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Ms. Love

Synthesis Project Options

Directions: In addition to your synthesis essay, select one of the following options to present your synthesis paper. You will be using your paper and the research to teach the rest of the class about a particular topic or topics presented in another countrys chapter of the global novel. Option #1- Power Point Presentation Create a power point presentation about the key facts that you learned about the country you selected. You should include pictures, links, etc to further indicate what you learned. When you share this, the rest of the class should be able to glean the same information as you, and have a better understanding about the country. Option #2- Video Clip Create a video clip that shows life in the country you selected, based on the specific topic. This video can include skits, props, etc. that informs the class about life in that country. Option #3- Song Create a song that is at least 4 minutes long, and describes life in the specific country. You must submit your lyrics prior to the day of presentation. You have two approaches for this: (1) record your video on the computer and play it in class; (2) present your song live in class with music. Please formulate ideas about what you plan to present. Then, we will begin planning exactly how the project will be structured.

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