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Q.1) What are the types of languages a database system provides? Explain with examples? Q.2) Design a university level Database for maintaining the student details of different colleges in the university. Only consider the personal details and branch details of the student. Represent the same using an ER diagram? Q.3) What is a view? Explain about views and how is it different from table by giving proper syntax and examples? Q.4) Write the following queries in SQL using nested queries concept for the following schema: SAILORS ( sid: integer; sname: string; rating: integer; age: integer) BOATS (bid: integer; bname: string; color: string) RESERVES (bid: integer; sid: integer; day: date) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Find the names of sailors who have reserved both red and green boats? Find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats? Find the names of sailors who have not reserved red boat? Find the sailors whose rating is better than some sailor called raghu?

Q.5) Explain what is normalization and normal forms? By using multi valued dependency, explain the BCNF? Q.6) Define and explain lock with an example. Illustrate the various lock based protocols and timestamp based protocols? Q.7) What are remote backup systems? Explain in detail the characteristics of remote backup systems? Q.8) What is an index? Explain the characteristics and classification of indexes in file organisation?


Q.1) What are the factors affecting the environmental issues of global concern? Explain the role of public in solving environmental problems? Q.2) Describe in detail about pollution and various types of pollution. What are the remedial measures to prevent pollution? Q.3) Define ecosystem and types of ecosystem. How is the expansion of cities affecting the forest ecosystem? Q.4) Explain about the various threats to biodiversity. What are the measures to conserve Biodiversity to attain sustainability if the environment? Q.5) Explain in detail about the environment impact assessment (EIA). Explain the control and treatment technologies? Q.6) Explain in detail about the municipal solid waste management and handling rules? Q.7) Explain the various environmental ethics and environmental economics. Describe the role of IT in environment? Q.8) Explain the energy resources and the types of energy resources. What is the use of alternate energy resources in the environment?

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