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1. Our Product Rt: An empanada is a typical food composed by rough and yeast, filled inside by any sweet or salty extra ingredient, varies between meat and fruits, whatever it is preferred. Genereally theyre made of corn and wheat, or some other cereals. This kind of foodstuff is common in most of the Hispanic countries. RtEmpanada has its origins in the arab cookery. They have their version and fits perfectly with the old tradition of eating mezze (known as little pieces of multiple foods, instead of one big piece). Empanada has their root from three different cultures: Indian, Creole and African American. How about its taste? Rt: Empanadas taste varies depending on which is filled inside, also a little bit of its soft fluor cover . 2. Ingredients : Mass:

250 gr. fluor 1 butter spoon milk cup sugar spoon 1 egg yolk Filling:

500 gr. Cut gross onion 250 gr. Veal meat 1 paprika teaspoon thyme teaspoon peper teaspoon 1 salt teaspoon 50 gr. raisins 3 soup spoon 2 hardboiled eggs

3. Process: Making of the mass:

Step 1: Putt he fluor on a table, then in the center of it place the melted butter, milk, sugar and egg yolk. Merge all and stretch in a very thin mass layer. Making of filling: Step 1: Overgild the onion in the butter avoiding overheat until it is done. Add the meat and mix up till become bleach. Spice up with paprika, thyme salt and peper. Add the soup spoons, mix again and retract. Step 2: Add raisins and take to the fridge per 1 or 2 hours. While makinf of Empanadas, add each one a piece of hardboiled egg. Mass and filling: Step 1: Puto ver the mass a little bit of filling. THen, fold the mass to attach the edges. Fry in oil until they turn golden brown. 5. Product description: creo que est parte debera ser redactada de nuevo o eliminada

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