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M)We lived in ______ Morton Street when we first came to town.

the N)______ film food in this restaurant is very expensive. O)you ______ dinner we had at ______ Gold Restaurant was simply fabulous. recom mende d.

Use the:

.With m u si c al in st r u m e n ts .

.When we kn ow th at th er e is onl y on e of a pa rti cul ar thi ng . Exampl e: What is the longest river in the world?

With th e na me s of oc ea ns, se as, riv ers , an d mo un tai n ra ng es.

With the name of certai n count ries or group of count ries and group s of island s.

Do nt use the:

When we are talking about things or people in general. With many names of important buildings and institutions such as hospital, university, or school. With sports, meals and school subjects. With the names of holidays, special times of the year, or with the names of months and days of the week.

When w e w a n t to ta lk a b o u t a s p e ci fi c p er s o n, t hi n g or pl a c e; Examp le: I

Examp le: Martha plays the piano.

Exampl e: The plane crossed the Atlantic in less than four

Example: I spent my summ er holida ys in the Baha mas.

M)We lived in ______ Morton Street when we first came to town. N)______ food in this restaurant is very expensive. O)______ dinner we had at ______ Gold Restaurant was simply fabulous.

When we are n With talking about t th things or With the to e .When people in name ta we na general. of lk me kn With many certai a Do names of ow s Use n b important nt of th the: count .With o buildings use at oc ries u m and the: ea th or u t institutions er ns, such as group a si se e hospital, of c s is as, university, or count p al riv onl school. ries e y ers With sports, and ci in , on meals and group st fi e an school s of c r subjects. d of island u p a mo With the names Complete with the when necessary: s. er m of holidays, un pa e s special times rti tai o n Example: A)Im going to buy ______ stamp she needs because she is helping ______ old lady of the year, n cul ts n, I or with the who is sick. ar ra . names of B)______ t Peter s house is closer than ______ mine.spent ng thi months and hi my C)______ Atlantic Ocean separates ______ Europe from ______ America. ng es. days of the n Examp summ . D)______ last year we went to ______ Paris and we visited ______ Eiffel Tower. week. le: g er Exampl E)______ or poor people need help from ______ everybody. Martha holida e: F)______ pl Exampl known all over The world. Port Wine is the plays ys in e: What plane G)______aAmerica is ______ richest country in ______ the world. the crossed is the piano. Baha H)______cSwitzerland longest is one of ______ nicest countries in ______ Europe. the e; mas. I)Can you turn off ______ television, please? Atlantic river in J)I really love ______ music. the in less Examp K)The last time I was in London I went on a boat ______ Thames. than world? le: I four L)Mark likes playing ______ football at weekends.

When w e w a

Use the:

When we want to talk about a specific person, thing or place; Example: I went to see the film you recommended.

.When we know that there is only one of a particular thing. Example: What is the longest river in the world?

.Wirh musical instruments. Example: Martha plays the piano.

With the names of oceans, seas, rivers, and mountain ranges. Example: The plane crossed the Atlantic in less than four hours.

With the name of certain countries or group of countries and groups of islands. Example: I spent my summer holidays in the Bahamas.

Dont use the:

When we are talking about things or people in general. With many names of important buildings ans institutions such as hospital, university, or school. With sports, meals and school subjects. With the names of holidays, special times of the year, or with the names of months and days of
the week.

Complete with the when necessary: A)Im going to buy ______ stamp she needs because she is helping ______ old lady who is sick. B)______ Peters house is closer than ______ mine. C)______ Atlantic Ocean separates ______ Europe from ______ America. D)______ last year we went to ______ Paris and we visited ______ Eiffel Tower. E)______ poor people need help from ______ everybody. F)______ Port Wine is known all over the world. G)______ America is ______ richest country in ______ world. H)______ Switzerland is one of ______ nicest countries in ______ Europe. I)Can you turn off ______ television, please? J)I really love ______ music. K)The last time I was in London I went on a boat ______ Thames. L)Mark likes playing ______ football at weekends.

Use the: When we want to talk about a specific person, thing or place; Example: I went to see the film you recommended.

.When we know that there is only one of a particular thing. Example: What is the longest river in the world?

Complete with the when necessary:

A)Im going to buy ______ stamp she needs because she is helping ______ old lady who is sick. B)______ Peters house is closer than ______ mine. C)______ Atlantic Ocean separates ______ Europe from ______ America. D)______ last year we went to ______ Paris and we visited ______ Eiffel Tower. E)______ poor people need help from ______ everybody. F)______ Port Wine is known all over the world. G)______ America is ______ richest country in ______ world. H)______ Switzerland is one of ______ nicest countries in ______ Europe. I)Can you turn off ______ television, please? J)I really love ______ music. K)The last time I was in London I went on a boat ______ Thames. L)Mark likes playing ______ football at weekends. M)We lived in ______ Morton Street when we first came to town. N)______ food in this restaurant is very expensive. O)______ dinner we had at ______ Gold Restaurant was simply fabulous.

.With musical instruments. Example: Martha plays the piano. With the names of oceans, seas, rivers, and mountain ranges. Example: The plane crossed the Atlantic in less than four hours.

With the name of certain countries or group of countries and groups of islands. Example: I spent my summer holidays in the Bahamas.

Dont use the:

When we are talking about things or people in general. With many names of important buildings and institutions such as
hospital, university, or school. With sports, meals and school subjects. With the names of holidays, special times of the year, or with the names of months and days of the week.

Use the: When we want to talk about a specific person, thing or place; Example: I went to see the film you recommended.

.When we know that there is only one of a particular thing. Example: What is the longest river in the world?

Complete with the when necessary:

.Wirh musical instruments. Example: Martha plays the piano. With the names of oceans, seas, rivers, and mountain ranges. Example: The plane crossed the Atlantic in less than four hours.

With the name of certain countries or group of countries and groups of islands. Example: I spent my summer holidays in the Bahamas.

Dont use the:

A)Im going to buy ______ stamp she needs because she is helping ______ old lady who is sick. B)______ Peters house is closer than ______ mine. C)______ Atlantic Ocean separates ______ Europe from ______ America. D)______ last year we went to ______ Paris and we visited ______ Eiffel Tower. E)______ poor people need help from ______ everybody. F)______ Port Wine is known all over the world. G)______ America is ______ richest country in ______ world. H)______ Switzerland is one of ______ nicest countries in ______ Europe. I)Can you turn off ______ television, please? J)I really love ______ music. K)The last time I was in London I went on a boat ______ Thames. L)Mark likes playing ______ football at weekends. M)We lived in ______ Morton Street when we first came to town. N)______ food in this restaurant is very expensive. O)______ dinner we had at ______ Gold Restaurant was simply fabulous.

When we are talking about things or people in general. With many names of important buildings ans institutions such as
hospital, university, or school.

With sports, meals and school subjects. With the names of holidays, special times of the year, or with the
names of months and days of the week.

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