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The Sheafs USSU quiz

1. What year was the U of S founded? 1907 2. What year was the USSU (then known as the SRC) founded? 1909 3. What year was the Sheaf founded? 1912 4. What do CFS and CASA stand for?
Canadian Federation of Students and Canadian Alliance of Students Associations

5. Who is Caroline Cottrell? USSU general manager 6. Name the four USSU centres. pride, food, womens, help 7. Name the U of S Chair of the Board of Governors. Nancy Hopkins 8. Name the universitys chancellor. Vera Pezer 9. Name the current U of S president. Peter MacKinnon 10. Name the incoming U of S president. Dr. Ilene Busch-Vishniac 11. Who sets tuition fees? The university Board of Governors, as determined by government funding 12. Which USSU executive positions was abolished last year? Vice-president external 13. Under which executive portfolio do the following fall? a) sustainability VP Student Affairs b) campus groups VP op-fin c) "all activities involving University Council" VP academic d) individual student loan appeals President 14. How many people sit on the Board of Governors? 11

15. Roughly how much did the Place Riel renovations cost? ~$30 million 16. What is the USSUs largest source of revenue? Rent/facilities 17. How big is the USSUs total annual budget? ~4 million

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