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David Espinoza Ms.

Burnett Advisory


GPS Reflection
1. Please provide a detailed summary describing the artifact and its purpose? The artifact I choose was my Greek god research project because it was one of the most amusing projects I have done. For my Greek god project I had to research on an ancient Greek god or goddess, and make a prop that symbolizes my Greek god. The god I got was Zeus the Greek god of the sky and lightning. I liked Zeus because his stories amazed me on how strong and courageous he was. I made a lightning bolt out of tape, cardboard, and yellow spray paint. I presented my Greek god to my class and taught everyone what Zeus did. The purpose of this project was to understand about the gods. I also had to understand where they rule over and why they are gods. 2. Identify and list the GLPO(s) that were satisfied in completing this artifact. In addition please explain how these GLPO(s) were met by specifically referring to the examples or evidence from the artifact? In my Greek god research paper I Communicated Ideas by presenting my god Zeus to the whole class. I also communicated ideas by asking Ms.Schonert for ideas on how I can make my research paper better. I Investigated the World by learning on the ancient Greek culture. I learned that all the ancient Greeks had gods for natural disasters. I practice my presentation speech at home by looking at myself through the mirror and saying my speech. I collaborated across boundaries by working with my fellow classmates on research on our gods. We helped each other by revising each others essays and making them better. While completing my paper I learned about different Greek gods and their powers. We also learned about the amazing stories of each god and what they do. 3. What skills and concepts were learned in completing this artifact and how have these affected your future? The skills and concepts that I learned while doing my Greek god project were to research valid informational websites. I also learned how to dress up as an Ancient Greek with robes. I learned how to revise my work to make it better than my drafts. In the completing of this project I also learned how to do accurate research on my god Zeus. These skills will affect my future by being able to do valid research on a better living and job. This project really fascinated me and taught me about a whole new culture that I didnt know of. One concept I learned while doing my Greek god project is to set goals with this project. I set goals for myself by telling myself that I will try my hardest to get an A or a B in this project. 4. Looking back on the completion of this artifact, what might you do differently if you were able to recreate or revise the final product?

David Espinoza Ms. Burnett Advisory

Looking back at my Greek god project the things I would change differently to make it better is to mange my time on my project. I would plan ahead in time, so that way I will know what I will need in props and what I will say in my presentation. I would also practice my presentation at home ahead of time. I would also do a lot more research on the web and on books. I would stay afterschool to revise my work. I would also ask my classmates for advice on how to make my paper better. I would also read more stories on my god.

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