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Definition: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a group of chronic disorders (Inattention, hyperactivity impulsive).

behavior Characteristics Strategies Caused: Minimal brain dysfunction

Hyperactivityimpulsive Often leaves seat in the classroom or in other situations where remaining seated is expected. Often runs or climbs excessively when it's not appropriate, or, if an adolescent might constantly feel restless. Often has difficulty playing quietly. Teachers Always ask questions in a clarifying manner to attack the student attention. Engage in physical activity. Limit visual and verbal distractions. Maintain eye contact. Provide interesting hands-on activity.

Inattention Often fails to pay attention or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities Often doesn't follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores or other tasks Often has difficulty organizing tasks or activities Often avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort, such as schoolwork or homework

Parents Deal with the stress of living with a child who has ADHD. Understand and guide their child's behavior. Counseling or behavior therapy, which may be provided by a psychiatrist, psychologist, social

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