Final Quesionnaire

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1) NAME: ______________________________ 2) QUALIFICATION: ______________________ 3) DEPARTMENT: ________________________ 4) CURRENT AGE: ______ a. b. c. d. AGE ( At time of joining 1st job): _____ AGE ( At time of joining kohler): _____ Total experience in kohler: _________ Total experience: _______


6) PRESENT LOCATION: _____________________ a. Own House b. Rented House Rent

7) PREVIOUSLY WORKING WITH: __________________________


1) Why have you joined Kohler? a. MNC Company b. Recommended by friend c. Facilities d. Other reason, if any Reason: ________________________________________ 2) Are you satisfied with your current job or not?

a. Yes
b. No 3) If not, then what are the reasons?

4) Would you like to recommend your friend/relatives to do the similar job which you are doing? a. Yes b. No 5) Did you have a clear understanding of what is expected of you? a. Yes b. No 6) Do you have required tools/equipments to perform your job? a. Yes b. No 7) Do you get regular feedback from your superior? a. Yes b. No

8) Does your superior train/guide you on your job? a. Yes b. No 9) Do you feel that training imparted is adequate to perform your job? a. Yes b. No 10) If no, then what else you suggest?

11) Your efforts are duly recognised by your superior? a. Yes b. No 12) Does your superior help you to overcome from any problem? a. Yes b. No 13) What is the thing that you like about your current job?

14) What are the things that you like about the company?

15) What are the things that you feel can be further improved?

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