Overpassed Lines and Contrast

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Overpassed lines and contrast.

In this drawing we only use primary color markers, using the overpassed line technique. This drawing has character, so the original should be seen from 3 meters away.

Overpassed lines and nuance.

In this drawing we use just solid color markers and gray scale markers and pastel tones. The drawing shows how to highlight a zone while the rest of the drawing is blurred.

Overpassed lines and contrast.

En ste dibujo slo se utilizan plumones de colores slidos, destacando brillos y lneas pasadas. ste dibujo posee carcter, por lo cual el original debe apreciarse a 3

Overpassed lines and contrast.

In this drawing we use just solid color markers, highlighting shinning and overpassed lines. This drawing has character, so the original should be seen from 3 meters away.


This drawing is colored with watercolor pencils, representing the image of a butter y. Here it's shown layout of a principal image and three details in the sides.


In this drawing it's used a black background to draw over it with watercolor pencils and white chinese ink, applied with a ne brush. This layout shows a principal image and three disperse details on the sides.

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