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The Constituents of Blood and their function

Plasma Red Blood Cell White Blood Cell Platelets

Consists of about 90% water and 10% dissolved substances Carry dissolved substances and heat around the body: - transport digested food - transport waste products - control body temperature (37C) - carry hormones

Red Blood Cell

Biconcave shape Contain red pigment called haemoglobin Transport oxygen to body cell

White Blood Cell

Irregular shape and have nuclei. Size is larger than red blood cell The number of white blood cell is less than red blood cell in blood Produce in bone marrow and lymph gland Function: - kill bacteria in blood - produce antibodies - protect the body from being attacked by microorganisms

Not cells and do not have a nucleus Very small pieces of broken cells and irregular in shape Produce in bone marrow Help in blood clotting to stop bleeding

Constituents of blood Plasma

Transports substances needed by cells and removes waste products from cell

Red Blood Cell White Blood Cell Platelets

Transport oxygen
Fight off disease and resist infection Help in clotting of blood

Blood Group
Blood in human classified into 4: -A -B - AB -O

Blood of Group

Can give blood to

A and AB B and AB AB A, B, AB and O

Can receive blood from

O and A O and B O, A, B and AB O


Blood group of O are called universal donor


- Blood group of AB are called universal

Importance of Blood Donation

Blood required for - surgery - saving victims of accident - treat patients Blood donation is importance because blood has no substitute and cannot be manufactured synthetically

How Donated Blood Is Stored and handle

The blood from donor taken from a vein of arm The blood collected in sterilised bag containing sodium citrate which prevent from blood clotting The sterilised bag of blood is stored in refrigerator at 5C for 10 days or longer if glucose is added

A sample of blood is remove from bag and then will tested for its group, presence of viruses such as AIDS, hepatitis and others. Before blood is transfused, it is carefully tested against the recipients blood to make sure it is a good match.

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