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, LCSW, HS-BCP Course Title: Guided Practicum in the Administration of Human Services 3 Credits Course Number: AHS 8100 SEW01 Meeting Times: Thursdays / 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. / January 12, 2012 April 26, 2012 Class Location: Wilson Graduate Center Phone: 302.295.1224 Email: Office Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday by Appointment BLACKBOARD TECHNOLOGY WILL BE UTILIZED FOR THIS COURSE REQUIRED TEXTS: TITLE: The Human Services Internship: Getting the Most from Your Experience (3rd Ed.) AUTHOR: Pamela Myers Kiser PUBLISHER: Thomson Brooks/Cole ISBN: 978-0-495-09226-1 TITLE: Strengths Finder 2.0 - **[This book is required to be purchased new.] AUTHOR: Tom Rath PUBLISHER: The Gallup Organization ISBN: 978-1-59562-015-6 40 TOTAL HOURS OF INSTRUCTION PREREQUISITE: Complete at least four (4) Core Courses and 18 credits in the AHS program.

I. METHODOLOGY This course may incorporate a variety of instructional methods, to include lecture, reading assignments, small group activities, class discussion, research, and media presentations. The overarching intent is for learners to synthesize his/her insights into a meaningful learning experience.

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II. TESTING PROCEDURES/STUDENT EVALUATION Testing/Evaluation (Grading System): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Learning Contract/Weekly Logs/Journals Site Supervisor Evaluation Cultural Immersion & Agency Assessment Report Agency Report & Presentation Critical Analysis Report Portfolio & E-Portfolio Presentation 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 30% 100%

TOTAL IIII. COURSE OUTLINE* READ BEFORE CLASS Chapters 1 & 2, 9 NO CLASS Chapters 4 & 5 NO CLASS Chapters 6 & 8 NO CLASS Chapters 3 & 7 NO CLASS Reading Week Chapter 10 NO CLASS Chapter 11 Strengths Finder 2.0 NO CLASS Online Class Blackboard NO CLASS Spring Break

DATE January 12, 2012 January 19, 2012 January 26, 2012 February 2, 2012 February 9, 2012 February 16, 2012 February 23, 2012 March 1, 2012 March 8, 2012 March 15, 2012 March 22, 2012

DUE Weekly Log Complete E-Portfolio/Add to Binder/Journal** Weekly Log/Journal/Learning Contract Complete E-Portfolio/Add to Binder/Journal** Weekly Log/Journal/Agency Presentation & Agency Report Complete E-Portfolio/Add to Binder/Journal** Weekly Log/Journal Complete E-Portfolio/Add to Binder/Journal** Weekly Log/Journal Complete E-Portfolio/Add to Binder/Journal** Weekly Log/Journal/ Critical Analysis Report/Strengths Finder Discussion Complete E-Portfolio/Add to Binder/Journal** Cultural Immersion & Agency Assessment Report/Discussion Board

March 29, 2012 April 5, 2012 April 12, 2012 April 19, 2012 April 26, 2012

Portfolio/E-Portfolio Presentation/Evaluations/Course Wrap-Up Portfolio/E-Portfolio Presentation/Evaluations/Course Wrap-Up

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*In person meetings are listed in non-shaded area in bold. This schedule is subject to change. ** Journal entries are to be submitted to Blackboard every Sunday by 11:59 PM EST, starting on January 15, 2012. IV. ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE

Assignments: 1. Learning Contract (Due 1/26/12) You are being asked to develop a written contract which clearly establishes objectives, activities, and outcomes for your practicum experience. The learning contract must be agreed to and signed by you, the field instructor, and the site supervisor. In addition to developing the initial contract, you may be asked to provide written and/or verbal progress reports throughout the practicum experience. 2. Agency Report & Presentation (Due 2/9/12) You are being asked to submit an APA styled paper describing your placement agency. In addition to a title page, the paper must include the following sections: a. Mission Describe the agency's mission. b. Demographic Information Present and analyze current census and demographic data for your agencys target population. c. Policies and Procedures Describe the major policies and procedures of the agency related to agency administration. d. Structure Describe the organizational structure of the agency. This section should include an organizational chart. e. Governance Describe the governance of the agency. f. Funding Identify the funding sources for the agency. g. Relationship to other agencies Explain the relationship between the agency and other human services agencies. h. Strengths, trends & challenges Analyze current strengths, trends and challenges within the agency. i. Interns Role Describe your role in the agency. You will be required to make a 10-15 minute oral presentation (in PowerPoint) based on the information contained in your agency report. You may also provide pamphlets and brochures to enhance your presentation. 3. Critical Analysis Report (Due 3/22/12) Choose a specific program in your placement agency (other than the program that you are working in). With this program in mind, you are being asked to submit a 3-5 page APA styled paper addressing the following questions:

