Helpsheet Criterion C D

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C Quality and treatment of information collected and D Written analysis

Students should treat and display the information collected using the most appropriate techniques. These techniques must be the most effective way of representing the type of information collected and must be well used. The precise techniques employed will differ depending on the nature of the fieldwork question but may include statistical tests (including confidence limits), graphs, diagrams, maps, annotated photographs and images, matrices and field sketches. In the written analysis, students must demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the fieldwork investigation by interpreting and explaining the information they have collected in relation to the fieldwork question. This includes recognizing any trends and spatial patterns found in the information collected. Where appropriate, an attempt should be made to identify and explain any anomalies. Students must also refer to the geographic context, information collected and the ways in which the material has been treated and presented. The treatment and display of material and the written analysis must be integrated within this section. The suggested length for the work in the section related to criterion C and criterion D is 1,350 words.

How to get perfect marks:

Mr. Calvert's suggestions: Brainstorm before you do anything. How would you like to display your results? Research information display techniques such as graphs, charts, maps, and the display of qualitative data. What is best practice? What do you know how to do? Break the written section into 3 parts with 3 different headings. 1. Introductory paragraph: Restate the fieldwork question and hint at the answer to the question. Explain that following primary data that has been collected informs your understanding of this fieldwork question. Mention briefly the types of analysis that the reader is about to see in the next 2 parts and flag up any major anomalies that you are about to write about How bad is the

2. Pollution (the actual on the ground physical situation according to the data youve collected). water quality in Shenzhen Bay? Discuss any anomalies.

3. Socio-economic (the other factors which influence the answer to your question. This section MIGHT even be longer than the section above about pollution. It all depends on what you feel is most important to answer the question. Your data display here will be MUCH different than it is in Part 2 above. Discuss reasons why you might question the perspectives or words of either Fat Wah or others that you spoke to.

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