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Wireshark Display Filters For Use In Mitel Diagnostics

FUNCTION FTP (data) FTP (control) Telnet SMTP (VPIM for voice mail) DNS DHCP server DHCP client TFTP HTTP SNMP SNMP trap LDAP for Active Directory Synch HTTPS (SSL) IP Trunk (unsecured) IP Trunk (SSL) OPS Manager, telephone directory YA Client/Server Authentication YA Licensing Server YA Telephony Server VoiceFirst (server connection) PDA, Application communication EDS Telephone Directory (eManager) SIP SIP-TLS SIP TO header contains E2T to RTC (SSL) Set to ICP (Unsecured) Set to ICP (Secure MiNet - SSL) Set to ICP (Secure Minet - AES) Data Services access SDS E2T IP release 6 and above RTC MiNET Client MiTAI MiTAI (SSL) IP Sets - Voice B1/B2, Rx post release 8.0 TFTP DECT voice and signalling MiMXML Server Show only LAN traffic (192.168.1.X) Show only Mitel Packets

SOCKET NUMBER TCP 20 TCP 21 TCP 23 TCP 25 UDP 53 UDP 67 UDP 68 UDP 69 TCP 80 UDP 161 UDP 162 TCP 389 TCP 443 TCP 1066 TCP 1067 TCP 1606 TCP 2114 TCP 2115 TCP 2116 TCP 3300 TCP 3999 TCP 5002 TCP 5009 TCP 5060 TCP/UDP 5061 TCP 6000 TCP 6800 TCP 6801 TCP 6802 TCP 7011 TCP 7050 RTP/UDP 50000-50255 TCP 6800 TCP 6900-6999 TCP 8000 TCP 8001 RTP/UDP 50000-50511 UDP 20001 TCP/UDP 16320 to 32767 TCP 18000

Wireshark Display Filter tcp.port == 20 tcp.port == 21 tcp.port == 23 tcp.port == 25 tcp.port == 53 tcp.port == 67 tcp.port == 68 tcp.port == 69 tcp.port == 80 udp.port == 161 udp.port == 162 tcp.port == 389 tcp.port == 443 tcp.port == 1066 tcp.port == 1067 tcp.port == 1606 tcp.port == 2114 tcp.port == 2115 tcp.port == 2116 tcp.port == 3300 tcp.port == 3999 tcp.port == 5002 tcp.port == 5009 tcp.port == 5060 udp.port == 5061 || tcp.port == 5061 sip.To contains "cmac1" tcp.port == 6000 tcp.port == 6800 tcp.port == 6801 tcp.port == 6802 tcp.port == 7011 tcp.port == 7050 udp.port >= 50000 && udp.port <= 50255 tcp.port == 6800 tcp.port >= 6900 && tcp.port <= 6999 tcp.port == 8000 tcp.port == 8001 udp.port >= 50000 && udp.port <= 50511 udp.port == 8001 tcp.port >= 16320 && tcp.port <= 32767 tcp.port == 18000 ip.src== and ip.dst== eth.addr[0:3]==08:00:0f

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