,138.28 320,153.42 372,692.56 1,312,988.89


The evaluation mentioned is based on the process in checking the required Technical, Financial and Legal documents and other requirements indicated in the invitation for bids.

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The above data can be linked to the abstract of bids from the PCPP. Since the above data are fixed and to avoid retyping during the evaluation, it is suggested that during the programming the abstract of canvass and abstract bid form should prepared. It can also be copied from the file to be uploaded thru the KC yahoo group ( used by the project staff. The second column is the bid/quotation offered by the contractor/supplier (as the case maybe) with 4 sub columns namely: Unit Price, Amount, Type of Bid Security and Amount of Bid Security. Below is the cut out columns and rows: ABC DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION Bid Security Unit price Amount Type Amount 47.36 10.86 280.42 288.47 320,250.00 106,558.32 397,579.48 424,339.37 1,248,727.17 The figures found under the column amount was easily be taken using the excel formula by pressing the equal sign (=) in each cell then multiplying the quantity (from the PCPP) times the unit price in each row then press enter. The third column is the cost analysis with 3 columns namely: within or above budget, Percentage (cost difference) and Remarks as shown below: COST Within or Above Budget? Within Budget Within Budget Above Budget Above Budget Within Budget ANALYSIS Remarks ( in terms of cost) Responsive Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Cash 12,500.00

Percentage (Cost Difference) 48.64% 35.27% -19.47% -12.17% 5.15%

The result in each column has formula to automatically state whether it is within or above budget, Percentage difference based on the approved cost and the remarks will say if each item cost is responsive or not in terms of cost. It is however clarified that the term responsive or not responsive as being evaluated in the abstract sheet/form is only limited to the cost and not pertaining to the whole evaluation process. It is further clarified that when we say RESPONSIVE, to mean that the solicited bid is determined to be in substantial conformance with the conditions, completion or delivery requirements, and specifications detailed in the invitation-to-bid (ITB). For better understanding of the formula, please proceed to the example presented and click in each cell. The formula will be shown what column and row is involved. There are limitations however in cases where a blank cell is not filled up especially the unit price. If this is the case, the answer could either be error or may accept the formula and will show a positive result which is wrong!


A KC Procurement website will be created to directly answer queries (online).

247 Community-Based Procurement Manual

LB for Goods & Works ABSTRACT OF BIDS Barangay: Tomabe Municipality: Villareal Province : Samar Name of Community Project: Improvement of Barangay Road ABC HARDWARE Items No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ________________________________ BSPMC CHAIRPERSON Date: ___________________ Description Qty Unit Unit Price Total Unit price 575.00 750.00 770.00 1,450.00 1,750.00 240.00 130.00 90.00 85.00 85.00 88.00 300.00 Bid Security Amount Type 192,625.00 1,222,500.00 59,290.00 201,550.00 63,000.00 302,400.00 29,900.00 1,800.00 1,530.00 2,550.00 704.00 2,400.00 2,080,249.00 Managers Check 20,805.00 Amount COST Within or Above Budget? Within Budget Within Budget Above Budget Above Budget Above Budget Above Budget Within Above Above Above Above Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget ANALYSIS Remarks

Percentage (Cost Difference) 13.04% 6.67% -9.09% -41.38% -51.43% -4.17% 142.31% -22.22% -29.41% -29.41% -31.82% 8.33% 0.66%

Selected Borrow Ready Mixed Aggregates (Item 201) Washed Sand Washed Gravel (G-1) 24" RCPC Portland Cement 10 MM RSB #16 Tie wire 3" CWN 4" CWN 1 1/2" CWN 11/4 Thick Ord. plywood

335 1630 77 139 36 1260 230 20 18 30 8 8

cu.m. cu.m. cu.m. cu.m. pcs bags pcs kilos kilos kilos kilos pcs

650 800 700 850 850 230 315 70 60 60 60 325

217,750.00 1,304,000.00 53,900.00 118,150.00 30,600.00 289,800.00 72,450.00 1,400.00 1,080.00 1,800.00 480.00 2,600.00 2,094,010.00

Responsive Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Responsive

Within Budget Within Budget

248 Community-Based Procurement Manual

Local Bidding for Goods & Works ABSTRACT OF BIDS Barangay: _________________, ______________(Municipality), ________________(Province) Name of Community Project: Improvement of Barangay Road KEN GENERAL TRADING Items No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE Description Selected Borrow Ready Mixed Aggregates (Item 201) Washed Sand Washed Gravel (G-1) 24" RCPC Portland Cement 10 MM RSB #16 Tie wire 3" CWN 4" CWN 1 1/2" CWN 11/4 Thick Ord. plywood Qty Unit Unit Price 650 800 700 850 850 230 315 70 60 60 60 325 Total Unit price 450.00 760.00 800.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 250.00 165.00 104.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 340.00 Amount Bid Security Type 150,750.00 1,238,800.00 61,600.00 166,800.00 54,000.00 315,000.00 37,950.00 2,080.00 1,350.00 2,250.00 600.00 2,720.00 2,033,900.00 Managers Check 20,339.00 Within Budget Above Budget Above Budget Above Budget Above Budget Above Budget Within Budget 90.91% -32.69% -20.00% -20.00% -20.00% -4.41% 2.96% Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Amount

COST ANALYSIS Within or Percentage Above (Cost Remarks Budget? Difference) Within Budget Within Budget Above Budget Above Budget Above Budget Above Budget 44.44% 5.26% -12.50% -29.17% -43.33% -8.00% Responsive Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive Not Responsive

335 1630 77 139 36 1260 230 20 18 30 8 8

cu.m. cu.m. cu.m. cu.m. pcs bags pcs kilos kilos kilos kilos pcs

217,750.00 1,304,000.00 53,900.00 118,150.00 30,600.00 289,800.00 72,450.00 1,400.00 1,080.00 1,800.00 480.00 2,600.00 2,094,010.00

__________________________ ________________________
BAC Member BAC Member

BAC Chairperson

BSPMC Chairperson

249 Community-Based Procurement Manual

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