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a. Describe the program. b. Who is responsible for managing the program? c. How is the program managed? d. If you were the Director, how would you manage the program differently? e. If you were the Director, what would you keep the same about the program? f. How would you go about getting continued funding and new funding for the program? g. If you were the Director, what are some of the qualities that you would look for in employees and an intern for this program? 4. Cultural Immersion & Agency Assessment Report** (4/5/12) You are being asked to complete two (2) cultural immersion activities and assess the cultural competence of your placement agency and its programs and services. You will be given a workbook to complete these activities. 5. E-Portfolio Activities (Due 4/19/12 & 4/26/12) At the end of every chapter in your text, there are electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) exercises (For Your E-Portfolio). You are to complete each e-portfolio activity after each assigned chapter. The assignment should be completed in the form of PowerPoint slides. These slides should be compiled into a PowerPoint presentation that will be your final presentation at the end of class. 6. Portfolio/E-Portfolio (Due 4/19/11 & 4/26/12) You are being asked to submit a portfolio that outlines the activities and accomplishments of your practicum experience. You are being asked to compile the following information in a 3-ring binder* for submission to the Faculty Field Instructor. The portfolio should be organized into distinct sections with identifying labels. Your portfolio should include such items as: a. Table of Contents b. Personal Resume c. Strength Finders Survey Results d. Agency Report & Presentation e. Learning Contract f. Journal Entries g. Copies of materials and products you have worked on (i.e. correspondence, reports, pamphlets, or other materials describing your site and its services) h. Critical Analysis Report i. Cultural Immersion & Agency Assessment Report j. Weekly Log k. Notes on meetings with your supervisor and evaluations that you have received l. At least (1) Letter of Recommendation from your site supervisor or other administrative personnel, at your placement agency m. A copy of your E-Portfolio presentation
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n. Any other evidence of what you have been doing and learning as an intern. *Instead of using a 3-ring binder, you may opt to complete your portfolio electronically (online). Your textbook highlights 2 open source options that you can use to create your e-portfolio: and (see pages 29-31 in your text). Some other free web design sites are:,,, and 7. Course Evaluations & Practicum Completion Form (4/26/12) You are required to ensure that your Guided Practicum Completion form (found in Appendix I) and all other course evaluations are completed and submitted to the faculty field instructor by the last day of class. Weekly Assignments: 1. Weekly Log (Due each class meeting) The weekly log is used to document your practicum hours completed under the supervision of your site supervisor. It is your responsibility to maintain the log and to request verification by your site supervisor at the end of each week. The log will be checked by the field instructor at every class meeting. The log is found at Appendix H of your practicum manual. 2. Journal (Due each Sunday, starting 1/15/12) You are being asked keep a written account of your daily activities during your practicum. You are to submit your written journal entries every Sunday, starting on January 15, 2012. Each journal should contain the following information: a. Analysis of your experiences as an intern using reflective processing techniques. b. Analysis of your strengths and needs related to the performance of the duties of a Human Services administrator. c. A clearly articulated self-improvement plan based on your analysis. d. You may include any miscellaneous information that you believe is pertinent.

**Your Cultural Immersion & Agency Assessment Report is an assignment that is used to assess a division specific outcomes competency: AHS Competency #4: Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the structure and dynamics of teams, organizations and communities in diverse environments in a pluralistic society that reflects respect for our multicultural world. Course Goal B: The student will develop an understanding of the placement agency.

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Diversity Scoring Rubric
WU Competency #6: AHS Competency #4: Division Specific Competency Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the structure and dynamics of teams, organizations and communities in diverse environments in a pluralistic society that reflects respect for our multicultural world.

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Please score the students performance on a scale of 1 to 5. 2. Write the score in the blank next to each dimension. Student Name:_____________________________
1. Organization of Material Score = ______ No structure of sequence of information. Can not understand presentation. Very poor time management (i.e. too short or too long to adequately present the information).

Information presented in a fairly logical sequence. Contains a basic introduction, main section, and conclusion. Able to be followed with moderate effort. Manages time adequately.

Information is highly structured and logically presented. Introduction, body and conclusion are well developed and integrated in an interesting manner. Pacing and time management is efficient and effective and enhances the presentation. Fully identifies cultural concerns. Topics presented include: race/ethnicity, religion, family traditions, language/communication, history, values, problems of cultural assimilation, and human services relationships. Area of individual interest is clearly reported. Fully displays an understanding of how the principles associated with a pluralistic society are applied in the human services setting to increase respect and understanding in our multicultural society. Fully identifies human service issues in relation to diversity. Current media issues are addressed.



2. Cultural Concern Score = ______

Fails to identify or incorrectly identifies cultural concerns.

3. Principles of Pluralistic Society Score = ______

4. Human Service Issues Related to Diversity Score = ______ 5. Individual Contribution Score = ______

Fails to display some understanding of how the principles associated with a pluralistic society are applied in the human services setting to increase respect and understanding in our multicultural society. Fails to identify human service issues in relation to diversity.

Identifies cultural concerns. Topics presented include some, but not all of the following: race/ethnicity, religion, family traditions, language/communication, history, values, problems of cultural assimilation, and human services relationships. Area of individual interest is somewhat reported. Displays some understanding of how the principles associated with a pluralistic society are applied in the human services setting to increase respect and understanding in our multicultural society. Identifies some human service issues in relation to diversity. Current media issues are addressed.

Student is not prepared and does not display an understanding of cultural diversity.

Student is prepared and displays a general understanding of cultural diversity.

Student is well prepared and displays superior understanding of cultural diversity.

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Rubric Scoring (Points): Five categories, maximum of 5 points per element = Maximum score 25 points Rubric Score (Average): Add points awarded for each category, divide by 5 = Rubric Score RUBRIC SCORE____________

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