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Domantay, Inah Mari D. CA1B Home Work: o Who is Moises Padilla?

28 February 2012 HIST101

History. Three miles north from the town is a small sitio called Magallon Cadre. Here lie the ruins of field hospital of the U.S. Army and USAFEE before the World War II. Magallon had witnessed the brutality and terror of World War II. However no event was ever recorded in public documents. It is believed and verified by older citizens that the opening attack of Japanese invaders were sending the two well-armed Mitsubishi Zero fighters. The Japanese commander had chosen cleverly to initiate the attack during the market day of the Magallon which is every Tuesdays; where the large population gathered and met to buy food, clothing, farm tools, and everything of value. According to witnesses, the two Japanese Zero fighters began their low level flight from Crossing Magallon all the way to the heart of Magallon that have a distance of about 7 kilometers. They strafed any thing that moves in the road; people, children, and animals of all kinds. They finally dropped their two lethal cargoes of bombs right in the center of the market. After recovering from initial shock, the Japanese infantry began pouring in from every direction of the barangay. After the war, the town is still called Magallon. It was only changed to "Moises Padilla" after the late Mr. Moises Padilla. He was a public figure that was tortured and killed by assassins of former Governor Rafael Lacson in Negros Island due to political reasons. Moises Padilla was declared a martyr by the late Ramon Magsaysay, then a Secretary of National Defense during the early 50s. It was believed that Moises Padilla was an ardent supporter of Ramon Magsaysay in every political arena after the war. Moises Padilla was a town mayor in the 50s from the South tortured and murdered by his political enemies. President Ramon Magsaysay personally carried the body of Padilla, saying he was a martyr of democracy. Source:

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